TTHFUTD pregnancy group!

Tanikit I did, in between the toilet breaks :haha: my bed is sooo un comfy though :cry: any more pains! you never know that little lady comes her self, what size are you expecting!

I had my scan yesterday, they estimated baby was 7 pounds now!!! holy cow I nearly died Im hoping they are a little wrong as I dont want a huge baby to push out! but they are deffo inducing me, Im back with the GD doc in two weeks and will see the OB either 1 week or 2 weeks after that and book in for induction then my guess it will be around the 10 of March!

Im nearly all ready as well, Ive to get slippers for me and a baby towel but I got 7 out fiits for baby yesterday :happydance: all really cute and some were in the sale as well so even better.
Yes, then seems like our babies are heading for about the same size - mine was supposed to be 7 pounds 5 ounces at 35 weeks exactly. Next scan is on Friday and I feel this baby is pretty big now - I am hoping she'll stay under 4kg though - what is the chance? Trouble is they will not induce til 38 weeks which gives her yet another week to pack on the pounds. Not holding my breath til Friday though.

Need to get the mattresses we had made for the Moses basket and compactum and that is hopefully it - I am not in the mood for getting ready for this baby right now - some nesting and then nothing. Every sign I get is very on and off but I think a lot also has to do with my mood - its very up and down - some days I want to cry, some I am very impatient and other days I am just ok. Contractions/BHs are stable at the moment and I still have no idea if I am dilating or not and they are unlikely to check until I go in for the induction.
The only thing I keep hoping any way is that my last two babies were tracking the same size I think at this stage yet Shane was 8.5 and Eireann was 8.9 so I guess they were nearly right on Eireann my doc said about 8,12 or 9 pounds! so it all depends on how much weight they put on now, if its the average 1onz a day that's nearly half a pound a week so not little by any means LOL hey do say bigger babies are easier to get out FX any way!

Are you trying any thing to ripen cervix, Im going to try EPO, bouncing on a ball and some :sex: if I ever get the chance LOL DD is spoiling our fun and Im so tired as well but think the BD worked on Eireann as I was effaced and dilated and I was losing my plus when they induced!

Ive to get my buggy and car seat, cradle and bedding and a table for the very messy changes and putting nappies and wipes etc on it.

I say those pains are doing something hope its an easy induction for you as well as me :hugs:
I am not really trying anything - don't think DH would care for sex right now. Tried some walking today but it becomes too sore even doing a little - I just went shopping. I want to get DDs and my hair cut before labour but even the thought of getting out to do that seems too much right now. I feel like I have left everything too late this pregnancy but actually I am ready enough and will cope.

DD says this baby is coming on Monday now - she is full of predictions that change regularly though. Valentine's Day - DH wants to do something - I'd rather just have the baby. If they put the induction on 18 February or later then I think I'd prefer she comes on the 17th - that would mean a 4 day gap between me and this DD's birthday and a 4 day gap between DD1 and DHs birthday - so nice and even lol. Really babes, just come, I don't mind when.
Had my last appointment and have been booked for an induction on 17 February (was going to be 18 February but then they phoned me back to say rather 17th) so 6 days or less to go. She is apparently weighing between 3,4 and 3,7kgs though it is very hard to get the measurements as she is deep in my pelvis and they couldn't get her to move out (I told him not to try and rather tell her to come out the other way) so she should be about the same weight as my last DD though I have very little faith in those ultrasound "guesses" Anyway, the doctor did say an induction should work but what he would be watching for and when he'd do a C-section. I am pretty satisfied either way now and just want to be holding my baby and for her to be healthy.

She is likely to have the same tests and procedures as DD had and will be in ICU at first, but at least I have been warned this time round and know what it is all about. So baby, you are welcome to come by yourself earlier, but you will be here by the night of the 17th no matter what.
wow Tanikit the 17 next thursday yay, wow so close now, whith her down in your pelvis and being your second vag birth I dont forsee any major problems you will have no probs getting her out, what way are they going to start the induction gel or ARM and Drip did he see if your cervix was showing any signs of getting ready not that it matters as gel will do that.

I guess the stay in NICU will be to double check blood sugars are stable and dont drop, my DD were great did not drop at all but my DS Shane were very bad and he needed a drip for about 24 hours, so Im expecting the same this time.

