We are PUPOLICIOUS hotties! (19 BFPs so far!!)

FXd for you Kim!

Sounds like Charlie is set...It is a great feeling having everything ready and planned.
hi everyone , I tried to read through all the pages I missed but my internet is sooo slow.
Emma ,Rach and Kim praying for you guys to all get BFP's this cycle :)
Jessy hang in there , your done work soon yea? I find the pressure is less when I'm reclined instead of sitting.
Lauren I got your message and will text soon :) and congrats on selling your house, hopefully you don't have to live in the apartment for to long.
hi Lissett,Krippy,and everyone else I'm forgetting to mention .

I'm still here in the hospital in Edmonton they are only calculating me as 31 and 4 days :( they are going based on my last period rather than the ultrasound . totally sucks but oh well. my hospital in my city wont accept me back until I'm 33 weeks and thats if they have a bed available for me and a bed in the NICU for baby. I really miss my daughter right now but I'm so happy my hubby is here although I feel bad for him, it's his first time in canada and all he has seen is the hospital.lol
Our 1 year anniversary was las sunday , we originally had planned to go to jasper or banff but instead ordered pizza in to the hospital . lol
baby is doing great as far as we know but there is some concern about my placenta possible startng to not function but we will find out more on friday (first ultrasound for hubby) the think it is a possibility because my insulin requirements are dropping when they should be increasing. My weight drooped from 150 to 144 but i think its because I gained so much water weight when tey gave me the steroids and now all tghe swelling has gone down. Let me tell you my belly is still growing, I have to get my hubby to put my socks on my feet for me and if i drop anything i can't pick it up and I have to roll onto the side of the bed in order to be able to sit up effectivly. lol hubby is getting a good laugh out of it!!!!
the last time the dr checked my cervix i was still just 2cm and not effaced anymore so thats all good but she said she could poke the baby's head with her finger( Ethan objected by trying to squirm away)
I am glad Ethan is doing well so far. I hope they are wrong about your placenta and you get to keep little guy in a few more weeks!

Well survived another day pregnant ;) Tomorrow is pre op blood test and then waiting for Friday. I really don't know if he is going to wait though. I seriously have been to the bathroom 3 or 4 times today (not typical for me)! I am thinking little guy has plans of going into labor soon, just a matter of if he waits until Friday anyway, LOL.
Crystal glad ethans doing good! So thats a little over a week then u can go you hospital? Thats great stay comfy a little longer buddy!!

Stace thats awsum hes going to b here so soon!!


Hows everyone today!?
Well I am not in labor yet :( but in 24 hrs I will be at the hospital waiting for my c-section!!

Kim any news?

How are the rest of you?
LOL, my ticker is completely wrong ;) He is folded in half with his feet up by his face!
Almost there stace!!!:) can't wait to see Liam's pics! Nothing af wise for me I had that one episode of spotting yesterday but nothing since. I didn't take the digital test this am. In part because I don't feel like I could handle seeing pregnant and then have bleeding start. If no af by Tommorrow then I will probably take it.
Sorry I forgot to respond yesterday Jess- I really don't think there is any way it could be late implantation because my positive opk was on the 10 and we stopped bd on the 12th so it would be basically impossible I tk??We had sex like 3 nights ago but I would tk if the bleeding was from that then it would have happened the next morning....
So sad I missed all the chatting yest. Damn boss actually had me doing work haha! Jessy- Charlie is certainly going to have everything. Not that I can say anything because I'm pretty sure Cam will never have to want for anything!

Can't wait to see the newest PUPO baby tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So exciting! I can't believe our little man is 10 weeks old today! Eeek where does the time go?

Kim- fingers are still crosssed for you!

Crystal- I hope your little one just stays nice and healthy inside for a few more weeks. I'm glad you get to spend some time with your hubby though--- even if it's inside a hospital
Crystal i'm glad ur hubby is with u and crossing fingers all will be fine with ur placenta. If not then u are definetly in the right place and it will be noticed right away so no stressing!

Stace eeeeeeeeee newest PUPO baby tomorrow whaaaaaaaaa betcha can hardly sit still today!!

Kim hmmm...was the spoting bright red or pink or brown? Cuz if it was brownish it can definetly be due to the hot hookup not long ago. It's quite normal and happens to tons of women!! I'm sending u tons of positive vibes that AF doesnt show at all today and u get a nice huge PREGNANT on ur digi!!

Liz ahhh what a big meany ur boss is actualy making u work LOL. Agreed our babies will never be in freakin want that's for sure.

