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GIRLS LOOKAT MY TEMP....My Ovulation Chart

Did you sleep in? Are you getting a cold? It's odd that you still don't have an ovulation day pinpointed on your chart. I don't know how to explain your increased temp today. :?
My AF was due yesterday, but she didn't show and there's still no sign of her this morning. I'm going to wait until tomorrow to test as I'm afraid AF will show up today. I haven't really had any real cramps though. I usually have cramps from the day before AF that are pretty constant. All I've gotten are some twinges here and there and they're very infrequent.

I don't know if I'm late because I'm pregnant or because this is my first cycle after my miscarriage. I'm not sure what to do or what's going on...
My AF was due yesterday, but she didn't show and there's still no sign of her this morning. I'm going to wait until tomorrow to test as I'm afraid AF will show up today. I haven't really had any real cramps though. I usually have cramps from the day before AF that are pretty constant. All I've gotten are some twinges here and there and they're very infrequent.

I don't know if I'm late because I'm pregnant or because this is my first cycle after my miscarriage. I'm not sure what to do or what's going on...

Good luck Sarah! fingers crossed for you! it sounds pretty hopeful! I am 11DPO and I've had 4 days of sore breasts (more than usual as my cycles are pretty short and usually only get 2 days of sore breasts)... My AF is probably going to show Sunday or Monday (my luteal phase tends to be only 12 days)... but I'm hoping this may work this time? Tested with a cheapie this morning but BFN...but I know it's only 11DPO. We'll see! After 10 years of trying I would be floored if it actually happened!
Good luck and waiting to hear your good news and everyone out there for a record breaking # of BFP's!!!!:happydance:
That pink thermometer from walgreens has been way way off, now I have a $25 vicks digital, I woke up and temp was 98.5 big difference! I knew that was wrong I never get temps that low. I read like 10 blogs of girls reporting with this same thermometer their temps were 97.33 like mine...
No I did'nt sleep in same time, actually slept in a tank top and my puppy knocked all the blankets off the bed, I thought for sure my temp was gonna be low today! I know I ovulated I felt it, and I had alot of ew even had spotting with the ew, so I know I did...I always do, It was the therm
Sarah that chart shows pregnancy all over it, you are driving me nuts, will you go pee on that stick and get it over with! Your killing me......I know you are...
Your chart screams it and you missed af!
If I did ovulate when I think I did, if I acheived PG
10 days after they say you get a dip which is implantation
then a big rise, so hopefully thats what I got!
Sarah that chart shows pregnancy all over it, you are driving me nuts, will you go pee on that stick and get it over with! Your killing me......I know you are...
Your chart screams it and you missed af!
If I did ovulate when I think I did, if I acheived PG
10 days after they say you get a dip which is implantation
then a big rise, so hopefully thats what I got!

I had two discarded temps from the past two days. I converted one because I didn't temp in the same place. Before I converted it though, if I didn't discard it, it changed my ovulation day from 16 to 27, so now I'm worried that AF is "late" because I ovulated late due to my miscarriage. Gonna go out this afternoon and get some HPTs.

Does anyone think that I actually ovulated on CD27? Can you look at my chart and see what you think? It's crazy that 0.1 degrees of difference can move my ovulation day 11 days forward!
Hi, I'm new so please don't attack me if I've posted in the wrong place :') haha. Well, basically. I'm 18 so obviously not really TTC but recent events have made me realise I'd actually really like a baby *-* even at this age. I know it's not ideal but y'know. So basically, me and my DB were dtd the other week (19th of December) and the condom split and we didn't do anything about it (it's happened before and we got the morning after pill) but I'm not sure why we didn't do anything this time. Anyway, everything was normal until this morning (30th) when I had what I believe was implantation bleeding (and minor cramps). This stopped by the afternoon. My period's really regular and isn't due until at least the 7th of January. What does everyone think?

:hi: Welcome to the TWW! I hope yours goes the way you want it to! It sounds like there's a real chance! I guess I would wait it out and see if your period shows up on time or not. But try not to stress too much about it. It will happen if it's meant to happen. :) Are you going to start trying next cycle if it doesn't work out?

