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Welcome to the 'Two Week Wait'

I just had to post this excerpt since I was so shocked by it - apparently I'm not the only one. It was definitely this severe for me to. That's crazy!!!

My Hubby and I have been TTC for over 2 years. On Monday Nov 2 - I had cramping in my abdomen so bad that I actually went to the ER because I thought that my appendix burst! The ER docs asked if I could be pregnant and I said there is a possibility. Did the urine test and it came back neg so off to CT scan where no appendicitis - diagnosis: Gastroenteritis. They gave me Vicodin, Cipro and Flagyl.

I was supposed to start my period on Nov 7. I POS on Wed, Nov 4 and got BFP. Totally shocking because I was completely expecting NOT to be pregnant because the ER said I was not. I stopped taking all drugs. Thurs POS - BFP. Friday POS - BFP etc ... you get the picture.

When I did the math - that cramping (sharp pains) were happening 8 days post ovulation.

Could Implantation be that painful?? I have dull aching going on still ... but nothing compared to what I felt on Monday morning. It was so bad I could barely get my body upright out of bed.
Thank You Laura, I am trying to work out everything around my work.. Hopefully this month we will try to get our BFP. I wish you the same.. Keep me updated.. Ill keep my post updated as well.. Best of luck!!!:hugs:
I just had to post this excerpt since I was so shocked by it - apparently I'm not the only one. It was definitely this severe for me to. That's crazy!!!

My Hubby and I have been TTC for over 2 years. On Monday Nov 2 - I had cramping in my abdomen so bad that I actually went to the ER because I thought that my appendix burst! The ER docs asked if I could be pregnant and I said there is a possibility. Did the urine test and it came back neg so off to CT scan where no appendicitis - diagnosis: Gastroenteritis. They gave me Vicodin, Cipro and Flagyl.

I was supposed to start my period on Nov 7. I POS on Wed, Nov 4 and got BFP. Totally shocking because I was completely expecting NOT to be pregnant because the ER said I was not. I stopped taking all drugs. Thurs POS - BFP. Friday POS - BFP etc ... you get the picture.

When I did the math - that cramping (sharp pains) were happening 8 days post ovulation.

Could Implantation be that painful?? I have dull aching going on still ... but nothing compared to what I felt on Monday morning. It was so bad I could barely get my body upright out of bed.

Wow I bet you feel tons better after reading that. I know I do for you. lol
Yeah I do feel better - but that is still the nuttiest thing! lol I never would have guessed that could feel like that! I never heard of such a thing. I am feeling much better now, so that's good. It has completely subsided except for just a bit of soreness and now I am extremely hungry all of a sudden - so maybe baby has settled in and is saying"OK I'm here, now FEED me!!" LOL

At least I can hope that's what it is!! ;):shrug:
Yeah I do feel better - but that is still the nuttiest thing! lol I never would have guessed that could feel like that! I never heard of such a thing. I am feeling much better now, so that's good. It has completely subsided except for just a bit of soreness and now I am extremely hungry all of a sudden - so maybe baby has settled in and is saying"OK I'm here, now FEED me!!" LOL

At least I can hope that's what it is!! ;):shrug:

LOL that is so funny!!!! Well you better listen then. :)
https://www.peeonastick.com/ Seriously one of my favorites and thought I would share if you don't know about it already. :coolio:
I have the odd cramps in my tummy, and a strange feeling, like little bubbles, anyone experienced that before, Im still really bloated and farty haha excuse me for being blunt about it
That's a great site Iwannabfp - love it!

And yes, eoinandconor, i've definitely had that feeling - farty is a good sign!! HAHAH
haha thanks Angela :) Im Laura by the way ..

When do you plan on testing? i am 9 dpo
Hi Laura! :D

I don't know - I think I'm going to test on Tuesday - I cheated already hehe - but I'm going to hold out now until then I hope! I think I should be 7 dpo BUT something tells me ovulated earlier than that this cycle and may be further along. Idk - we shall see :)
I'm sure i ovulated early aswell, i got a smiley face on cbfm on Sat 30th July, and had Opain that evening, so if i O on that day I am 9dpo now i tested again this morn bfn :( i only have one more test left.. so holding out until Af is missed, fx i miss :)

really hope you get a bfp.. i'm unsure whats going on with me now i dont feel pregnant :(
Starting to go crazy... I can't test until the 18th, but I certainly feel different. I'm nauseous, exhausted, and have heartburn.

My cycle was all messed up last month, so we were a bit unsure about my cycle this month (i.e., when I ovulated). I think I experienced ovulation pain on the 4th, but that could have been something else too. I wish something would happen in our bodies that would let us know for sure that we've ovulated!
I can't believe I have made it this long w/o testing again. I even went to the store this morning and didn't buy a test. woot woot for me!!!! I'm trying really hard to just wait for AF because I need to mentally prepare myself. Is that sad!?! Yesterday I didn't feel preggo like I did the days b4 and maybe because I kept real busy. :shrug:

How is everybody doing!?! :flower:
HI everyone!!

