We are PUPOLICIOUS hotties! (19 BFPs so far!!)

Nicholas is sleepin pretty good at night.. Day... Not so much

And he will only sleep in his rock and play :/

Happy mothers day emma!!!
Emma i hope you had a good Mother's day! I can't believe how different the months are between you and the US! Hope you had a lovely day. So happy you can celebrate this one with a beautiful LO on the way! :)
Lol Rach good one! How u doing girlie? Can we get some wedding deets pls?

Emm happy belated mothers day! How u feeling? Gender scan soon right? Is ur LO super excited too?

Lisa+Amy enjoy the newborn sleep before they are too curious & able to stay awake longer! We need new cute pics pls!

Liz totally sucky about ur condo situation :( Any bites to seel ur place ASAP?

Jess how's Charlie? Sounds like she got a bad one poor sweetie :(

Stace,Lauren,Kim,Kris,Crystal :wave:

What's on everyone adgenda for Easter this year?
Will try to remember to do updated photos for you gals to see soon. Right now I just need to vent. Emily won't sleep lately unless she is on me. I don't want to cosleep cause I worry for her safety. Daytime is better then night, she'll lay down to nap some. Even some nights are better then others but the last 2 have been bad. She has a habit of crying as soon as I lay down or start to fall asleep. I do most all of her care cause we are exclusively breast feeding and haven't introduced a bottle (since the NICU) and cause DH works. I don't leave her to cry as I feel like she's too young.

She was just screaming ( is nursing now but I think more for comfort) and DH lays in the bed and sighs and groans. He is asleep and not aware he's doing it but it makes me so mad sometimes. He also keeps saying how tired he is, he's not been up with her once since she came home! I talked to him about the grunting and realize he's asleep and not aware but him sounding disgusted does not help this tired Mama!

I love her to pieces and am so blessed to be her Mama but I am tired and frustrated. To make matters worse I am in pain and bleeding like a stuck pig, I thnk I might need to call my Dr but don't want to get brushed off or be paranoid. I posted about it in postnatal support if you can read it.

Sorry for the long rant!
Aw Amy babe we are here for you :hugs: It is REALLY hard to breastfeed and i was exactly the same as you, dh worked so i made sure ds was super quiet in the night and held him till he went to sleep so he didn't disturb dh. He used to feed for about an hour each time as well but looking back now i think some of that was just for comfort and being close to me. Then when he started sleeping for longer periods the midwife was concerned and was telling me to wake him up every 2 hours to feed him!!!!! When he got to four months i started him on formula as we had both just had enough! The thing with breastfeeding is that you never know how much they are getting. My ds used to cry A LOT throught the day and my mum would be like 'oh, you're not feeding him again are you?' so i used to make him wait longer than i otherwise would have done.
Looking back now i can see that he probably wasn't getting enough when i was bf'ing him because as soon as i started him on formula he slept a lot better and cried a lot less! i have decided this time i will express like a madwoman from as early as poss so that dh can also feed him and give me a rest! and so that i can make sure he is getting a decent amount. I will also listen to my instincts and do what i think is best.
I also learnt that having a baby does test your relationship - you start to argue who is more tired - you coz you wake up to feed baby in the night then can't get back to sleep because of his snoring, or him coz he has to get up and go to work for 12 hours a day!

That is just my experience but i hope it helps. The first months are tough and no-one really tells you and you feel like you have to put on this organised supermum front for everyone but it is ok to ask for help and support. And it does get better and you learn to survive on less sleep!

Lots of hugs xxxx
LOL Rach! A friend of mine sent me a picture with that saying on it :) I thought it was hilarious!

Amy, poor girl! I will take a look at your post when I get a moment! The BFing thing was very trying for me too! I hated not knowing how much he was getting. I started expressing so he could drink more and gain more weight, then he would refuse to nurse and cry until he got a bottle! I ended up only expressing. It eased my fears about him not getting enough, but then caused a bigger problem because not only was I getting up to feed him I had to get up to pump too! The sleeping thing will get better :) She is getting older now (she is almost 2 months right?) have you thought about trying a bottle of EBM? maybe if you get her to take one bottle a day (maybe in the evening when DH is home) you could get a decent block of sleep while DH takes care of her? Babies are very trying on relationships, but they are only little for a short while and then you will get into a routine and it will seem like you have been doing it forever! Keep your chin up!