Oh how exciting just around the corner now :happydance: first baby to be born yay!
You know Im kinda sad we are the only ones here no one else has made it acorss in so long :cry:
Yeah. was hoping the whole folder would be across by now - hopefully they can all join as we start having our babies - if you are reading this guys, thinking of you and hoping you get those BFPs soon.

They will only check my cervix just before the induction if then (they may not at all til I am actually in labour) - I think it is an infection issue or they are scared they will set things off too early. My DD was on a drip for low sugars and also had xrays to check her lung development as they do not do amnios here and diabetics babies can get surfactant later. They did give her some oxygen but that was just for safety sake. As far as I know that was about it and she was out the next morning.

They will start with a gel at 04:00am and then check 4 hours later - they can repeat it only once about 6 hours after that start and if nothing then C-section. They also won't let me dilate slowly - if I am not progressing and get stuck at whatever cms then also C-section - he says he does not want me on an insulin drip for more than about 16 hours max (and probably less). I must take evening insulin and then nothing after that as it will be in the drip - blood sugars every hour during labour with multiple drip lines - one for a low dose insulin, one for a high dose insulin and one for a dextrose drip - lets hope someone is awake enough to make sure the correct one runs in (will warn DH - poor guy has quite a job with me in labour) If I go into labour by myself they will have the same drips but if I have had the short acting insulin I will be on more dextrose than if it is the induction. They want sugars between 4 and 8 the whole time.

I am not sure what the plan is if I do start with an induced labour - I think they add pitocin to yet another drip line at some stage. I will probably only have one jelco though despite all the drip bags so could still walk around if I feel I can. Now just to figure out what I want about pain killers - I am not sure and will probably only decide once I need something - not anti any of them if I need them.
pin cushion are us lol, I know I will be the same with drips, but except for induction it will be Drip break waters and go from there I will have the gas and air for sure when I need it and Im not ruling out and epidural we shall see how fast things go, if its any thing like my my last two labours I should progress very fast I dont have a problem getting to 10 cm its the pushing stage I worry about that baby wont come out :wacko: I kinda like to advoid an epidural but see how I go, I just know I will feel so much better after with out one Im keeping an open mind though, my DH is the same he will be watching my BS making sure they dont go low I dont want that!

YEP girls if your reading we are so hoping you are here soon so we can read and stalk you all :hugs:
Holy Moly, the 17th is NEXT WEEK!

Sounds like you are well prepared Tanikit...can't wait to see photos of your new little girl.

Guess you won't be too long behind Celtic!

I feel like it's aaaaages until I am full term, but I am sure it will be here before I know it.

I will be the only one left in here!
i was hinking the other day how no one else has made it over yet and it made me sad. Thinking of you all if your reading xx
Hey Nix! How are you doing love? Wow, not long for exciting!
Time will fly Lucky and we won't desert you - what will we do once we have our babies - do you want a TTHF with the kids thread?

Celtic I would love to do it without and epidural also for the pushing stage as I battled last time, but there is no way with those contractions that I could have managed - the gynae had to turn down the pitocin as the contractions were not useful they were too strong and too close together - pretty much non stop from one to the next and that was from about 5cm dilated. My waters broke on their own last time so I am not sure what will happen if they don't. This hospital is big on epidurals and sleep - let the mothers sleep their way through it lol - that is not for me thank you.
Hey Nix :flower:

Lucky dont worry we will be stalking you for sure I wont leave you lonely plus we have your journal to stalk

Tanikit you might be pleasently surprised this time you know what to expect so it may go much smoother for you. I have had to have the drip turned off in labour as it got to much and to be honest once they get you going they could turn it off an your body will take over.

my second induction they put me on the drip they went to break my waters and couldnt manage it, got another midwife in who knew what she was doing and becasue they were being very careful to make sure baby head came down and not cord they did manage to break waters and then this is when I remeber saying to DH oh boy here we go! may be I want an epidural so off they went to set that up, my midwife went on her break another midwife came in saw I was off the wall in pain and saying I needed to push guy was standing in the room ready to give me an epidural and I told him to late baby nearly here. got a pain in my right side they thought it was section scar tirned out to be baby head coming down. I asked could I push midwife said trust my body and go for it 15 minutes later he was in my arms and I was in shock at how qucik it all happened, 2 hours 15 minutes :happydance: same again please.

