Welcome to the 'Two Week Wait'

Hey ladies

I don't know what is going on with me today. I feel awful and really nauseous. It started last night. I just want to go to sleep. I have masses of tension in my shoulders as well which is giving me a headache but prob just stress - I don't want to be STRESSED!!

I am only about 9DPO but I could not help POAS this morning. BFN of course.

Maybe I just have a bug.... :cry:
I finally made a drs appointment. Its next weds I'm so nervous! I'm waiting till then so if there is going to be a heartbeat it would be there. I'm praying soo hard for a viable pregnancy! But I don't wanna go b4 theres a heartbeat bc I just don't want to hold out hope if there isn't any:( So when I go next Wednesday I'll be 6 weeks so if there's no heartbeat I can go ahead and start trying to move on. Ok sorry I'm done being a negative nancy! I'm still trying to be positive without getting my hopes up to high. Gl to everyone and sorry for ones getting a/f

Keep in mind that you may not see a heartbeat at 6 weeks yet. We saw one at 7, but it was barely there. You could also be a few days less than you think. Doctor thought we were two days behind and at the early stages, that can make all the difference. Will they send you for an ultrasound right away? I went in at 5 weeks and they wouldn't get me in until 7.

Yes, I'll get an us right away bc of my history. Fx!

:hugs: I know how you feel, but don't get too discouraged. I hope everything goes well. Make sure you keep Sarah's advice in mind. I don't want you to get too discouraged if you don't see a heartbeat, since like Sarah said, it might not be there yet. Will they check your HCG levels over a few weeks to make sure they're rising?

Thank you ladies, for the kind words. Once they saw my son and his hb(5wks3dys) they didn't check my levels. I did get several us around 8 I think. But I have a tilted uterus, short cervix, and anemia so they just checked him out a little more often. None serioius problems just being extra precautious I suppose. I was on bed rest from 6mths on bc my short cervix tells my body its time b4 it is. But early labor was stopped and avoided and my son was born on his due date.
How long have you been trying for this lil one?

I started wanting another baby in June/july and we started to not prevent it from happening back then, Hubby worked away mon-fri and only home at the weekends so it was hard to time it.. He got a job back here in Ireland just before xmas we had a break ttc in Dec, so this is our second "proper" month ttc, I swear it feels like a life time ago :( I obsessed terrible at the start and as time went on i learnt to switch off before the waiting test part came around...

We are enjoying ourselves apart from me laying with my legs in the air half an hour afterwards hahahahahahahahaha TMI again

lol!!! haha! Hope he brings you a cuppa tea while you are there ;)

I am going to have to train my mind to switch off I think. If AF comes at the end of this week and will try hard. Only now I have got into fertility friend and temping...so there I will be every day...oh no and I'm so addicted to this site!! Right now my LO is having his afternoon nap and what am I doing? :wacko:

Only our 3rd proper cycle of trying. We were ntnp since having him July 2010 but we weren't really doing much bding especially in the early days. We also just pulled out - sorry tmi. Or I just said we were ok as I knew I had just had af. Until November. The next day I said oh you know I said we were ok yesterday - well actually I am exactly 2 weeks in middle of cycle!! But we got excited and I thought I was. That was when I joined this site. I was almost 99% certain more fool me. So we tried dec, early jan and now it's third time lucky I hope!!

Well 9dpo - BFN fmu and smu - yes I'm getting a poas addiction now :/. Not happy as my temp is slowly going down. I did read 36.38 this morning but that was half an hour before my alarm. When alarm went off it was 36.42...think I will plot that one but once I've gone down to 36.20 I will have hit the crosshair so I'm begging my body not to do that :/
Sorry Wendy~ Hope the luck of the irish is with you next month :)

AFM-still cramping, BUT I woke up in middle of night to pee!!!! Who knew one would get so excited about that. Gives me a little hope. Still waiting for cheapie tests to arrive and then I will be testing like crazy!!
Hi ladies,
Well AF is officially here:( Bummer. She arrived late last night. Oh well. On to the next cycle. I decided to go natural-no Clomid this cycle. It is messing with my hormones and my mood swings this last cycle were VICIOUS. So I ordered some FertileAid for Women and Fertile Tea. Hope that works! I am also going to try progesterone cream this cycle-hope that helps with my spotting.

