We are PUPOLICIOUS hotties! (19 BFPs so far!!)

I'm cd 4 and have taken 2 doses of femara... 3 left. :) almost time to start dancing:)

Em - when will you test??
OMG Emma that is gross! I can't imagine living with 6 dogs like that. We have one lab and I can't keep the dog hair off of everything! I have no idea what I am going to do when little guy is here :)

Kim- so sorry they rejected the offer, but I am sure you will find another great house!

Lisette- Nope not off work yet. In fact I am contemplating going in tomorrow (I have been working from home the past couple weeks) because there is a meeting that I really need to go to. They said I could just call in for it, but I would be able to get things done in about half the time if I just show up in person. I don't officially stop work until Sept 20th, but little guy might be here by then! I will be 38 weeks exaclty at that point, LOL. The good news is the contractions are still pretty random, like normal BH now. One more week and I can stop taking this medicine!

Oh and I picked DS up from school today and he broke his glasses at recess! So I had to make a trip out to order him a new pair this evening. We just got him new glasses for the school year, so they lasted less than 2 weeks! Luckily these will have a 1 year protection plan with them ;)
Jess r u getting contractions yet like the braxton hicks ones when do i even start getting them around?

Guys did ur docs tell u how much weight to gain? My friends dr told her to gain like 15lbs shes not over weight or anything actually thought that was kind of low no? Shes not over weight shes small...
Jess r u getting contractions yet like the braxton hicks ones when do i even start getting them around?

Guys did ur docs tell u how much weight to gain? My friends dr told her to gain like 15lbs shes not over weight or anything actually thought that was kind of low no? Shes not over weight shes small...

My Dr. told me to gain between 25-35 lbs and I was average weight when I got pregnant. I am right around the 35lb mark now, so I will go a little over (I gained 40lbs with DS, so I will probably be right around the same with this one). They don't want you to gain a huge amount of weight, because it can make the delivery harder and put you at risk for having a larger baby, but mostly I think it is just harder to lose the weight if you gain more. 15 lbs sounds too low to me, too. I had gained that by like 20 weeks!
Oh and as for the BH contractions, most women don't feel them until the third trimester, especially with a first baby. I think I felt some around 34 weeks with DS, but I don't remember exactly. I never really felt them a whole lot, I guess because I didn't really know what I should be expecting. I was having contractions when they induced me with DS and I didn't even know it :) I felt them around week 16 or 18 this time around, but I think I just had more with this pregnancy (hence the trips to Labor and Delivery at 33 weeks :))
Hiiii girls! Lisette you look ready girl!! hopefully very soon!!

Kim have fun with the dancing!! i'm feeling good about it!

I concur with Stacie, 25-35 is what they tell you to gain unless you started under or overweight. I got BH's with both babies at 16 weeks. They say some people can't feel them that soon though...and maybe I could b/c of my fibroid.

Ryan is starting to smile at us, love it! :)

Everyone have a great day! xoox
Bc ive been so sick i am actually a couple pounds less then wat i started.. cant wait til i wanna eat and start gainin!

Yea i heard 25 to 35 is normal too

Aw lauren so cute little ryan smilinggggg

Stace how u feeling?
I am feeling good! I am actually at work for the next couple hours :) Then Dr. appt this afternoon and an ultrasound! I really hope they give me pictures with this one!
you should demand them Stacie!! why wouldn't they? cheapskates. good luck!
Hello all my Pupo's!! Sup? Thank fuck it's friday tomorrow i'm sooo pooped out.

Leese the norm is 25-35. So far i've gained 12 pounds and it's pretty much just gone to my bump and boobies. Which is freakin sweetttt LOL. As for BH i only really felt them once around 18 weeks and i had maybe 4 then they stopped. Havent felt anything since. My daughter has now upgraded to ninja warrior master since she has developped the habbit of kicking both sides of my tummy at the same time. Dayummmmm that is uncomfy lol.

Kim bring on the bowchica wow wow chica!!! Sorry they didnt accept ur offer but i think everything happens for a reason and u will find an even better house!

Emma ewwwwwwww 6 dogs..that is doggy poop and smell overload. I have 2 and it is freakin plenty.

Lisette u look tots fab hunny bunny!

Lauren love that lil Ryan is starting to give u the big smiles :)

Liz where u at girl? How is baby Cam doing?

Rach u out there sweet pea?? We're thinkin of ya!!

Sooooo another prenatal class tonight and it's the birth video one. How lucky am i to go and look at tons of women's cooches for free!! Ooooo yay me. Also as a lil FYI tidbit i looked down this morning and can officialy no longer see my vagina in any position. FML i've been puttin off shaving for a week now and can no longer fucking reach 'sigh' looks like my DH will have to lend a helping sculpting hand huh?
Lisette...Your bump looks amazing and so do you! You must be getting so excited!

