We are PUPOLICIOUS hotties! (19 BFPs so far!!)

Christmas is less then 3 weeks away eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Sooo happy!!!
Noooo I still have so much to doooooo!!! Tree is officially up tho, feeling festive! Xx
No worries Emma i still have over 10 people to buy presents for..which i will be doing last minute cuz i actualy love being one of those crazy last minute shoppers! I find it hard buying too soon then having to wait to actualy give the presents...DH has had to restrain me from giving Charlie hers LOL :)
Ooo and happy 8 weeks!

It's a year ago today since I got my bfp with S!
OMG congrats Jess and Liz!!!! so exciting that there is going to be another round of babies!!!
I will be 13 weeks on wed :) things seem to be going good now that we have just one baby in there, baby b and c have completely reabsorbed. We still feel a little sad when we seen twins though :(
I have to say I'm not as stressed about this pregnancy as I was with Ethan. I still worry unnecessarily about stuff but just not as much as with Ethan. I find being pre occupied with Ethan and Destiny getting ready to graduate and work helps keep my mind sane. lol
I actually got laid off from my awesome job :( and I was working at the mall just for the holiday season but now I'm off work completely due to having 2 dr appointments every two weeks and ultrasounds and other tests in between.
We have decided to opt out of the NT scan again because the drive is too risky in winter and if there is a suspected risk then we will just have to drive back for more tests and it is a 5 hr drive each way. And if we do the blood screening the results will come back high because of the loss of the other babies. so we are just going to wait until the heart scan at 23-24 weeks and ask them to look for markers at that time and if there s any concern then I will have an amnio after 24 weeks.
We have had our Christmas tree up for a few weeks . lol. but now all the decorations are all at the top of the tree because Ethan keeps pulling them off and feeding them to the dog :p
I am equipped with a 3 month supply of nausea medication but when I take it I fall asleep!!!
So my inlaws want to keep Ethan in Hawaii for a " few months" when I went there in oct for a visit , thats all they talked about !!! even there friends were in on it saying " oh you will be tired, you need a rest" they keep asking my husband if they can take him home with them when the new baby is born :( I said no way!!! he is to small and he is my baby !! I just hate how everyone thinks I'm being mean about it !!!
Ethan is now 13 months and walking every where and babbling non stop, but only seems to say momma, ba ba ( dad in vietnamese) and mumm mumm for food . lol he does understand english and vietnamese but not too interested in speaking a whole lot yet.
crap my new picture
<<<< is the wrong way .. lol
that is the photo we used to announce the pregnancy :) It is Ethan holding a present of pickles and ice cream and the caption said " Ethan's early christmas present to Mommy " and then some people did not get it so we posted a second picture of a bow on my belly and Ethan peeking under my shirt and the caption said " Mommy and Daddy's christmas present to Ethan due to arrive june 2014"
Ahh Crystal that'S awsome!! I hear u bout the nausea meds i will b most definetly getting my fix this friday at my dr app. We went to do the groceries yesterday and i kept throwing up in the parking lot. Ohhh so fun lol.

Love ur annoucement photo!! Ours will be charlie holding a present with her next sweater that says i'm going to be a big sister july 2014. It has 2 little girafes on it sooo cute!!

Ummm xmas is in 2 weeks people....2 fucking weeks eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..
God i feel like crap. I have no clue what happend on monday i was feeling fine and then all of a sudden i became so exausted i couldnt even walk up my stairs. And it's been like that ever since!! I cant hardly move without almost dragging myself on the floor. What's wrong with me??? I was never this exausted while pregnant with charlie....
I'm only a little over 6 weeks and I feel like crap! Nausea every moment of every day. This could pass any time! I know it's a great thing but man does it take a toll on you. And I'm with you Jessi- I'm so tired... alll.... theeee... timeee. Nap time??
Jesus christ Liz can i join u in a virtual collective nap right now plzzz????

I have my dr app at 3 thank god i'm gonna tell her to juice me up on the damn anti nausea meds...like now now nowwwww.

And i feel horrible that my hubby has now been sexless for almost a week LOL. I'm just to tired to get my cooch fired up 'SOB SOB SOB'
Aww girls I feel for you, it is def more tiring when you already have a lo to run round after! Is everybody set for Xmas? Jess do u get a u/s at this appt?
Nope my u/s is on jan 3rd. But she found the heartbeat right off the bat nice and strong at 165! I also got a shitttt ton of meds thank u lil sweet baby jesus which i took a huge pleasure in taking right away inside the pharmacy LOLOLOL.
So the exasution has now faded which has been fantastic. But my boobs are killin me big time :( And i keep getting the weirdest annoying twinges cramps on and off for a few mins a day...is that bizzare?
So Jessy, you're saying I only have 2 more weeks of exhaustion to look forward to? I hope that's true! Because I'm beat--- all the time! That coupled with nausea and migraines it's really all just wearing me out. However, we had our first ultrasound yesterday- a dating scan because I only had one period before finding out I was preggo. I was happy to see that I was right on with my dates- 8w3d yesterday and officially due August 7th (which is my dad's birthday). Got to see our little bean with a heart rate of 175! Technology is so cool and how they find anything on those screens is amazing to me. We plan on telling my family later this week at dinner and my husband's family on Saturday. I made "Cameron's 2013 year in review" flip books which have photos of him throughout the year and what he learned, where we visited, ect in order by date. It ends with "mommy and daddy tell me that 2014 will be even better!(flip) because I'm going to be a big brother! (flip) Baby #2 Due August 7th, 2014!" We told family at 11 weeks last time and this time I just don't feel like being patient. That being said, nothing will be on facebook until after 12 weeks.

Hope everyone had a great Christmas! and Happy New Year! We don't have anything too exciting planned. Just hanging out with some friends this evening and going for a snowmobile ride tomorrow- might as well use all this excessive snow we have!
Hey, hope everyone had a fab Xmas and new year?! How's everyone doing? Xxx
Ughh first af since before I got pg - it's kicking my arse! And I'm full of cold :-( feeling sorry for my self!

Cheer me up with baby news girls! How did the reveal go Liz?
Haha, thanks Rach, that's what i was hinting for! Once again, huge congrats xxxxx :happydance:

Jessy did you have your u/s? Do you have pics? How was disneyworld?

I'm happy to say that I only had one AF between getting pregnant for Cam and getting pregnant again! Here's too another 2 years or so without it!!

The reveal went really well. I think everyone expressed how surprised they were that we are having two so close together- I personally don't think 2 years apart is out of the ordinary... and I have no idea where they got the idea that we would be waiting... dunno!

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