Hoping to relax and have fun with DH this cycle.
GL ladies who are in the TWW!!

Ohhhhh darn it, Wendy! So no IUI this upcoming cycle? I like the idea of you just trying to relax this month with it... they say that's when it's most likely to happen! GL to you ma'dear xo Perhaps will we be testing around the same time again? Today I'm 5dpo, I ususally Ov. around cd16. Fx :kiss:
How long have you been trying for this lil one?

I started wanting another baby in June/july and we started to not prevent it from happening back then, Hubby worked away mon-fri and only home at the weekends so it was hard to time it.. He got a job back here in Ireland just before xmas we had a break ttc in Dec, so this is our second "proper" month ttc, I swear it feels like a life time ago :( I obsessed terrible at the start and as time went on i learnt to switch off before the waiting test part came around...

We are enjoying ourselves apart from me laying with my legs in the air half an hour afterwards hahahahahahahahaha TMI again

lol!!! haha! Hope he brings you a cuppa tea while you are there ;)

I am going to have to train my mind to switch off I think. If AF comes at the end of this week and will try hard. Only now I have got into fertility friend and temping...so there I will be every day...oh no and I'm so addicted to this site!! Right now my LO is having his afternoon nap and what am I doing? :wacko:

Only our 3rd proper cycle of trying. We were ntnp since having him July 2010 but we weren't really doing much bding especially in the early days. We also just pulled out - sorry tmi. Or I just said we were ok as I knew I had just had af. Until November. The next day I said oh you know I said we were ok yesterday - well actually I am exactly 2 weeks in middle of cycle!! But we got excited and I thought I was. That was when I joined this site. I was almost 99% certain more fool me. So we tried dec, early jan and now it's third time lucky I hope!!

Well 9dpo - BFN fmu and smu - yes I'm getting a poas addiction now :/. Not happy as my temp is slowly going down. I did read 36.38 this morning but that was half an hour before my alarm. When alarm went off it was 36.42...think I will plot that one but once I've gone down to 36.20 I will have hit the crosshair so I'm begging my body not to do that :/

FX for you Gemmy girl!
How long have you been trying for this lil one?

I started wanting another baby in June/july and we started to not prevent it from happening back then, Hubby worked away mon-fri and only home at the weekends so it was hard to time it.. He got a job back here in Ireland just before xmas we had a break ttc in Dec, so this is our second "proper" month ttc, I swear it feels like a life time ago :( I obsessed terrible at the start and as time went on i learnt to switch off before the waiting test part came around...

We are enjoying ourselves apart from me laying with my legs in the air half an hour afterwards hahahahahahahahaha TMI again

lol!!! haha! Hope he brings you a cuppa tea while you are there ;)

I am going to have to train my mind to switch off I think. If AF comes at the end of this week and will try hard. Only now I have got into fertility friend and temping...so there I will be every day...oh no and I'm so addicted to this site!! Right now my LO is having his afternoon nap and what am I doing? :wacko:

Only our 3rd proper cycle of trying. We were ntnp since having him July 2010 but we weren't really doing much bding especially in the early days. We also just pulled out - sorry tmi. Or I just said we were ok as I knew I had just had af. Until November. The next day I said oh you know I said we were ok yesterday - well actually I am exactly 2 weeks in middle of cycle!! But we got excited and I thought I was. That was when I joined this site. I was almost 99% certain more fool me. So we tried dec, early jan and now it's third time lucky I hope!!

Well 9dpo - BFN fmu and smu - yes I'm getting a poas addiction now :/. Not happy as my temp is slowly going down. I did read 36.38 this morning but that was half an hour before my alarm. When alarm went off it was 36.42...think I will plot that one but once I've gone down to 36.20 I will have hit the crosshair so I'm begging my body not to do that :/

I was a poas addict at the start too :haha: i just got fed up seeing BFNs, I was just hoping i was wrong and that it will surprise me with a positive early, cos when we tried with both my boys and i tested day af was due and got a bfn and 2 days later finally got a positive so there really is no point in me testing early other than wishful thinking, I've have a good feeling this month hope it happens for us both.. we bd about 5 times over the fertile time and we did it this morning I think i O yesterday so this morn was incase eggy was still hanging around..