So cute that Ryan is starting to smile. I am so glad to hear that you are doing well. Love the pics of the new house btw...I haven't commented on anything for so long.

Emma...Don't get me wrong, I love dogs but that is insane having that many dogs in the house. So gross!

Sorry they rejected your offer Kim...Congrats on selling your house. I am sure that you will find something perfect for you and your little fam.

Congrats on Team Blue Leese...Cute name! I love you little bump pic too! I didn't feel BH with the first but had NSTs that showed I was having them, I think everyone is different.

I hope they get pics this time Stace, I want to see your little man! I heard 25-35 pounds too but I have only gained 10 so far so I am waiting for the weight explosion.

I had an appt on Monday, everything looks good but of course I have a low-lying, posterior placents. Hoping that is shifts or moves by my next ultrasound in October. If it hasn't moved I am definitely having a c-section but earlier at 35-36 weeks...Eeeekkk! I only have 12-14 weeks left. Where did the time go?
Have fun with the birth videos Jess. I didn't find them gross or scary last time when I was pregnant with RJ...I bawled my eyes out bc I find the whole experience so emotional and special but that is just me. I am one big softy! lol Love all the pics from the shower you had...You have a lot of amazing people in your life! :)
Lauren- Awww it is so cool that Ryan is starting to smile! You need to stalk her with a camera and catch one, so we can see a pic :) I think they will give me a pic or two. The last ultrasound I had was at the hospital and I didn't even get to see him, but the tech was checking to make sure he was alright, so I guess they don't let you see incase something is wrong.

Lisette- I love the pics!

Kris- I hope your placenta moves up for you, but a C section at 36 weeks wouldn't be too bad...

Rach- I hope you are getting your freak on right now!

Jessy- I didn't think the videos we saw were too bad, I don't even really remember them so they definately didn't tramatize me :)
Have fun with the birth videos Jess. I didn't find them gross or scary last time when I was pregnant with RJ...I bawled my eyes out bc I find the whole experience so emotional and special but that is just me. I am one big softy! lol Love all the pics from the shower you had...You have a lot of amazing people in your life! :)

Thx hunny! I do have a lot of wonderfull people in my life. I'm a very hugeeee social butterfly so love meeting and talking with everyone. Althought i'm sure everyone on here has noticed that i am a very talkative person huh?
I know...having the bubs early would be awesome, I just really wanted to try vaginal birth bc if I have a c-section now I will always have a c-section. I guess we will see in October...either way I am soooo excited to meet this baby! :) Been having a lot of girl feelings lately but who knows!?
Hi all! I've been keeping up to date. Sorry I haven't been writing! It's hard with a little one attached haha. Cam is amazing! I head back to work on tues and its very bittersweet. I'm happy about getting back to work but the thought of leaving him with someone else & them getting to see him all day instead of me just is Soooo depressing. It'll be ok... On a positive note our daycare was able to get him in early so no more need to piece daycare together for 8 weeks! I know he will love daycare
because he loves having lots going on around him. He's growing like a weed! About 12 lbs and 23 inches! We had our birth photographed as part of a learning presentation for the nurses & recieved the photos last night. They are both amazing & gross haha. So jessy after seeing those the videos are pale in comparison
Morning girls...still here :) lol - thanks for the bump love...feel HUGE & oh soo swollen now but know it'll soon be over & all worth it!!!

Howeveryone doing today? I'm still a little groggy so let's see how much of what I just read I can actually remember?! Lol

Kris sweetie what happenned with ur friend and daycare situation? Prayers for ur placenta to co-operate for sure hun!

Kim sorry to hear about the house offer fall through but totally believe you'll find something even more perfect :) send us links if u can!?

Emma can't wait for testing time for u hunni xxx

Lauren ur lil Ryan & her smiles are just precious :cloud9:

Liz we miss ya! Can't believe its back to work for ya already!

Leese soo awesome ur feeling the baby already :cloud9:

Jess ur Charlie is gonna be something else girlie! Stop stalling on pics :p

Stace we need some new bump ones from u too hun! Hope the u/s is great & u get lil man pics too :)

I can't believe I'm soo close now u guys! Do u guys believe in full moon theories? If so lil Melina could be coming Friday AND be on a special "blue moon" day! Check is out: https://moonphases.info/august-2012.html
Well i just checked the moon calendar Lisette and if that theory is actualy true then the full moon for me would be oct 29th! Hmmm..that actualy would b pretty nice to have Charlie then..i'd be out just in time for my bday on nov 1st!!!

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