We are PUPOLICIOUS hotties! (19 BFPs so far!!)

Lauren it is hard to believe you are 31 weeks! Was your first early/late? In two months or less baby Ryan will be here!

eek i know! my water broke right on my due date with DD...so i wonder if I'll go early this time!
Happy thursday everyone: still dark and rainy here!

Lauren cant wait to see this cutie pie...!

I finally O'd!!! Yayayay if my temp keep up like this FF will give my crosshairs for CD 14.
oh and an update on the bulging vagina problem. I talked to the OB's nurse, and she said it sounds like a weak pelvic floor like I thought. better get on the kegels!
Good job Mel!!! are you and your man getting your freak on?
OMG Kris isn't Mr Smolder just the freakin yumiest???? Season finale tonight!!!!!!!! Hopefully we get us some major Delena action plz...fuck Stefan he's totaly gay..

Lauren buttercup love ya oodles and oodles poodle hiihiiihii

How is y'all this am? Like Mel said it's gross and icky here...where the hell is the gorgeous summer weather we should be having?????????????????

Lisette how u feelin chica?? Is that biatch cold lettin up a teeny bit???

What's everyone's plans this weekend for mama's day???
Congrats on O'ing Mel! I hope you caught that egg!

Lauren- glad that it doesn't sound serious. I probably need to start doing kegels soon too, I wasn't too good with DS and didn't really do them much. Trying to be better this time around!

It is a beautiful day here! I wish I wasn't at work. But today is my Thursday/Friday (I am off tomorrow), but I won't get to enjoy my day off because I have around 12587469 things to do this weekend!
Is anyone doing anything special on Mother's day? or anything special for their angels? This is my first Mother's day after my MC, but I doubt my angel gets recognized, being pregnant and having DS. Plus we will be spending the day at my Mom's who doesn't really think you should consider an early MC a baby.
I've got a lobster dinner sat night wiht my MIL and we're hosting dinner sunday night at our place for my mommy.

Of course an early mc is still considered a baby!!
Good job Mel!!! are you and your man getting your freak on?

We got the freak on alright...now we're catching our breath again!:thumbup:

It seemed to take forever to O though it was just 2 weeks and now I ahve another 2 weeks to wait...Jess better keep my occupied here! :p
Congrats on Oing Mel! FXd you caught that eggie!

I can't believe how close you are Lauren! Time is just flying by and you will have Ryan home! Can't wait to start looking at all of the baby pics! :) Liz is next right...SO much fun!

Jess...Sounds like you have a busy weekend. I am lying low, DH is working and I have a bookclub meeting on Sunday...yes I know that I am a geek. I will be watching VD tomorrow morning! Sooooo excited!

Sad to think that this is my first mothers day without RJ...this last year has been really surreal. I have been so numb lately. I think it is normal but I am ready to start feeling something again.

Hi Stace...Hope you have a great weekend with DS and DH! Your angel will be smiling down on you! :)

Good morning everyone else!
Hey ladies: Who had a Mesina reading done?

Was she right about conception/birth? Did everything happen accordingly or was it close?

Here is what she said about my future (I asked her in march):
''There are a lot of positive energies in June, showing that your wishes are fulfilled. By August I feel a child firmly established within your body and the energy that I get is regarding a little girl who will come into your lives. I feel her arrival is somewhere between February and March – as February shows you celebrating – so she is either early, or it is June that you may discover you are at last pregnant. I expected your journey to be a bit longer than this if I am honest, however I was pleased to see all indications of a child coming sooner rather than later.''

If Im pregnant this cycle My due date so far would be Jan 30th (which is still very possible for a february birth AND by june my wishes would be fullfilled). I just thought that you have to take some/leave some because obviously she cant pinpoint where Im at in my cycle and I'd find out end of may! Oh I have to stop overanalyzing...Doh! :D
Good Morning girlies :wave:

Lauren sweetie glad to hear its just more kegals needed! Can't wait to see your beautiful little Ryan :)

Jessy congrats on second tri hunni! Feels awesome hun?!!! I'm feeling a little better thankfully :)

Mel I had a reading done and she was pretty dam accurate except said I was having a boy....unless ofcourse my 3D scan tells us otherwise!!! DOH!!!!!! I'm kinda scared of that! LOL - Congrats on the O'ing girlie, keeping everything crossed for ya!

Stace what's your hunch for gender girlie? Sooo excited for ya! I defintaley think you should light a candle for your angel on Sunday...just something that is special to you...I think I might do the same for mine....it's incredible to think my angel would be here in my arms already....