I dont know anything about temping and i tried FF and i messed it all up when i tried to enter my details, i got a app on my phone called my days and its very good keeps track of everything and cos my cycles vary it gives me average and works it all out for me, i have an awful memory id forget to temp and mess it all up :wacko:.. i started taking pregnacare to aid conception do u take it? i bought ones for hubby too haha should have seen his face he takes them tho, he really wants another baby too :)

What age are you and your lil boy?

I know about being addicted to this site look where i am now again too:haha:
I have to go pick my lil boy up from school in 10 mins :happydance: and see all mummys with bumps grr lol
Hi Ladies,
This is my first month TTC after coming off the pill. Before ovulation I had slight cramping, after ovulation, the cramping continued. I am about 9dpo, and yesterday, a full week before AF is supposed to arrive, I had a pinkish CM discharge for a few hours when I wiped (sorry if TMI). I am still having slight cramping and very bad back pain. I took a test this morning (i know its too early) and got a BFN. I know this is just my first month TTC but i really feel like i am pregnant. I've never had cramping like this before and i didn't do anything to throw out my lower back. And the way i had CM bleeding yesterday was very strange. I thought it could be early AF but its gone now. Any suggestions? When should i re-test? I'm going crazy.
Hey ladies

I don't know what is going on with me today. I feel awful and really nauseous. It started last night. I just want to go to sleep. I have masses of tension in my shoulders as well which is giving me a headache but prob just stress - I don't want to be STRESSED!!

I am only about 9DPO but I could not help POAS this morning. BFN of course.

Maybe I just have a bug.... :cry:

I am in the same boat you are. only 9dpo. BFN this morning. i know its too early, especially since i had slight CM bleeding yesterday when i went to the bathroom.. but i hate waiting. i promised myself i wouldn't take another test until 12dpo, which is friday. baby dust to you all <3
Hi Ladies,
This is my first month TTC after coming off the pill. Before ovulation I had slight cramping, after ovulation, the cramping continued. I am about 9dpo, and yesterday, a full week before AF is supposed to arrive, I had a pinkish CM discharge for a few hours when I wiped (sorry if TMI). I am still having slight cramping and very bad back pain. I took a test this morning (i know its too early) and got a BFN. I know this is just my first month TTC but i really feel like i am pregnant. I've never had cramping like this before and i didn't do anything to throw out my lower back. And the way i had CM bleeding yesterday was very strange. I thought it could be early AF but its gone now. Any suggestions? When should i re-test? I'm going crazy.

9dpo is alittle early to get a positive result on a hpt as the hormone isnt strong enough to detect yet..

when did you get the pinkish cm? that can also be a sign of implantation i had it with my first son x

The camping you are having may be implantation pain which usually occurs around 9dpo, the hormone would not be released into your urine yet so you wouldnt be able to get a positive result, wait until you Af is due :)

Fx for you, if you have a feeling you are pregnant theres a good chance you are us woman can sometimes tell these things, good luck x
Thanks for your quick reply!

I got the pink CM yesterday, about 8dpo, just when i wiped, and only for a few hours. Now I have nothing except back & lower stomach pain.

Its going to drive my crazy waiting for this weekend (when AF is due) but I have to do it because seeing a BFN when I think my body is telling me I am PG is really upsetting.
So gonna test this sunday. Best of luck to you!
Hi everyone I'm 7dpo, I have 2 kids from a previous marriage and been with my partner now for 3 years, we had been using the pull out method successfully for 3 years so he thinks that maybe his sperm doesn't work, this is our first month trying, I conceived my 2 children in the first month so I'm dying to get a BFP on my period due date which is valentines day. I am sooooooooo excited I can barely wait so I'm here with girls in the same situation as me :D xx nice to meet you!
Thanks for your quick reply!

