Welcome to the 'Two Week Wait'

Omg ladies..im peeing every couple hours..im hoping it might be a good thing.. fxd
I have been searching the net trying to figure out what is going on with my body. I really don't spot normally. But two days after ovulating and TTC (sorry that's like the only acronym I know right now) I started spotting and cramping. 2 days seems pretty early. The earliest I have seen was 4 days. Today is day 7 and I guess I have another week to 10 days to find out if I am pregnant.
But darn nearly every day I am spotting. Today I am cramping again.:wacko:
I have been searching the net trying to figure out what is going on with my body. I really don't spot normally. But two days after ovulating and TTC (sorry that's like the only acronym I know right now) I started spotting and cramping. 2 days seems pretty early. The earliest I have seen was 4 days. Today is day 7 and I guess I have another week to 10 days to find out if I am pregnant.
But darn nearly every day I am spotting. Today I am cramping again.:wacko:

Some women have mid cycle spotting....one cycle I started spotting at like 3-4 days after ovulating, but I ended up having a weird, short cycle. Some women experience ovulation spotting the day of ovulation and a few days after. Are you positive of when you ovulated? Did you get a positive OPK?
I got a bfp 9dpo. Is it a good sign it showed so soon? I'm so worried I'll have another miscarriage. 1st ending with threatened miscarriage, 2nd ectopic, then 3rd ds! This is my 1st after ds. It took so long to conceive him I'm just terrified there's no way I could be so lucky. I know there isn't much to do but wait. Just any advice or reasurances please. Thank you

Hi Hello There!

I know that it's hard not to be worried. I miscarried in November and got pregnant again right away. Honestly, the chances of you having another miscarriage are only 1% though, so try to relax and enjoy yourself. Don't worry about getting an early BFP, especially since this is not your first pregnancy. Have you been to the doctor yet? You're probably eligible for an early ultrasound and that definitely help put me more at ease. Just try to do some stuff for you and take your mind off it. I'm sure everything will be fine! Good luck sweetie!
Thank you! Congrats to you as well! Thank you for the sweet words! I'm trying to not think about it hahaha easier said than done:). I haven't been to the dr yet but soon. I'm sure I will feel better once I see that there is a sac and it is in the right place! I'm going to wait a week till after my period is due (due the 3rd) so I can rule out chemical pregnancy b4 I get my hopes really really high. Thanks again!

Congrats Hon! I would just try to keep calm go to the Dr. and i am wishing you a H&H 9 months.!

Thank you very much! Ive calmed a great deal. I just keep telling myself no matter how much I obsess over it, if its going to pass I can't stop it. Just hoping for the best, for you guys as well!
I have been needing to spit constantly all day. Its driving me crazy and making me nauseous. Can anyone tell me what the deal is? Is this bad or just one of those things?
I think if I got a BFP, you guys would most likely be the first to know, after DH. But we've decided to keep the good news to ourselves until after the first ultrasound. Once we know the bean is in there and growing nicely, we'll share the good news. Actually, that's what SIL did. I still don't know how she managed to get a u/s at 6 weeks...but I'm jealous. I think the earliest I can swing is 8 weeks.

I get stressed out about when AF is going to show up...not knowing is making me crazy. I can only imagine that I'm going to be temping overtime this week, trying to figure out when I should expect AF. FF will constantly be open and I'll be over-analyzing everything...just like every other month. :)

Today's symptoms have been crazy. The acid reflux has kicked in hard, which isn't helping the nausea, and now both my bbs are super sore. Usually it's just one or the other every once in a while, but they've been hurting for a bit now. Man, I can't wait to be done with the meds. I wouldn't mind if these symptoms were attached to a BFP, but they are super magnified right now and the only reason I can see is the meds, which is much less exciting....

The ONLY good thing that came from my miscarriage was that I got an early scan with this baby, so I'm pretty sure that you'll get one too Ella.

I still can't believe they put you on medications for your miscarriage! How far along were you? I was 5w3d when I miscarried the first time and they never gave me a thing!

