TTHFUTD pregnancy group!

Yes, its getting to the end now what with maternity leave, more appointments and just generally 2011. Hope everyone has had a good first week of the New Year.

I have done most of the nursery now and decided to wash the stroller and car seat covers yesterday - turned out I had to wash the entire stroller and it was LOT more work than I had been planning but at least it looks good now (was so dusty after not being used for a year or more) I am wondering though if this is part nesting since I am probably going a bit overboard with some of the cleaning - oh well.

Next appointment in less than a week and I want to start discussing what my gynae thinks will hapopen at/for the birth since it is fairly close now.
Hey Tanikit, any pictures of your nursery :flower: did you have your appointment yet how did you get on

I don't seem to be getting updates or I missed one :wacko:

I'm so frustrated with this GD I cant seem to keep my levels right at all, Saturday was a very bad day, I was low or high and when I went high it was 12.9 most of the day I felt awful then, because they were high I skipped a meal I wasn't hungry either, then I started to feel really sick and have a very bad low :cry: DH was having a mini fit and being nice but strict on me at the same time LOL when I felt better I ate a little and had another high reading 11.6 so all day sat they were low or 9 upwards after I tried eating and that was with my insulin:dohh:

yesterday I was really careful and a lot better but I ate very little and today I had the norm two slices of toast and back to 9.6 :dohh: lord knows what they will say to me tomorrow

at my last appointment they told me if my blood sugars are good and controlled and baby size is normal they would let me go to my due date, all depends on my scan on the 8th of February now, I'm so over all these injections

Tanikit I admire you, this is something you live with daily I'm really struggling at the mo, but shouldn't really complain as there is a 99% chance my GD will go as soon as baby born

OK sorry enough ranting from me hope every one is doing well :hugs:
Celtic :hugs: it is rough especially when they expect nearly perfect levels. I imagine they will raise your insulin - if you are going low later then make sure you get some snacks too inbetween meals and don't skip meals ever! (Sorry probably sound like your DH now)

I have been in hospital recently to try to control severe lows - something I wasn't expecting this late in pregnancy - I was there for 5 days and even the doctor couldn't get it right as I went low there every single day despite huge drops in my insulin - maybe baby was having a growth spurt because now I having to raise the levels again but not to the same level I was at at 33 weeks.

I have actually got quite depressed lately - it is not safe for me to be with my DD alone anymore in case I go low like that again never mind that it is not safe for my unborn DD so I spent some time with the inlaws and now my mother is with me and so I am being nagged often to check and fed things I do not want - all I want is to be left alone to sleep as I am exhausted (not that that would happen if I was alone with DD anyway)

Celtic if you are like me you will want your baby early to get things back to more normality. Mine dropped the other day but didn't stay low. I am getting pains in my cervix more and more now and baby feels lower. I have been told I will be induced at 38 weeks and preferably not before unless she decides to come early on her own (can always hope, but I need her safe either way) so less than 4 weeks to go now.

Next appointment is on 27 January. I haven't taken pics of the nursery yet - while it is almost finished I need to clean up in there as a lot of stuff is being stored in the room and cluttering it up - it will be better once baby is here.
No your right Tanikit I just have to do that I see high and think I dont need to eat and then pay the price when I go low, I dont get as bad as you do, you poor thing :hugs: its been a very hard road for you TCC and now pregnancy I know its a pain but Im glad your mum is with you to help better you are not on your own.

They increased my insulin on friday and tuesday last week and tomorrow I guess they will do the same again, it that classed as bad control or just because as I get bigger I will need more regardless :wacko: it was never like this on my last two pregnancys I managed to control it with the short acting insulin during the day and using the longer acting insulin at night! now I need both insulins during the day at lunch time and dinner time!

I think I went low last night I woke up very hungry and was low this morning when I woke up

Its a huge learning curve every day, I hope our baby's are ok, I was posting on one thread and one girl lost her first baby to GD complications and another has had two family members lose thier babys becuase of the same thing, it feels a little scary this time.

Im hoping baby comes sooner rather than later but not before he is ready LOL I dont want to deliver a baby that needs to be in the neonatal unit but I guess the main aim is to have a baby that comes home with me healthy and in my arms :flower:

your getting close now hun not long to go! you take care and rest as well
Celtic - its very hard to balance things when pregnant since everything changes almost from day to day and certainly from week to week - luckily for me I am used to adjusting my own insulin so can do it myself but even then I don't get it right (and when I leave it to the doctors even they get confused as to why it changes so fast) There are only a few rules though: never skip a meal and never skip an insulin dose either even if you have to give slightly less. I also used to be on long acting only at night and now take it twice a day - seems to work better that way though.

