Welcome to the 'Two Week Wait'

I thought the pea looked like an apple! It feels like I should be 36 weeks pregnant, not 6. Everyone has told me that the first 8 months go fast and then the last month seems to take forever, but for me, the whole thing is taking forever, lol.

I'm back from the doctor's ladies. Blood work from last week came back clear for iron, protein, and infectious diseases. I had my pap test done and they took more blood because apparently they didn't take a tube to check my HCG levels last week. I have my ultrasound next week for dating. Given that I miscarried immediately before I got pregnant again, my doctor seems to think that I'm only at 4 or 5 weeks instead of 6, but I'm positive that I ovulated on CD16, so I bet my ultrasound confirms that I'm around where I think I am. I hope everything is alright in there!
Need some advice/reassurance ladies: I asked my doctor a whole bunch of questions today and his answers seemed off. He says I have NO food restrictions - NONE. I can have raw sushi, raw fish, deli meat, soft cheeses, everything. What???? I also asked him when I will realistically begin to show and should tell my family and work. He said to tell them TWELVE weeks from now when I'm EIGHTEEN weeks!! I googled 18 week bellies and most ladies are showing enough that I would think definitely pregnant and not just weight gain. There were some ladies that were tiny and were barely showing at all, but given that I am already a bigger person, I don't think I'll be that lucky. I also saw a picture of a 31 week belly and she was huge (ohmigod - I am dreading being that size!!). Is my doctor off his nut?
Hmmm, sounds like he is a bit off. My acupuncture lady told me to stay away from soft cheeses, and I think you are supposed to avoid certain types of fish, as well as caffeine.
Hmmm, sounds like he is a bit off. My acupuncture lady told me to stay away from soft cheeses, and I think you are supposed to avoid certain types of fish, as well as caffeine.

He said to avoid fish high in mercury, so swordfish, etc. I already knew about the caffeine, so I didn't ask. My sister had the same doctor and he told her no eggs unless they're pasteurized, no deli meat, no sushi, no raw shrimp, no hot dogs, and a whole bunch of other stuff. That's why I was so confused by his answers!
As soon as I told my doctor I was TTC, she said to stay away from unpasturized dairy products, caffeine (not avoid completely but limit), raw fish, and cold deli meat (if it's heated enough so it's steaming, it's not a problem). SO... that's all I'm aware of :) I think some Dr's know more than others about pregnancy, babies, the whole obstetrical journey... x o
That definitely sounds off. You would think that he would give you some restrictions. I would go with what he told your sister and ignore what he told you.

I have no idea how I would avoid deli meat...I eat sandwiches for lunch everyday. I guess I'd have to find some chicken or something to throw in there. My immediate thought was "Oh I'll just have tuna instead..wait..no."

Is it sad how excited I am about your ultrasound? I want to see your bean!! :) :haha:

And I thought the progesterone meds were weird too, which is why I wasn't sure I should take them, but then I read that they can address endo issues and I think I might have some, so I figured that I'll take them, see if anything changes pre-period (I have this thing that happens right before my period that lets me know that it's coming and gives me the endo concerns) and then go from there. But part of me wants to stop taking them...so I'm going to take them until next week when I go for my check up and talk to the doc. Or maybe I'll give him a call.
Oh my goodness - my subscription to this thread must have got switched off? I wondered where you all had gone!!!

Wow lots to catch up on - one big queston from me:

Brown blood on tissue just like start of af, tummy hurts like af. Not due until monday. 9dpo - implantation or the witch arrived early??????

I'm hoping so hard it's IB and that you get you BFP soon!! :happydance:
Hello ladies,
Sarah - definately odd. I followed this advise over here in uk (off website):
Cheese - Don’t eat: mould-ripened soft cheeses, such as brie, camembert and others with a similar rind such as chèvre (a type of goats’ cheese), soft blue-veined cheeses, such as Danish blue, gorgonzola and roquefort
Cheeses like this are made with mould and can contain listeria bacteria that cause listeriosis. Even a mild form of this infection in a pregnant woman can lead to miscarriage, stillbirth or severe illness in a newborn baby.

