Hey girls :wave: I figured i'd fill you in on me.
As you know i got my BFP on 8/19. HCG numbers went from 90 to 85 to 144 to now 24. Dr. said what he thinks happened was tissue began to grow in the beginning and then it stopped which made me spot for so long (almost a month) and also made my numbers plateau. Basically retained tissue.
After i got my blood work yesterday i started cramping and bleeding heavily. I knew the miscarriage was here. It was bittersweet. With wondering and worrying since 8/19 it was finally coming to the end. I knew things weren't going to be good, but i was hoping for a miracle. Found out things weren't headed anywhere at 6w4d and miscarried exactly 2 weeks later at 8w4d.
Dr. said no d&c is needed since i am miscarrying naturally. Also to wait 1 cycle to start TTC again. I guess i'll call when i'm ready to try again and get on Clomid. Was categorized as blighted ovum.
So here goes to trying again.... hoping for my rainbow after this healing process. So unfair. I feel so cheated and so heartbroken. I think the thing that makes me most hurt is the fact i had my first m/c in the beginning of trying and then hoping and praying i never have to go through it again. Especially since i've been trying for 23 months. Then having exactly what i was afraid of, happen again. Pisses me off, hurts, depresses me, confuses me... it's just crazy.