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Hey ladies,

I need some advice please! I'm only on CD 8 and last month I ovulated around CD 17 per FF and the use of OPK. I started temping last month and found it very interesting. Now this month I am trying to chart my cervical fluid as well. I read Taking Charge of your Fertility and it was definitely an eye-opening book.

See here is my problem... I never paid this much attention to my cervical fluid before now and this morning I felt like I had watery cervical fluid. Sorry to get so personal, but I literally felt like I wet myself. Now I know that my cervical fluid should be like this when I get close to ovulating, but I think it is still early for me. We :sex: just in case, but now I feel like charting my cervical fluid is confusing me more then actually helping me. What do you guys think? Any advice? I figure when in doubt...:sex:
Hi ladies.
I hope you don't mind but I need your thoughts as I am tying myself up in knots here.

My last 3 cycles have been 33, 35 and 29 days. I am now CD37 and no af and no BFP.

I got a faint opk positive on the morning of CD21 and a defo positive CD22 and obv dtd through that time.

I thought af was starting early Sunday as had a bit of brown cm but the nothing.

Could I have ov'd even later? Was it ib I saw? If it was then I would not have a BFP yet but if it was that is like 11 or 12 dpo and I read something that said such late implanting means 82% chance of misscary so quite worried.

What is going on with me? :cry:

I wouldn't give up until AF officially shows her ugly head. The longer you go the better your chances for a :bfp: Keep us updated!
Gemmy - sorry to hear AF showed up after all.... Rats!!! I was excited for you.. Be good to yourself the next few days and treat yourself....

Sarah - glad to hear that work was good about it - your boss sounds wonderful.

AFM - I'm 1DPO today (I think cause ov strip showed surge 2 days ago) so I'm officially back in the TWW... went for acupuncture last night and she has started me on a spleen tonic which I'm excited about... Also added on CoQ10.... I'm doing yoga again and trying to relax more and listen to motivational audio CDs. We'll see what happens!

Good luck ladies!!

Awesome you are trying to relax more - you ever do guided meditation CD's, mp3's or DVD's? :thumbup:

I had an awesome, awesome dinner & wine last night w/good friends, so it cheered me up. Even though they have a 1-yr old, & I got to experience the whole entire pregnancy, birth & baby stages (except after I M/C'd) I'm surprised I'm not jealous, sad or avoiding them at all. I love him & we are Aunt & Uncle to him, so I hog him up the whole dinner usually :happydance:

Well, I got my FX & going to be checking up on you!!! Lots & lots of :dust: !!!!!! :hugs:

thanks Lilsluz! well I have a few guided meditation CDs...(infact one of them is especially for conception) but I haven't been good at using them! How about you? Thanks for the reminder though...:flower:
So glad you had a night out with your friends....Glad you are happy for your friends - it's important to feel happy for them so it will come to you too!!
Infact with my own nephew it often helped to fill the void (and is good practice!) , before we adopted our daughter.

Got my fingers crossed for you too!:hug::dance:

I have 1 or 2 but weren't the guided imagery ones I did before & really liked. I have to dig up my notes (somewhere in all these boxes) to find who it was. Its so hard to find the time to do "everything" I would like to do - espec when I'm becoming a BNB addict! :haha:

Yeah, I agree - you have to be happy for others; send it out & maybe, just maybe you'll get it back. I think it is so great you have an adopted daughter. Did it take a really long time for adoption? How old is she now?

I'm going to have to mess w/the ticker thing sometime soon myself - glad you asked & got response! :winkwink: GL darlin - :flower::thumbup::hugs:
Hi ladies.
I hope you don't mind but I need your thoughts as I am tying myself up in knots here.

My last 3 cycles have been 33, 35 and 29 days. I am now CD37 and no af and no BFP.

I got a faint opk positive on the morning of CD21 and a defo positive CD22 and obv dtd through that time.

I thought af was starting early Sunday as had a bit of brown cm but the nothing.

Could I have ov'd even later? Was it ib I saw? If it was then I would not have a BFP yet but if it was that is like 11 or 12 dpo and I read something that said such late implanting means 82% chance of misscary so quite worried.

