Welcome to the 'Two Week Wait'

well it looks like AF is here, dang it! Almost red flow and full out cramps. Crap. Oh well. Onto Clomid round #3.

Good luck to all you lovely ladies still in! I will be stalking:)

Dang it Wendy! I was SO sure this was finally it for you. Damn witch. FX for you next cycle!
You have to stop taking mucinex at ovulation...afterwards it makes it hard for the egg to implant. But if you take 200mg a day, it helps make your mucus more mucusy. :) You have to drink at least a glass of water when you take it though and make sure you stay hydrated...

I think I might try some preseed in March if it doesn't happen in February. Trying to get in there with a 2012 baby...but I'll gladly take a 2013 one. :) Any baby really.

Huh. I had never really heard of anything like that before. It makes sense though.

What is preseed? I've heard a lot of people mention it, but I have no idea what it does.
:hi: Welcome moose!! Hope your TWW goes by quickly and you get your BFP at the end of it!

Sarah! Happy 5+6! :) So close to a sweet pea!

Oh Ella, I am so sorry to hear about your miscarriage. I had a hunch that that's what was happening to you, but I didn't want to say anything or jinx anything. I know that you didn't really know, but it's hard none the less. I only knew I was pregnant for one week before I lost it and it was devastating. Let me know if you want to talk. You can add me to facebook or e-mail me or something else entirely. :flower:

Thanks for the sweet pea thing! I can't believe it will be a sweet pea tomorrow!

Thanks Sarah! I appreciate it. :) I may just take you up on that sometime.

Yeah, the past couple of days have been a bit rough because it's so hard not to think 'What if' and 'Why' and try to figure out if it was something I did or if there was something I could have done...But I think it would have been tougher if I had gotten a BFP, for me and DH. So I guess it was for the best that I was sitting in limbo forever. And DH is out of town at the moment, so I can't even get a good cuddle off him. But I'm feeling better and the progesterone is helping. Definitely elevating my temps though...I wonder if FF is going to give me crosshairs in three days.:haha:

I know that it takes a while to want to talk about it, so take your time and don't feel any pressure to share anything. Just know that I'm here if you want to talk.

There was likely nothing that you did or could have done sweetie. My doctor told me that early miscarriages like ours are likely an incompatability in the genetic material and the baby never really becomes a baby because the DNA just doesn't match up.

Why did your doctor give you progesterone though? I had a natural miscarriage at 5 weeks, 3 days and had LOTS of clots. My doctor never even offered me anything.

As for the "extra" fertility related to a miscarriage, you have three months where your progesterone levels will be slightly elevated and this will make you slightly more fertile (I'm living proof - ttc for 5 months with no results, got pregnant, miscarried, and got pregnant again right away). I have a wealth of knowledge on this stuff now, so please just ask if you have any questions. Hope you're feeling better today. :flower:
Don't want to jinx myself or anything, but the baby is now the size of a SWEET PEA! I have my first prenatal visit today and am TOTALLY not looking forward to the pap or my breast exam, but I suppose it's for the best. My doctor always has so many residents around though and I'd rather just he did the pap. I think I can request that, but we'll see, I guess.

How is everyone else feeling today? Gemmy? Posey? Keri? Everyone else?
Don't want to jinx myself or anything, but the baby is now the size of a SWEET PEA! I have my first prenatal visit today and am TOTALLY not looking forward to the pap or my breast exam, but I suppose it's for the best. My doctor always has so many residents around though and I'd rather just he did the pap. I think I can request that, but we'll see, I guess.

How is everyone else feeling today? Gemmy? Posey? Keri? Everyone else?

Helloooooooo little sweet pea! Good luck today Sarah, it will be good to 'get it over with' :)

I'm feeling well today. AF is on her way out, just on the last day or two.

Preseed is a sperm-friendly lubricant :thumbup: It is supposed to help provide more of a safe environment to sperm to live and swim in, and hopefully help to reach the lucky egg. I have ordered mine, I hope it comes in time for this month!

Aw Wendy, I'm sorry to hear :witch: got you. How long are your cycles? I'm on cd5 now, with my cycles ranging from 31-34 days... I wonder if we're going to be testing around the same time next month or not. xo
Don't want to jinx myself or anything, but the baby is now the size of a SWEET PEA! I have my first prenatal visit today and am TOTALLY not looking forward to the pap or my breast exam, but I suppose it's for the best. My doctor always has so many residents around though and I'd rather just he did the pap. I think I can request that, but we'll see, I guess.

