We are PUPOLICIOUS hotties! (19 BFPs so far!!)

Thanks girlies :hugs: Picture taking was a lot of fun!

Glad to hear everyone had nice long weekends!

Em all my little bits crossed for u sweetie! xxx

Kris how u feeling today? Any more back pains? Hope ur resting :)

Liz OMG what a cutie pie!!!

Lisa how many more days of waiting girl?

Ur dinner always sounds sooo yummy :) I think I'm gonna make sweet potatoe fry's as poutine (with gravey & frsh cheese curds my friends brought me from a farm up north)! H will have some bbq meats prob :)
Nope no more back pain...just the usual pinches and twinges! :) Thanks Lis!
Hi guys
DD is having the time of her life here in Boston. Getting spoiled rotten by the grandparents!!

I eat runny eggs lots, one cup of joe in the am...deli meats if I trust where it came from, tuna when I feel like. I'm a big everything in moderation person and I personally think they go over the top to scare us about stuff. Nothing at all wrong with playing it safe, but it's just so rare that something you do (aside from drugs and alcohol of course) would harm the baby. Common sense and moderation rule for me! :)

Hope everyone is doing well and had a great weekend.
Thanks Lauren! I agree in the moderation rule as well. I can't eat deli meats bc of possible gluten contamination and I am not a fan of tuna! Lol! I love runny eggs on toast! Yummm!
Arg bfn this morn...af due Fri I think :-( I'll test again 2moro coz I know mine usually dont show up till day before af.
It's a test I haven't used before & I think I can see a possible shadow where the test line is supposed to be...but maybe im just wishing it to be there!
Emma- a possible shadow is good, FX'd it turns into a line tomorrow!

I had a salad for dinner with honey mustard dressing, not too exciting! Then left over texas potatoes because I was still hungry.

I already have dinner in the crockpot, because DH is out of town on business, so I am "single-Mom"ing it for a couple days. We're having porkchops with cream sauce, just not sure what sides yet. Of course I have a meeting this evening and DS has scouts tomorrow. Business trips never fall on weeks we don't have anything planned!

I forgot to tell you all that I am pretty sure I felt the baby move the other day. DH thinks I am nuts that it is too early, but I am about 90% certain it was baby and not gas ;)
Good morning girlies :wave:

Emm I'm soooo impatient for you to test again tmmr! Remember with mine it wasn't even a shadow just not quite stark white I thought....sure enough :)

Stacey thats incredible girlie!!!!! I guess second baby you know what the heck to feel for! I had some little bubbles for a few nights in a row around 16.5 weeks and then nothing till this past Sunday when it was a real pang/squirm that made me stop talking and really notice :cloud9:

Kris how you doing today sweetie? I also am careful with soft cheeses but still have my coffe everyday or EOD and for eggs I've been told its ok as long as its not the clear white part right around the yolk! Love me some runny yellow with my toast :)

Lauren :wave: Miss ya girl! Hope DD is enjoying every little bit!!! Are you getting some lovin too? Any word from H on some house calls/visits? xxx

Hope everyone is doing great this morning, I feel like i could go right back to sleep :sleep:
Hey all my fav girlies!! How is everyone doing this morning?? Beurkkk back to work stoopid 4 days that went by way too fast..

Stace it's absolutly possible to have felt the baby move!! Did the tech at ur last u/s tell u that the sac was behind the baby? That's what happend to me and what that does is it pushes the baby out a bit more towards ur tummy sooooo like she told me about 90% of women that have that will start feeling the baby move at 15 weeks!!! Me thinks this might be ur case too sweety!

Em a shadow is still really yyyy good hunny. Althought it is true it usualy takes u a few days till u get ur darker bfp sooo i've still got my fingers crossed for u!

Leese that sounds sooo freakin yummy. I ended up having macaroi gratine for dinner last night cuz i was too freakin lazy to make anything else lolol. Quick and easy peasy.

Lisette r u still absolutly feelin girl??? I'm still 100% feelin boy lololol. It's so weird tho i was talking to my in-laws about that this weekend and they were like omggg ok but if it's a girl i hope u wont be dissapointed and etc..i was like wtf????? I'd be thrilled i'd love one of each!! Just cuz i've had this weird certainty since day 1 i was having a boy doesnt mean i dont want a girl! Jesus..some people are weird...

