Welcome to the 'Two Week Wait'

Hi ladies! My turn. This is always fun. Lol. My name is Angie I just turned 34 last month. I have 3 daughters.. Jesslyn Is 14 and the twins Katie and Kayla ate 12. I married the love of my life last march. I had had my tubes tied after I had the twins in my first marriage. My husband Robert was married before but never had children .. As the joke goes.. Instant family.. Just add dad. He's wonderful with the girls but we want children together. We would love to have 2 more! I work 6 days a week for the post office. I deliver the mail. My husband is an engineer for the electric company. We have a house near the coast line of Florida with some acreage ( our farm) more inland. Our goal is to sell somehow, this house and put a house out on the far
. It's our dream. We are always doing something. We are currently at 3 dogs, 1 parrot 1 maccaw, 22 chickens & 19? Pigs. We want to be more self sufficient and grow a good portion of what we eat. My dh says we are ntnp. Lmao!! I had my tubal reversal surgery last July and after all that pain and money, I'm nervous and eager to see if the surgery was successful. I was told I have a high chance for eptopic and miscarriage now. Oh and I talk alot! Oh and I too have my secret box full of 40 or so opks, and 30+ preg tests
Im Laura 28 from Ireland :) been Married to hubby for 6 years , hubby is English and we lived there for 7 years we have 2 little boys aged 4 and 3 years old both born in England moved back to Ireland 3 years now, been trying for 6 months for baby number 3, had a month off ttc and now we are officially back on the wagon ... I am so glad to have you girls to chat to about this journey and hope we all get or 2012 babies, Wendy and Amanda ;) Sarah so happy for you hun bun can't wait to see scan pic :)

Gemmy its nice to be back feels like a fresh start xxx
I love this thread! :hugs:

I am Wendy, and I am almost 38. My DH is 42 and we got married in April, been TTC #1 since then. I live in Vancouver, WA, and I am a special education teacher. I am thinking about taking a break and going to nursing school this summer. It would only take me a year to get my LPN. My hubs sells cars at Chevy.

Oh and I can't forget my 2 babies, Maddy and Riley. They are long-haired daschunds and freakin hilarious! They keep us laughing with their quirks.

2012 is going to be our year, ladies!!
my brother just rang me up to ask if i wanted to be bridemaid because one of their friends announced she was pregnant, i had to tell him i was to, so hes the first person to find out. A little gutted because i wanted to wait, a few more weeks to tell anyone! FEELS to good to be true !I want proof all the time x

My boss told me that she was 12 weeks pregnant today and it was all I could do not to tell her that I'm almost 5! I don't want to tell my work until I'm showing though, so I have a long ways to wait. I'm not telling a single soul until I have my first scan. Once I have that, I'll tell my family and my husband's family.

Bet you are both glowing with it!! It's good to wait, I told people too soon - at 4 weeks with my son. Not everyone but all family and handful of friends. At 12 weeks when I had my scan I told everyone and "facebook" but when it happens next time want to keep up the suspence! Bit impatient though.

Do either of you have a scan date? It must be great that you can post on here when you are keeping secret!

I'm right at the start of my 2ww!! Oh no, hope it flies past!!

I'm still waiting to hear back from my doctor about some tests and hopefully he'll be able to get me an earlier scan given that I miscarried last time. I think we're going to wait until I've had my first scan to tell any family and then I'll tell friends and facebook once all of my close family know.
I forgot to mention my fur babies! We have a Netherland Dwarf Rabbit named Darwin. He's almost 4 years old, but he's a little ball of fur and I love him! We also got a dog in July. He's a Shih Tzu Pomeranian named Kirby and he's the most excitable and friendly dog in the world! He never slows down!

We also tried to conceive for six months before I fell pregnant the first time. Sadly, I lost the baby at 5 weeks, 3 days, so I'm SUPER nervous about this pregnancy. I fell pregnant the first cycle after my miscarriage, but since it was natural, the doctor told me the only reason people wait anymore is for dating purposes, but since we now have ultrasounds, it's not that big of a deal.
Ny name is Carly, I'm 26 and dh is 29. We live in BC, he's in the Navy and I'm an LPN... I work at a doctor's office, running the office (like an MOA) and doing nursey things where and when I can. We have been married for two and a half years. Neither of us have any children, and we've been ttc #1 for three months. I love getting to 'know' y'all! :flower:
Urgh! I hate this 2 week wait...Seriously it could be the death of me...