How is everyone else feeling today? Gemmy? Posey? Keri? Everyone else?

Helloooooooo little sweet pea! Good luck today Sarah, it will be good to 'get it over with' :)

I'm feeling well today. AF is on her way out, just on the last day or two.

Preseed is a sperm-friendly lubricant :thumbup: It is supposed to help provide more of a safe environment to sperm to live and swim in, and hopefully help to reach the lucky egg. I have ordered mine, I hope it comes in time for this month!

Aw Wendy, I'm sorry to hear :witch: got you. How long are your cycles? I'm on cd5 now, with my cycles ranging from 31-34 days... I wonder if we're going to be testing around the same time next month or not. xo

Haha. Sweet pea says hello back! Also known as "grumble grumble" (I'm hungry!). I will be happy to get today's appointment over with. It's my first appointment, so it will likely be an hour and I have SO many questions!

Huh. Odd that I never really knew what Preseed was, lol.

Glad AF isn't being too awful and that she's on her way out!
hi Ladies,

I am in the dreaded 2WW again, I am 10dpo and am getting so obessesed over symptom spotting. had 100mg of clomid this cycle so am not sure if the symptoms are to do with that or something else. grrrr!! its driving me mad. had to give in this morning and got a BFN which i totally expected at this time but had to try!
Oh my goodness - my subscription to this thread must have got switched off? I wondered where you all had gone!!!

Wow lots to catch up on - one big queston from me:

Brown blood on tissue just like start of af, tummy hurts like af. Not due until monday. 9dpo - implantation or the witch arrived early??????
Oh my goodness - my subscription to this thread must have got switched off? I wondered where you all had gone!!!

Wow lots to catch up on - one big queston from me:

Brown blood on tissue just like start of af, tummy hurts like af. Not due until monday. 9dpo - implantation or the witch arrived early??????

Hi Gemmy, fingers crossed its implantation, its about the time!! i havent had any bleeding just lots of cramps so hoping its has implanted ahhh!!!
Hi all! Still following all your journeys and thought I'd check in. So interesting hearing your experiences but sometimes forget to add my own.

Sarah + Charps - really pleased your pregnancies are progressing well. :happydance:

Ella - really sorry to hear your bad news but at least you know everything is 'working' and good luck for next cycle! :flower:

Sorry to other girls who got their af - boo! ...but there's always next month... :winkwink:

Afm - Af due today but not here yet. I did a couple of pregnancy tests, one on cd10 and one on cd11 and both were BFN. Way early I know and I wouldn't test that early again. I think you're right, Sarah. I kept telling myself that it wouldn't matter if it was a BFN because it was probably too early. It upset me way more than I thought it would. :nope:

Anyways, fxd for all of us, wherever we're at on our baby journeys!

Hi kealey,
sorry to hear BFN but fingers crossed its just too early and BFP is on its way.
what symptoms do you have at the mo? i am obsessing over everything its driving me mad. I have been having cycles of clomid and hcg trigger injections so cant work out if that is causing the symptoms ahhh. AF is due on friday so fingers crossed!
Hi all! Still following all your journeys and thought I'd check in. So interesting hearing your experiences but sometimes forget to add my own.

Sarah + Charps - really pleased your pregnancies are progressing well. :happydance:

Ella - really sorry to hear your bad news but at least you know everything is 'working' and good luck for next cycle! :flower:

Sorry to other girls who got their af - boo! ...but there's always next month... :winkwink:

Afm - Af due today but not here yet. I did a couple of pregnancy tests, one on cd10 and one on cd11 and both were BFN. Way early I know and I wouldn't test that early again. I think you're right, Sarah. I kept telling myself that it wouldn't matter if it was a BFN because it was probably too early. It upset me way more than I thought it would. :nope:

Anyways, fxd for all of us, wherever we're at on our baby journeys!


gl and hope :witch: stays away for you, and you get your :bfp: fx'd x
Oh my goodness - my subscription to this thread must have got switched off? I wondered where you all had gone!!!