OMG i'm hitting the double digits tomorrow!!!!! Wow...10 weeks...i've got my next u/s on the 27th and i'm taking that friday off with DH to go shoppingggggg!!!!!!!!!! Suggestions on what i can buy? I was thinking keeping it simple with just some onsies or bibs..just a lil something to satisfy my baby craving u know? Plus if the baby is cooperative the tech will be able to tell us what we're having!! Not at 100% sure and u cant take it to heart but she says so far she's pretty much never been wrong between the 12 week prediction and 18 week confirmation. Sooooo that could be uber interesting!!!

I have also now entered the extremely tired feelin like i'm gonna colapse at any minute as of 7pm..oufffff it's a teeny bit of a butt kicker..but that's ok i'm sure my energy will come back...at some point...soon...ish..maybe?
That's awesome Stacie and lisette! I started feeling something at 16 weeks. Congrats jessy on 10 weeks!

No showing on the house yet 😥 we better get some this week or I'll harass the realtor.

My mom put eggs out for DD to hunt, and after she found them all, she threw them all out of the basket so she could pick them up again. Too funny.
Emma...I hope your shadow turns into some bright pink babe! FXd for you! :)

Lauren...That is frustrating about your house! Yep get out the whip and get that realtor working for ya! lol

Congrats on the double digits Jess! I can't believe that you might be able to find out the gender soon...can't wait to hear! My suggestion is booties or hats for your baby fix!

Stace and Lis...that is so exciting that you feeling your LO move. I love that feeling...just wait until you can see them move in your belly, my fave part! :)

I woke up feeling pretty crappy today! Whooo Hooo! Love that I am waiting to feel nauseous and yucky and then celebrating! We haven't told a soul yet and I am going a little crazy! My mom will be back next week so we will tell her then! Thanks goodness otherwise I am going to start telling strangers on the street! lol
Lauren FX some calls soon sweetie! Your DD is hylarious, can't wait to see Easter pics ;)

Jess I'm still thinking girl but like you I will ofcourse be totally thrilled and instantly in love with a little boy if that's what I'm having! Its like people automatically think somehow you could love your baby any less? ppfftttt esspecially our little beanies we've waited soo long for?!?! Cray cray....soooo excited to just see him/her on the screen....2more days to wait! EEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKK - Happy to hear ur eating a little better sweet pea, rest up, its the baby growing super duper big and strong in there :) I'm soooe excited for your apppt! If its a boy like you think they will definately see :)
Kris WOOOHOOOO :happydance: Hope you feel like POOO!!!!! LOL - I know what you mean, telling stangers is ok right? Definately can start doing that!!!
Ya Lauren u wip that realtor into shape damnit!! And i agree ur DD is just the cutest!

Lisette omgggg 2 days away that's cray cray!! Bet u cant wait!!

Kris yay for feelin like absolute crap!! Trust me i know where ur coming from sweety. I was extremely sick from day 1 and damnit i was pleased as punch the whole time!!
Hahaha only on here would we be excited when someone else is ill. But nonetheless- Congrats!

Jessy- The U/S tech knew the sex of our lo at our 12 weeks scan- she didn't tell us but it was noted in our file because my midwife knew. It was confirmed at 18 weeks when it was very obvious. I think they give it the extra time especially if it looks like a girl because she could magically become a boy :)

Had my midwife appointment last night. Looks like I'm growing right on schedule. Up 14 lbs. eeeeeekkkk. I don't feel big but gosh that's a scary number on the scale! Heartbeat of 145. Start birthing classes Monday and have to go for glucose testing next week. Starting in 4 weeks I have appointments every 2 weeks. Starting to feel veryyy real.
Liz how come they didnt tell u at ur 12 week scan what it looked like? I guess they are afraid u'll go baby crazy and buy tons of stuff?? Hmmm...as for weight wise i think ur doin excellent!

It's funny the past few weeks i've been terrified i'm starting a UTI cuz i've been peeing all the freakin time lololol. Usualy that's a sign that i'm getting one but nopeeee it's just cuz of beany. It seems like my bladder gets full in less then 2 hours all the time.

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