Hello ladies!!! This is my first time ever posting on a thread. I have always searched tww symptoms and all that good stuff, but never posted. Dh and I have been ttc for 4 and 1/2 years, I have mild endometriosis and had surgery twice to remove it along with cysts on my ovaries. The last surgery was in October. We did 2 IUI's before the surgery with no luck, and now I'm in the tww on the second IUI after surgery. Today I am 7 dpiui and have some weird things going on with my body. On 3 dpo I started to spot light pink and since then have had brown spotting, which lightly appears on a pantyliner. Been feeling gassy and bloated as well. Anyone have anything like happen to them?

:hi: Welcome to the TWW!

I haven't had anything like that, except I have been gassy and bloated forever. :haha: But, I hope this is a great sign for you!! Maybe it's implantation bleeding. I've heard that it can last a few days and be mistaken for a period. Keep us posted! :)
That pink thermometer from walgreens has been way way off, now I have a $25 vicks digital, I woke up and temp was 98.5 big difference! I knew that was wrong I never get temps that low. I read like 10 blogs of girls reporting with this same thermometer their temps were 97.33 like mine...
No I did'nt sleep in same time, actually slept in a tank top and my puppy knocked all the blankets off the bed, I thought for sure my temp was gonna be low today! I know I ovulated I felt it, and I had alot of ew even had spotting with the ew, so I know I did...I always do, It was the therm

So you think you don't have ovulation pinpointed because of that thermometer...hmmm. Did it break in the middle of your cycle or are all your temps off? Now that you mention it, I do remember some other ladies complaining about the Walgreen's thermometer. Good thing you've got another one now.

I think FF will give you crosshairs tomorrow, if your temps stay high, I hope you BD on CD17! Just in case!! But, I guess I would go with when you think you ovulated in trying to figure out when AF is coming, since your thermometer was off, but I would keep the fact that you might have ovulated late in mind, so you won't go crazy waiting for AF, like I am. ;) Keeping my fingers crossed for you!! :)
Sarah that chart shows pregnancy all over it, you are driving me nuts, will you go pee on that stick and get it over with! Your killing me......I know you are...
Your chart screams it and you missed af!
If I did ovulate when I think I did, if I acheived PG
10 days after they say you get a dip which is implantation
then a big rise, so hopefully thats what I got!

I had two discarded temps from the past two days. I converted one because I didn't temp in the same place. Before I converted it though, if I didn't discard it, it changed my ovulation day from 16 to 27, so now I'm worried that AF is "late" because I ovulated late due to my miscarriage. Gonna go out this afternoon and get some HPTs.

Does anyone think that I actually ovulated on CD27? Can you look at my chart and see what you think? It's crazy that 0.1 degrees of difference can move my ovulation day 11 days forward!

Thanks for the breathing clarification...I was thinking "Am I doing it wrong?" "Is this a new way to temp that I don't know about?" and so I figured I would throw it out there. lol. ;)

I don't think you ovulated on CD27. I think FF moved it there because of the dip at 7DPO and the three temps that are a bit lower after that. But looking at it, I'm sure that you ovulated CD 16. There's a pretty clear temperature shift and your fertility signs are right around that time. You didn't get any fertile CM around CD27, did you? If you said it changed it to CD18, I'd say, okay, maybe. But CD27? That seems a little drastic.

Are you going to test today? Or are you still saving it for New Year's Day? Here's me hoping so hard that you get your BFP!! :)
Sarah that chart shows pregnancy all over it, you are driving me nuts, will you go pee on that stick and get it over with! Your killing me......I know you are...
Your chart screams it and you missed af!
If I did ovulate when I think I did, if I acheived PG
10 days after they say you get a dip which is implantation
then a big rise, so hopefully thats what I got!

I had two discarded temps from the past two days. I converted one because I didn't temp in the same place. Before I converted it though, if I didn't discard it, it changed my ovulation day from 16 to 27, so now I'm worried that AF is "late" because I ovulated late due to my miscarriage. Gonna go out this afternoon and get some HPTs.

