We are PUPOLICIOUS hotties! (19 BFPs so far!!)

Liz and Lisa your pictures are adorable!!! Your babies are getting so big and both handsome as can be! So envious of you girls!

Emma you're 21 weeks!!!! When is your EDD? Layla is so cute. Reminds me of that song by Eric Clapton lol.

AFM I go on vacation Monday!!! Going home to visit in New York. Can't wait to see my twin nieces. Also so ready to relax. This is my 3rd week working 6 days and it's going to be mandatory for at least another month. UGHHH.

I am so thankful we all have facebook because i love to be nosey! LOL. Love seeing updates of the kiddos, etc.
Rach, enjoy your vacation and rest up, it sounds like it is well deserved!
Hi ladies,

Sorry I haven't had the chance to catch up on my reading but on a rare occasion at the PC so I thought I'd post some new pics for ya :) Hopefully will read up soon and hope you're all doing great! Miss Melina is army crawling all around the house now so I'm getting a good work out in! LOL

Majenta Easter.jpg




Is it bad that i bought little boys swimming trunks because they were New York Yankees? i bought them for myself.... how sad! LOL.
hi friends:) I have missed y'all!! Glad everyone seems to be doing well! Emma!!! I'm so happy for you!! Pinks and bows!!! Yay!!!! I want a girl sooooo bad:) my fertility appt is Tuesday! Finally! The mental break from trying has been a nice relief but now I feel I'm ready to try hard again:)
Girls- all the little ones are so sweet and precious! I can't believe how time has flown!!
Fab to hear from you Kim! How did the appt go? Do you have some kind of plan now?

Lisette, Melina is sooo cute!

How was NY Rach?
Just stopping in to say hello. Nice to see all the little ones growing fast :)
Have fun in NY Rachel
I started a new job working for canadian air transportation authority. It's pretty intense but very enjoyable at the same time. Hubby is having a hard time waiting for his work permit but at least we have a lawyer who will handle that for us.
Had my first cycle this past weekend but it may have come on because I had to go away for a week of training, I pumped but its not the same as nursing. My husband does not seem to understand how tiring it is to feed a baby from my own body and work 8 hrs a day. I am always hungry and tired and sometimes too tired to eat :( I get jelous of the time my husband gets to be with the baby and I have to be at work. The house gets messy , dinner is never made!! And any paperwork or bills are left for me to do on a day off. I love my husband but he is not cut out to be a " mom" our roles are reversed right now and it kinda sucks!! Lol but I am still happy :) especially when Ethan smiles and laughs when he sees me an refuses the bottle in favor of mommy :)
Hey crystal, good to hear from you! Sorry about dh - mine is totally the same - basically if everyone's alive when I get home from work he considers the day a success haha!! I blame his mum who was still changing his bed and tidying his room when he was 26 - I shit you not!

Sooo it's my v-day 2Moro eeeek!!
Hey crystal, good to hear from you! Sorry about dh - mine is totally the same - basically if everyone's alive when I get home from work he considers the day a success haha!! I blame his mum who was still changing his bed and tidying his room when he was 26 - I shit you not!

Sooo it's my v-day 2Moro eeeek!!

V day??? As in Valentines?
Hey crystal, good to hear from you! Sorry about dh - mine is totally the same - basically if everyone's alive when I get home from work he considers the day a success haha!! I blame his mum who was still changing his bed and tidying his room when he was 26 - I shit you not!

Sooo it's my v-day 2Moro eeeek!!

V day??? As in Valentines?

Viability day. At 24 weeks they will do everything they can to help baby should it happen to come that early.

And happy belated vday to you, mrsmoo! :happydance:
So crazy to think of our lives when we were recovering for our miscarriages to now. You can tell we all have healed a ton because of having one another. :hugs: Even though i am still childless and every day is a struggle to get pregnant, i truly am doing so much better than i was. I have my bad days, but i have more good now :)
So crazy to think of our lives when we were recovering for our miscarriages to now. You can tell we all have healed a ton because of having one another. :hugs: Even though i am still childless and every day is a struggle to get pregnant, i truly am doing so much better than i was. I have my bad days, but i have more good now :)

This is so true. I think of how far I have came in nearly 2 years. (It is hard to believe it will have been 2 years in August!) I am a completely different person and I am glad I was able to share my journey with some amazing ladies!
Heylo There! I've failed at checking in lately. Honestly my life is crazy! Between work, little man, applying and interviewing for jobs, figuring out the house nightmare, possibly building, vacation planning, prepping for camping season, and softball seasons beginning... yea... I'm beat. :)

House front- the couple buying from us were selling their house, and their buyer lost his job, creating a downward spiral... we've extended our contract with our buyers and they've relisted their house while we're hoping they sell quickly. While also showing our condo just to see if maybe we will get a quicker sale. The homeowners on the house we were buying didn't want to wait so they've cancelled our contract. So, we've decided to build instead. Any things that we should take into consideration on our new home?? We picked out the land last week and our meeting on Thursday to start on the floor plan. Eeeeekkk! Of course once that is done not much happens until we have a closing date on our condo. Depresssing.

Job front: I've scared myself away from buying the business. I'm just not willing to give up my steady paycheck and set hours with a little man and most likely another one soon enough. Yes, we are talking about #2 already. He or she would probably already be in the works if we had a house, job, freetime, the money ect... haha! I've applied to several positions with big companies in the area and today I've heard back from 2! I have a phone interview with one tomorrow, and will be setting a group interview for next week with the other. Either would be a huge change and a career jump. I think I'm ready... I think... ? :)

Little man: Is great! He's sick today though. He has a weird white spot on his top gums, is spitting up (which he hasn't done in months), getting 2 teeth, and is cranky. Poor guy! He's 28.5" and 18.5 lbs. 50% all around and pulling himself up on everything. Hasn't figured out how to crawl and gets reallllly upset about it. But, it's cute! How are all of the other little ones??!? I love seeing the photos on facebook!

Travel: We are camping this weekend for the first time. I'm so excited! Ready to get out of here-- even if it's only an hour away! Where are you all headed this summer?

That's all for me! What has everyone been up to? & Sorry I've been MIA!
Hey girls i know ive been mia been sooo busy moving in condo and cleaning storing... Ahh!!

How is everyone??
Hey girls! How's everyone doing?
My poor friend who i have been going to aqua natal with flew out to Spain to visit her dad and had some heavy bleeding and contractions ( she is 28 weeks) which thinned her cervix out, so she is on bed rest in spain till baby is born!! They said they might be able to get her a special medical flight home next week depending on her next scan.....poor thing, i would have been terrified :cry:

Afm - me and baby are growing nicely!! Still not got a name for her :shrug: i really like Scarlett but no-one else does :dohh: Oh, and she appears to like gangsta rap - ' ain't nothin but a g thing baby' :haha:
Oh Jess did you see they're making a VD spin off called 'the originals'!! Eek!
Many prayers sent your way for your friend Emma! How scary to go through all that in an unfamiliar country. I really like Scarlett. It's a beautiful name. This girl i work with has a daughter by the name of Mckinley. (mc-kin-lee). I thought it was cute! I can't believe you're 25 weeks!!! A name will come to you. Andrews sister had her baby May 1st and didn't have a name picked out for certain yet lol. She ended up naming him Oryin (o - ryan). I thought it was a real weird name but whatever.
Sorted out my mat leave today - officially starts on 22nd July but with hols I need to use up and time owing I have no shifts after 1st July!!! Eeeekkk!!!

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