I was less than 4 weeks when it first came on, I was on my honeymoon and couldn't test for another 9 days. When I did test the clear blue said 4+ weeks and I was dated at about 6weeks when I saw a doctor 2 weeks later. That said I always get sickness the day before AF is due too. It's more nauseous than physical tho.
Anyone experience ovulation pinching/cramps? Do they tend to occur on the day of O? Sorry if tmi, but, I've had EWCM full on from Tuesday to Friday, then yesterday it was medium amount but I got pinching /cramping in left side yesterday. I was also so hot yesterday, I more or less sweated all day! That's not massively uncommon for me though! I'm a human radiator! We BD Wednesday and Friday this week thinking I would O during EWCM but even if I O yesterday, swimmers would still be present won't they? I don't temp yet, but if I'm still ttc October I will start.