Does anyone think that I actually ovulated on CD27? Can you look at my chart and see what you think? It's crazy that 0.1 degrees of difference can move my ovulation day 11 days forward!

Thanks for the breathing clarification...I was thinking "Am I doing it wrong?" "Is this a new way to temp that I don't know about?" and so I figured I would throw it out there. lol. ;)

I don't think you ovulated on CD27. I think FF moved it there because of the dip at 7DPO and the three temps that are a bit lower after that. But looking at it, I'm sure that you ovulated CD 16. There's a pretty clear temperature shift and your fertility signs are right around that time. You didn't get any fertile CM around CD27, did you? If you said it changed it to CD18, I'd say, okay, maybe. But CD27? That seems a little drastic.

Are you going to test today? Or are you still saving it for New Year's Day? Here's me hoping so hard that you get your BFP!! :)

Haha. No, I've just been SUPER congested for a while now. I got a cold from my niece and I can't seem to shake it.

I think the dip at 7dpo may have been a fluke, but I can't remember why.

I didn't have any fertile CM around CD27 at all. When I originally put in my temps for CD 15-17, it said that I ovulated at CD14 and then when my temp kept going up, it changed it to CD16.

I'm going to test tomorrow morning if AF still isn't here. I haven't had ANY cramps at all today. I was thinking that AF might show up today, but I haven't even had any twinges.

I can't imagine how I'll feel if I get a BFP tomorrow morning. I've heard that you're more fertile after a miscarriage, but I never thought that it would happen right away, especially since we weren't really "trying" this month - we just BD'd whenever we actually felt like it.

How are you doing? Has AF shown up yet?
I'm so addicted to this site and looking for your results!!

I feel major ovulation cramps and wondering if I will get a bfp opk tomorrow or Monday. This morning and yesterday were both negative.

As I felt this way in my stomach last ovulation and during the 2ww (Dec) and I felt it in the 2ww in Nov (that was the month I was totally convinced I was preg) and I only ever felt this way once before which was the 2ww where I conceived my first - I'm now wondering if that "feeling" was just ovulation feelings and if maybe I never ovulated before inbetween. Or nearly did but just didn't get there. But whatever it is I am sure I'm going to ovulate with this feeling in my tum! So BD,BD,BD into the new year!

Happy new year everyone :)
Thanks for the welcome DBZ34:flower:
Well, this morning I went to the restroom and It was like a full on period, it's only day 21 of my cycle and I'm pretty regular between 26-28 days. Last month the doctor had me on prometrium which made my cycle come a week late, since I didn't do the prometrium this round, I'm thinking it just messed me up :cry:
The doctor had me go to the lab yesterday to check my progesterone level, and I messages her all this info, so let's see what she has to say. Sad thing is hubby doesn't want to expel his swimmers in a cup anymore for the iui and that scares me because the doctor told us that our best chance of conceiving is the first 6 months after surgery. I'm just so tired of all this and cant wait for the day to get a BFP
Sarah, I think you are right on track, looks like you ovulated on CD 16. Test, test,test! I am dying!!!

Keri, I am thinking you just ovulated on CD 17-you had a temp dip and watery CM that day. Your temp started to rise after that, and a definite rise today. See if your temp keeps going up....

AFM, I am 5 dpo and patiently waiting. No big symptoms, some headaches, and a few twinges in the ovaries/uterus here and there. Thats about it.

Let's see some testing on here!!! :)
Sarah that chart shows pregnancy all over it, you are driving me nuts, will you go pee on that stick and get it over with! Your killing me......I know you are...
Your chart screams it and you missed af!
If I did ovulate when I think I did, if I acheived PG
10 days after they say you get a dip which is implantation
then a big rise, so hopefully thats what I got!

I had two discarded temps from the past two days. I converted one because I didn't temp in the same place. Before I converted it though, if I didn't discard it, it changed my ovulation day from 16 to 27, so now I'm worried that AF is "late" because I ovulated late due to my miscarriage. Gonna go out this afternoon and get some HPTs.

