We are PUPOLICIOUS hotties! (19 BFPs so far!!)

Being my good-two-shoes self I really haven't had too much experience in the drug world. I've only tried pot once and it wasn't a very exciting experience and I've never even smoked a cigarette. I did smoke part a cigar once on spring break and the next day I woke up with giant swollen lips- apparently I was allergic to the paper/leaves. Clearly God was smitting me for trying a drug for the first time. I do have several friends who were/are pot dealers. It paid their way through college and they rarely actually did the drugs so whatever I guess. I also worked in a pharmacy that regular drug testing so yea... even pot never seemed like the greatest idea. Plus, my mother would die if she thought that I ignored her daily lecture on not doing drugs. I would nevvvvvvvvvver drink and drive or do a drug and drive and I'm that annoying friend who steals your keys and runs away with them if you even try (even if I'm drunk). I've lost 2 very good friends in car accidents caused by other people drunk driving. And my father lost his licence about 12 years ago (perminently) for too many DUIs. You have to take into account that my father was an alcoholic and is to this day a chain smoker. His problems split my family apart when I was a child and although he's been sober for 10 years there's always a chance of relapsing. My mother is an extreme asthmatic who up until 2 years ago never drank anything in her life (because she used to have to babysit my father). Clearly I decided to follow my mothers foot steps.
I've played around with the fun stuff before like weed and hash and shrooms and pills. But never done anything like acide or coke or scary stuff. I've trip out and had lows lolol.

The most hilarious was when DH and I went to Amsterdam and i had the strongest pot brownies in my life. I started freaking out saying we we're on the way to the airport and we would get deported and ahhh...i was almost screetching running all over the place. Scary shizz y'all.
Being my good-two-shoes self I really haven't had too much experience in the drug world. I've only tried pot once and it wasn't a very exciting experience and I've never even smoked a cigarette. I did smoke part a cigar once on spring break and the next day I woke up with giant swollen lips- apparently I was allergic to the paper/leaves. Clearly God was smitting me for trying a drug for the first time. I do have several friends who were/are pot dealers. It paid their way through college and they rarely actually did the drugs so whatever I guess. I also worked in a pharmacy that regular drug testing so yea... even pot never seemed like the greatest idea. Plus, my mother would die if she thought that I ignored her daily lecture on not doing drugs. I would nevvvvvvvvvver drink and drive or do a drug and drive and I'm that annoying friend who steals your keys and runs away with them if you even try (even if I'm drunk). I've lost 2 very good friends in car accidents caused by other people drunk driving. And my father lost his licence about 12 years ago (perminently) for too many DUIs. You have to take into account that my father was an alcoholic and is to this day a chain smoker. His problems split my family apart when I was a child and although he's been sober for 10 years there's always a chance of relapsing. My mother is an extreme asthmatic who up until 2 years ago never drank anything in her life (because she used to have to babysit my father). Clearly I decided to follow my mothers foot steps.

I like to have a good time but like you I want it to stay a good time: not an hospital room time or waiting in emergency or police station time. I always steal the keys and lecture people if they're gonna drink and drive...Haha mabe we're party poopers but better party pooper than dead.
I chose to not put myself in a situation where I don't have control of my actions. Unfortunately I have had the experience of it changing people's lives that I love and just made the decision that I wouldn't let that be me early on. But trust me there have been times when I have felt like I really would love to be trashed;) one funny thing tho, I have always hated the way. Cigarettes have smelt but when I was preggo with ds I loved to smell them!

I finished the provera today! Yay this has been the longest 10 days ever! Come on af! I'm so ready to try again! So I'm going to schedule an appointment for my yearly physical at the ob/gyn. (with my new insurance) and I'm going to beg and plead for any help Ttc he can offer!!!! Since I am not suppose to get any fertility treatment til 1 yr into this job. So this is my question for y'all. Do you think I would be best to schedule my appt on cd 21 and beg to have my blood progesterone drawn or schedule it for around cd16 ( thinking this is when I should ovulate around) and beg for an ultra sound to check and see follicles??? I'm sure he will probably turn me down but I am going to beg and plead! I know he can code his way around the real reason for my testing!
I've played around with the fun stuff before like weed and hash and shrooms and pills. But never done anything like acide or coke or scary stuff. I've trip out and had lows lolol.

The most hilarious was when DH and I went to Amsterdam and i had the strongest pot brownies in my life. I started freaking out saying we we're on the way to the airport and we would get deported and ahhh...i was almost screetching running all over the place. Scary shizz y'all.

hahaha I hate pot brownies!!!
I was with my friend one day who smokes pot like all day long everyday !!! well I'm diabetic and my blood sugar was dangerously low and all he had in the truck was pot brownies but told me they were pretty mild, so I scoffed down a whole brownie while he drove to the nearest drive though, before we even got to order the brownie hit me like a ton of bricks and for the life of me I could not figure out why we were asking a giant box for food!!! the high lasted for 48 hrs!!! I was laying on my couch and I couldn't feel my body and I was freaking out because I was worried about calling 911 and explaining that I couldn't remember how to breath!!! lol I ate a brownie one other time because I helped my best friend make them but I ate only a small little piece and it had the same effect as the first brownie so NEVER again will eat brownies with weed in them!!! actually I won't even smoke pot ever again in my life... makes me high for days !! not cool!!
I've played around with the fun stuff before like weed and hash and shrooms and pills. But never done anything like acide or coke or scary stuff. I've trip out and had lows lolol.

