We are PUPOLICIOUS hotties! (19 BFPs so far!!)

So happy for you Rach! What fab news! And what a gorgeous beanie you have there.
Awww Rach I cant even tell you how happy I am for you :-D You are gonnna be a glowing bride in a few weeks eeeekkk! Xxxx
Thanks girls!!!!!! I am super excited! I just pray dr appt goes good later. I don't see why it wouldn't. I'll let y'all know how it goes! Man i am just soo excited!!!!!!!
Coulndn't happen to a nicer person :) I told ya your turn would come sweetie and I'm soooo happy to be here virtually celebrating for ya :hugs:
Congrats! And Rach I'm happy to hear all is well. I'm sure your afternoon apt will be full of good news!
doctor said I have a bleed in the placenta which caused the spotting. he said it isn't abnormal but as long as it doesnt get real bad then things should be okay otherwise that results in miscarriage. .my pprogesterone level was low at 14.6 dr said that is a grey area so he wants to put me on supplements. my insurance won't cover it and would be $450. so im waiting for my dr office to fax them back for a generic. he said as of now baby is healthy and perfect size.
Super duper excited for u Rach!!! I think that is one gorgeous lil jelly belly u got growing there :)
Lisette is that your house that you are selling that's On fb?? Why the heck do you want to move, it's amazing!! Wish we had big beautiful houses like that here, they're all so tiny! Xx
hahaha I saw Lisette's post and was like--- I'd buy that! It's gorgeous.... maybe you should come decorate my house!?
Holy sweet all that is holy it's already thursday!!!!!!!!! Eeeeeeeeeee the week has just flown right by thank god for that!!

Plans this weekend??? Weirdest thing ever i'm craving sausages! Like not...my hubby's bratwurst (teeeeeeeeeeheeee) but actualy sausages. And the spicier the freakin better! There is a butchers shop here called the sausage kitchen with over 30 different kinds of fresh sausages and i thnk i might pick some up for dinner tonight! And eat that with some delicious poutine mhhhmmmm..
Hi Ladies,

Hopefully I am doing this right! Haven't been on the site for a while.

I miscarried on January 14, 2014. I bled for 8 days and we started BDing, 3 days after bleeding stopped. I do not use OPK's or temp and I was just curious on what CD right after a miscarriage did you receive your BFP? The reason I was asking for CD is because I'm not sure when/if I ovulated. I also started my first CD with the first day bleeding from miscarriage. I also had some spotting (few hours, light pink) on CD 17, when wiping and just quarter sized on pad (sorry, tmi). Possibly implantation bleeding, if O'ed 3 days after I stopped bleeding? My breasts have also been VERY VERY sore the last few days. Any info would be greatly appreciated!

BTW: Went in Monday (2.3.14) and HCG levels were negative. 2 weeks prior to that, I was at a 12 (3 days after bleeding stopped).
Hi Adav! First of all my name is Jessy (obv by my screen name lol) and would like to welcome u to a group of the most amazing suportive women u shall meet. I'm so sorry for your loss i know how hard it is and how much u just feel like u want to do everything in ur power to get pregnant as fast as possible. I also want to assure u that there is no such thing as TMI plz feel free to share with us we will not be shocked about details trust me on that.

As for my bfp i had my mc at the end of august 2011 and had 3 very wonky cycles where i couldnt even tell when i was ovulating and etc. In feb 2012 i bought my first try of clearblue digital ovulation moniter and got my bfp at 11 dpo end of feb. During that cycle i had the weirdest spotting at 8 and 9 dpo. I was pretty sure i was out of the game and then got my bfp!

There is most definetly tons of hope and i am sure you will conceive a very healthy beany in no time!! Do not hesitate to share any of ur fears with us we are most definetly there for u hunny!!
Hi Jessy, thanks for welcoming me! My name is Alyse. I am 26 and already have 2 beautiful boys, but we were hoping to get a little girl. It has been rough since the mc, but I love reading positive stories to keep me going :) I hope I get to read more stories about BFP's on this thread!
Of course u will!! This has been a really lucky thread that we've had going for 2 and half years now...wow already.

I have 1 daughter who is 15 months and am now preg with number 2 which was a complete suprise since we hadnt been planning on it for another 6 months lol. Ohh well i guess when it is meant to happen there is nothing u can do about it huh?

Everyone on here has had their fair share of struggles so u are not alone in any way!
I have a 7 year old and my second son will be 1 on Saturday!! Can't believe it, time sure does fly. It took me 3.5 years to get pregnant with my second which is why I am so anxious to try right away because you never know how long it will take. I also heard women are more fertile after a mc. FX'd for a healthy bubs for you!
Hi There! Welcome, and sorry for your loss!
I'm Liz, 26, I have an 18 month old little man and i'm 14 weeks pregnant with #2. Like Jessy, we were planning to start trying again so I got off birth control because between that and BF I hadn't gotten a period--one period then boom! pregnant! :)

The first time I was pregnant I had a M/C and it was only 26 days from the start of the M/C bleeding to getting another BF! Now that rainbow is 18months! It was unexpected and very welcomed! I had bloodwork in the weeks after my M/C and within a few days (still bleeding) my number went back to 0 so I knew there was a chance but really did not expect the positive so soon. If I hadn't had bloodwork to prove a 0 level I don't know that I would have believed that pregnancy test.
Ahh Liz i got my stoopid period the month after giving birth even tho i was bf. Just goes to show how everyone can be so different body and hormone wise.

How r u feeling?? The strangest thing i m feeling fat...in my vajayjay LOLOLOL freakkyyyyyy
Ohh Alyse (can i call u Aly? I'm very big on nicknames lol) just a heads up we are very..forward..with all things that can sometimes be considered tmi. Hence the we do not believe in such a thing called TMI.

So prepare yourself to read things about u know...vaginas and sex and etc etc LOL :) :) But it is all in good fun.
Hi themarshas! Thank you for sharing your story! Congrats on your new pregnancy! This gives me hope that I may be able to get my BFP this month :) Did you have any weird spotting or signs that you were pregnant after mc and before your BFP?
I'm myself am very open, but didn't want to offend anyone, so I'm definitely OK with that..HAHA! You can call me Aly if you prefer! It is closer to the names that people try to pronounce when trying to say my name..ha!

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