Does anyone think that I actually ovulated on CD27? Can you look at my chart and see what you think? It's crazy that 0.1 degrees of difference can move my ovulation day 11 days forward!

Thanks for the breathing clarification...I was thinking "Am I doing it wrong?" "Is this a new way to temp that I don't know about?" and so I figured I would throw it out there. lol. ;)

I don't think you ovulated on CD27. I think FF moved it there because of the dip at 7DPO and the three temps that are a bit lower after that. But looking at it, I'm sure that you ovulated CD 16. There's a pretty clear temperature shift and your fertility signs are right around that time. You didn't get any fertile CM around CD27, did you? If you said it changed it to CD18, I'd say, okay, maybe. But CD27? That seems a little drastic.

Are you going to test today? Or are you still saving it for New Year's Day? Here's me hoping so hard that you get your BFP!! :)

Haha. No, I've just been SUPER congested for a while now. I got a cold from my niece and I can't seem to shake it.

I think the dip at 7dpo may have been a fluke, but I can't remember why.

I didn't have any fertile CM around CD27 at all. When I originally put in my temps for CD 15-17, it said that I ovulated at CD14 and then when my temp kept going up, it changed it to CD16.

I'm going to test tomorrow morning if AF still isn't here. I haven't had ANY cramps at all today. I was thinking that AF might show up today, but I haven't even had any twinges.

I can't imagine how I'll feel if I get a BFP tomorrow morning. I've heard that you're more fertile after a miscarriage, but I never thought that it would happen right away, especially since we weren't really "trying" this month - we just BD'd whenever we actually felt like it.

How are you doing? Has AF shown up yet?

No sign of AF, but I have been feeling a little crampy today, so she may be on her way. I thought she came this morning, but it was just some watery CM. I have been having these weird twitchy feelings in my belly/abs/sides. And in general, my abs are kind of tight, like I've been doing crunches or something. I guess it's something to balance out my backache. And I have some super bloat going on at the moment. But nothing else really...

Still in limbo... :)
Sarah, I think you are right on track, looks like you ovulated on CD 16. Test, test,test! I am dying!!!

Keri, I am thinking you just ovulated on CD 17-you had a temp dip and watery CM that day. Your temp started to rise after that, and a definite rise today. See if your temp keeps going up....

AFM, I am 5 dpo and patiently waiting. No big symptoms, some headaches, and a few twinges in the ovaries/uterus here and there. Thats about it.

Let's see some testing on here!!! :)
I don't how that could even happen because my af comes on day 22
every month, Its been a weird month for me for sure! And I hate it
but in 8 hours its gonna be a new year and I am ready, I probably am gonna
get af in a few days...If no GREAT if yes Oh well, I got a new therm and I am ready..I just hope sarah and someone else gets their BFP's I don't why I just don't hang my hat up and forget about it! Yesterday my mother in law said FACE IT YA AIN"T HAVING KIDS.....Wow really? Some people...
Sarah, I think you are right on track, looks like you ovulated on CD 16. Test, test,test! I am dying!!!

Keri, I am thinking you just ovulated on CD 17-you had a temp dip and watery CM that day. Your temp started to rise after that, and a definite rise today. See if your temp keeps going up....

AFM, I am 5 dpo and patiently waiting. No big symptoms, some headaches, and a few twinges in the ovaries/uterus here and there. Thats about it.

Let's see some testing on here!!! :)
I don't how that could even happen because my af comes on day 22
every month, Its been a weird month for me for sure! And I hate it
but in 8 hours its gonna be a new year and I am ready, I probably am gonna
get af in a few days...If no GREAT if yes Oh well, I got a new therm and I am ready..I just hope sarah and someone else gets their BFP's I don't why I just don't hang my hat up and forget about it! Yesterday my mother in law said FACE IT YA AIN"T HAVING KIDS.....Wow really? Some people...

Well, the number of days before you ovulate can change a lot from month to month. Maybe this cycle you were more stressed about things and that delayed ov...Your cycle might end up being longer than 22 days.

