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Welcome to the 'Two Week Wait'

Hey ladies!

I am not due till the 16th Amanda lol :) 7 days away!

And to all ladies holding out hope late in the cycle - I just remembered something that will help - I kept testing negative when I was pregnant with my second daughter, I EVEN got my period!!!!! And no, my dates were not off at all. I just kept testing negative AND got a period - BUT all the while I WAS indeed pregnant. By the time I found out it had to be by blood test, and ultrasound confirmed I was pregnant when I had gotten AF. :)

And Amanda says she was 6 weeks before BFP on a previous pregnancy! So.. keep hope alive :)
Angela :) i got a smiley face on saturday 30th July.. so im approx 11 dpo and im sooo weak i used my last hpt this morning BFN im so gutted i swear, I had 3 at the start of the week now ive used them all, Hubby works away from home all week but home tomorrow eve a day early he said before he left, "make sure you dont use all them tests until i get home" oooops ive none left ekkk and all bfns too ...

Im due af on 13th Aug.. i have a feeling she will appear now :(

how are you ? dont listen to that website, they are probably telling you the earliest you can test, and i think i read somewhere on 55% of woman who test that early get their bfp! and the % rises hugely everyday after that, so hang on in there!

Hi Amanda you going book reading until your tree today :) its pouring down in Ireland!!! and im going for a tan hope it doesnt wash off haha
hi ladies mind if i join? eoinandconor im the same as you, im 11dpo tested again this morning and bfn im losing all hope now :( have af like cramps think the :witch: will show her face!! af due on 13th/14th think im out this month... good luck and baby dust to you all x
hi ladies mind if i join? eoinandconor im the same as you, im 11dpo tested again this morning and bfn im losing all hope now :( have af like cramps think the :witch: will show her face!! af due on 13th/14th think im out this month... good luck and baby dust to you all x

:) whats your name ? aww Hun dont give up!!! only give up IF she arrives thats what im trying to tell myself, af symptoms are like early pregnancy so we just dont know until she arrives orrr FX she doesnt and we get BFP!!:happydance:

I dont feel pregnant at all not! i have no cramps nothing! only thing i am is snappy and moody! a sign of af coming ?! Lets stick together and hope its our month xxx
hi ladies mind if i join? eoinandconor im the same as you, im 11dpo tested again this morning and bfn im losing all hope now :( have af like cramps think the :witch: will show her face!! af due on 13th/14th think im out this month... good luck and baby dust to you all x

:) whats your name ? aww Hun dont give up!!! only give up IF she arrives thats what im trying to tell myself, af symptoms are like early pregnancy so we just dont know until she arrives orrr FX she doesnt and we get BFP!!:happydance:

I dont feel pregnant at all not! i have no cramps nothing! only thing i am is snappy and moody! a sign of af coming ?! Lets stick together and hope its our month xxx

hey im ann :) do you use ff? i just checked my chart and it says i o'd a day before i thought i did? which would mean im 12dpo instead of 11 ... anyway i will try to stay positive and kmfx for us all hope af doesnt show!! :winkwink:
nope i dont use ff it confuses me, i tried to chart on it but i think i messed it up and i cant change it silly me.. I used a cbfm and got a positive 12 days after my last af.. this is my 3 month ttc, first month i didnt keep track and just dtd the deed to see what happened, well what happened was nothing lol, 2nd month we used cbfm i got smiley face tue 5th july in the morning, i didnt get to see hubby to almost midnight that night, and dtd need then and the next few days, but af came on 19th July.. i was gutted!! i think i may ovulate very soon after a positive cbfm soo when i got one this time we dtd straight away!

How long have you been tryin Ann, what age is your first ? i have 2 boys id love a little another little baby in the house :) i was lucky to fall in the month of trying with both my boys, this one is more tricky to catch! when u gonna test ??? i so wanna hear how u get on x
hey :D my son is now nearly 11, i had an ectopic 3 yrs ago and have only my right tube remaining now, i also had a m/c 4months after the ectopic so i'm hoping for a sticky bean this time :) i've only been trying for 1 month now but ive got so stressed out with the 2ww that i was going to give up if it didnt work this time!! stressed myself out so much that ive given myself a big fat coldsore on my bottom lip :( but the last day or so ive decided i need to take a much more relaxed approach because getting a bfp is all im thinking about everyday all day !! the first few days past o i had headaches constipation bloated cramps very gassy but all my symptoms have dissapeared apart from a few af like cramps now.. convinced myself i was preggo but have now prepared myself for getting af.. ive been testing everyday since 7dpo silly i know but i already know im a poas addict lol i just want the chance for a bfp and to be able to enjoy a healthy pregnancy and another little bundle of joy... what about you? when do you think you will be testing? have you tested already? xx
Angela, I'm sure that seems like ages away. But you can do it!!!!! Maybe test every two or three days. :shrug: I am so super excited for you to find out!!!! So I noticed you are from CA. We might be moving there in March. How do you like it?