The most hilarious was when DH and I went to Amsterdam and i had the strongest pot brownies in my life. I started freaking out saying we we're on the way to the airport and we would get deported and ahhh...i was almost screetching running all over the place. Scary shizz y'all.

hahaha I hate pot brownies!!!
I was with my friend one day who smokes pot like all day long everyday !!! well I'm diabetic and my blood sugar was dangerously low and all he had in the truck was pot brownies but told me they were pretty mild, so I scoffed down a whole brownie while he drove to the nearest drive though, before we even got to order the brownie hit me like a ton of bricks and for the life of me I could not figure out why we were asking a giant box for food!!! the high lasted for 48 hrs!!! I was laying on my couch and I couldn't feel my body and I was freaking out because I was worried about calling 911 and explaining that I couldn't remember how to breath!!! lol I ate a brownie one other time because I helped my best friend make them but I ate only a small little piece and it had the same effect as the first brownie so NEVER again will eat brownies with weed in them!!! actually I won't even smoke pot ever again in my life... makes me high for days !! not cool!!

Brownies have the same effect on me...no matter the quantity of pot. When I used to smoke it there was a good buzz and everything was good--" but eating them: Jeez feel like Im bad tripping.
i want some brownies now... but the plain kind haahah! mmm nice and warm in a sundae dish with vanilla ice cream on top with whipped cream and a cherry and fudge drizzle.
Hey girls good morning

I just poas and its def getting darker..good sign for now..thank the lord. Got my blood work at 13 today

I had 2 slices of pizza ice cream and a garlic knot lastnight. On the train i was like ugh i felt icky too much food hahah

Im nervous for the beta still.aahhh!

good Lisa!! :)

I never tried pot brownies. Funniest thing ever though is that 911 call that the cop from Michigan (i think it was) made after he and his wife ate a whole pan of pot brownies from pot he stole from the station. He was like, "My wife is laying on the ground in front of me, barely breathing. I think we're dying. I think we're dead, I really do." They were fine, but he got into some trouble!! www.youtube.com/watch?v=hrZLc9lqQM0

It was funny because my group of friends were very good students and into sports, but we were also very reckless with drinking and smoking when driving. So terrible...we are for sure lucky to be alive...and it horrifies me that I'm going to have 2 teens to worry about someday!!!

Kimberly - which test will give you something to work with? Is there anything you can do on your own knowing the result of either your progesterone or follicles?
I chose to not put myself in a situation where I don't have control of my actions. Unfortunately I have had the experience of it changing people's lives that I love and just made the decision that I wouldn't let that be me early on. But trust me there have been times when I have felt like I really would love to be trashed;) one funny thing tho, I have always hated the way. Cigarettes have smelt but when I was preggo with ds I loved to smell them!

I finished the provera today! Yay this has been the longest 10 days ever! Come on af! I'm so ready to try again! So I'm going to schedule an appointment for my yearly physical at the ob/gyn. (with my new insurance) and I'm going to beg and plead for any help Ttc he can offer!!!! Since I am not suppose to get any fertility treatment til 1 yr into this job. So this is my question for y'all. Do you think I would be best to schedule my appt on cd 21 and beg to have my blood progesterone drawn or schedule it for around cd16 ( thinking this is when I should ovulate around) and beg for an ultra sound to check and see follicles??? I'm sure he will probably turn me down but I am going to beg and plead! I know he can code his way around the real reason for my testing!

Hmmm, I would pick the blood test, probably because I would think he would give in to a blood test sooner than the ultrasound (although I don't know your Dr. at all, so it is just a guess from my experiences with a Dr.). I don't understand why they wouldn't be able to give you a prescription for clomid just based on your cycle history and the fact that you needed it with your son (right?). You wouldn't have to get the clomid through your insurance (mine doesn't cover it and when I was talking to someone who took it, it isn't expensive correct?). I would beg your Dr. for a prescription for a couple months worth. Furthermore, many of the testing can be billed under diagnostic reasons rather than fertility reasons. I would check with your Dr. office, they may be able to work with you so you don't have to wait so long. I mean the fact that you have irregular cycles could warrent blood testing without any fertility issues even mentioned.
Hey girls good morning

I just poas and its def getting darker..good sign for now..thank the lord. Got my blood work at 13 today

I had 2 slices of pizza ice cream and a garlic knot lastnight. On the train i was like ugh i felt icky too much food hahah

Im nervous for the beta still.aahhh!


