Welcome to the 'Two Week Wait'

This TWW is taking forever!!! I'm on CD22 and FF just changed my ovulation day because I've had SUPER high temperatures the past 3 days (They're almost as high as they were when I was pregnant). Now it says I'm 6dpo, but I'm pretty sure I'm 8dpo. We'll see if AF shows up. I don't know if my temps are up because I've got a touch of the sniffles or for some other reason. I'm also EXHAUSTED, but I'm chalking that up to a crazy work week. I have an interview tomorrow for a promotion, so I'm freaking out about that. I can't wait to just relax on Friday afternoon!
Good luck with the interview Sarah Anne.

Ok, im 16dpo 2 days over my missed period been spotting for five days (unusual for me) I took a hpt and to my shock there is a faint line on the test, it is only an asda brand, i just thought i would take it as i had shooting pains in one of my boobs, and thought what the heck!

I feel crazy right now, i really hope it is xxx

I dont want to get my hopes up, so im going to do another one in the morning, you can see it from far away aswell, but like i said its very faint, and husband said he hadnt seen one like this before xx
Hi guys! This is my first post on here- we have been ttc for over a year now and I'm going crazy!! I ovulated on 10th dec and used a clearblue easy test today and of course it was bfn!! Aaah!! I was sure this was our month I know it's still early to test but I'm getting tell tale signs that af is on her way and struggling to keep positive! Is anyone in a similar boat?! I've read a lot about clomid and preseed- what are these and are they worth trying? Is first response better than clearblue? Thinking about when to test again...

I look forward to getting to know u guys and hope we all get our bfp's soon!!

This TWW is taking forever!!! I'm on CD22 and FF just changed my ovulation day because I've had SUPER high temperatures the past 3 days (They're almost as high as they were when I was pregnant). Now it says I'm 6dpo, but I'm pretty sure I'm 8dpo. We'll see if AF shows up. I don't know if my temps are up because I've got a touch of the sniffles or for some other reason. I'm also EXHAUSTED, but I'm chalking that up to a crazy work week. I have an interview tomorrow for a promotion, so I'm freaking out about that. I can't wait to just relax on Friday afternoon!
Sarah thats triphastic! I told ya your pregnant!:baby:
Hi guys! This is my first post on here- we have been ttc for over a year now and I'm going crazy!! I ovulated on 10th dec and used a clearblue easy test today and of course it was bfn!! Aaah!! I was sure this was our month I know it's still early to test but I'm getting tell tale signs that af is on her way and struggling to keep positive! Is anyone in a similar boat?! I've read a lot about clomid and preseed- what are these and are they worth trying? Is first response better than clearblue? Thinking about when to test again...

I look forward to getting to know u guys and hope we all get our bfp's soon!!

Hi, I am Keri I have been ttc forever, its not that I don't know how LOL I have endo which makes it a bit tougher! Clomid I took before it makes you make more eggs. Which is good if ya want more than 1 baby! LOL....Preseed is a lubricant to help with getting the Spermies a better swimming environment..I used that to, I have tried everything, But I realized this month I have been Bding on day 14 every month for 5 years! I don't ovulate then because I have a 22 day cycle, so I have missed it every time! So this month I hope is my month I am BDing every day! and I am making sure we catch that egg! Welcome we have some very nice ladies on here full of advice, some don't answer right away but usually within a couple hours huh ladies LOL~
This TWW is taking forever!!! I'm on CD22 and FF just changed my ovulation day because I've had SUPER high temperatures the past 3 days (They're almost as high as they were when I was pregnant). Now it says I'm 6dpo, but I'm pretty sure I'm 8dpo. We'll see if AF shows up. I don't know if my temps are up because I've got a touch of the sniffles or for some other reason. I'm also EXHAUSTED, but I'm chalking that up to a crazy work week. I have an interview tomorrow for a promotion, so I'm freaking out about that. I can't wait to just relax on Friday afternoon!
Sarah thats triphastic! I told ya your pregnant!:baby:

God I hope so! I've been feeling so off this week. I can't seem to get comfortable and I'm getting headaches, but can't take anything! Bah!

Good luck with your new BD plan! Keep in mind that even if you BD every day, you only have about a 25% chance of conceiving, so you may need to try it for a few months. Catch that egg and get that BFP!
Forgot to mention that I have felt "feverish" every night this week. I have a touch of the sniffles, but nothing that should be elevating my temperature this much!
This TWW is taking forever!!! I'm on CD22 and FF just changed my ovulation day because I've had SUPER high temperatures the past 3 days (They're almost as high as they were when I was pregnant). Now it says I'm 6dpo, but I'm pretty sure I'm 8dpo. We'll see if AF shows up. I don't know if my temps are up because I've got a touch of the sniffles or for some other reason. I'm also EXHAUSTED, but I'm chalking that up to a crazy work week. I have an interview tomorrow for a promotion, so I'm freaking out about that. I can't wait to just relax on Friday afternoon!
Sarah thats triphastic! I told ya your pregnant!:baby:

God I hope so! I've been feeling so off this week. I can't seem to get comfortable and I'm getting headaches, but can't take anything! Bah!