I was a little more than 5 weeks when AF showed up. It may have been the fact that I was a little worked up when I went in about all the crazy bleeding that made him decide to put me on the meds. At first, he was going to wait until after the u/s. Then he was like, no, let's just start you on this to calm down the bleeding. I didn't ask for the meds, I just kind of sat there looking sad, I think. I'm so glad it's only this cycle. I don't know what the next one will be like, but at least I'll have a better idea of what's going on in my body.
Hey ladies

Hope you are all well .... looking forward to up and coming test results!!!

Afm - 2 or 3dpo. Temp going up, hope it stays that way. Plenty of BD with preseed over fertile time so now sit and wait. IC at the ready to keep me busy. And I know that when I had a positive with ic with my first it was mega faint at 14dpo so I expect little from these things. Just there to stop me wasting my other digi cb one and plus two supermarket ones from last month which I was buying too frequently and was still costing lots.

:dust: everyone!
Hi ladies
I have not been here for a while. My husband and I started ttc in June last year and got our first bfp in August! Sadly when we went for our 12 week scan we found I had a blighted ovum/silent miscaarraige and had to have it removed etc.
But. We are back into ttc mode and now 2dpo and waiting...
So nice to come back and join you and know I am not going crazy on my own xx
Hi ladies
I have not been here for a while. My husband and I started ttc in June last year and got our first bfp in August! Sadly when we went for our 12 week scan we found I had a blighted ovum/silent miscaarraige and had to have it removed etc.
But. We are back into ttc mode and now 2dpo and waiting...
So nice to come back and join you and know I am not going crazy on my own xx

Hi trying2be calm - so sorry about your m/c :hugs: Glad you are feeling positive about ttc again. I am at the same stage of the 2ww - no you won't go crazy alone on here that is for sure. GL and :dust:
Hi ladies
I have not been here for a while. My husband and I started ttc in June last year and got our first bfp in August! Sadly when we went for our 12 week scan we found I had a blighted ovum/silent miscaarraige and had to have it removed etc.
But. We are back into ttc mode and now 2dpo and waiting...
So nice to come back and join you and know I am not going crazy on my own xx

Hi trying2be calm - so sorry about your m/c :hugs: Glad you are feeling positive about ttc again. I am at the same stage of the 2ww - no you won't go crazy alone on here that is for sure. GL and :dust:

Phew. Good to know, thank you for replying :-D.
Since the procedure my dates have been all different so used opk for the first time this month. Really put my mind at rest that my body is still working properly and I know we did not waste this months opportunity so it is just the wait now. AF is due on the 9th which will be a 32day cycle and 11dpo. (used to be 28 days every month).
I do feel quite positive but so afraid to get my hopes up and even if we get a bfp I am not sure how I will feel until we get a scan that turns out ok.
Hi ladies
I have not been here for a while. My husband and I started ttc in June last year and got our first bfp in August! Sadly when we went for our 12 week scan we found I had a blighted ovum/silent miscaarraige and had to have it removed etc.
But. We are back into ttc mode and now 2dpo and waiting...
So nice to come back and join you and know I am not going crazy on my own xx

Hi trying2be calm - so sorry about your m/c :hugs: Glad you are feeling positive about ttc again. I am at the same stage of the 2ww - no you won't go crazy alone on here that is for sure. GL and :dust:

Phew. Good to know, thank you for replying :-D.
Since the procedure my dates have been all different so used opk for the first time this month. Really put my mind at rest that my body is still working properly and I know we did not waste this months opportunity so it is just the wait now. AF is due on the 9th which will be a 32day cycle and 11dpo. (used to be 28 days every month).
I do feel quite positive but so afraid to get my hopes up and even if we get a bfp I am not sure how I will feel until we get a scan that turns out ok.

Yeah that is gonna be tough for you but sooo unlikely. Just take each day as it comes, ttc is tough :( but we get there in the end :) x
I have been needing to spit constantly all day. Its driving me crazy and making me nauseous. Can anyone tell me what the deal is? Is this bad or just one of those things?

I've heard that spitting is a pregnancy symptom as the increased hormones cause the production of excess saliva.