Less than 2 hours til 2012 here...We were about to go out, but DH got sucked into a basketball game. Sigh. Men. :dohh:

And the nerve of your MIL!! I can't believe she said that! Yikes.

But don't give up! Your BFP could be right around the corner, waiting until you least expect it! You haven't got AF yet, so you're still in. :)
Sarah, I think you are right on track, looks like you ovulated on CD 16. Test, test,test! I am dying!!!

Keri, I am thinking you just ovulated on CD 17-you had a temp dip and watery CM that day. Your temp started to rise after that, and a definite rise today. See if your temp keeps going up....

AFM, I am 5 dpo and patiently waiting. No big symptoms, some headaches, and a few twinges in the ovaries/uterus here and there. Thats about it.

Let's see some testing on here!!! :)
I don't how that could even happen because my af comes on day 22
every month, Its been a weird month for me for sure! And I hate it
but in 8 hours its gonna be a new year and I am ready, I probably am gonna
get af in a few days...If no GREAT if yes Oh well, I got a new therm and I am ready..I just hope sarah and someone else gets their BFP's I don't why I just don't hang my hat up and forget about it! Yesterday my mother in law said FACE IT YA AIN"T HAVING KIDS.....Wow really? Some people...

Well, the number of days before you ovulate can change a lot from month to month. Maybe this cycle you were more stressed about things and that delayed ov...Your cycle might end up being longer than 22 days.

Less than 2 hours til 2012 here...We were about to go out, but DH got sucked into a basketball game. Sigh. Men. :dohh:
Wow I got 6 in a half more hours til 12
Yeah my mother in law un real huh! Well I will keep my hopes up
thanks for the encouragement!
Sarah, I think you are right on track, looks like you ovulated on CD 16. Test, test,test! I am dying!!!

Keri, I am thinking you just ovulated on CD 17-you had a temp dip and watery CM that day. Your temp started to rise after that, and a definite rise today. See if your temp keeps going up....

AFM, I am 5 dpo and patiently waiting. No big symptoms, some headaches, and a few twinges in the ovaries/uterus here and there. Thats about it.

Let's see some testing on here!!! :)
I don't how that could even happen because my af comes on day 22
every month, Its been a weird month for me for sure! And I hate it
but in 8 hours its gonna be a new year and I am ready, I probably am gonna
get af in a few days...If no GREAT if yes Oh well, I got a new therm and I am ready..I just hope sarah and someone else gets their BFP's I don't why I just don't hang my hat up and forget about it! Yesterday my mother in law said FACE IT YA AIN"T HAVING KIDS.....Wow really? Some people...

Sometimes ovulation is delayed though. Maybe this is going to be a longer cycle for you. Just keep an eye on your temps and we will all wait with you and see what happens!! I have shorter cycles, too (22-25 days) and one cycle I didn't ovulate until CD 20! Hope AF stays away:)

And don't you dare listen to the mother in law! Don't let those negative words stick on you, ok? Shake them off and get ready for 2012 and a BFP!!

Cheers everyone! Happy New Year's!!!
Sarah, I think you are right on track, looks like you ovulated on CD 16. Test, test,test! I am dying!!!

Keri, I am thinking you just ovulated on CD 17-you had a temp dip and watery CM that day. Your temp started to rise after that, and a definite rise today. See if your temp keeps going up....

AFM, I am 5 dpo and patiently waiting. No big symptoms, some headaches, and a few twinges in the ovaries/uterus here and there. Thats about it.

Let's see some testing on here!!! :)
I don't how that could even happen because my af comes on day 22
every month, Its been a weird month for me for sure! And I hate it
but in 8 hours its gonna be a new year and I am ready, I probably am gonna
get af in a few days...If no GREAT if yes Oh well, I got a new therm and I am ready..I just hope sarah and someone else gets their BFP's I don't why I just don't hang my hat up and forget about it! Yesterday my mother in law said FACE IT YA AIN"T HAVING KIDS.....Wow really? Some people...

Can't believe your MIL said that to you!!! That's horrible!! You WILL be a mother Keri and a great one! :hugs:

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