I know this is usually for a weak cervix, but if they're not in your section scar and are just close to your cervix, can they not do what they do with aforementioned issue and put a stitch in to help them stay put? I don't know if that would work, I don't know what, if anything else, is at risk for having them implant close to your cervix. I don't know what happens
I think it's because they're so close to the cervix the womb may try to flush them out. Something to bear in mind though thank you. I'm feeling positive this eve, no more spotting, no pains apart from usual pregnancy niggles here and there. The day after my bleed my nausea and sore boobs seemed to die right down. But yesterday the nausea was back and my sore right boob that I've been getting. This morning I thought the nausea was just from worry and upset, but I'm feeling upbeat this eve and still feel sick. I believe in miracles, My DD2 is an extra special one. ❤️ Xx