Eggs: Don’t eat raw or undercooked eggs and avoid foods that contain them, such as homemade mayonnaise.
Make sure that eggs are thoroughly cooked until the whites and yolks are solid. This prevents the risk of salmonella food poisoning.

Milk: Don’t drink raw (unpasteurised) milk, including unpasteurised goats’ or sheep’s milk. Don’t eat food that is made out of them, such as soft goats’ cheese.
If only raw or green-top milk is available, boil it first.

Pâté:Avoid all types of pâté, including vegetable pâtés, as they can contain listeria.

Meat: Don’t eat raw or undercooked meat. Cook all meat and poultry thoroughly so there’s no trace of pink or blood. Take particular care with sausages and minced meat.
Some countries advise pregnant women not to eat cold meats or smoked fish because of the risk that the food may contain listeria bacteria. In the UK, pregnant women are not advised to avoid these foods because the risk of infection is so low. However, if you’re concerned, you may choose to avoid them.

Liver: Don’t eat liver or liver products, such as liver pâté or liver sausage, as they may contain a lot of vitamin A. Too much vitamin A can harm your baby.
Vitamin ADon’t take:
high-dose multivitamin supplements
fish liver oil supplements
any supplements containing vitamin A
There are some types of fish you should limit, such as tuna and oily fish, and some types of fish you should avoid completely, such as shark. Also, don’t eat raw shellfish, as it can cause food poisoning.
I remember DH was a bit over bearing with what I mustn't eat!!! I remember having a sneaky runny egg - it was cooked but just not solid. Think you just are more careful but not ott. I did have meat well done when I went out whereas I would normally have medium-rare. Hubby also read no to whippy ice cream (just the risk of bacteria) so I didn't mind sticking with this but risk so low. All mayos and salad creams in the shops were fine. I only like hard cheese so didn't miss out there and i avoided pate but don't really eat that any way. One helping of tuna per week was fine - I wouldn't of had more any way.....

Ohh exciting that you have your dating scan next week! So excited for you!

How is everyone today?

I am 10dpo. Had more browny-red on the tissue before bed. Really doubtful it is IB. That witch is showing up early I just know it. But I want to be wrong. Did a digi test this morning FMU negative. Dreading going to the toilet in case there is more blood :(
That definitely sounds off. You would think that he would give you some restrictions. I would go with what he told your sister and ignore what he told you.

I have no idea how I would avoid deli meat...I eat sandwiches for lunch everyday. I guess I'd have to find some chicken or something to throw in there. My immediate thought was "Oh I'll just have tuna instead..wait..no."

Is it sad how excited I am about your ultrasound? I want to see your bean!! :) :haha:

And I thought the progesterone meds were weird too, which is why I wasn't sure I should take them, but then I read that they can address endo issues and I think I might have some, so I figured that I'll take them, see if anything changes pre-period (I have this thing that happens right before my period that lets me know that it's coming and gives me the endo concerns) and then go from there. But part of me wants to stop taking them...so I'm going to take them until next week when I go for my check up and talk to the doc. Or maybe I'll give him a call.

Give a call if you are not sure ella. I'm sure it's ok but will ease your mind x
As soon as I told my doctor I was TTC, she said to stay away from unpasturized dairy products, caffeine (not avoid completely but limit), raw fish, and cold deli meat (if it's heated enough so it's steaming, it's not a problem). SO... that's all I'm aware of :) I think some Dr's know more than others about pregnancy, babies, the whole obstetrical journey... x o

That's what I thought too! It was so weird! I'm just going to follow what I've read and try to avoid everything that has been identified as a risk. I will miss sushi and shrimp though! I'll be sure to contact my obstetrician if I have any questions as I'm sure he'll know. My doctor has referred me to the best obstetrician in Ontario, so I'm jazzed about that!
soo confused. Feel so nauseous on and off and dizzy. Still spotting brown like start of AF. Half of me says I have a chance, the other half says not a hope in hell - this is AF! Really confused today :(
That definitely sounds off. You would think that he would give you some restrictions. I would go with what he told your sister and ignore what he told you.

