Welcome to the 'Two Week Wait'

good evening ladies, aah i have tried so hard not to come on any baby site! Its umm hard?! Currently on cd19, not sure when ovulated but felt like cd10. I've seem lots of posts about dreams, i have had 2in last 3 days where i had a positive result, i am now going mad! This is the 1st month i've had like no symptoms althoughi tried to be very relaxed about it this month! If my last cycle is anything to go by i'm due af monday. Anyone else about the same time as me? Congratulations to everyone who has their bfp :) x x
Hello ladies, just checking-in. I hope you're all well. Afm, cd4, AF has almost left the building I hope :)

I spent time with my in-laws on the weekend, and it was actually very enjoyable. Of course there were many questions of 'when are you going to have kids' blah blah. I told dh's grandma that we're trying, and she of course told the rest of the family... I wish I hadn't, because now I feel some strange sort of pressure to make it happen. You know? And it also comes with many 'just don't think about it, it will happen, blah blah', which I know is good advice... but seriously, how many women seriously ttc can just NOT think about it?! It's so huge, and it's something we want soooooooooo badly... anyways. I'm sure you all understand :)

Best of luck to us all this month, the month of loooooooooooooove xo :flower:

Oh boy, do I hear ya on that! Lol. I love my in-laws but they drive me nuts!! They've been pressuring me it seems like since the day me & my DH started dating :dohh: It's like calm down ppl, I'm not just a baby making machine for your son, Haha. So I forbid my DH from telling anyone we're trying!

Yes isn't that so frustrating.... In a way I wanted people to know to shut them up with their stupid comments - but on the other side I'd always feel down after telling them -cause then I'd feel like 'what's up with me??" :cry:
It's so hard - people just don't get it do they?... That's why I love this thread - you guys are the only ones who actually get it and know what it feels like..:flower:
ok -don't know if anyone is interested .... but for those considering acupuncture check out this link -this is so cool..... Totally sounds like me... My naturopathic doctor has actually said I have a weak spleen and when I found this description I totally went ...whoa!! GOing to work on strengthening the spleen...
Well I am official in the TWW period :).... Got mix emotions about it. please pray I get my BFP! Thanks you ladies.
Hiya everyone :hi:
I can't believe im entering the TWW tomorrow it really has flown in!
I was getting slight Ovulation pain last night and this morn, we bd last night and will again tonight, I used OPK this month but used my last one Friday and it was negative so i know Ovulation didn't Occur up to that point, Feeling really positive this month esp as we are going on Holiday at the end of the week so that will keep my mind off it a wee bit , I'll be approx 11 dpo when we get home :)

How is everyone, Gemmy are you in the Tww now? hows things ?

Wendy hows things? i haven't read through all the posts yet, x

Sarah honey hows your lil bump coming along?

WOW so many new girls, its so nice to see :kiss:

Good luck to everyone xxx

I have missed you too Laura and I can't believe either how fast time has gone!!

Would you believe I am now 8dpo!!! I am finding it is flying now! I have been filling my time with temping daily and filling out ff, using IC's since 6dpo which of course have all been bfn but it gives me something to look forward to! Now by the end of this week I will either be spotting with af around thurs/fri or I might get my bfp!!!

So have you not detected your O yet? Keep at the bding! x

:happydance: 8dpo is brill, wont be long in flying in, i have everything crossed you have a BFP at the end of this wait,

my cycles vary, i had one 30 day cycle but they are usually around 25 26 or 27 days long, last one was 25.. i read that its not classed as an irregular cycle as the variation isn't more than 8 days apart, it just means its harder to predict when ovulation occurs and get pregnant, so i decided to try opk again this time... i used my last test on Friday afternoon and it was negative.. saturday i started to get ewcm and tons more on sunday(TMI) and completely forgot to buy some more opks, soo at least i know O didnt occur up until friday.. and this morning i felt slight O pain so it all kindof stacks up... Think i must have Ovulated today so we will have some fun tonight and guessing im 1dpo tomorrow..