I got the pink CM yesterday, about 8dpo, just when i wiped, and only for a few hours. Now I have nothing except back & lower stomach pain.

Its going to drive my crazy waiting for this weekend (when AF is due) but I have to do it because seeing a BFN when I think my body is telling me I am PG is really upsetting.
So gonna test this sunday. Best of luck to you!

Thats a really good sign if you got that pink cm 8dpo, if you get a bfn at the weekend and af still hasnt arrived just wait a few more days , my af was late 3 days before i got my bfp..
good luck ali, I am also 9dpo, I have been testing early with IC for the hell of it and all negative but I agree it is so early! your symptoms sound good! i don't really have much that is unusual. just regular gassy feeling LOL sorry tmi.

laura - that makes me feel good that it was only 2 days after you were due you got bfp, that makes my negatives have a longer chance to get positive! When I had ds I tested the day I was due and even on an ic like I am using it was pretty faint in the morning, darker by the afternoon and then I bought a digi and that confirmed. I must have been 14dpo. That month (after 9 tiresome ones with opk and lots of hpt) i too had waited. I will probably get to that stage again!! Just would love to have a cycle where I am pregnant and I tested early and saw it appear! I am taking daily pics lol - obsession!! I am 33, 34 next month :/. DS is 19 months now :)

Have a good afternoon girls, I am going to drag myself away and take the little man out for some fresh air :)
good luck ali, I am also 9dpo, I have been testing early with IC for the hell of it and all negative but I agree it is so early! your symptoms sound good! i don't really have much that is unusual. just regular gassy feeling LOL sorry tmi.

laura - that makes me feel good that it was only 2 days after you were due you got bfp, that makes my negatives have a longer chance to get positive! When I had ds I tested the day I was due and even on an ic like I am using it was pretty faint in the morning, darker by the afternoon and then I bought a digi and that confirmed. I must have been 14dpo. That month (after 9 tiresome ones with opk and lots of hpt) i too had waited. I will probably get to that stage again!! Just would love to have a cycle where I am pregnant and I tested early and saw it appear! I am taking daily pics lol - obsession!! I am 33, 34 next month :/. DS is 19 months now :)

Have a good afternoon girls, I am going to drag myself away and take the little man out for some fresh air :)

I'll be 29 next month :) im tearing myself away to go do some housework, my boys are out in the garden playing its a nice day here today, its a wee bit chilly but the suns out at least .. ooh just remembered im 1dpo just 13 more to go :happydance:
good luck ali, I am also 9dpo, I have been testing early with IC for the hell of it and all negative but I agree it is so early! your symptoms sound good! i don't really have much that is unusual. just regular gassy feeling LOL sorry tmi.

laura - that makes me feel good that it was only 2 days after you were due you got bfp, that makes my negatives have a longer chance to get positive! When I had ds I tested the day I was due and even on an ic like I am using it was pretty faint in the morning, darker by the afternoon and then I bought a digi and that confirmed. I must have been 14dpo. That month (after 9 tiresome ones with opk and lots of hpt) i too had waited. I will probably get to that stage again!! Just would love to have a cycle where I am pregnant and I tested early and saw it appear! I am taking daily pics lol - obsession!! I am 33, 34 next month :/. DS is 19 months now :)

Have a good afternoon girls, I am going to drag myself away and take the little man out for some fresh air :)

Best of luck Gemmy! You girls make me feel so much better knowing i'm not alone in the wait <3
OMG OMG I just took frer and got BFP!! Now i am really scared because i have been Cramping the last few days!!! I am waiting to hear back from DR to see when they want me to come in.. Should I be worried??
OMG OMG I just took frer and got BFP!! Now i am really scared because i have been Cramping the last few days!!! I am waiting to hear back from DR to see when they want me to come in.. Should I be worried??

I am still waiting on my BFP, only 9dpo, but i have also been cramping for the past few days. From what I have read its normal, either from implantation cramps or from the uterus stretching etc. Unless is SEVERE i wouldn't be worried.. Some women even have cramping their entire pregnancy.

How long after ovulation did you get your BFP?? I can't wait to get an accurate result... few more days for that.

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