eoinandconor, Oh how I love the rain!!!!! It never rains here in Utah. :( it did once this year and my basement flooded!!!!
Heck yes I'm going to read. It's the only peace I get between my 2 year old, my 9 yr old football practice, my 7 year old soccer practice, my husbands softball games, and then the normal day stuff. :D I would love to go tanning. I haven't been in a long time. That's way better then reading. lol

OK ladies, AF is due on Friday and I'm getting a lil nervous. The weird thing is I don't feel like she is coming. I haven't even spotted. I always spot for the four days b4 AF actually starts. I have had a few cramps here and there but nothing too bad. I better knock on wood. lol But I also don't have any other major symptoms of being preggo. It's like they all just stopped. ?? I still pee a lot and have crazy dreams.
Anyways I hope everyone is having a great day!!!! much love and :dust: to you all.
Ann ive already tested 3 times this week, i am also a poas addict!! really really tried to not test this morning but i used my last hpt and bfn.. I told my hubby that i have used them all up and they were all negative, he laughed and said i d no patience, he thinks im pregnant! im not so sure, all my so called symptoms have gone... even tho now i have no af symptoms at the min, ive had a really good happy day, Im sitting here with a nice fake tan so looking forward to wedding on Friday its taking my mind off bfp bfn and af alittle bit! even tho im due af on 13th! youve had a hard time after you first bundle :( i really hope you get your bfp and a healthy pregnancy soon xxx

Amanda im due af same day as you ekk, so excited, i have a real feeling you are pregnant! i dunno why!! just a feeling.. It has rained in Ireland for 2 straight days its horrid now, children cant get outside to play, they are havin dinner with my mammy and daddy tonight, so i have the house to myself to have a pig out on babyandbump haha.. are you really gonna hold out testing until saturday? I think i maybe buy some more tests tomorrow night and test Fri morn id af hasnt appeared, im nervous, but thinking im not cooking a bun so expecting bfn for myself

Angela have u tested again yet? i bet u have :)
Ann ive already tested 3 times this week, i am also a poas addict!! really really tried to not test this morning but i used my last hpt and bfn.. I told my hubby that i have used them all up and they were all negative, he laughed and said i d no patience, he thinks im pregnant! im not so sure, all my so called symptoms have gone... even tho now i have no af symptoms at the min, ive had a really good happy day, Im sitting here with a nice fake tan so looking forward to wedding on Friday its taking my mind off bfp bfn and af alittle bit! even tho im due af on 13th! youve had a hard time after you first bundle :( i really hope you get your bfp and a healthy pregnancy soon xxx

Amanda im due af same day as you ekk, so excited, i have a real feeling you are pregnant! i dunno why!! just a feeling.. It has rained in Ireland for 2 straight days its horrid now, children cant get outside to play, they are havin dinner with my mammy and daddy tonight, so i have the house to myself to have a pig out on babyandbump haha.. are you really gonna hold out testing until saturday? I think i maybe buy some more tests tomorrow night and test Fri morn id af hasnt appeared, im nervous, but thinking im not cooking a bun so expecting bfn for myself

Angela have u tested again yet? i bet u have :)

Awww :flower: I hope ur right!
Yeah that is too much rain. It's so hard when the kids are getting their energy out on the walls inside. Well I have one dollar store test left that I think I will use Friday morning. But if I get a BFN I will use a FRER on Saturday if AF doesn't show. Luckily you will be busy on Friday to take your mind off things. Unless you carry a test in ur purse at the wedding. lol That would be me for sure. hee hee
Hi ladies,

I am new to the thread and wanted to jump in. I am 11 dpo and got a BFN using FMU and an Answer early result test this morning. I have pretty much been testing since 8dpo and no luck so far. I am trying to hang in there!!