Good luck with your new BD plan! Keep in mind that even if you BD every day, you only have about a 25% chance of conceiving, so you may need to try it for a few months. Catch that egg and get that BFP!
how did the world get so over populated with that percentage? LOL:dohh:
Good luck with the interview Sarah Anne.

Ok, im 16dpo 2 days over my missed period been spotting for five days (unusual for me) I took a hpt and to my shock there is a faint line on the test, it is only an asda brand, i just thought i would take it as i had shooting pains in one of my boobs, and thought what the heck!

I feel crazy right now, i really hope it is xxx

I dont want to get my hopes up, so im going to do another one in the morning, you can see it from far away aswell, but like i said its very faint, and husband said he hadnt seen one like this before xx

Wahooo Charps! can you post the pic? Post it in the morning, k? Hope this is your BFP!!!
Thanks Wendy

I tested this morning and got BFP, its faint, i took a picture on my phone and have no idea how to post it, so any fool proof instructions would be great. I cant believe it!!!! xxxx
Thanks Wendy

I tested this morning and got BFP, its faint, i took a picture on my phone and have no idea how to post it, so any fool proof instructions would be great. I cant believe it!!!! xxxx

OK email it to me I will post it I know how,
Or you can do it, you have to send it to your email from your phone,
then once you get it open it and save it. Then put it in photo bucket
once its in photo bucket there are 3 codes under the pictures
copy the last code then paste the code it in here, or just email it to me I will do it!:thumbup:[email protected]
Okey Dokey, so I have the real clear Stretchy Ew...But when will my OPK light up? It stretches across the fingers, and its clear! Temp this morning was the lowest, 97.2.
So does this mean I am going to Ovulate today? Or I could at anytime???? And this OPK should turn + today right???? My Ovulation Chart
I was doing some reading this morning about ovulating early!!!!!!!!!! LOL THESE GIRLS EWWWWWW
Various tests have been described to measure ovarian reserve. In the past, the commonest test used was one which measures the level of FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) in the blood - the basal (day 3) FSH level. A high level suggests poor ovarian reserve; and a very high level (more than 20 mIU/ml, though this varies from lab to lab ) is diagnostic of ovarian failure. A test that can provide earlier evidence of declining ovarian function is the clomiphene citrate challenge test (CCCT). This is similar to a " stress test " of the ovary; and involves measuring a basal Day 3 FSH level; and a Day 10 FSH level, after administering 100 mg of clomiphene citrate from Day 5 to Day 9. If the sum of the FSH levels is more than 25, then this suggests poor ovarian function, and predicts that the woman is likely to have a poor ovarian response (she will most probably grow few eggs, of poor quality) when superovulated. Remember that a high FSH level does not mean that you cannot get pregnant - it just means that your chances are dropping because your egg quality is impaired.

Some women find it difficult to understand why FSH levels are high in women with poor quality eggs. Intuitively, more is better, so higher levels should mean better eggs, shouldn't it? As one patient asked me, " If FSH stands for Follicle Stimulating Hormone, and I have high levels of FSH, then doesn't that mean that I have the ability to stimulate lots of follicles? A high FSH should mean that I should have lots of eggs ! " I had to explain the basic biology to her. Normally , FSH is produced by the pituitary, and this is the hormone which is responsible for the growth of the egg from the ovary every month. In young women with lots of good quality eggs, low levels of FSH are enough to grow the eggs. However, as the woman grows older and egg quality and quantity decline, the pituitary needs to produce more and more FSH to stimulate egg growth, because the FSH has to work harder to stimulate egg growth.

It's also useful to check your FSH:LH ratio. A normal FSH:LH ratio is 1. However, if your FSH level is much higher than your LH level, then this suggests poor ovarian reserve.

It's also a good idea to test your estradiol (E2) level on Day 3 at the time you check your FSH level. A high E2 level can artificially suppress the FSH back to normal, thus lulling you into a false sense of security. However , a high E2 level suggests poor ovarian reserve.

Another test which has been recently developed is the measurement of the level of the hormone AMH , in the blood. Low levels of AMH (which is produced by " good " follicles) suggest a poor ovarian reserve. However, just because a test result is normal does not mean that the quality or number of the eggs produced will be good - the final proof of the pudding is always in the eating ! This is why one of the most useful ways of making a diagnosis of poor ovarian reserve is when the patient gives a history of responding poorly to medications used for superovulation in the past.