Honestly too we had fun we forgot it was Baby making! so i hope thats helps too, but now i am into the obsessed mode of thinking about it none stop today, Im glad i can switch off when im not in the tww, hard tho when every other person i see is pregnant :haha: ive actually lost count about how many mummys at school are pregnant and everyone keeps asking when i will have another and i just have to smile and say ohh its time enough yet, 2 is great at the mo, grrr

Oops im ranting:haha:

Lol, rant away ;) Absolutely know what you mean - people say to me "when are you having another" and I smile saying "when he's a bit older.." - I don't want them to know. A few friends think I'm just ntnp - I don't reveal opk's, temping, this website and well timed BDing!! They would say "No don't do all that, just let it happen" - but actually I am enjoying all this! I might not be saying that if it takes too long though :wacko:

But how you manage to only obsess during 2ww is beyond me! I really wish I could but all month long I am here, reading, planning and getting very impatient ;)

Glad you and dh are enjoying your baby making ;) I think that is important. Good luck and hope that this is your month too! x
Hiya everyone :hi:
I can't believe im entering the TWW tomorrow it really has flown in!
I was getting slight Ovulation pain last night and this morn, we bd last night and will again tonight, I used OPK this month but used my last one Friday and it was negative so i know Ovulation didn't Occur up to that point, Feeling really positive this month esp as we are going on Holiday at the end of the week so that will keep my mind off it a wee bit , I'll be approx 11 dpo when we get home :)

How is everyone, Gemmy are you in the Tww now? hows things ?

Wendy hows things? i haven't read through all the posts yet, x

Sarah honey hows your lil bump coming along?

WOW so many new girls, its so nice to see :kiss:

Good luck to everyone xxx

I have missed you too Laura and I can't believe either how fast time has gone!!

Would you believe I am now 8dpo!!! I am finding it is flying now! I have been filling my time with temping daily and filling out ff, using IC's since 6dpo which of course have all been bfn but it gives me something to look forward to! Now by the end of this week I will either be spotting with af around thurs/fri or I might get my bfp!!!

So have you not detected your O yet? Keep at the bding! x

:happydance: 8dpo is brill, wont be long in flying in, i have everything crossed you have a BFP at the end of this wait,

my cycles vary, i had one 30 day cycle but they are usually around 25 26 or 27 days long, last one was 25.. i read that its not classed as an irregular cycle as the variation isn't more than 8 days apart, it just means its harder to predict when ovulation occurs and get pregnant, so i decided to try opk again this time... i used my last test on Friday afternoon and it was negative.. saturday i started to get ewcm and tons more on sunday(TMI) and completely forgot to buy some more opks, soo at least i know O didnt occur up until friday.. and this morning i felt slight O pain so it all kindof stacks up... Think i must have Ovulated today so we will have some fun tonight and guessing im 1dpo tomorrow..

Honestly too we had fun we forgot it was Baby making! so i hope thats helps too, but now i am into the obsessed mode of thinking about it none stop today, Im glad i can switch off when im not in the tww, hard tho when every other person i see is pregnant :haha: ive actually lost count about how many mummys at school are pregnant and everyone keeps asking when i will have another and i just have to smile and say ohh its time enough yet, 2 is great at the mo, grrr

Oops im ranting:haha:

Lol, rant away ;) Absolutely know what you mean - people say to me "when are you having another" and I smile saying "when he's a bit older.." - I don't want them to know. A few friends think I'm just ntnp - I don't reveal opk's, temping, this website and well timed BDing!! They would say "No don't do all that, just let it happen" - but actually I am enjoying all this! I might not be saying that if it takes too long though :wacko:

But how you manage to only obsess during 2ww is beyond me! I really wish I could but all month long I am here, reading, planning and getting very impatient ;)

Glad you and dh are enjoying your baby making ;) I think that is important. Good luck and hope that this is your month too! x

How long have you been trying for this lil one?

I started wanting another baby in June/july and we started to not prevent it from happening back then, Hubby worked away mon-fri and only home at the weekends so it was hard to time it.. He got a job back here in Ireland just before xmas we had a break ttc in Dec, so this is our second "proper" month ttc, I swear it feels like a life time ago :( I obsessed terrible at the start and as time went on i learnt to switch off before the waiting test part came around...

We are enjoying ourselves apart from me laying with my legs in the air half an hour afterwards hahahahahahahahaha TMI again
i am having some annoying cramps and low back pain. Af not due for at least 4+days! Usually dont cramp up like this so soon. Fxd! Waiting for ic prego tests to come in mail. Had another dream that i took several tests and they all were +.
Well ladies after a very long 13 days .... I'm out! :AF: officially arrived this morning after teasing me with 2 days of spotting, giving my me hope that I would have my :bfp: Holy moly did she come with a vengeance!!! I have not had cramps as bad as i did this morning since I was a teenager. I honestly felt like my body was saying NOOOO....... Don't put a baby in me this month:wacko:

Oh well, deep down in my heart I knew this month wasn't our month. Our timing of BDing wasn't very good. Leave it to us to argue the days we need to be :sex: Is what it is I guess. I have a good feeling about the next 2 months. Not quite sure what it is, but FX good things do happen to those who wait :winkwink:

Lot of baby dust to you all :dust:
Hello ladies, just checking-in. I hope you're all well. Afm, cd4, AF has almost left the building I hope :)

I spent time with my in-laws on the weekend, and it was actually very enjoyable. Of course there were many questions of 'when are you going to have kids' blah blah. I told dh's grandma that we're trying, and she of course told the rest of the family... I wish I hadn't, because now I feel some strange sort of pressure to make it happen. You know? And it also comes with many 'just don't think about it, it will happen, blah blah', which I know is good advice... but seriously, how many women seriously ttc can just NOT think about it?! It's so huge, and it's something we want soooooooooo badly... anyways. I'm sure you all understand :)

Best of luck to us all this month, the month of loooooooooooooove xo :flower:

Oh boy, do I hear ya on that! Lol. I love my in-laws but they drive me nuts!! They've been pressuring me it seems like since the day me & my DH started dating :dohh: It's like calm down ppl, I'm not just a baby making machine for your son, Haha. So I forbid my DH from telling anyone we're trying!

Yes isn't that so frustrating.... In a way I wanted people to know to shut them up with their stupid comments - but on the other side I'd always feel down after telling them -cause then I'd feel like 'what's up with me??" :cry:
It's so hard - people just don't get it do they?... That's why I love this thread - you guys are the only ones who actually get it and know what it feels like..:flower:

I know what you mean hahaha! When you're dating its when are you getting married. When you're married its when are you having kids. When you have a baby its when are you having more babies! Sometimes it can be a lot of pressure. I think that's why a lot of us ttc in secret.
This month has been weird for me...abnormal cramps and twinges made me hopeful but today not so much, af is due thursday and I normally start with minor cramps for two days before af shows her ugly face...today I have been having these cramps..11dpo. So my hope is dwindling quickly. I really hate AF lol
Hello ladies, just checking-in. I hope you're all well. Afm, cd4, AF has almost left the building I hope :)

I spent time with my in-laws on the weekend, and it was actually very enjoyable. Of course there were many questions of 'when are you going to have kids' blah blah. I told dh's grandma that we're trying, and she of course told the rest of the family... I wish I hadn't, because now I feel some strange sort of pressure to make it happen. You know? And it also comes with many 'just don't think about it, it will happen, blah blah', which I know is good advice... but seriously, how many women seriously ttc can just NOT think about it?! It's so huge, and it's something we want soooooooooo badly... anyways. I'm sure you all understand :)

Best of luck to us all this month, the month of loooooooooooooove xo :flower:

Haha! We actually had someone ask us at our WEDDING when we were going to have kids! I was like "Uh.... Let me get the wedding finished up first, okay?" I wish that I hadn't told my family we were ttc. From then on, it was "Are you pregnant yet?" and "Why aren't you pregnant yet?"
Hiya everyone :hi:
I can't believe im entering the TWW tomorrow it really has flown in!
I was getting slight Ovulation pain last night and this morn, we bd last night and will again tonight, I used OPK this month but used my last one Friday and it was negative so i know Ovulation didn't Occur up to that point, Feeling really positive this month esp as we are going on Holiday at the end of the week so that will keep my mind off it a wee bit , I'll be approx 11 dpo when we get home :)

How is everyone, Gemmy are you in the Tww now? hows things ?

Wendy hows things? i haven't read through all the posts yet, x

Sarah honey hows your lil bump coming along?

WOW so many new girls, its so nice to see :kiss:

Good luck to everyone xxx

Hi Laura! I missed you!

My little bump is still non-existent. Thankfully I'm not showing at all yet, so I don't have to tell my boss yet. Everything is going fine though. No more cramping at all. The nausea is still here, but I haven't thrown up yet, so that's a nice plus. Everyone else in my family was throwing up 3+ times a day when they were pregnant, so I'm considering myself lucky.

How are you feeling?

There will soon be a bump hee hee you will have to post a pic aswell
nausea is awful sometimes you just need to be sick to feel alittle better,:hugs:
I was sick for 9 months its horrid but worth it :baby:

I'm feeling not too bad ive got a cold sniff sniff.. Just wish i could get pregnant , Hubby keeps telling me this is only our 2nd month properly trying for this little one, as he worked away from home when we were trying before, but it just feels like forever! im not very patient as you can probably tell :haha:

Thanks Laura! I was feeling really nauseous today, but I don't know if that was pregnancy related or getting a touch of the flu. A lot of my co-workers have been sick and I'm worried I'm getting it too.