What is going on with me? :cry:

It's entirely possible you could have ov'd later, or that your LP is just longer this cycle. I just went thru "this scare" myself. Ov'd CD18 & didn't get AF until CD35 - 17DPO (usual is always 14DPO). Made DH BD night of 16DPO to bring 'er on, but I knew I was preg. Sure enough, she couldn't even wait until I woke up the next day - woke my butt up at 5am (grr) but glad she came...

You never know tho??? G/L -
Hopeful - Congrats to you & here's hoping it all goes well!

Waiting - Welcome to BNB!
Thanks Lil!!

Another bfp hpt last night - the lines keep gettig darker so I hope this little one is sticking!! Am holding off til next week for my dr appt/blood test though...

How are things with u? x
Gemmy - sorry to hear AF showed up after all.... Rats!!! I was excited for you.. Be good to yourself the next few days and treat yourself....

Sarah - glad to hear that work was good about it - your boss sounds wonderful.

AFM - I'm 1DPO today (I think cause ov strip showed surge 2 days ago) so I'm officially back in the TWW... went for acupuncture last night and she has started me on a spleen tonic which I'm excited about... Also added on CoQ10.... I'm doing yoga again and trying to relax more and listen to motivational audio CDs. We'll see what happens!

Good luck ladies!!

Awesome you are trying to relax more - you ever do guided meditation CD's, mp3's or DVD's? :thumbup:

I had an awesome, awesome dinner & wine last night w/good friends, so it cheered me up. Even though they have a 1-yr old, & I got to experience the whole entire pregnancy, birth & baby stages (except after I M/C'd) I'm surprised I'm not jealous, sad or avoiding them at all. I love him & we are Aunt & Uncle to him, so I hog him up the whole dinner usually :happydance:

Well, I got my FX & going to be checking up on you!!! Lots & lots of :dust: !!!!!! :hugs:

thanks Lilsluz! well I have a few guided meditation CDs...(infact one of them is especially for conception) but I haven't been good at using them! How about you? Thanks for the reminder though...:flower:
So glad you had a night out with your friends....Glad you are happy for your friends - it's important to feel happy for them so it will come to you too!!
Infact with my own nephew it often helped to fill the void (and is good practice!) , before we adopted our daughter.

Got my fingers crossed for you too!:hug::dance:

I have 1 or 2 but weren't the guided imagery ones I did before & really liked. I have to dig up my notes (somewhere in all these boxes) to find who it was. Its so hard to find the time to do "everything" I would like to do - espec when I'm becoming a BNB addict! :haha:

Yeah, I agree - you have to be happy for others; send it out & maybe, just maybe you'll get it back. I think it is so great you have an adopted daughter. Did it take a really long time for adoption? How old is she now?

I'm going to have to mess w/the ticker thing sometime soon myself - glad you asked & got response! :winkwink: GL darlin - :flower::thumbup::hugs:

Thanks Lillyrose and LilSluz

Last night AF arrived and this month she is mean! So painful it is making me feel sick so working from home today (lucky I can do that) but it is not often I feel like this.
On a positive note though... atleast I know what is going on and I can get back in the groove and full of hope again in a few days. AND. I can go and enjoy our skiing holiday in a couple of weeks (holiday BDing :blush:) with out having to decide whether to ski or not. Its my birthday next month so maybe I will get a BFP as a present! That would be awesome!

Finger crossed for everyone and thanks for being there when I was loosing the plot xx :thumbup: :xmas8: :cold:
Trying2bcalm - I like to think everything happens for a reason - go skiiing & have fun! :cold: then, cuddle up :hugs:on those cold nights & BAM! :spermy: You never know - would be a VERY romantic story! :wedding:

Hopeful - I am OK, thank you. Hanging in there on CD5 w/some weird hormonal changes happening. 2 days super heavy/painful/clot AF & then spotting & my temp rose today? Wasn't preg b/c BFN, but it scares me b/c I'm a "little bit" older, but I like to think my body is adjusting to get ready for babies! :baby: maybe she's "cleaning house"? :dishes::hangwashing::laundry::iron: (hope so!)
Hi ladies.
I hope you don't mind but I need your thoughts as I am tying myself up in knots here.