The earliest I can take a Pregnancy test is January 8th...so we are almost there...yet so far

I am just hoping that next week I will get a :bfp: ... We have been trying since October 2010...
Hi girls!! Just been catching up on here it's 7.40am at the mo, lovely to hear more about you. Yesterday I am certain I ovulated - my surge had gone from the opk but was smiling at me sunday morning and sunday night. Consequently lots of bd yesterday, sunday and saturday!! Anyway something has just happened for the first time and I don't know if it's good/bad or unknown! I am always reading on here about people bleeding mid cycle - I have never bled mid cycle so not really associated with me. But since I got up this morning I have kept needing to wee and it stings down there. Thought maybe cystitus or something as I feel it even when not urinating. Just went wee and it stung and made me flinch. I was totally shocked to wipe red blood! Really shocked! Never had this before and if I hadn't had a period two weeks ago I'd think that was it. Don't understand at all - if it was implantatation wouldn't that be later?? Could it be a bad thing like I was nearly preggers but lost it? I don't know whether to be excited or downhearted!! It's still stinging??
Been googling which is dangerous as all sorts of things worry you but I'm just thinking it's a urinary tract infection now because of the frequent intercourse and not getting up afterwards to wee coz I wanted to keep it in!! Well no more bding now! Just gonna drink loads of water and see how I get on today, if not go to the doctor's tomo. Still blood and a small clot? not worrying though :\ well maybe a little.
Well no af yet! Temp was 98.2 I don't really feel like
I am gonna start but my hands are bloated which is a sign,
so we'll see! Heres the chart! My Ovulation Chart Ya gotta realize I tried for a long time, I forgot everything!
I haven't charted for 2 years...GAVE UP~ But I never ever have been
late, and I never pass 22 days...all my charts were the least 19
but most like 90% 22. I lost all my charts when I closed my account
with FF had to start over, but I always get brown on cd 21 and I always
get my 1st drop on cd 21 then on 22 af...
Hi girls!! Just been catching up on here it's 7.40am at the mo, lovely to hear more about you. Yesterday I am certain I ovulated - my surge had gone from the opk but was smiling at me sunday morning and sunday night. Consequently lots of bd yesterday, sunday and saturday!! Anyway something has just happened for the first time and I don't know if it's good/bad or unknown! I am always reading on here about people bleeding mid cycle - I have never bled mid cycle so not really associated with me. But since I got up this morning I have kept needing to wee and it stings down there. Thought maybe cystitus or something as I feel it even when not urinating. Just went wee and it stung and made me flinch. I was totally shocked to wipe red blood! Really shocked! Never had this before and if I hadn't had a period two weeks ago I'd think that was it. Don't understand at all - if it was implantatation wouldn't that be later?? Could it be a bad thing like I was nearly preggers but lost it? I don't know whether to be excited or downhearted!! It's still stinging??

Gemmy, this seems too soon for implantation bleeding, you're right. And the fact that it's stinging... maybe it's some torn tissue down there, or something of the sort. Imo, I wouldn't be downheartened or encouraged... try to just wait, and see if it goes away. It could be all the baby dancing :) I wouldn't worry about your googled symptoms until you know if it persists or not... just some thoughts! I know it's hard not to worry/get excited! :flower:
Been googling which is dangerous as all sorts of things worry you but I'm just thinking it's a urinary tract infection now because of the frequent intercourse and not getting up afterwards to wee coz I wanted to keep it in!! Well no more bding now! Just gonna drink loads of water and see how I get on today, if not go to the doctor's tomo. Still blood and a small clot? not worrying though :\ well maybe a little.

Are you having to pee a lot? And it's still burning? Possibly a UTI, I would drink loads of water, yes, and see. Taking something alkaline (basic) helps to calm the uncomfy symptoms of a UTI, like calcium tablets for example. Best of luck!
Caffeine question...