Happy day before friday!! I only have...holy sweet fucking hell 9 days left!!!!!!!!! I just did the countdown on an actual calendar and realized i'm not in the freakin single digits whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 'falls on floor dead'

Also I would kill for some pumpkin pie! It's crazy since i'm not a pie person at all since i dont like pie crust. I only like pumpkin and sugar since it's uber sweet and i only eat the filling. And naturaly all the coffee shops have started advertising pumpkin lattes and etc etc. It just hit me sooo hard i want pumpkin pie...now....
Jess it was brown at first then second wipe was pink. Who knows://///// I just don't want to see pregnant and then start bleeding. That's been my biggest fear. I'm thinking about calling my dr but I know he will just want me to come in for lab work
Arghhhh Kim how frustrating! I really hope this is it for you - do you feel like it is? As much as i love to push tests, i understand why you want to wait. But you know, if you wanted to do just one little, cheap test i would completely support you :winkwink:
On a side note, i'm doing a chocolate fountain for ds's bday on sat! I'm so excited haha!
Jess it was brown at first then second wipe was pink. Who knows://///// I just don't want to see pregnant and then start bleeding. That's been my biggest fear. I'm thinking about calling my dr but I know he will just want me to come in for lab work

I completely understand what you man and how you feel, but also think of it this way : if you do test and it is positive and then it is not viable you will have a more confirmed thought that something is preventing you from progressing in a pregnancy , for example low progesteron or some other hormone that is important in early pregnancy. (just a thought)
But try to think positive and the spotting could have been late implantaton or from the sex :) I hope AF stays far far away from you :)
Cd53 and no AF. Like i said, 2 weeks ago i had the littlest, tiniest pink spotting and then about 4 days ago i had red blood a couple times when i wiped. Not very much at all. Now it's gone. I have no idea what is going on but Oct 6th will be 2 months since i've had AF. I hate playing this game. All PG tests say neg. I don't have insurance and don't know what to do!

I have everything crossed for you Kim. I hope everything turns out in your favor. I know exactly how you're feeling. :hugs:

Good luck tmrw Stacie!! I can't wait to see what Liam looks like!!!

Jess that was so nice of your work to get you that babysaucer you wanted!! So happy for ya! Charlie is definitely a spoiled girl. You also have a great family and friends to do such great things for you!!
Emma i love choco fountains!! Something super duper yummy u should make marshmellow sticks (sorta like brochettes) so that u can also dip them in the fountain..and maybe have sprinkles while ur at it...mhhhhmmmhmmm now i'd kill for one of those!!

Rach didnt u have a cycle not long ago that was really wonky and took longer?? Can u get insurance with Andrew's job??? I really think u should see a dr for sure. Maybe it's due to a prog prob??? Or maybe ur ovulation period is strong one month and then not enough the next??

Kim like i've always heard if it's not bright red spotting then it's not something dangerous. God knows i had my scare at around 11 weeks when i had wacky spotting and it was just due to irritation inside. I'm staying very veryyyy hopefull for u sweet pea :) :)
Thanks girls. Just had a lil bit of spotting. Im refraining from testing because with pcos it's about a 40% chance of miscarriage. :(
Thanks Jess. I did have a weird AF like 3 months ago. I was a week late. This time i'm almost 2 months late. I called a gyno that i had went to when i had my MC and told her how Andrew and i been TTC for over a year with no luck and that i have no insurance. and i needed info on what to do next. She was like "i'm not allowed to give you any info but you can come in to schedule an appt. Most insurance companies don't pay for that anyways. You'll have to pay out of pocket". I just hung up. You can't sit there and act like i'm helpless. I f'n hate people!!!!
Emma your such a sweetie! Thanks for the encouragement! Xoxo.
Rach I'm sorry your going thru all this! I understand. I honestly tk you should read up on pcos. A lot of your symptoms sound like me. And trust me I have wasted far too much $ on pregnancy test because my cycles are all over the place. If u want it confirmed them they do lots of blood work or they can do an ultrasound and verify cyst on your ovaries. Treatment for fertility is usually clomid. Things you can do without being treated with meds like clomid(for fertility) and metformin (for treatment of insulin resistance) is to try to lose a little weight. I am not at all directing the weight comment to you. It is just general for people with pcos. However some women have lean pcos... But I know for myself I'm about 30 lbs overweight but the fertility specialist told me if I lost 9 lbs he thought my cycles would straighten out so I lost 13 lbs and they did! Have since gained back:( next week once we get moved my plan is to focus really hard and lose 20 lbs. that is my goal before I continue with fertility treatment because by being healthy it also decreases my risk of future mc. I hope this helps you some sweetie.if you have any questions let me know... Feel free to pm if you want also.

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