How is everyone?

Laura, don't worry about not feeling symptoms - or you either Iwannabfp - my symptoms went away completely for a day and a half only to resurge with a vengeance.

I am getting more and more for sure I am preggers - I cheated AGAIN this morning :blush: BFN. I don't believe it though. I am about 85% sure I am at this point. I just hope it hangs on to that uterine wall for dear life!! :baby:

Keep me updated everyone! How are you feeling now? Did you test? Tell me everything! :hugs:

Iwannabfp - I would totally be testing right now if I were you! But I have no discipline. :dohh:
Hi everyone :)
i tested and it came back negative :(!
should really have waited a little bit longer as im not due on for another 8 days, so got my hopes way up for them to go down.
how is everyone?
baby dust to everyone xo
HI everyone!!

How is everyone?

Laura, don't worry about not feeling symptoms - or you either Iwannabfp - my symptoms went away completely for a day and a half only to resurge with a vengeance.

I am getting more and more for sure I am preggers - I cheated AGAIN this morning :blush: BFN. I don't believe it though. I am about 85% sure I am at this point. I just hope it hangs on to that uterine wall for dear life!! :baby:

Keep me updated everyone! How are you feeling now? Did you test? Tell me everything! :hugs:

Iwannabfp - I would totally be testing right now if I were you! But I have no discipline. :dohh:

I'm still not feeling anything. :( I pee a lot! I really want to test soooooo bad but I am scared I will get a BFN and I will be sad. I think if I just wait and AF doesn't come then I will be more gutsy to test.
I am sooooo happy for you!!!! What are your symptoms today?
I'm sure i ovulated early aswell, i got a smiley face on cbfm on Sat 30th July, and had Opain that evening, so if i O on that day I am 9dpo now i tested again this morn bfn :( i only have one more test left.. so holding out until Af is missed, fx i miss :)

really hope you get a bfp.. i'm unsure whats going on with me now i dont feel pregnant :(

I haven't either for the past two days. :cry:
Idk I just feel.... pregnant. Can't really explain it, but what it feels like is the kind of hormoney-squishy feeling you have right before going into labor. Lol if that makes sense. Like kind of the surge of hormones you get when a contraction is coming on again. I don't know if any of you have done natural labor - but once you do that you always remember the hormone surges before the contraction comes. Pregnancy feels a lot like that. All the same hormones I guess. :p

I probably sound dumb right now but that's what it feels like to me LOL
Hello ladies. This is my first time posting. Me and DH have been ttc for 2 long years. We have been not so careful the 7 years we have been together. I pretty much lost hope a while ago. I've been to specialist and all the doctors say I.am healthy and fertile. I have a 12 yr old son. I am 30 and had him at a very early age. My DH is 27 and has a high sperm count. I have felt pregnant in the past but it was all in my head. I did get a faint positive 5 months ago at 14 dpo. Then all negatives. I am currently 11 dpo and am having strange symptoms. We were not trying trying this month. If we did conceive it was on our anniversary. At 7 dpo I felt very gassy to the point I had to take a bath to relieve it. I just felt weird. That's when I looked at my calendar and realised I was "O" on our anniversary. I track everything and I'm like clockwork. The witch is due any day now and I'm having cramps here and there but its strange because I only cramp the day of the witch and the day after. Here are my symptoms so far. Sorry I only have since 7 dpo but I didn't think I could be til then.

7 dpo: Very gassy, heartburn. Congested just in chest. DH said I was coughing that night. Vivid dreams.
8 dpo: Still gassy, coughing up phlem, checked cervix it was high soft and pasty discharge TMI sorry. Moody. Little sore BBs.
9 dpo: felt warm checked temp and it was 99. Very weird for me. Still coughing up phlem, runny nose, heartburn still, vivid dreams again, tired took nap during day.
10 dpo: temp went down some 98.3, vivid dream, BBs sore, very bloated, coughing, moody, cervix is still high and soft, white discharge (sorry)
11 dpo: temp still 98.3, went down to 97.7 this evening, I sneezed today and was a lot of another (sorry) cervix feels different still high just not as wet; vivid dream when I took a nap at 3 oclock today, lower back ache, gassy. Kind of feels like menstrual cramps just not as intense. Heartburn still. Some weird cramps in lower belly. My BBs have small little red veins that I've never noticed before. The cramps and Bach ache is weird because it comes and goes. My BBs seem to be constantly achy.

I don't want to test for a few more days because these 2 years have been hard with too many let downs. I will keep everyone posted and I hope we all get our BFPs!!!

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