Ladies, question for you. I have found something new to 'worry' about :) haha. Do y'all limit/cut out caffeine during your tww? My doctor told me to have no more than 2 cups of coffee a day, so I have about that (between coffee and tea, my love). On Christmas I definitely had more :) But I try to stick to this... I am now reading (dangerous!) that even half this much can be harmful. What do you ladies all think?
Hi girls!! Just been catching up on here it's 7.40am at the mo, lovely to hear more about you. Yesterday I am certain I ovulated - my surge had gone from the opk but was smiling at me sunday morning and sunday night. Consequently lots of bd yesterday, sunday and saturday!! Anyway something has just happened for the first time and I don't know if it's good/bad or unknown! I am always reading on here about people bleeding mid cycle - I have never bled mid cycle so not really associated with me. But since I got up this morning I have kept needing to wee and it stings down there. Thought maybe cystitus or something as I feel it even when not urinating. Just went wee and it stung and made me flinch. I was totally shocked to wipe red blood! Really shocked! Never had this before and if I hadn't had a period two weeks ago I'd think that was it. Don't understand at all - if it was implantatation wouldn't that be later?? Could it be a bad thing like I was nearly preggers but lost it? I don't know whether to be excited or downhearted!! It's still stinging??

Gemmy, this seems too soon for implantation bleeding, you're right. And the fact that it's stinging... maybe it's some torn tissue down there, or something of the sort. Imo, I wouldn't be downheartened or encouraged... try to just wait, and see if it goes away. It could be all the baby dancing :) I wouldn't worry about your googled symptoms until you know if it persists or not... just some thoughts! I know it's hard not to worry/get excited! :flower:

I think it's too soon for implantation bleeding too. I would give your GP a quick call. I'm sure that it's just a UTI or something. If you tell them your symptoms, they'll tell you what it might be or if you should come in. If you think it is a UTI, I would go get some cranberry juice!
Congrats Sarah!!! am really happy for you. yippeeee
Caffeine question...

Ladies, question for you. I have found something new to 'worry' about :) haha. Do y'all limit/cut out caffeine during your tww? My doctor told me to have no more than 2 cups of coffee a day, so I have about that (between coffee and tea, my love). On Christmas I definitely had more :) But I try to stick to this... I am now reading (dangerous!) that even half this much can be harmful. What do you ladies all think?

I've cut out most caffeine for the past few months. My doctor told me that I should give up coffee, but since I don't drink it, I didn't have to worry about it. My sister was told she could have one cup of coffee a day and up to two pops with caffeine, but that the additional sugar wasn't good and that you can't have aspartame.
Thanks Posey and Sarah! I agree too it seems like a UTI, not pregnancy related which in a way is good as I still have a good chance this month! Stinging is real bad so I have made an appointment to see doc this afternoon. Can then explain am trying to conceive etc.

Sarah - I LOVE seeing your ticker with PREGNANT in capitals!!! I can't wait to get one !!

Posey - I have de caff pg tips or tetley tea in it tastes just as good! I mainly have it to help me sleep as a tea aholic. I do have up to two caffinated in the morning or an occasional costa coffee. Definately worth getting de caff tea bags, but as you say a couple a day won't hurt.
Thanks Posey and Sarah! I agree too it seems like a UTI, not pregnancy related which in a way is good as I still have a good chance this month! Stinging is real bad so I have made an appointment to see doc this afternoon. Can then explain am trying to conceive etc.

Sarah - I LOVE seeing your ticker with PREGNANT in capitals!!! I can't wait to get one !!

Posey - I have de caff pg tips or tetley tea in it tastes just as good! I mainly have it to help me sleep as a tea aholic. I do have up to two caffinated in the morning or an occasional costa coffee. Definately worth getting de caff tea bags, but as you say a couple a day won't hurt.

Thanks Gemmy! I was worried about putting it up too early. I'm so nervous that I'm going to miscarry again. I swear that I sigh in relief every time I wipe and find nothing there. It's crazy. I'm sure that it will let up a bit once I go to the doctor and have a scan, but until then, I'm sure I'll be a basket case.
I forgot to say...

I'm Ella and I'm 28, DH is 29. I live in the UK and work in a school, harassing kids and then complaining about them in the teachers lounge. lol. Kidding...mostly. ;) We've got two fur-babies, our lovely kitties Cecilia and Morgan. And according to me, we've been TTCing for 7 cycles, but DH tells me it's only been 2 cycles. I say, sure whatever makes you happy, DH.

And as for caffeine, I'm down to one cup of tea a day, but I also bought the decaf PG tips for when I just want a tea and not the caffeine. I've been working on not drinking a lot of soda, but that I find harder than ditching the coffee.

And you pregnancy ticker makes me smile so hard, sarah! I can't wait for more of them to start popping up around here. :)

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