Yes, healthy baby is my main goal - sure there are things I would like and that would ideal, but in the end I just want my baby to be ok. DD has been very worried after I wwent low last time as I said some things in front of her that she should not have heard in a desperate attempt to get DH to get help - she keeps asking if the baby is going to die now and I have to keep trying to reassure her. Also was very distressed when I was in hospital this last time so I am trying to work out a way that when the baby does come it is less traumatic for her but mostly just seeing and talking it over seems to help but I will try to keep the worst of it from her and perhaps only bring her in when the baby is out of ICU.
Celtic - its very hard to balance things when pregnant since everything changes almost from day to day and certainly from week to week - luckily for me I am used to adjusting my own insulin so can do it myself but even then I don't get it right (and when I leave it to the doctors even they get confused as to why it changes so fast) There are only a few rules though: never skip a meal and never skip an insulin dose either even if you have to give slightly less. I also used to be on long acting only at night and now take it twice a day - seems to work better that way though.

Yes, healthy baby is my main goal - sure there are things I would like and that would ideal, but in the end I just want my baby to be ok. DD has been very worried after I wwent low last time as I said some things in front of her that she should not have heard in a desperate attempt to get DH to get help - she keeps asking if the baby is going to die now and I have to keep trying to reassure her. Also was very distressed when I was in hospital this last time so I am trying to work out a way that when the baby does come it is less traumatic for her but mostly just seeing and talking it over seems to help but I will try to keep the worst of it from her and perhaps only bring her in when the baby is out of ICU.

I still take the longer acting insulin at night but have to agree it does work better and I guess helps regulate sugars when they rise even if you haven't been eating.

I have to be careful with my eldest he is 9 and is very aware of the GD if I get cranky or I seem to feel sick as well when I am going low he tells me to check them and eat, its gas cause he says mam remember what dad said you have to eat :dohh: I have to pick them up from school in the afternoon when I'm due a snack so I have to be careful around that time that they don't go low on the walk home.

Is it a sure thing that baby will need to go in to the ICU, Il'd love to avoid that this time chances are a fine thing though. its standard practice really isn't it.

have you had any scans lately or are you due to have one how big is your little lady looking :flower: or I should say how do you feel about her size I think we are better judges of it.

What your plans on induction, will you have the gel or drip and waters broken, I'm hoping as I always seem to be some what dilated and effaced that if they put me on the drip I can stand or sit on a ball to bring baby head down and delay breaking my waters esp as I have the added complication of GBS this time. that the hope any way, I know they will be keen to break them and also monitor baby constantly!

If I go my self I will be the same delay breaking waters, more protection for baby and not as painful for me :happydance:
I am still hoping baby will come early and I can go into labour before induction - but I am not unrealistic and know it is far more likely to be induced. I will have a pessary at 04:00am the day they choose then they will check at 08:00am and administer a second pessary if necessary or add pitocin once the contractions start I imagine (not sure about the pitocin) They will give me til 20:00 to have given birth else its C-section (also if the second pessary doesn't work by 12:00 or if baby gets distressed) Last time my waters broke by themselves a few hours after the pessary was inserted so I have no clue what they will do if my waters do not break by themselves.

As for weight - she was 5lbs at 33 weeks so is ahead but I am still happy - I want her under 3.8kgs at 38 weeks (8 pounds 3 ounces) and unless she has one enormous growth spurt in the next 3 weeks she should be alright. She dropped again today (for the second time) but I doubt she will stay dropped - seems to be staying on the very edge of my pelvis and then going in and out. Have been having some painful BHs this evening but not much else going on.
Well according to the scan today baby did supposedly have that HUGE growth spurt I meantioned last post as after being at 5lbs 2 weeks back, they now tell me she is 7 pounds 5 ounces - I questioned this and the doctor said he thinks for sure one of the measurements must be wrong as she cannot grow more than 2 pounds in only 2 weeks. Will have to wait til next scan I guess and hope it is more accurate.

Next appointment is 11 February but it is very late in the day and they must then give me a date for an induction - problem is the week I am 38 weeks is also the week my gynae is off that weekend so will try to push for 16 February but he may decide not to - I do not want 21 February as that is my own birthday, but I may not get a choice.
Well according to the scan today baby did supposedly have that HUGE growth spurt I meantioned last post as after being at 5lbs 2 weeks back, they now tell me she is 7 pounds 5 ounces - I questioned this and the doctor said he thinks for sure one of the measurements must be wrong as she cannot grow more than 2 pounds in only 2 weeks. Will have to wait til next scan I guess and hope it is more accurate.

Next appointment is 11 February but it is very late in the day and they must then give me a date for an induction - problem is the week I am 38 weeks is also the week my gynae is off that weekend so will try to push for 16 February but he may decide not to - I do not want 21 February as that is my own birthday, but I may not get a choice.

wow were are they going with that estimate, some one is wrong some were what do you think! I say your right on growth spurt but not by that much!

good luck getting an induction date you want, no chance you will go your self:flower:
Hi :hi: Lovelies. I hope you are all doing well, and I wish you all the best of luck ever! I bet you, you all look stunning with those beautiful bumps.

Love you all! :kiss:

Please save me a seat over here!!! And for Emily (honeybee) as well! She is my bestie bud!
Hi :hi: Lovelies. I hope you are all doing well, and I wish you all the best of luck ever! I bet you, you all look stunning with those beautiful bumps.

Love you all! :kiss:

Please save me a seat over here!!! And for Emily (honeybee) as well! She is my bestie bud!

