TWW Support group to help get you through the nitty gritty...and beyond

That is a good idea to channel it elsewhere.
I think you will be fine :)
Your tests are beautiful.

Well my doctor didn't call me. Go figure :/
But I'm trying to tell myself that he is either busy with a delivery or forgot since I'm a new intake.
I will call them in the morning and ask if they can give me the results then.
I'm sure he was busy with something important. Let me know when you get your results.
I got mine and they are decent so far.
11dpo 132
13 dpo 340.
Doubling time of 35 hours and samples were taken 43 hours between so they very well could have tripled had I had 48 hrs in between. For me this doesn't necessarily mean all is well as I've had hcg rise properly before and still mc but it at least isn't decreasing.
Thank you Bab, I am planning acupuncture, heard it really helps a lot. Good luck and waiting for your good news!

Ready, please stay positive, sometimes the power of thought is really important! Waiting can be awful sometimes, but you need to be confident! Fingers crossed! and a great weekend xx
So my Hcg is 1376 and my progesterone is 21.5 :)

I am concerned about how low my progesterone is considering that I'm taking supplements, but wowzers! My hcg has NEVER been that high!

Ready - I think that you've got twins :P and they will stick this time!

Irinel - I have always wanted to try acupuncture. It is suppose to increase fertility :3
Bab-that is awesome for 5 weeks. I would say it's rising well as your tests a few days ago were probably closer to 200 based on the line. Eeek I'm so excited for you. Will you have another draw?
Irinel-I struggle with feeling confident but when the negativity comes I feel it and then push it out. I talk to this baby, pray to my angels and try to feel how this pregnancy will feel as I progress. It might sound crazy to some but for me (I agree with you) embracing the positive is mandatory. I have my weak moments but for the most part I'm feeling good about this.
I'm not sure how Dh would respond if there are 2 in there but I would be happy. We do have twins in my family but I really think my numbers are just doubling quicker that's why they are higher. I'll go again next week just to make sure they are continuing to rise properly.
Yes I will get another draw on Wednesday :3
They said that I would only get a draw once per week which is fine with me.
They had told me that my first ultrasound will be around 7 weeks as well. So 2 weeks to go!
I could always go to a pregnancy center for a free one but I might just wait and be patient ^_^
I want my hubby to see the heart beat on the first ultrasound and that won't happen until after 6 weeks anyways.
My dad had told me to talk to the baby as well and make it want to stay with me :)
So I have been talking to it now and then. I rub it (my belly) and tell it that I love it.
I'm sure it's going to be a boy so maybe I should start saying him?
Bab I really just feel this is it for you. Hcg is great, you have found a dr/clinic that sounds great to work with and overall it just feels like it's happening! It sucks that it has taken so long with losses but I'm so glad that I got to be here to see it happen.
So Ready, I did some hcg research and there is still a really good chance you have a pair of twins :3
At 16 dpo if the hcg is over 600 there's a good chance for twins ^_^
Lol I've had a few people say it to me. I guess only time will tell. I'm 15dpo today and if my hcg doubled just normally it will be over 700 but if it continues to double as quickly as it has it will be closer to 900.
When is your next test??

So I have a friend who had a tubal ligation in May and she has a obvious and decently dark first signal (88 cent) test. It looks to be almost as dark as my 16 dpo one and she is in denial and keeps saying that it must be faulty.
It's pissing me off because she could have an ectopic pregnancy and she NEEDS to get an ultrasound to confirm it's location!
I don't understand why she is refusing to believe the obvious!
I even showed her my tests and she still thinks it is a "false positive" which technicely doesn't exist. It's certainly NOT an evap which means that it is most definitely positive.

I'm not sure how to get it through her head and it's frustrating me.
Bab and Ready, really happy for the positive news. Glad to see you are better and I send you good energy!

My news not so good, after 7 days stims, 5 follies, the biggest 12. I continue with Gonal 300 and on Wednesday the next scan. I am worried about the estradiol blood test. The doc is not happy, only 118 which shows a slow development, maybe not very good quality. He keeps telling me that with long protocol things are slower, with short protocol, on the 10th day I was ready, now, not by far!
Bab- tell her to come on to one of these sites or to Google positive lines. I wonder why she is in such denial?
Irinel-I'm sorry you are having a rough go. I hope that everything comes back as it should and you can move forward with the next stage.
Afm-I had a stressful weekend with a frer on sat that the test line looked like my 11dpo line (it was 3mu) and then a frer yesterday that was way darker but still doesn't feel like it is dark enough for where my numbers should be. I go for betas today so we will see what is happening.
Ready, fingers crossed for the beta test, hope you get the best results possible

Irinel- I am sorry that things aren't going to well :(
What would the doctors like to see everything be?

Ready- it could have been diluted perhaps? Can you post another pic of your tests?

Afm- my friend is still denying her pregnancy. Her husband and her mother in law don't believe the test is positive and think she is crazy so now she is claiming her recent test is negative. I think she is trying to ignore it and hope it goes away.
It's stupid and irritating me. I just want to punch some common sense into her!!!

As for my actual self...
The past couple days I have been waking up SUPER dizzy. I've also been more irritable than usual. I feel like this baby is really making itself nice and cozy in my uterus.

My next beta is on Wednesday and I really can't wait... I want to know how things are going now...

At work one of my shift supervisors had his final day and is now going to a new job and that means that his position is available.
At this point in time I am the only interested employee with the actual experience to take over his job though some other employees who haven't learned the banks at all are applying as well.

It worries me that they are going to do so because it's going to cause drama when one person gets it and others do not. I have confidence that it will be me, but I really don't want to deal with the backlash I will receive if I get it.
Wish me luck and pray that it goes well!
Hey Bab!
Your friend sounds like she needs to some sense punched in to her. People that have no real ttc issues or using hpts think that if the line isn't the same as control it's not positive but they actually post pictures on all of the instructions/boxes showing that faint and dark lines are positive. Why is she in denial?
I can't wait to hear your next set of betas either. I'm so excited that this is your rainbow. Over the past couple of years I have never heard you so positive about it. Dizziness is good (feels awful), extra blood pumping through your body making things cozy for bean. I had it with my ds (didn't know I was pg), it's why I eventually tested. I almost passed out a couple of times. Keep an eye on your blood pressure.
I must have deleted the pic comparing my Saturday test with yesterday's showing the difference but it was similar to my 11dpo. So this test is 2mu 16dpo. I feel like it should be darker or drawing more from the control. I just had my betas drawn so will know either tonight or in the am.


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Your 16 dpo test is a lot darker than mine was. My test didn't get that dark until 19 dpo I think.
I wouldn't stress about it since it's definitely getting darker, especially with 2nd morning urine..
I would LOVE for my tests to have been that dark then :)
It takes a while for it to draw from the control line I think.
I was worked up because it was taking so long but I still have some symptoms and baby seems to be doing fine.
Try to enjoy the pregnancy instead of worrying :)
There's not much sense in getting worked up. Whatever is going to happen will happen no matter what you do. But stressing can actually hurt the pregnancy. I have been trying to stay calm and it seems to be helping.
I know it's just so damn hard to relax when I've had so many losses. I just so desperately want this baby to stick with me.
How amazing would it be after all this time on this thread watching everyone else go in to have successful pregnancies that we both go on at the same time!! As it stands I guess we are lol.

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