KM-that is a great dream. I had one similar a month ago but I was at a grocery store that was connected to my hotel room. It was perfect because the grocery store had everything I needed (diapers, clothes, etc). It's funny how your mind works when you are unconcious. I love the name Pearl, so old fashioned and cute. A friend of mine has a dtr named Anna Pearl, so cute!
Nite-so exciting to feel those regular movements. Mine are starting to become consistent and regular even though they are still flutters. Of course if I lean forward long enough baby gets ticked off and kicks me (a light kick, but a kick) lol. I'm still so excited that you are having a little girl.
Mammas-is that ms staying away? I hope so. I had it for 8 wks straight and was ready to check myself in to the loonie bin! I still can't tolerate meat but I think it's mental now.
Lomelly-do you have baby's room all set up and ready to go yet? Any baby showers lined up?
Sap-are you getting all packed for the big move?
AFM-I am still shocked that my belly is as big as it is already. I am looking at myself in mirrors, windows, wherever I catch a reflection of myself and think...OMG how big am I going to get? I haven't actually gained any weight yet which makes no sense as I definitely don't have a flat stomach. I'm not complaining as I hate to watch the scale go up but it seems odd. I have 15 days until my scan and can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!