We are PUPOLICIOUS hotties! (19 BFPs so far!!)

LOL, Emma, I hope that a month off is what you need and you start off 2013 with a BFP!

I don't get to pick up the pictures until the 28th, but I will try to post pics after that ;) The pics aren't great, but the price was right.
thanks girls. It was like cd 50:( I actually have no plans to buy opk. Have just been trying to not think about it much since the last mc. I can see a reproductive endocrinologist again In feb. so I guess that's my plan. If all goes well we will be able to close on the new house in like 2 weeks:) so I'm excited about that!!!
Hope lil Charlie and Liam's tummies will behave:). But Jess trust me 24 hours for a breastfed baby is very common :) so try not to worry. Just keep an eye on her belly and make sure it isn't firm or distended, and if she is feeding well not vomiting I bet she whe work it out;).
Emma I think just enjoying the holidays sounds like a wonderful plan!! I'm with ya hunny
Hi girls!
Kim honey sorry AF came :( that's exciting you can close in a couple weeks, us too!! I can't freaking wait.

We're on Boston this week. Grandma passed away so we had the funeral Saturday. It will be nice to be with the fam for thanksgiving!

Ryan slept through the night twice this week...woo hoo!

Love ya all!

Hope everyone is doing well.
Emma i agree that not stressing and taking it chill will give u a huge breather. And that 2013 will bring on the good stuff. As for VD i just want major Delena sexy time..like hardcore 2 full episode of just nakedness lolol

Kim well her belly does get full and bloated after she feeds but then she burps and farts and it gets back to normal. No vomiting just some feeds she doesnt regurgitate at all and others she does more. I guess it just freaks me out cuz im so use to her pooing 2-3 times a day and all of a sudden nuttin. But no fever or anything so guess it s normal.

In very exciting news my parents r coming over to babysit tomorrow night and were having our first date night alone eeeeeee. DH wants to go to the spa and do the thermal baths so we can relax mhhhmmm i could use some relaxation :)
Spa thermal baths o wow how i would love that sounds wonderful lolol

How r u girls doin any fun thanksgivig plans??

My nausea is like coming back .. And getting actually sick too lovely!!! I have my next apt monday cant wait to get an estimate of his weight again and to kno his positioning !!

:) hope all is well girlies xo
Ahhh Stacie i saw the boys pics on fb - sooooooo adorable! And omg liams flat cap i love it!!!!
Thanks Emma! My Dad bought him that outfit and paid a fortune for it because he refused to wait for it to go on sale, LOL, so I had to get his pics in it. I just wish he was awake in the Chrismas pictures :(
Im super excited to watch the Macy s day parade!! I freakin
Loveeee it :) is everybody that has thanksgiving this weekend uber busy??? Christmas is a month away omggg. I have to start my shopping soon cuz every year i always wait last minute and get screwed in crazy shopper land 'sigh' I also need to found something uber awsome for Charlie s present...

Did anybody start shopping? My decorations and tree have been up since last week teeheee
Start shopping??? I have all three niece's and Logan done and Liam part of the way done (he is kind of getting screwed, but he is a baby and doesn't know it, LOL)

Christmas decorations should be going up this weekend. We already have the lights on the house, but DH turned them off until after Thanksgiving ;) I LOVE Christmas! I can't wait!
Induction booked for November 30th! 1 more week! Eeeeeekkkk! It can not come soon enough! Sorry I have been MIA...Been a crazy few weeks with pre term contractions, firing my GP and just all around nervousness. I will keep everyone updated with baby news. I am just soooo excited I can't even sit still...going to try and get some rest over the next week!
Kris OMG thats fantastic!! How have u been feelin? Fired ur GP???? What happend????

It s finaly the weekend yessss we re hosting dinner here tomorrow night with friends and if all goes good sunday maybe start my xmas shopping? God i really need to get on that jesus...

Hope everyone is doin absolutly good :)
I am generally good! Lots of back pain and contractions so pretty exhausted...Trying to get some rest this last week bc then I am going to have a baby. It all seems so unreal! My GP was being a royal bitch...not taking any of my concerns seriously and treating me like a 12 year old so I fired her. She then was threatening me that she would and has given me the best care and I miss out on that after care if I fire her...blah blah blah. I then find out that the OBs in the hospital have been having trouble with her pompous ass...my friend is a nurse and overheard them talking about her, small hospital lol! Everyone was rooting for me and it felt great as she also misdiagnosed me my last pregnancy. I have late onset Gestational Diabetes and also probably did with RJ as well. When I asked her about getting GD after the 28 week test being clear she said it wasn't possible...but look at me now on insulin for the last 3 weeks bc I developed it after the 28 week test. What a crock doctor...Sorry for the essay!
U most definetly did the right thing hunny. What a fucking bitch stuff like that is scary cuz i mean if u cant trust them who can u trust right?!?! The good news is that it all will b over sooooon. Fuck i remember those last weeks i was sore like a freakin biatch..and the non easy pooing was horrible lololol

Last week of november!! They r annoumcing a bunch of snow here this week eeeeeee it just looks so blahh outside without the white stuff people :)
I can't wait Kris! You totally did the right thing firing her! Why in the world did she say that you couldn't have a GD test after 28 weeks! That is crazy, it is a freaking blood test.

I can't believe that my baby boy is going to be 2 months old on Wednesday!!! He is getting so big :( I forgot how fast it goes. On a positive note, I got DH to agree to baby number 3 in a couple years, assuming we are stable financially (which we are right now, so as long as nothing changes we should be good). I am amazed that I have been able to start cracking him so early, LOL.

In other news I have my big 3-0 birthday coming up in a little over a week and I am feeling super old. When I was getting out of the shower I found this super long grey hair, too (what bad timing ;))
Yay for snow Jess!! I wish it would snow here. I am so ready for it.

I just got done decorating the outside of the house. It still needs icicle lights hung but other than that it's looking good! :) Here's a pic of my Christmas tree. It has dual lighting so i can go back and forth between clear and multi! I personally love the clear the best.

Well, i hope everyone is doing good. I got to get to bed.


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Aw Rach it looks amazing! I like the clear lights too. I just bought a new Xmas tree - 7ft 6inch haha it's huuuge! Can't wait to put it up. How you doing Rach? Xxx
Kris thats great news!!! Sooo happy for you!!!
How do you feel ???

Stace i have so many greys uh i just yank them b im afraid to dye my hair! Sucks lol cant believe liam is 2 months wow time flys!!

Jess how r u n char??? :)

Em how u feelin girl??

Rach love the pics!!' tree is awsummm

Everyone else how r u!??

Afm mornin sickness is back.. Woohoo like only getting sick once a day but i blows uhhhhh
My shower is sunday i am soooo excited!!!. Goin to dr today for rhogam and to see little man :)
Rach- Awesome tree pics! That is neat that you can switch back and forth between colored and clear. I like the clear too :)

Emma- We have a 7.5 ft tree too and it is pretty big. We just got done decorating it on Sunday and there is hardly any branches left without an ornament. I need another tree :)

Lisa- Sorry the morning sickness is back, but not too much longer! I am sure you are excited for your shower. Do you have his room ready yet?
Ooo yeh Leese do you have pics of his room or are you waiting to move?

We have been slow this weekend, hardly any posts :shrug:

I'm glad we decided to kinda take a break this month as dh has had a sickness bug so he's been out of commission for the last 5 days ( over the time i prob ov'd!) Has been nice to have him home but he's not been up to doing much poor love!

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