Welcome to the 'Two Week Wait'

Sarah that is such a sweet idea about how you will tell your parents, i might steal that idea if i get pregnant, not sure tho if i could wait 12 whole weeks tho before a first scan,

How are you feeling, any sickness? xxx

We got a picture frame because I know I'm having a seven week scan. Even if I wasn't having a scan, we were going to buy those frames and then just type up a little thing that said "Picture coming soon. Baby ________ due September 6, 2012."

I'm feeling pretty good today! I had a little bit of cramping this morning, but other than that, I've felt good. I have an insane week coming up though, so I'm a little nervous and stressed about that, but once Wednesday gets here, I'll feel better.

How are you feeling?
Hi everyone!

Everything looking good for you Keri, can't wait for the next week to come around...hoping for BFP's all round!

Photo idea sounds lovely Sarah! Please post a scan on here too!

Wendy - wow things looking good for you, you could be our next BFP!! Good luck!

Posey and Laura - yes the programme suggests timing it to get a constant amount of good sperm. Well this is what I did this month:

BD around day5 to freshen up the sperm lol.

day11 BD evening
day 12 FMU digi opk negative - NO BD
day 13 FMU digi opk negative - BD evening (really felt ovulation coming!)
day 14 FMU digi opk positive - BD evening - EVENING digi opk positive
day 15 FMU digi opk negative - BD morning - BD evening - EVENING digi opk negative

day 16 wake with stinging urine and blood - so no more BD!

During BD used Preseed and propped up bum under pillow. Stayed lying down as long as possible but should have gone for a wee, would have got a bd in on day 16 too!!! Maybe should have played tennis ;) lol

How are you doing Charps?

I will definitely post a picture of my scan on here if I can figure out how, lol. Apparently it will only be about the size of an olive though, but oh well. I'll get to hear the heartbeat and know that my baby is safe in there!
Hi I am new here, I hav not been using any protection for over a year and came of the pill about 2 years ago. I have started having regular periods over the last 6 months and now that I am married I am so despretley tring to get preganant. We try to have intercourse at the fertile times however nothing ever happens, I am a long distance runner which I have reduced and still nothing I feel so down as it consumes my every thought. Every month for iver a year now I am dissopointed I am seeing a speacilist and she seems to be happy woth hormones but I want to fallpregnant so badly. I also wonder I believe I am ovulating on the 9,10th day as cervical mucus is streatchy is this possible I am now on the terrible TWW :(
Also every one around me seems to be falling pregnant its hard to be happy for them .
Hi ladies!! I need yalls help.. Do y'all see a second line on the preggo test? I'm 11 dpo me and dh see it plus a few others .. It's on the right of the control line and on the top... Thanks
Hi everyone!

Everything looking good for you Keri, can't wait for the next week to come around...hoping for BFP's all round!

Photo idea sounds lovely Sarah! Please post a scan on here too!

Wendy - wow things looking good for you, you could be our next BFP!! Good luck!

Posey and Laura - yes the programme suggests timing it to get a constant amount of good sperm. Well this is what I did this month:

BD around day5 to freshen up the sperm lol.

day11 BD evening
day 12 FMU digi opk negative - NO BD
day 13 FMU digi opk negative - BD evening (really felt ovulation coming!)
day 14 FMU digi opk positive - BD evening - EVENING digi opk positive
day 15 FMU digi opk negative - BD morning - BD evening - EVENING digi opk negative

day 16 wake with stinging urine and blood - so no more BD!

During BD used Preseed and propped up bum under pillow. Stayed lying down as long as possible but should have gone for a wee, would have got a bd in on day 16 too!!! Maybe should have played tennis ;) lol

How are you doing Charps?

I will definitely post a picture of my scan on here if I can figure out how, lol. Apparently it will only be about the size of an olive though, but oh well. I'll get to hear the heartbeat and know that my baby is safe in there!