Along with using biochemical tests to assess ovarian function, we can use biophysical markers to test these too. These biophysical tests use ultrasound technology to image the ovaries and the follicles. The most useful test is called an antral follicle count (AFC) , in which the doctor counts the number of antral follicles (also referred to as resting follicles) present in the ovary on Day 3 using vaginal ultrasound scanning. Antral follicles are small follicles , usually about 2-8 mm in diameter. The number of antral follicles correlates well with ovarian response. A normal total antral count is between 15 and 30. If the count is less than 6, the prognosis is poor. You can read more about the antral follicle count and see ultrasound images of these at the www.advancedfertility.com website . The volume of the ovaries also correlates with ovarian response. The volume of each ovary is calculated using the formula (length x width x height x 0.5 ) and the normal ovarian volume of both ovaries combined is 10 ml. Women with small ovaries (volume of less than 4 ml) have a poor ovarian response.
Ovarian Fertility Potential pmol/L ng/mL
Optimal Fertility 28.6 - 48.5 4.0 - 6.8
Satisfactory Fertility 15.7 - 28.6 2.2 - 4.0
Low Fertility 2.2 - 15.7 0.3 - 2.2
Very Low / undetectable 0.0 - 2.2 0.0 - 0.3
High Level > 48.5 > 6.8
Okey Dokey, so I have the real clear Stretchy Ew...But when will my OPK light up? It stretches across the fingers, and its clear! Temp this morning was the lowest, 97.2.
So does this mean I am going to Ovulate today? Or I could at anytime???? And this OPK should turn + today right???? My Ovulation Chart
I was doing some reading this morning about ovulating early!!!!!!!!!! LOL THESE GIRLS EWWWWWW

You could ovulate at any time. It may not be today, but it will be soon if you've got the EWCM going on. BD!!! Go get it!! ;)

Yeah, so it turns out that the day DH pulled out was the day of ov. I could kick him right now. Stupid WTT. And so, I'm pretty convinced that there's no way I'm going to get a BFP this month...or any month until March. Sigh. But I'm here for you ladies! I'm going to be stalking and waiting in the wings so I can cheer when you get your BFPs!! :) :happydance: I'm hoping it's going to be soon!
Charps, congratulations! Wow! x x

Sarah Anne, fingers still crossed... I really hope this is it for you!

Ladies, I need a wee bit of input/encouragement. Yesterday I had more ewcm than ever this month, so I am convinced that I hadn't O'd yet. So I went about my day, la-dee-da, planning on BDing in the evening... and I fell asleep! Ahhhhhhhh. Darn it :(. DH and I had BD'ed the two nights before... but I think I missed the 'best' day. Is there still a chance I could have cought the lucky egg? ;) x x
Charps, congratulations! Wow! x x

Sarah Anne, fingers still crossed... I really hope this is it for you!

Ladies, I need a wee bit of input/encouragement. Yesterday I had more ewcm than ever this month, so I am convinced that I hadn't O'd yet. So I went about my day, la-dee-da, planning on BDing in the evening... and I fell asleep! Ahhhhhhhh. Darn it :(. DH and I had BD'ed the two nights before... but I think I missed the 'best' day. Is there still a chance I could have cought the lucky egg? ;) x x

Totally. Don't forget that sperm can live up to 5 days, so your egg can still be fertilized by some of the ones that are waiting around in there from the nights before ov. I would also BD today, since the egg can live up to 24 hours. I hope you catch it this month!! :)
I told my husband noand if's or buts EVERYDAY! I don't care if it's in the morning
afternoon at night he is like OKAY~We did BD last night tho..
I have a tilted uterus, alot of women can feel if their cervix is open
sometimes its hard for me the hole points up!
Hey Keriwak, ive emailed it to you, thank you xx you sound like you have a good husband! catch that eggy x

And yeah sperm can live for a few days Posey, so you maybe in luck ;)

I just read somewhere that people are having trouble getting (paid) maternity leave once they get their BFPs and know about when they'll need leave...Please ladies, if you get your BFP, make sure to arrange it so that you can have time off with you LO and get paid for it. And make sure your insurance covers what you need!

Someone posted some helpful information.... Making sure leave is covered
Hi Keriwak - thanks for your message :)

Aw I'm sorry you are having a tough time ttc - it's such a nightmare why can't things just happen?!! Oh I bet you will get ur bfp soon then if u are BD-ing on the right days now :) Best of luck to u hun- keep us updated :)

I'm pretty sure I'm out this month feeling as if af is coming :( Due on 25th

Thanks for the explanations.

Good luck to everyone :)


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