I have no idea how I would avoid deli meat...I eat sandwiches for lunch everyday. I guess I'd have to find some chicken or something to throw in there. My immediate thought was "Oh I'll just have tuna instead..wait..no."

Is it sad how excited I am about your ultrasound? I want to see your bean!! :) :haha:

And I thought the progesterone meds were weird too, which is why I wasn't sure I should take them, but then I read that they can address endo issues and I think I might have some, so I figured that I'll take them, see if anything changes pre-period (I have this thing that happens right before my period that lets me know that it's coming and gives me the endo concerns) and then go from there. But part of me wants to stop taking them...so I'm going to take them until next week when I go for my check up and talk to the doc. Or maybe I'll give him a call.

I don't really like deli meat, so I'm not missing it other than getting subs for lunch occasionally. The problem is that I want to eat healthier, but I can't have subs and I was told prepared salads at restaurants are a no-no.

I'm excited about the ultrasound too! My doctor thinks that I'm not actually 6 weeks along, but I think he's assuming I ovulated late because of my miscarriage, but I ovulated on CD16, just like last cycle. He thinks the ultrasound will show me at 5 or 5.5 weeks and the numbers say it'll be 7. I don't care as long as everything is okay.

It's so weird about the progesterone meds. I don't understand why he gave them to you, but if you have concerns about endometriosis, I would follow what he says. Give him a call before you stop taking it or if you have any concerns!
Hello ladies,
Sarah - definately odd. I followed this advise over here in uk (off website):
Cheese - Don’t eat: mould-ripened soft cheeses, such as brie, camembert and others with a similar rind such as chèvre (a type of goats’ cheese), soft blue-veined cheeses, such as Danish blue, gorgonzola and roquefort
Cheeses like this are made with mould and can contain listeria bacteria that cause listeriosis. Even a mild form of this infection in a pregnant woman can lead to miscarriage, stillbirth or severe illness in a newborn baby.

Eggs: Don’t eat raw or undercooked eggs and avoid foods that contain them, such as homemade mayonnaise.
Make sure that eggs are thoroughly cooked until the whites and yolks are solid. This prevents the risk of salmonella food poisoning.

Milk: Don’t drink raw (unpasteurised) milk, including unpasteurised goats’ or sheep’s milk. Don’t eat food that is made out of them, such as soft goats’ cheese.
If only raw or green-top milk is available, boil it first.

Pâté:Avoid all types of pâté, including vegetable pâtés, as they can contain listeria.

Meat: Don’t eat raw or undercooked meat. Cook all meat and poultry thoroughly so there’s no trace of pink or blood. Take particular care with sausages and minced meat.
Some countries advise pregnant women not to eat cold meats or smoked fish because of the risk that the food may contain listeria bacteria. In the UK, pregnant women are not advised to avoid these foods because the risk of infection is so low. However, if you’re concerned, you may choose to avoid them.

Liver: Don’t eat liver or liver products, such as liver pâté or liver sausage, as they may contain a lot of vitamin A. Too much vitamin A can harm your baby.
Vitamin ADon’t take:
high-dose multivitamin supplements
fish liver oil supplements
any supplements containing vitamin A
There are some types of fish you should limit, such as tuna and oily fish, and some types of fish you should avoid completely, such as shark. Also, don’t eat raw shellfish, as it can cause food poisoning.
I remember DH was a bit over bearing with what I mustn't eat!!! I remember having a sneaky runny egg - it was cooked but just not solid. Think you just are more careful but not ott. I did have meat well done when I went out whereas I would normally have medium-rare. Hubby also read no to whippy ice cream (just the risk of bacteria) so I didn't mind sticking with this but risk so low. All mayos and salad creams in the shops were fine. I only like hard cheese so didn't miss out there and i avoided pate but don't really eat that any way. One helping of tuna per week was fine - I wouldn't of had more any way.....

Ohh exciting that you have your dating scan next week! So excited for you!

How is everyone today?