Take a picture of it and email it to me, [email protected] I will post a good size picture for you...
Hello Ladies,
I am very new to this. This is our first month TTC. I'm not very fimiliar with all of the abbreviations as well. My husband and I are trying for number 2. We have a 3 yeard old daughter, first time it just happened but this time we are actually trying. I'm on a 31 day cycle and based on calendar I ovulated on the 28th. I usually on feels cramps on the day of AF arrival, but I've been cramping for almost a week straight off and on. No spotting though, and I've had a few headaches and short dizzy spells. I tested tonight and saw a (-) ...I'm not sure if its too early?!
Well I think but I don't know~:witch:
I put on a TP last night...fell aseep...
woke up at 10...has brown with light red...
Not pink,
By the way your stories are very inspirational. I forgot to mention my "tatas" are killing me they usually hurt before AF but never this bad or this long. I wouldnt expect to get pregnant on our first try, just hopeful I guess. My AF is supposed to start the 11th, and I am experiencing burning cramps towards the left. I am thinking maybe I didn't calculate correctly and might be experiencing implantation cramping? Can this happen so close to AF arrival?! Also I keep reading about charting your temperature. How does this work? Any help will be greatly appreciated.
By the way your stories are very inspirational. I forgot to mention my "tatas" are killing me they usually hurt before AF but never this bad or this long. I wouldnt expect to get pregnant on our first try, just hopeful I guess. My AF is supposed to start the 11th, and I am experiencing burning cramps towards the left. I am thinking maybe I didn't calculate correctly and might be experiencing implantation cramping? Can this happen so close to AF arrival?! Also I keep reading about charting your temperature. How does this work? Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Hi well for starters Implantation happens around 9 days past ovulation..
tata's are called BB's..One thing I learned this cycle. Never pay attention to symptoms, pay attention to when you ovulated and when you get your af..
You say your due for af on the 11th. I learned all my informmation from online reading...What I can tell you is when you are pregnant your tempeture rises.So if your due in 3 days take your temp when you first wake up tommarow. Then on the 10th and 11th.Your temp will go down in those 2 days if your af is coming. (Most likely) unless your sick...But this will give you an idea what charters do... My temp went down and I got spotting today. I'm thinking by tommarow I will be on af but who knows! Fingers crossed for ya..
By the way your stories are very inspirational. I forgot to mention my "tatas" are killing me they usually hurt before AF but never this bad or this long. I wouldnt expect to get pregnant on our first try, just hopeful I guess. My AF is supposed to start the 11th, and I am experiencing burning cramps towards the left. I am thinking maybe I didn't calculate correctly and might be experiencing implantation cramping? Can this happen so close to AF arrival?! Also I keep reading about charting your temperature. How does this work? Any help will be greatly appreciated.

:hi: Going4baby! Welcome to the TWW!!

I think it's fine to be hopeful. It may not be likely, but it does happen, falling on the first month TTC. I hope it happens for you!

Actually, implantation can happen anywhere from 6-12 days past ovulation. So, it might not be too late for implantation. It can happen very close to AFs arrival and if it happens in time, AF won't arrive at all.

As for temperatures...
You need to get at least 3 hours of sleep before you take your temp. It's best to take your temp as soon as you wake up before you get out of bed (but I do get up and turn off my alarm and I keep my thermometer right on top of my clock so I won't forget to temp). You're looking for trends, not actual temperatures. So if one temp is really high, but the next day it's lower again, that's fine. What you're looking for is a sustained rise to confirm ov and a drop in temps that will signal AFs arrival.

Anyway, your temps will vary from day to day, but what confirms that you have ovulated is a sustained rise of .3 degrees (or more) above the rest of your temps. The rise should last at least three consecutive days. This confirms that you have ovulated because when you ovulate, you body produces progesterone in increased amounts, which causes your temperature to rise.

After you ovulate, your temperature should be elevated the entire luteal phase (LP), but there can be some dips. There's sometimes a small dip around 3-4DPO, that is an estrogen dip. Estrogen floods the system and causes the temps to go down on one day, but your temps will rise again the next day.

The next dip, which can occur anywhere from 6-11DPO is called an implantation dip. This is a dip caused by the egg implanting in the lining of the uterus. After this dip, your temps should increase above what they were before (during your LP), making your chart triphasic (three separate levels of temps- pre-ov, post-ov, post-implantation).

But, it is also possible to not have a clearly triphasic chart and be pg. Your temps will be elevated from what they were before, but it might not be a huge amount. You can also have dips from 6-11DPO and have them not actually be caused by implantation. Confusing, I know.

Now, if you're pg, your temps will stay elevated and continue to be higher throughout your pregnancy. If you're not pg, your temps will start to decline at the end of your LP, starting maybe 2-3 days before AFs arrival. You'll see a drop in temps and if it doesn't rise up again the next day, you'll know AF is on her way.