Thanks Hun you know your spot and honeybee is here waiting :hugs: How is Jamie doing I was thinking about her yesterday :hugs:
Hey again, really hoping both of you will join us soon - have been wondering how everyone is doing.

Emotionally I am struggling quite badly now and have been in tears for days now. I saw the psychologist today and she told me that I need outside help and must not get rid of our maid as DH wants me to as I cannot take on all that he seems to expect (even if we have to go into debt to do so) She also said things should get better after the baby is born because the fears and everything I have now should be resolved after the baby is born and once I find out if she is ok.

Planning on doing the last of the nursery tomorrow. Still longing to go into labour by myself in about 2 weeks time but it is kind of becoming just a wish and I am starting to accept that it will be induction/C-section. I am getting increased BHs now and am less constipated, no nesting and I have my doubts it will ever start, baby is much lower and I am getting a lot of cervical pains - sometimes it feels like my waters will break through there.
Wow, just got back from holiday and catching up.....I am so, so sorry that you are both having such a rough time :hugs:

I sometimes complain about things being uncomfortable but I know how incredibly lucky I am to not only be pregnant, but also without complications - I admire you both very much and really hope that things ease up soon! Not long now until the babies are here - I hope this makes a difference to your poor bodies that have been working so hard! I know having a newborn won't exactly be relaxing, but maybe if you feel a bit more 'normal' things will be easier to cope with.

Sending you both much love and hugs :hugs::hugs:

Getting close for all of us now!!
Wow, just got back from holiday and catching up.....I am so, so sorry that you are both having such a rough time :hugs:

I sometimes complain about things being uncomfortable but I know how incredibly lucky I am to not only be pregnant, but also without complications - I admire you both very much and really hope that things ease up soon! Not long now until the babies are here - I hope this makes a difference to your poor bodies that have been working so hard! I know having a newborn won't exactly be relaxing, but maybe if you feel a bit more 'normal' things will be easier to cope with.

Sending you both much love and hugs :hugs::hugs:

Getting close for all of us now!!

Hope you had a great time away :thumbup: Im doing ok, apart from being sick of the GD I think other wise this pregnancy is being good! well heartburn is a killer :dohh:

Im living for my scan and getting my baby bag sorted :happydance:

the count down is on for sure now :happydance:
Yeah, heartburn sucks doesn't it! Have had a bad case of it this morning...

I had a lovely time away thanks, lots of swimming and beaches (probably hard for you to imagine right now!). It was nice to get home again as well, feeling like being around home at the moment.

Attaching my 32 week bump shot! Where is the next 8 weeks going to fit?? :haha:


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Its looking good Lucky - yup I keep wondering how my abdomen can get any bigger - how can there be any more space? Have been getting new stretch marks now - not so happy about that but oh well. Glad you had a good holiday - I stopped swimming only recently as I just feel too heavy and like if I actually swim I will drown (lol) - walking around in the water is still fine though.

I am debating whether to take myself for an NST late this week - we only have apopintments every two weeks and with the diabetes I am not sure this is safe - most diabetics I know are on twice a week this late. We can get checked whenever we think there might be a problem at maternity so I may just do it more for my own piece of mind.

DH finds out if he keeps his job or not today which is very very stressful. Please pray that he does - he was without work for 20 months 2008-2010 and I am not sure we could cope with that again especially with a tiny baby on the way.

Everytime I say I will do the nursery I don't - made some pictures for teh wall yesterday that look quite cute, but the cupboard still needs sorting out. Today or tomorrow lol... Sugars have been high lately so need to sort that out but its getting very hard at the moment.
Lucky lovely picture :flower: love it!

Tanikit FX that job is secure I really hope you dont have that to your worries. :hugs:
Well DH still has a job thank goodness, though looking for another one now while he has one might be a good idea.

I have hit 36 weeks now and for me it seems to be an excuse to be fed up and irritable and wanting baby out - I really do not know how some people go another 6 weeks after this mark. At least I know I have about 2 weeks to go now but even that feels like a life time - I am sore and tired and unable to make proper decisions even though there are things that really must be done (like getting insulin) Mostly it is because I am getting no sleep anymore I suppose.

Sorry to moan, I just want baby out now and feel guilty saying that when she's coming earlier than normal as it is.
Tanikit natures way of making sure we are ready for the pain of labour I guess :hugs: not long now to go :flower: glad your DH still has a job, they do always say its easier to find one when you have a job!
Tanikit, so pleased to read that your OH still has his job! That is great news.
Don't feel guilty for feeling fed up and wanting your baby out - sounds like a perfectly normal feeling to me!
Wow, two more weeks - that is crazy! Can't wait to see pictures of your little girl x

I have had good baby news this week - I had a midwife appt and my iron levels are looking way better which is great. Then I had a scan today to check the position of my placenta (it was a little close to cervix at my 20 weeks scan) - but it is well clear now so no worries there!

Baby is in the 76th percentile for it's weight..and apparently has long legs...must be taking after my 6 foot 5 OH!!

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