I am 10dpo. Had more browny-red on the tissue before bed. Really doubtful it is IB. That witch is showing up early I just know it. But I want to be wrong. Did a digi test this morning FMU negative. Dreading going to the toilet in case there is more blood :(

Thanks Gemmy! I had heard everything but the pate, but I don't eat that anyway. I'm definitely missing the eggs and soft cheese though. And sushi! I have been CRAVING shrimp and salmon sushi, but DH won't let me have it, lol.

I'm nervous about the scan next week. I had my pap test yesterday and the speculum HURT, so now I'm worried about the wand and how that's going to feel. :wacko:
The scan will be wonderful Sarah! A little cold gel on your tummy and then you will see your baby :) You won't have anything down there now will you?
The scan will be wonderful Sarah! A little cold gel on your tummy and then you will see your baby :) You won't have anything down there now will you?

I thought it would be a transvaginal ultrasound given that I'm only going to be 7 weeks. Maybe I'm wrong. The doctor did tell me that I need to have a full bladder.
The scan will be wonderful Sarah! A little cold gel on your tummy and then you will see your baby :) You won't have anything down there now will you?

I thought it would be a transvaginal ultrasound given that I'm only going to be 7 weeks. Maybe I'm wrong. The doctor did tell me that I need to have a full bladder.

they are fine iv had a few in the past just bit embarassing and uncomfy but dont hurt gl with your scan iv got my 1st midwife appt on sat then theyl prob fit me in for an emergency scan cos of previous probs so gl to us both x
The scan will be wonderful Sarah! A little cold gel on your tummy and then you will see your baby :) You won't have anything down there now will you?

I thought it would be a transvaginal ultrasound given that I'm only going to be 7 weeks. Maybe I'm wrong. The doctor did tell me that I need to have a full bladder.

Ahh again it may be different here. In the UK we have a 12 week dating scan and then a nuchal scan at 20 weeks to test for abnormalities. Both scans just involve a hand held device over your tummy and for both of these you are asked to have a full bladder. At my 12 week baby was very still so I had to drink more water and go for a walk. She really prodded at my tummy to get him to move, I was surprised how hard she did it! I haven't heard of a transvaginal ultrasound though??
The scan will be wonderful Sarah! A little cold gel on your tummy and then you will see your baby :) You won't have anything down there now will you?

I thought it would be a transvaginal ultrasound given that I'm only going to be 7 weeks. Maybe I'm wrong. The doctor did tell me that I need to have a full bladder.

Ahh again it may be different here. In the UK we have a 12 week dating scan and then a nuchal scan at 20 weeks to test for abnormalities. Both scans just involve a hand held device over your tummy and for both of these you are asked to have a full bladder. At my 12 week baby was very still so I had to drink more water and go for a walk. She really prodded at my tummy to get him to move, I was surprised how hard she did it! I haven't heard of a transvaginal ultrasound though??

Google it. It just looks like a wand that they use to see the baby because it's so small at that point. I'll have a regular abdominal ultrasound at 20 weeks to find out the sex, but that's probably it.
soo confused. Feel so nauseous on and off and dizzy. Still spotting brown like start of AF. Half of me says I have a chance, the other half says not a hope in hell - this is AF! Really confused today :(

What's the update Gemmy? Still fx that it's IB and the :witch: doesn't show x x x
The scan will be wonderful Sarah! A little cold gel on your tummy and then you will see your baby :) You won't have anything down there now will you?

I thought it would be a transvaginal ultrasound given that I'm only going to be 7 weeks. Maybe I'm wrong. The doctor did tell me that I need to have a full bladder.

Ahh again it may be different here. In the UK we have a 12 week dating scan and then a nuchal scan at 20 weeks to test for abnormalities. Both scans just involve a hand held device over your tummy and for both of these you are asked to have a full bladder. At my 12 week baby was very still so I had to drink more water and go for a walk. She really prodded at my tummy to get him to move, I was surprised how hard she did it! I haven't heard of a transvaginal ultrasound though??

Google it. It just looks like a wand that they use to see the baby because it's so small at that point. I'll have a regular abdominal ultrasound at 20 weeks to find out the sex, but that's probably it.

Have googled! Will all be fine, just so exciting! Enjoy these weeks they will fly soon! And you Louise! Good luck to you both xx

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