Little guy has regressed some on his sleep (Amy I am sure you can relate). My great sleeper now wakes up constantly at night! I am frustrated beyond words! I found myself yelling at him last night :( DH reminded me it is just a phase, but it is one I need to be over very soon- so I can maintain at least part of my sanity! And he has decided he doesn't want to nap in the afternoon/evenings. From 9:30am to 9:30pm the child slept all of maybe an hr!!!! Anyone have any advice, remedies, theories, voodoo sleeping spells (I will take anything at this point LOL).
Happy belated mother s day Emma!! Dont forget brand new epi of VD tonight!!!

Amy i feel ur pain hunny. BF is definetly hard as hell on the mommy cuz it s u doing the feeding non stop morning noon and night. I started giving Charlie 1 bottle of formula before bed time when she was about 3 weeks so she would b able to take formula or breastmilk without a prob. It definetly helped her sleep way longer cuz it takes longer to digest it instead of breastmilk. If ever u were willing to try it i definetly recommend it! When i would only breastfeed she d b asleep at around 8 ish and wake up every 2 hours to eat. Since tge formula she sleeps anywhere between 6 to 8 hours every night which is fanfuckingtastic lol. Then i get up and BF when she wakes up but am a lot less pooped since i managed to get some good zzzzzzz

Poor lil Charlie had an ammonia and needed a pump for a week. She s all completly healed thank god now. Shit it was hard on us tho seeing her like that poor lil beany.

I had my first class of mommy and baby salsa this morning and it was awsome!! Althought sadly i cant dance worth shit lololol. At 3pm we have her ear percing app!! She s gonna b such a cutie with her lil pink birthstone :) And sunday is her christening!! Her dress is freaking gorgeous ooooooooo

Kkk enough about me lol how is everyone doing?? Easter plans???
As promised, updated pics of Miss Emily... she is 7 weeks 2 days now!!!


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awwww how cute amy!

rach thats funny! how are you doing w ttc??

i am on amazon i think im going to buy a mini crib for our bedroom for condo bc i am not ready to put baby in different room

they have one that rocks its called a davinci mini alpha rocking crib & also a mini "emily" crib

i am debating, i like the idea of a rocking crib. bc ds LOVES to be rocked and only way he will really fall asleep, but also i dont want to get him to used to being rocked ALL the time...what do you guys think i should do? the rocking crib has wheels so i can take it off of the rocking feature, but if i get the one that doesnt rock im afraid he wont sleep !

maybe i should chose the rocking one bc hes still little and just try to stop rocking him when hes older?

ahhhh i would reallly appreciate whatyou guys think!
I'd say maybe the rocking one so that you have that option, especially since it can be made steady too. Emily's actual crib is by davinci, the wood is soft and seems like it is going to scratch easily but otherwise it seems nice. She's not using it yet as she's in a bassinet in our room for now.
I say however you can get the little guy to sleep! We are still having sleep issues and Little Dude has slept part of the night in his swing over the weekend. I was fine with wherever he decided to sleep :)
Thanks guys.. I think were guna go w the rocking crib... But also guna get the rock and play portable bassinet to see if he likes that too :)
Stoopid laptop is fooked so can't rotate but here is my 18w6d bump pic - growing nicely! 1 week to scan.......


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Cute bump!

Little guy slept straight though the night again last night! I am hoping we are back to his normal sleep pattern now :) He has a terrible head cold so sleep has been a battle for the past couple weeks!
Is anyone planning any fun vacations this year? We have two planned already, one to Disney World (yes we went there last year too LOL) and one to colonial Williamsburg. With the threat of snow again this weekend I am so ready for summer time to get here!

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