Lisa baby :happydance::happydance::happydance:
Well Im sure the blood test would be easier to convince him to do but I think I can get him to do the us just b/c that is the one thing my RE never did. He diagnosed me based on my blood results. The ultrasound could be explained by saying that they are just verifying that I have cysts on my ovaries. I actually never had to take anything to conceive ds. He was an accident;) but that was when I was 20 and a size 4. I'm a size 10 now ugh! I am going to beg for the script for the clomid but I'm just not sure how the insurance will play into covering the pregnancy. We'll see. Honestly I don't mind paying for it at this point I have already invested so much in O test and hcg test and dr bills it really doesn't matter. Lol.
Lauren - if nothing else the progesterone will tell me if I O with the clomid but the US will let me know what I have to work with;).

Lisa---- yay!!!! For the darker test!!!
I chose to not put myself in a situation where I don't have control of my actions. Unfortunately I have had the experience of it changing people's lives that I love and just made the decision that I wouldn't let that be me early on. But trust me there have been times when I have felt like I really would love to be trashed;) one funny thing tho, I have always hated the way. Cigarettes have smelt but when I was preggo with ds I loved to smell them!

I finished the provera today! Yay this has been the longest 10 days ever! Come on af! I'm so ready to try again! So I'm going to schedule an appointment for my yearly physical at the ob/gyn. (with my new insurance) and I'm going to beg and plead for any help Ttc he can offer!!!! Since I am not suppose to get any fertility treatment til 1 yr into this job. So this is my question for y'all. Do you think I would be best to schedule my appt on cd 21 and beg to have my blood progesterone drawn or schedule it for around cd16 ( thinking this is when I should ovulate around) and beg for an ultra sound to check and see follicles??? I'm sure he will probably turn me down but I am going to beg and plead! I know he can code his way around the real reason for my testing!

Hmmm, I would pick the blood test, probably because I would think he would give in to a blood test sooner than the ultrasound (although I don't know your Dr. at all, so it is just a guess from my experiences with a Dr.). I don't understand why they wouldn't be able to give you a prescription for clomid just based on your cycle history and the fact that you needed it with your son (right?). You wouldn't have to get the clomid through your insurance (mine doesn't cover it and when I was talking to someone who took it, it isn't expensive correct?). I would beg your Dr. for a prescription for a couple months worth. Furthermore, many of the testing can be billed under diagnostic reasons rather than fertility reasons. I would check with your Dr. office, they may be able to work with you so you don't have to wait so long. I mean the fact that you have irregular cycles could warrent blood testing without any fertility issues even mentioned.
so then the u/s would be more valuable info to you? so you'll know either way how your chances are looking? If so...try for that!! or both!! :) It's not fair you can't just get what you need.
Kim- I forgot that you were going to take the clomid this month, so maybe the U/S will be more helpful ;) Can your insurance really refuse to cover a pregnancy??? I would think that would be illegal. I understand fertility benefits not being covered, but obstetrical benefits shouldn't be questioned. Maybe I will do some google research... ;)
Kim the ultrasound could definetly give u more answers i think. And i dont see why they would give u more clomid dosses...Dr's can be so stoopid at times seriously.

Leese yay for darker tests!!! I think it's hilarious that u just looked at ur 10dpo and 11dpo tests and just noticed they we're positives loloil. Can u post pics of those???

How is all my chicas today? It's finaly freakin thursday...but i would feel even better if it was freakin friday instead! T-minus 1 week and a day for genetalia confirmation!! And seriously the dreams of it being a boy have not stopped...and i'm kinda sorta a bit convinced i'm team blue LOL. Thankfully not long to go to be able to find out.

I'm hoping they fucked up on the weather cuz they we're saying from today until sunday it was rain and thunder storms non stop..naturaly today it is gorgeous blue skies and starting to get hot like a freakin biatch..sooooo me hopes they we wrong and it will be a gorgeous weekend!! Does anyone have plans for father's day next week???
OMG ladies...You have all been so busy!

LISA!!!! YOU ARE PREGNANT!!!! I want to see you ticker darling!

I have had many drunk/high stories! I was quite the partying in my day! I once was at a club, got into a fight and knocked a girl out. Sent her flying backwards into the tables, got escorted out by the bouncers (who let me stop at coat check to get my jacket) and then proceeded to get sucker punched outside and broke my nose. That is just one of many crazy drunk stories that I have...So many to choose from! I could write a novel! lol

I don't have any advice Kim...But I hope that things get sorted out soon hun!

Hope you all have a wonderful day! The sun is shining here and I woke up so happy today! :)
I am leaving on vacay this evening!!!! I wish I could make this day go by faster. Plus there are a bunch of layoffs going on at work today. I think my job is safe, but hey if they want to send me home sooner, then that is sooner I will start my trip ;)

I think we are just hanging with my parents on Father's Day. I ordered DH an official "bag" game set (wooden so I figure the sucker is heavy, shipping notice said the box weights 48lbs) It should be here tomorrow, so my sis gets to lug it into my house for me, LOL. I am sure we will spend most of FD playing DH's new game, unless it is raining... pretty boring plans.
Most insurance plans can't not cover the pregnancy but honestly I'm kinda scared they would have some way out of it. That seem to be the way my year has gone :/ I'm too scared to ask them straight out. I called one day and was trying to figure it out and the lady was pretty nasty about it. Anyways I
Kinda at a screw that kinda mood.

Yay Jess! Almost gender time ! How exciting.

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