I'll post a pic as soon as I have anything to show, lol. I tried to take one with my phone in the mirror on the weekend, but there was nothing to see!

I hope that this is your month Laura! You deserve it so much!
I finally made a drs appointment. Its next weds I'm so nervous! I'm waiting till then so if there is going to be a heartbeat it would be there. I'm praying soo hard for a viable pregnancy! But I don't wanna go b4 theres a heartbeat bc I just don't want to hold out hope if there isn't any:( So when I go next Wednesday I'll be 6 weeks so if there's no heartbeat I can go ahead and start trying to move on. Ok sorry I'm done being a negative nancy! I'm still trying to be positive without getting my hopes up to high. Gl to everyone and sorry for ones getting a/f

Keep in mind that you may not see a heartbeat at 6 weeks yet. We saw one at 7, but it was barely there. You could also be a few days less than you think. Doctor thought we were two days behind and at the early stages, that can make all the difference. Will they send you for an ultrasound right away? I went in at 5 weeks and they wouldn't get me in until 7.
Hi ladies,
Well AF is officially here:( Bummer. She arrived late last night. Oh well. On to the next cycle. I decided to go natural-no Clomid this cycle. It is messing with my hormones and my mood swings this last cycle were VICIOUS. So I ordered some FertileAid for Women and Fertile Tea. Hope that works! I am also going to try progesterone cream this cycle-hope that helps with my spotting.

Hoping to relax and have fun with DH this cycle.
GL ladies who are in the TWW!!
I finally made a drs appointment. Its next weds I'm so nervous! I'm waiting till then so if there is going to be a heartbeat it would be there. I'm praying soo hard for a viable pregnancy! But I don't wanna go b4 theres a heartbeat bc I just don't want to hold out hope if there isn't any:( So when I go next Wednesday I'll be 6 weeks so if there's no heartbeat I can go ahead and start trying to move on. Ok sorry I'm done being a negative nancy! I'm still trying to be positive without getting my hopes up to high. Gl to everyone and sorry for ones getting a/f

Keep in mind that you may not see a heartbeat at 6 weeks yet. We saw one at 7, but it was barely there. You could also be a few days less than you think. Doctor thought we were two days behind and at the early stages, that can make all the difference. Will they send you for an ultrasound right away? I went in at 5 weeks and they wouldn't get me in until 7.

Yes, I'll get an us right away bc of my history. Fx!
I finally made a drs appointment. Its next weds I'm so nervous! I'm waiting till then so if there is going to be a heartbeat it would be there. I'm praying soo hard for a viable pregnancy! But I don't wanna go b4 theres a heartbeat bc I just don't want to hold out hope if there isn't any:( So when I go next Wednesday I'll be 6 weeks so if there's no heartbeat I can go ahead and start trying to move on. Ok sorry I'm done being a negative nancy! I'm still trying to be positive without getting my hopes up to high. Gl to everyone and sorry for ones getting a/f

Keep in mind that you may not see a heartbeat at 6 weeks yet. We saw one at 7, but it was barely there. You could also be a few days less than you think. Doctor thought we were two days behind and at the early stages, that can make all the difference. Will they send you for an ultrasound right away? I went in at 5 weeks and they wouldn't get me in until 7.

Yes, I'll get an us right away bc of my history. Fx!

:hugs: I know how you feel, but don't get too discouraged. I hope everything goes well. Make sure you keep Sarah's advice in mind. I don't want you to get too discouraged if you don't see a heartbeat, since like Sarah said, it might not be there yet. Will they check your HCG levels over a few weeks to make sure they're rising?
Hi ladies,
Well AF is officially here:( Bummer. She arrived late last night. Oh well. On to the next cycle. I decided to go natural-no Clomid this cycle. It is messing with my hormones and my mood swings this last cycle were VICIOUS. So I ordered some FertileAid for Women and Fertile Tea. Hope that works! I am also going to try progesterone cream this cycle-hope that helps with my spotting.

Hoping to relax and have fun with DH this cycle.
GL ladies who are in the TWW!!

:hugs: Wendy!! I hope the next cycle is the one for you!! It sounds like you've got a good plan for it. Keep us updated! :)

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