Oh and I think a TTHF kid thread is a fab idea!
Wow 2 hours 15 minutes - yes please that would be nice - after last time I would be happy with 8 hours actually. Just hoping it works and that with the signs I have been having that I will able to respond to the first gel - it worked last time, so hoping it will this time.

There will be a few babies on here soon - Nix you don't have much longer to go at all either.

Lucky are you on every two weeks appointments and will it increase to once a week soon? I can't believe I have no more - its a bit sad actually - ok not really.
Thanks everyone for thinking of us, it's really sweet and appreciated xx

I think a TTHF with kids is a great idea, I am soo excited I can't wait to meet all these special little people you are nurturing.

Take care of yourselves xx
Hi Ejay :flower:

OMG I feel so crap today, all my blood sugar readings are running a little high and I feel dehydrated as well, Im home alone today DH is helping his dad take down some trees. so hard work being on my own with the kids + pup. when feeling crap. have to walk to the shops as well now ahhh boo just feeling soooo sorry for my self bloody hormones :dohh:

Hope every one else is feeling way better than me any way!
Hey Ejay - hoping you will be nurturing a little one yourself in the very near future.

:hugs: Celtic - it is awful isn't it - life can be tough enough and then add some hormones and it is impossible. I have my inlaws here today and have been yelling at everyone cause the house is such a mess and they just seem incapable of helping me clean it - can't get onto the floor anymore. Sorry now I am moaning too - think its also partly lack of sleep.

4 days to go now. The heartburn came back last night - it had settled for a short while and I was up most of the night with all sorts of various complaints. Its incredibly hot here which is adding to my frustrations.

DD sais today: "Baby sister, put on your clothes and shoes, pack your duckling (I presume she meant toy) and MOVE OUT" Little one, please listen to your sister - its time to move out of Mom and into the world.
Hey Ejay - hoping you will be nurturing a little one yourself in the very near future.

:hugs: Celtic - it is awful isn't it - life can be tough enough and then add some hormones and it is impossible. I have my inlaws here today and have been yelling at everyone cause the house is such a mess and they just seem incapable of helping me clean it - can't get onto the floor anymore. Sorry now I am moaning too - think its also partly lack of sleep.

4 days to go now. The heartburn came back last night - it had settled for a short while and I was up most of the night with all sorts of various complaints. Its incredibly hot here which is adding to my frustrations.

DD sais today: "Baby sister, put on your clothes and shoes, pack your duckling (I presume she meant toy) and MOVE OUT" Little one, please listen to your sister - its time to move out of Mom and into the world.

That is soooo cute :hugs: what a little pet eh!
my DD just hugs my tummy and says baby a sleep LOL

I think its to do with nesting kicking in, I just want to clean and clean and have no energy for it, or if I do and ignore the time to stop signs I go low :cry: then eat and I go high! so Im moaning at my poor kids! I want to get my wardrobe sorted now and put all babies stuff in there. I could just laugh at my self :haha: or :cry: think I will just :haha: though :dohh:
Hi Ejay :flower: Thanks for dropping by...I think of you and all the TTHF ladies every day, can't wait to see you in this thread xxxxxxx

Tanikit, that is so cute that your DD said that to the baby - love it! Sorry things are so uncomfortable and that the heartburn is back - I hate heartburn! It is hot here too and it just makes everything harder, doesn't it. I am not sure when I am going to one week appointments with my midwife - I have an appointment tomorrow so I guess I will know then! Can't believe that you will meet your baby this week - I am so excited for you! :baby:

Aw Celtic, sorry you are having a rough time love! :hugs: Laugh or cry or do whatever you need to! Hang in there :hugs:

Nothing new with me really...34 weeks today which is exciting! It's such a weird time, it feels like SO long until the baby will be here, but at the same time it's feeling quite close. Very strange.

It's been really hot which can be kind of hard, but a few swims and having a fan on at night help a lot. I am off to pregnancy aqua aerobics - hope you all have a good day! :flower:

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