We are PUPOLICIOUS hotties! (19 BFPs so far!!)

Well I have my c-section date! September 28th at 9 am! However I was 2-3 centimeters dilated when I went to the Dr. today, so you never know it could be sooner. They did an ultrasound to verify little guy's position and estimated him to weigh 8lbs 10oz at 37 weeks 5 days, so looking like another big boy for me! When she was measuring him she said, my he has a good sized head, LOL. I said, thank you for telling me this, it only reaffirms my decision for a c-section! She said she didn't want to say anything, but she agreed c-section looked like a good option since he is breech ;) So now I am in the waiting game, either for the 28th or for labor to begin, which ever happens first! I need lots of anti labor thoughts for the next day though. Tomorrow is my niece's birthday and I do not want them to share a birthday. I have vowed to keep my legs crossed until Thursday!
Yay! That's so soon! But maybe he will be here sooner! Sounds like he will be a pretty big boy.

Cam had his 8 week apt today. 13 lbs 23 inches. 85th percentile all around. Had 1 oral shot & 3 in the legs. Had to go get him from daycare around 2 because he just kept crying and his legs were puffy & red. Poor peanut. A dose of tylenol and a nap and he seems better. At least he finally ate so that makes me feel better
Stace thats sooooo awsum so happy for u girl its guna come so quick cant wait to see him!!!!!

Liz thats great we need new pics of cam!!
Congrats again Amy! Feel free to vent and b emotional all u want sweety it s always mpre sensitive when u add hormones in the mix.

Stace dayummm me thinks the c section is definetly a good thing for u. Betcha it was like wow great head size and u were all thank u for telling me bring on the non vaginal way lolol

Liz poor Cam even i swell up arm wise last time i got shots..they r evillll

Lisette definetly gimme the massage info. Cant wait to see ur photoshoot! Bet lil Melina was a total star :)

Emma bring on the yummy bowchica wow wow goodness:) :)

Im now paranoid that everytime we have sec and i have..lots of self lubricant it s due to my water breaking lololol i know im cray cray but it really freaks me out. I wonder when is the more crisis time that it can provoke labor? 37 weeks give or take?
I think it can start labor anytime, but really your body has to want to go into labor for it to work (I think hormones play a huge part too). I would say it is more likely to start labor the farther along you are. You would know if you were going into labor, you would feel the contractions :) Oh and I think it is highly unlikely that having sex would cause your water to break :)

With that being said, I was completely shocked when the Dr. said I was dilated to a 2 or 3. I have had some contractions, but nothing too note worthy. But I guess this is also my second baby so my body knows what it is doing :) It is a shame that my body is wasting it's time dilating, since little guy is coming out the sunroof anyway LOL. Unless he decides to take up gymnastics and flip at the last moment!
Liz- poor Cam! Did you give him a dose of tylenol before his shots too? My pediatrician used to tell me to do this so it is already working by the time he got his shots (although at 8 weeks, I could see why you may want to hold off giving him meds until he needs them) I hope he is feeling better!
I'm still debating if i want to give out halloween candy this year or not. I loveeee halloween and love giving out a millions candies but this year either i'll have a newborn or b heavily pregnant by then...which can umm..complicate things LOL.

Anybody going out this year or candy giving or etc?
We go up to my mom's house to give out candy because our neighborhood doesn't really have many kids but hers does. Plus we can visit family and show off our little man... but I'm not sure on a costume yet... hmm...

and I'll post a pic of little man when my phone decides to send it to my email...
Last year in our new house I bought 4 bags of candy to give out and we got 2 kids all night long. It was so disappointing...I am pondering whether or not to do it again this year as I ended up eating all of the leftover candy! lol

Congrats on the section date Stace...and wow with you progress so early! Silly boy being breech though! Can't wait to meet him!

Hope Cam feels better soon Liz...that is so hard to see your babe sick for the first time!
hiya girls!

Stace ohhh less than 10 days!!

Liz, Ryan had her shots yesterday too and she was a bit fussy last night to go down, but then she slept for about 7 HOURS!!! I was in heaven. She's 12lbs 8oz and 85th% across the board too! (the girl version of the board I guess) she's not even really chubby she's just so big and solid!

Jessy we always give out candy, but hardly anyone comes here because we're in the country :) Will hubby be home to help? you can definitely still do it! We have a neighbor that gives out goody bags for the parents...complete with a beer. haha

I started my vag workout last night. it's harder than I thought to keep the cones in and you have to walk around for 15 mins. lol....it was funny. My DH was laughing at me.
Emma congrats on the niece and Amy congrats on team pink!! :)

Kim, would they expect the next cycle to be even better with the meds? that's a good sign it's going up with each cycle? not sure how it all works.
Of course DH would be there to help lol. Holy crap u guys kid wise for us last year we actualy got 572 kids LOL. All the kids from all the sorrounding neighboorhoods come and from 5:30 pm until 9pm it's pretty much non stop. I dont make candy bags cuz it would b crazy and extremely expensive. My whole dinning table is usualy one huge candy mass all over the place and we prepare 3 bowls of it and keep running inside to refill.
Of course DH would be there to help lol. Holy crap u guys kid wise for us last year we actualy got 572 kids LOL. All the kids from all the sorrounding neighboorhoods come and from 5:30 pm until 9pm it's pretty much non stop. I dont make candy bags cuz it would b crazy and extremely expensive. My whole dinning table is usualy one huge candy mass all over the place and we prepare 3 bowls of it and keep running inside to refill.

Oh then you're all set. you just sit on the couch and yell "DOOR!" when you hear the doorbell and let him do the rest :p
I think last year we got about 8 kids in 2 groups. Then we have a candy binge after.
Holy Crap that's alot of kids Jessy! Insane! I feel like Halloween just keeps getting smaller and smaller here.
Lauren- I'm trying to picture how these cones work. I feel as though it would definetly be amusing to watch.
I don't think Cam is that chubby either- just all around a solid kid. It was awful seeing him in pain. Clearly his legs were in pain from the shots. If they were touched he'd scrunch them up and squeal in pain. Even in his sleep he was whimpering until the tylenol kicked in. Poor baby! It took him a few hours even after the tylenol to move the leg they gave him 2 shots in.
oh did he get all 3 at once? poor guy! i postponed the hep B for the girls until they go to school at least, so Ryan just got one on each leg. She screamed when we moved her at all last night...and we didn't have any baby tylenol in the house! eek. all is good today and hpefully for Cameron too.
Lauren nope not that easy cuz they ring the doorbell non stop which is a bitch! Basicly we have to sit on our front porch with the huge candy bowls and give them away. It's crazy dude...crazyyyyy..

I'm trying to remember which shot it is that we get and it makes ur arm hurt like a mother fucker for almost 2 days...is it tetanos?
The tetnus shot does make your arm hurt for a couple days. I had a booster last year.

We never have very many trick or treators, but we don't stay home because we are taking DS out. But I think more and more kids do the trunk or treats at churches and schools.
I got the Tdap shot this year and honestly I remember it hurting for days last time I had it. This time I didn't even feel them give it to me... it was pretty weird...

Yup 3 shots and an oral one for little man yesturday. But he seemed back to his normal self today which was nice.
Cam at 2 months


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