Wow lots to catch up on - one big queston from me:

Brown blood on tissue just like start of af, tummy hurts like af. Not due until monday. 9dpo - implantation or the witch arrived early??????

It could very well be implantation! I didn't have implantation with this pregnancy, but I did with my last one. I wiped a tiny bit of pink, but it was about 3 days before my AF was due. I need more bump buddies Gemmy! :happydance:
Hi all! Still following all your journeys and thought I'd check in. So interesting hearing your experiences but sometimes forget to add my own.

Sarah + Charps - really pleased your pregnancies are progressing well. :happydance:

Ella - really sorry to hear your bad news but at least you know everything is 'working' and good luck for next cycle! :flower:

Sorry to other girls who got their af - boo! ...but there's always next month... :winkwink:

Afm - Af due today but not here yet. I did a couple of pregnancy tests, one on cd10 and one on cd11 and both were BFN. Way early I know and I wouldn't test that early again. I think you're right, Sarah. I kept telling myself that it wouldn't matter if it was a BFN because it was probably too early. It upset me way more than I thought it would. :nope:

Anyways, fxd for all of us, wherever we're at on our baby journeys!


Thanks Kealey! I keep looking at my ticker and think that I'm seeing a granny smith apple instead of a little pea. It's crazy how small it still is!

I couldn't take the BFNs. That's why I always waited!
Oh my goodness - my subscription to this thread must have got switched off? I wondered where you all had gone!!!

Wow lots to catch up on - one big queston from me:

Brown blood on tissue just like start of af, tummy hurts like af. Not due until monday. 9dpo - implantation or the witch arrived early??????

Hi Gemmy, fingers crossed its implantation, its about the time!! i havent had any bleeding just lots of cramps so hoping its has implanted ahhh!!!

Fx for you Gemmy, sounds like maybe it's implantation?! :flower:
Don't want to jinx myself or anything, but the baby is now the size of a SWEET PEA! I have my first prenatal visit today and am TOTALLY not looking forward to the pap or my breast exam, but I suppose it's for the best. My doctor always has so many residents around though and I'd rather just he did the pap. I think I can request that, but we'll see, I guess.

How is everyone else feeling today? Gemmy? Posey? Keri? Everyone else?

Helloooooooo little sweet pea! Good luck today Sarah, it will be good to 'get it over with' :)

I'm feeling well today. AF is on her way out, just on the last day or two.

Preseed is a sperm-friendly lubricant :thumbup: It is supposed to help provide more of a safe environment to sperm to live and swim in, and hopefully help to reach the lucky egg. I have ordered mine, I hope it comes in time for this month!

Aw Wendy, I'm sorry to hear :witch: got you. How long are your cycles? I'm on cd5 now, with my cycles ranging from 31-34 days... I wonder if we're going to be testing around the same time next month or not. xo

Thanks honey! CD 2 today...so we will probably be together for our TWW:) My cycles are pretty all over the place, although with taking the Clomid, they are 27-28 days and more normal. I am taking Clomid again, so maybe the 3rd time will be it for me!
Yay Gemmy, hope it's implantation! Do you normally spot? If not, I'd say that is IB!! :happydance:
Yay Gemmy, hope it's implantation! Do you normally spot? If not, I'd say that is IB!! :happydance:

Thank you I hope so. I normally spot on 12/13 dpo and know it's on it's way and she kicks in 14dpo. 9dpo seems really early. I definately had my ovulation surge on a sunday so thought I ovulated on the monday. So no way should I spot on a wednesday??? I don't think. Anyways I will see what happens. I am taking away notions of testing early and will just get to the weekend and monday. See what happens. x
Sarah - lol, it does look like an apple! :laugh2:

Louise - thank you! Good luck to you too. :flower:

Hi, I was obsessing this cycle about how my BBs were feeling and whether I was bloated or not! Truth is, I think even at 4 weeks, the symptoms are pretty low. Although, during the last week I have felt hotter than usual. I'm a teacher and I had the windows open today - it wasn't until the poor kids said they were chilly that I realised I was the odd one! :wacko: Other than that, not much. It's natural to play detective I think, it's really the only clues you get until confirmation arrives. Hopefully your Clomid cycles and injections will do the trick and we'll both have 2012 bumps! Good luck for Friday! :happydance:

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