Kris good to see you hunni, we miss ya :hugs: Hows the nausea been?

Weekend plans for me is babysitting sleepover tomorrow night and Saturday so I'm praying for good weather cuz the little girl is 2 1/2 and LOVES to blow bubbles and do sidewalk chalk ect ect...ofcourse I'm fully stocked up and excited but if it rains....beeurrkkkk lots of Disney Princess movies and oreo cookies instead :) Sunday we are celebrating with my in-laws out at a restaurant but I did tell H that since I'm a mommy to be I want a little something special, so i'm hoping he remembers :)
Mel, my messina reading was pretty on....I had 2 readings:

the first, I told her NOTHING about myself. Just said i wanted to know who's looking out for me and what's in store for me. I didn't know I was pregnant at this point.

She told me she saw new love in my family in June/July
And there would be a father/son acceptance type of issue in March/April (which is when we found out the sex) - although....it seems to be a girl! If it were a boy, I think my hubby would need some adjustment to the idea, because he really wanted another girl. So...that was interesting. Then after she sent me the reading, she sent me an email saying she forgot to tell me my spirit guide maria was handing me yellow roses. When I looked up their meaning, one of the possibliities was a congratulations to a new mother!! I would have been pregnant at that point, but I hadn't had my bfp yet!

Then I had a second reading and gave her more detail. She saw me having a boy...so I'm in the same boat as Lisette...I hope she was wrong about the sex or my mind will be blown at this point!! lol. but it would go along with her first reading, so we will see! My doc was 100% sure though it's a girl.

The first reading I was pretty impressed with...since i didn't give her anything to go on! In the first, she also predicted a house move and new job in the next year...which is a strong possibility with our house now on the market...and I interviewed for a new job, just waiting on the right position to open up!
Good Morning girlies :wave:

Lauren sweetie glad to hear its just more kegals needed! Can't wait to see your beautiful little Ryan :)

Jessy congrats on second tri hunni! Feels awesome hun?!!! I'm feeling a little better thankfully :)

Mel I had a reading done and she was pretty dam accurate except said I was having a boy....unless ofcourse my 3D scan tells us otherwise!!! DOH!!!!!! I'm kinda scared of that! LOL - Congrats on the O'ing girlie, keeping everything crossed for ya!

Stace what's your hunch for gender girlie? Sooo excited for ya! I defintaley think you should light a candle for your angel on Sunday...just something that is special to you...I think I might do the same for mine....it's incredible to think my angel would be here in my arms already....

Kris good to see you hunni, we miss ya :hugs: Hows the nausea been?

Weekend plans for me is babysitting sleepover tomorrow night and Saturday so I'm praying for good weather cuz the little girl is 2 1/2 and LOVES to blow bubbles and do sidewalk chalk ect ect...ofcourse I'm fully stocked up and excited but if it rains....beeurrkkkk lots of Disney Princess movies and oreo cookies instead :) Sunday we are celebrating with my in-laws out at a restaurant but I did tell H that since I'm a mommy to be I want a little something special, so i'm hoping he remembers :)

Just curious about the reading...did she specifically tell you you'd be getting pregnant in Jan(or the month you did) or did she say she saw''Joy'' arround october or something like that?! Hope im not being too indiscreet!
Hey ladies: Who had a Mesina reading done?

Was she right about conception/birth? Did everything happen accordingly or was it close?

Here is what she said about my future (I asked her in march):
''There are a lot of positive energies in June, showing that your wishes are fulfilled. By August I feel a child firmly established within your body and the energy that I get is regarding a little girl who will come into your lives. I feel her arrival is somewhere between February and March – as February shows you celebrating – so she is either early, or it is June that you may discover you are at last pregnant. I expected your journey to be a bit longer than this if I am honest, however I was pleased to see all indications of a child coming sooner rather than later.''

If Im pregnant this cycle My due date so far would be Jan 30th (which is still very possible for a february birth AND by june my wishes would be fullfilled). I just thought that you have to take some/leave some because obviously she cant pinpoint where Im at in my cycle and I'd find out end of may! Oh I have to stop overanalyzing...Doh! :D

I had a Mesina reading and she was completely wrong. I got it in November last year and she said if i didn't conceive Nov/Dec then i most certainly will in March. Nope, never did.
Funny enough she said I'd be PG in Jan and giving birth in Sept....I got my BFP on Dec.18th (at 11dpo) so if I waited to be late for my period it would have been Jan and my due date is Aug.29-30 so very well could be a Sept baby :)
Past: I have taken some time to relay this information to you as best as I can, because I am not sure how you will receive it. It is not bad news, so rest your energy there – however what I feel is somewhat “strange” perhaps if you do not hold the same beliefs. But I shall relay what I have felt and give it to you straight as I sense it.