Temping is a great way to figure out your normal LP as well. After ov, you want to have at least 9-10 days before AF shows up. Anything less than that won't give your egg enough time to implant. Anything more is great. Once you figure out your normal LP, you can predict when AF should show up and when a good time to test is. Your LP won't change more than a day or two either way ever. What can change is the amount of time before ovulation. Anything can delay ov, so don't be surprised if one month you ovulate on CD13 and and the next month you ovulate on CD18. It happens quite frequently. But you'll know that 12-14 days after that, you can expect AF.....

Hope that helps. :)
Oh right... and if Fertility Friend is a good site to chart on. It will confirm ov for you and will give you a good idea what's going on and when to test.....
Sarah that is such a sweet idea about how you will tell your parents, i might steal that idea if i get pregnant, not sure tho if i could wait 12 whole weeks tho before a first scan,

How are you feeling, any sickness? xxx

We got a picture frame because I know I'm having a seven week scan. Even if I wasn't having a scan, we were going to buy those frames and then just type up a little thing that said "Picture coming soon. Baby ________ due September 6, 2012."

I'm feeling pretty good today! I had a little bit of cramping this morning, but other than that, I've felt good. I have an insane week coming up though, so I'm a little nervous and stressed about that, but once Wednesday gets here, I'll feel better.

How are you feeling?

ah thats a great idea about printing out pic coming soon... i will remember that..

Thats brilliant you are feeling good, little cramping is normal, just wait til he or she starts to kick you :)
hope you don't have a stressful week and Wednesday comes quickly for you ,

i feel really positive today, hubby can't keep his hands off me:wacko: which is good cos i don't want to keep timing bding.. He text me this morning on his way to work and said he could imagine us having another little baby :happydance:

On the school run this morning i got speaking to a girl who lives near me, her little boy was born on christmas day, he was so tiny and cute:baby:
Hello Ladies,
I am very new to this. This is our first month TTC. I'm not very fimiliar with all of the abbreviations as well. My husband and I are trying for number 2. We have a 3 yeard old daughter, first time it just happened but this time we are actually trying. I'm on a 31 day cycle and based on calendar I ovulated on the 28th. I usually on feels cramps on the day of AF arrival, but I've been cramping for almost a week straight off and on. No spotting though, and I've had a few headaches and short dizzy spells. I tested tonight and saw a (-) ...I'm not sure if its too early?!

CM = cervical mucus
Af= auntie flow( period)
bd- bed dancing (sex)
O= ovulation
DPO= days past ovulation
CD= cycle day, CD1 is the day which you start your af
TMI= too much info

I hope this helps :hugs:

how many dpo are you ?

im not in the tww yet, im on cd13 so i'm very close to the dreaded wait,

All the girls on here as so friendly and nice, also there is no such thing as TMI, so we talk about everything :winkwink:
Hello Ladies,
I am very new to this. This is our first month TTC. I'm not very fimiliar with all of the abbreviations as well. My husband and I are trying for number 2. We have a 3 yeard old daughter, first time it just happened but this time we are actually trying. I'm on a 31 day cycle and based on calendar I ovulated on the 28th. I usually on feels cramps on the day of AF arrival, but I've been cramping for almost a week straight off and on. No spotting though, and I've had a few headaches and short dizzy spells. I tested tonight and saw a (-) ...I'm not sure if its too early?!

CM = cervical mucus
Af= auntie flow( period)
bd- bed dancing (sex)
O= ovulation
DPO= days past ovulation
CD= cycle day, CD1 is the day which you start your af
TMI= too much info

I hope this helps :hugs:

how many dpo are you ?

im not in the tww yet, im on cd13 so i'm very close to the dreaded wait,

All the girls on here as so friendly and nice, also there is no such thing as TMI, so we talk about everything :winkwink:

oh and by the way i fell pregnant on the first month ttc my 2 little boys, so its possible, good luck to you..
I am so happy today ya know why....
It is day 28.....Yep thats right......I had a NORMAL CYCLE!!!
And I need to stay positive for myself
and my :witch: yeah I GOT IT FULL FORCE
That is good positive thinking! A 28 day cycle so everything is happening like it should be Keri! bless you!

Oh a few more common abbreviations which got me at first:

HPT = home pregnancy test
OPK = ovulation predictor kit
DTD = do the deed (sex)
DH = darling/dear husband
OH = other half
DS = darling/dear son
DD = darling/deardaughter
Witch = period

Hope you are all having a good day xx

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