We are PUPOLICIOUS hotties! (19 BFPs so far!!)

Hi Ladies!

Hope the somewhat newly preggers on here are feeling ok!! Jess - you still have crazy MS??

I'm joining the preggo bandwagon again - hopefully for another 36 weeks this time!! I attached photos of tests - from top to bottom is Sunday, Monday and Today - I was pretty nervous yesterday it hadn't gotten any darker but feel a bit better today now that the line is getting more defined. AF is due tomorrow and boobs are nice and sore so I'm hopeful!! :)


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Good for u Rach on making it official! I know how exctiing it is to make the announcement and i honestly believe that u have nothing to worry about pregnancy wise! Weird right for ur sister?? Guess it was meant to be.

Lindz i think those tests look fab chica!! Definetly getting nice and darker. Especialy considering ur not late yet period wise.

Liz it just seems like it flew by so fast getting here to the 16 week point and now that the gender scan is right around the corner it's sooooooo slow booooooooooo!!!!!!!!!
Hi Ladies!

Hope the somewhat newly preggers on here are feeling ok!! Jess - you still have crazy MS??

I'm joining the preggo bandwagon again - hopefully for another 36 weeks this time!! I attached photos of tests - from top to bottom is Sunday, Monday and Today - I was pretty nervous yesterday it hadn't gotten any darker but feel a bit better today now that the line is getting more defined. AF is due tomorrow and boobs are nice and sore so I'm hopeful!! :)

Congrats! :happydance: At how many DPO did you start testing? I am 7 DPO and going slightly crazy but want to hold off for as long as possible to avoid unecessary BFNs!
I started at 7DPO but first very faint positive was Sunday at 10DPO. I use the cheapie tests so I'm not sure if they show up sooner or later than other tests but if I squinted really hard on 9DPO in the evening I could kind of see the line but didn't definitely see it until FMU 10DPO (top test in the pic). I think the earliest I've ever gotten a positive test is 10DPO thinking back! I couldn't help myself, haha! Good luck! I'll check back in on you! :)
Thanks hun! I was thinking of starting with cheapies around Thursday or Friday so 9 or 10 DPO. I am tired of seeing BFNs so I would rather fight the urge and wait. I will let everyone know! Wishing you a happy and healthy "36 weeks" ;)
Yea! Congrats! I love coming on here and seeing great news!

And Go ahead- make it facebook official! It's so exciting to be able to share the news with people. Congrats to your sister too! It's actually nice to have someone you are close with (assuming you are) to share it all with. She will understand your moans, groans, excitement and cravings. My sister is 7 weeks ahead of me this time (last time she was 15 weeks ahead- but her little man was 10 days late and mine was 1 week early so there are only 13ish weeks between them). So we've gotten to share both pregnancy together and are currently both craving Starburst. So random! But, so delicious!
That's so awesome Liz! How ironic you and your sister both were/are prego together! I bet it does help that you can relate to one another! :) I hope you get a little girl. Your family will be complete!

Kristen i hope you get your BFP! Then you and Lindsay (confusedprego) will be bump buddies for October!! WOOHOO!! Of course we all will be though :thumbup:

My BBs have been a little bit more sore than usual the last 2 days (YAY, FINALLY!). The moment i say this though, it will disappear. GAH. Boob check *squeezes boobs*... yup still sore. :haha:

I love when i bump into people now and they say Congrats. I hate hiding good things from people. So happy i told everyone already. I'm too excited to keep it in! Lots of people say the picture looks great and the beanster looks healthy. I sure hope so!
I think it means even more to make it official since u've had losses and been trying so long. Now u can finaly jmup on the I'M PREGNANT bandwagon and go crazyyyyyyyyyyyy LOL. 8 weeks tomorrow that's amazing Rach!! Do u have any kind of i think it's either pink or blue?? I'm guessing girl for u. Dunno why lately it feels like it's lil mini vaginee's all around so. I think i'm growing one hihihi. But hey not long to go now to get the real confirmation of what's what so s'all good.

Do u have ur next us booked? Dr app? Deets deets deets!!!

I'm feeling pretty good today. It's finaly getting hotter up in here lol. About damn time all this freezing cold and frostbite warnings have been a goddamn pain in the ass...
Jessi I looked at the weather and it's still not supposed to hit 30 degrees (F) here for at least another 10 days and I am seriously depressed! Thankfully there is only 11 days until Florida and it had better be sunny and gorgeous the whole time we are there! I need warmth! It's been like living in the arctic!

Rach- I'm glad you told everyone and it's always great to have the support of some many people! I'm almost hoping this beany is a boy because I don't know that I want to stop at 2, and if it's a girl I'm sure my hubby will... :-(
It's funny we'Ve always said we wanted 2. Then we had Charlie and are open for a 3rd. But it depends on how it goes with 2 kids if we arent stark raving loony toons by maybe 2 years we'd prob try for another. But once again it very much depends lol. 3 kids is $$$ and time consuming and just...kinda scares me at this point LOL. Another 9 months of being sick and feeling ooky...and then juggling it all...ya like i said we're open to it but i'm not sure if it will happen LOL.

I wish it was friday already....we have an awsome weekend planned and i just want to get it started..
Liz I feel the same way! I'd love 3 kids and somewhere in there get one of each!

I think I'm having a boy. Everyone has said girl but im thinking not lol. I just have had this feeling for years I'd have a boy first!
Don't get me wrong, the thought of three I find terrifying! We would need bigger vehicles and sharing bedrooms... just more challenging. But the next two would be farther apart in age because at least one would need to be in school to afford it :)

But I like at least having the option!
I agree! Andrew and i were thinking of trying again in about 2 years for baby #2. If we end up getting the same gender again, we were going to try again, but not for a few more years after. Maybe like 3-4?
Trust me Rach if i've learnt anything is that sometimes sticking to 'THE PLAN' doesnt at all work out like u want it to lol. I never in a million years thought i'd get preg this early this time. I swear to god i still have no idea how it happend. I mean i know...but i dont know LOL.

As for the addition of a 3rd debate i'd definetly wait 2 years this time...if i have to get a goddamn lock down on my vagina mark my words I WILL DO IT!!!!

On another note it's motherfucking fridayyyyyyyyyyy. We're going skating tonight and imma eat me some beaver tails!!
sounds yummy jess!!!

man I can't help but worry constant. I had pink spotting this morning. it's gone now. no cramps or anything. i feel like my symptoms have disappeared for the last 24 hrs. I cant stop worrying. how the hell do u girls do it?! I am driving myself crazy
U pretty much have to tell yourself over worrying at this point will only be negative for u. It will drive u crazy but wont change anything u know? When is ur next dr app? The fact that ur bean is growing very nicely and that u saw the heartbeat is a very good thing.

Pink spotting is absolutly normal. I had some with this preg and some when i was preg with charlie. With charlie i'd get these weird uterus pains like a very pressure or bruising. It's the the baby borrowing in deeper and growing completly normal.
I hope so Jess. freaks me out too that my ticker didn't move to 8 weeks today. pisses me off!!
I just called dr and he isnt in today but another dr is. so im going at 1130 to make sure things are okay.

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