You have a very nervous little boy who is trying to come into your life. I feel that the miscarriage that you had was indeed him and that he will be the same energy that comes to you again in time. I personally believe you have old souls, new souls and of course souls in between that development period. Your son is a new soul, someone whom I feel will be very new to this process and who needs just a wee bit of encouragement to find his way to you. I feel that this miscarriage was significant in that – the month of August feels strong for this child and thus I believe he is being given the opportunity to be born under that month – which would mean conceiving now. Please assure yourself this is not your body failing you, but rather Mother Nature doing what she does best and rejecting a pregnancy that did not have the strongest of starts. It is difficult, I can understand that – but you must make peace with what happened and put it down to a healthier pregnancy the next time round.

Present: Here is where things get a little more odd perhaps – I feel the chance for a conception now, yet I believe that your child needs that reassurance of things being ok. You must take care of yourself as best you can and if you feel ok doing this, I believe that speaking aloud (perhaps when you are home alone, so it’s less strange for you) and telling him that things will be ok and that he has a loving family waiting for him. Speak your feelings, tell him how much you want him to be with you and tell him that you can learn together.

I feel that August would strengthen his nervous energy and give him a stronger start in this life. Being born under the sign of Leo will give him many more leadership qualities and a certain independence that would serve him well. Yet he may still be a child who is very imaginative or sometimes needing an extra hand to guide him and help him find his way in life. He will do very well and feels to be a child you will love deeply and bond with instantly – but your instincts will always be to protect him and nurture him sensing his energy.

Future: If he chooses not to come between now and December – then I feel it will be March before you conceive. I know this is supposed to be a set in stone process, yet I feel there is more to it than simply “this or that” month. If you can work with him and let him know it will be ok, then I feel he will be more confident in coming and staying. When you know you are pregnant, it is important that you speak to your belly often and embrace positive energies about when he’s here and what you will do together – this will keep your stress levels and his low and invite a healthier pregnancy.

You are also destined for another child after him, an older soul who will be here to teach and guide him in many ways. Your first child will be strong and very manly in his ways – yet this second child seems to at times bring him the balance that he needs to not overdue it. This second child is so different to your first, they both bring you so many lessons and take you on a journey of learning. You will be very blessed.

I am also being told that you should get some Lapis Lazuli and keep it with you. I have quickly dug out some material and apparently (trust me I did not know this!) it was used in ancient Egypt to prevent miscarriages and ease pregnancy. It is an inexpensive stone to get a hold of and a piece may well be good for you to keep with you as a protective stone.

I believe this child will come in 2012 and I hope that you trust your body and know that the soul always knows best. It is hard when we lose faith in our bodies or worry about it happening again, but it is a natural reaction. I wish you and your partner the very best of success and feel this boy will come – he just needs a little coaxing bless him!

I hope this hasn’t come across too strange, but I feel once he has decided to come again you should not experience another miscarriage.

Good luck to you both, I wish you all the best!


hey all

hope everyone is well. im on cd5 cant wait to start bding..if i get pg this month my bean would be due same month as my first angel...


i am going on mothers day to get a new tattoo

its guna be white ink, the world believe in script on my wrist, cant wait! my sis is getting it with me. i wanted to do it on mothers day bc this year has been hard and i need to believe everything will work out!! the word is just really appropriate and i love the idea, i cant wait- im debating getting 2 small angel wings on each side also-

what is everyones plans for weekend??
Awwww Leese that sounds totally awesome girl! You always have the best ideas! i'm happy your sis will be going with you....its sounds like a beautiful thing to do for yourself and your angels :hugs:

Rach hunni how you feeling? Any new cutie kitty pic's for us?
I'm glad that I didn't have a reading because I would have most definetly overanalyzed it.

This weekend we are going to a college graduation party for a friend who's flying up from VA for the party at his parents house. He's my DH's best friend so I'm sure that they will be inseperable this weekend. Sunday is mother's day and I think pregnancy counts! Although, I still haven't figured out what the heck I'm getting my mother... any suggestions? Usually she not-so-subtly hints at something she wants but nothing so far this year. Monday is our 10 year anniversary (craziness!) and Tuesday is my 25th Bday so my DH better be getting me something nice haha :)

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