I noticed a tiny bit of brown spotting at 9 dpo, and some at 10 dpo as well. I had some AF type cramps at 10 dpo, too. Ahhh!! I pray the witch stays away....today the cramping has lessened and no spotting yet. Anyone else have a similar experience?

I am due for AF on Sat, and I typically spot 2 days before she comes...praying she isn't coming early.

Babydust to all!! Hope to see some BFP's soon!
Oh boy, I hope so!! This is our 6th cycle trying, and I had no idea how tough it is. Trying to stay positive after seeing a bunch of BFN's. I think I might wait until Fri to test again, the day before AF is due.

How many dpo are you?
Amanda : ive already thought about taking a few tests with me to the wedding, we are staying over soo I will test Saturday morn for defs if Witchy hasnt arrived..

Hiya Wendy :) i will be 12dpo tomorrow ekk no signs of pregnancy or af that i notice, but its like that every month for me, Ive noticed some cm as last few days.. is it normal to have cm after ovulation? im not bloated any more, ive never spotted before af and ive had no spotting yet. no cramps.. just a bfn on my hpt this morning, it was a clear blue digital one.. Hubby said no more testing until he comes home :) hes home tomorrow night. i may hope to shops to buy a few tomorrow eve .. FX bfps all around :) we really have stuck together these last few weeks havent we :)
https://www.whenmybaby.com/pregnancy-test-calculator.php Girls try this i found it really handy :)
Oh boy, I hope so!! This is our 6th cycle trying, and I had no idea how tough it is. Trying to stay positive after seeing a bunch of BFN's. I think I might wait until Fri to test again, the day before AF is due.

How many dpo are you?

I am 13 DPO AF is due on Friday. :)
But I am having major PMS today like you wouldn't believe!!! I am the :witch: today. lol
Amanda : ive already thought about taking a few tests with me to the wedding, we are staying over soo I will test Saturday morn for defs if Witchy hasnt arrived..

Hiya Wendy :) i will be 12dpo tomorrow ekk no signs of pregnancy or af that i notice, but its like that every month for me, Ive noticed some cm as last few days.. is it normal to have cm after ovulation? im not bloated any more, ive never spotted before af and ive had no spotting yet. no cramps.. just a bfn on my hpt this morning, it was a clear blue digital one.. Hubby said no more testing until he comes home :) hes home tomorrow night. i may hope to shops to buy a few tomorrow eve .. FX bfps all around :) we really have stuck together these last few weeks havent we :)

I don't blame you for taking some with you. ;)
I think it is normal to have cm here and there after O. At least it is for me anyways. I always spot the 4-6 days b4 AF arrives full force so this is one thing that has changed this month for me but I am having some PMS really bad tonight. I think I have cried like 3 times already. The book I am reading must be too sad for me at the moment. lol And yelled at my DH. :(

Is it still raining? Is tonight your free night or tomorrow? I think I get confused with the time difference. :dohh:
Hey girls!!

I am kinda excited....I was looking at my FF chart and I think I am actually 10 dpo, instead of 11 dpo :happydance: Yippee! That might explain my BFN's the past 4 days. I really hope this is my month. DH and I talked and he said he's got a feeling I'm pregnant! He has never said that in the past. He wants me to wait until Sat. to test again. Will try my hardest....

So far today, some cramping (not as bad as yesterday though) my face is oily as all get-out, felt a little dizzy a few times, feel sleepy/tired off and on, and a little bit of yellowish/light brown cm.

Eoinandconor:this cycle, I have had creamy CM every day since ovulation, which I have never had before.
Hey gals :D

Guess what????????????


JUST KIDDING!!!! (April Fools in August) LOL

I wish! I did test again Laura lol - you know me now too well haha :) It was BFN. And now I'm out of tests, sssooo... next step is just wait for witch to show. I'm not due till 16th, but I've pretty much given up on the idea already of being preggers this month. I still feel totally pregnant, but.. Idk I just don't think it's going to stick for some reason.

On the other hand ---- Amanda, I agree with Laura, I think you're pregnant too! As I was reading your post I was totally thinking "Yep, she's preggers!"
Praying we all are - baby dust to everyone on this thread!!!!!!!:baby:

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