To be honest though, I've felt the need to spit more over the past few months too. I don't know why.
I think if I got a BFP, you guys would most likely be the first to know, after DH. But we've decided to keep the good news to ourselves until after the first ultrasound. Once we know the bean is in there and growing nicely, we'll share the good news. Actually, that's what SIL did. I still don't know how she managed to get a u/s at 6 weeks...but I'm jealous. I think the earliest I can swing is 8 weeks.

I get stressed out about when AF is going to show up...not knowing is making me crazy. I can only imagine that I'm going to be temping overtime this week, trying to figure out when I should expect AF. FF will constantly be open and I'll be over-analyzing everything...just like every other month. :)

Today's symptoms have been crazy. The acid reflux has kicked in hard, which isn't helping the nausea, and now both my bbs are super sore. Usually it's just one or the other every once in a while, but they've been hurting for a bit now. Man, I can't wait to be done with the meds. I wouldn't mind if these symptoms were attached to a BFP, but they are super magnified right now and the only reason I can see is the meds, which is much less exciting....

The ONLY good thing that came from my miscarriage was that I got an early scan with this baby, so I'm pretty sure that you'll get one too Ella.

I still can't believe they put you on medications for your miscarriage! How far along were you? I was 5w3d when I miscarried the first time and they never gave me a thing!

I was a little more than 5 weeks when AF showed up. It may have been the fact that I was a little worked up when I went in about all the crazy bleeding that made him decide to put me on the meds. At first, he was going to wait until after the u/s. Then he was like, no, let's just start you on this to calm down the bleeding. I didn't ask for the meds, I just kind of sat there looking sad, I think. I'm so glad it's only this cycle. I don't know what the next one will be like, but at least I'll have a better idea of what's going on in my body.

Huh. Must just be a difference between doctors. I went in crying and had my DH with me. My doctor very rarely prescribes things though. You practically have to beg him for medication, so maybe that had something to do with it.
Sarah are you telling everyone at work soon?

We're still not sure. I'd like to try to wait until I'm through the first trimester, but that means waiting another 4 weeks and I don't know if I can. I think that I'm starting to show just the tiniest bit, so I don't know if I'll be able to wait that long. Plus, I rarely ever see my boss, so I'll have to set up a time to meet with her to discuss it. I'm worried that she'll be upset because I just got promoted two weeks ago.
Hey girls,

We have been TTC for 4 years and this is my first round on Clomid. I had a scan on CD12 and there was an 18mm follicle and a couple of smaller ones.

I am 14DPO and got a BFN this morning, AF hasn't shown up yet, so I am still trying to hold out some hope!!

:dust: to you all.
I have been needing to spit constantly all day. Its driving me crazy and making me nauseous. Can anyone tell me what the deal is? Is this bad or just one of those things?

I've heard that spitting is a pregnancy symptom as the increased hormones cause the production of excess saliva.

To be honest though, I've felt the need to spit more over the past few months too. I don't know why.
Ugh! Its the oddest and nastiest thing! It just pools I have such a problem with spit too! Seeing it or thinking about it makes me gag! Blood no problem hahaha but mention spit and I go running! I wish I could say my nausea was from the pregnancy but I don't think that's the case (unless the excess saliva is a symptom) I took great comfort in morning sickness in my last pregnancy. I'm sure many of you are the same. Anyways I'm rambling good morning and good luck to all!
Hey girls,

We have been TTC for 4 years and this is my first round on Clomid. I had a scan on CD12 and there was an 18mm follicle and a couple of smaller ones.

I am 14DPO and got a BFN this morning, AF hasn't shown up yet, so I am still trying to hold out some hope!!

:dust: to you all.
Good luck on your bfp!!!!!!!!!
Sarah are you telling everyone at work soon?

We're still not sure. I'd like to try to wait until I'm through the first trimester, but that means waiting another 4 weeks and I don't know if I can. I think that I'm starting to show just the tiniest bit, so I don't know if I'll be able to wait that long. Plus, I rarely ever see my boss, so I'll have to set up a time to meet with her to discuss it. I'm worried that she'll be upset because I just got promoted two weeks ago.
Good luck with telling your boss! I'm sure she'll be very excited for you.

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