My last 3 cycles have been 33, 35 and 29 days. I am now CD37 and no af and no BFP.

I got a faint opk positive on the morning of CD21 and a defo positive CD22 and obv dtd through that time.

I thought af was starting early Sunday as had a bit of brown cm but the nothing.

Could I have ov'd even later? Was it ib I saw? If it was then I would not have a BFP yet but if it was that is like 11 or 12 dpo and I read something that said such late implanting means 82% chance of misscary so quite worried.

What is going on with me? :cry:

:hugs: Take a deep breath and try not to worry. I know it's hard. But relax.

You know, Sarah implanted at 11DPO and her bean is doing great! So, don't count yourself or any potential beanies out just yet.

It could have been ib, fingers crossed that it was and you'll get your BFP soon! It is possible that you ovulated later than you though too. It's hard to tell, but give it time. Hopefully in a couple more days things will become clearer. Do you know how long your LP usually is?

Maybe the late implanters have more of a chance of m/c because some women's LP is only 11-12 days long, so if they implant at 12 DPO, their bodies are already geared up for AF and the bean doesn't have enough time to make the hormones to tell AF to back off....I don't know. It's just a theory.

But with AF being a no-show, I think you're in with a good chance. Don't let this stress you out too much. Try not to focus too much on the negative and think about the positive. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!! :)

I implanted at 11dpo with my first pregnancy and miscarried at 5.5 weeks. The doctor said that it was likely a genetic abnormality though and nothing to do with implantation. I implanted this time at 7dpo.
Trying2bcalm - I like to think everything happens for a reason - go skiiing & have fun! :cold: then, cuddle up :hugs:on those cold nights & BAM! :spermy: You never know - would be a VERY romantic story! :wedding:

Hopeful - I am OK, thank you. Hanging in there on CD5 w/some weird hormonal changes happening. 2 days super heavy/painful/clot AF & then spotting & my temp rose today? Wasn't preg b/c BFN, but it scares me b/c I'm a "little bit" older, but I like to think my body is adjusting to get ready for babies! :baby: maybe she's "cleaning house"? :dishes::hangwashing::laundry::iron: (hope so!)

You could have had a chemical pregnancy. I passed clots and had a heavier AF and my Doctor said it was likely a chemical. He said 30% of women experience a miscarriage or chemical pregnancy.
Hi ladies.
I hope you don't mind but I need your thoughts as I am tying myself up in knots here.

My last 3 cycles have been 33, 35 and 29 days. I am now CD37 and no af and no BFP.

I got a faint opk positive on the morning of CD21 and a defo positive CD22 and obv dtd through that time.

I thought af was starting early Sunday as had a bit of brown cm but the nothing.

Could I have ov'd even later? Was it ib I saw? If it was then I would not have a BFP yet but if it was that is like 11 or 12 dpo and I read something that said such late implanting means 82% chance of misscary so quite worried.

What is going on with me? :cry:

:hugs: Take a deep breath and try not to worry. I know it's hard. But relax.

You know, Sarah implanted at 11DPO and her bean is doing great! So, don't count yourself or any potential beanies out just yet.

It could have been ib, fingers crossed that it was and you'll get your BFP soon! It is possible that you ovulated later than you though too. It's hard to tell, but give it time. Hopefully in a couple more days things will become clearer. Do you know how long your LP usually is?

Maybe the late implanters have more of a chance of m/c because some women's LP is only 11-12 days long, so if they implant at 12 DPO, their bodies are already geared up for AF and the bean doesn't have enough time to make the hormones to tell AF to back off....I don't know. It's just a theory.

But with AF being a no-show, I think you're in with a good chance. Don't let this stress you out too much. Try not to focus too much on the negative and think about the positive. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!! :)

I implanted at 11dpo with my first pregnancy and miscarried at 5.5 weeks. The doctor said that it was likely a genetic abnormality though and nothing to do with implantation. I implanted this time at 7dpo.

Oh no! I suppose I should take it back then....Sorry about that Sarah. I really thought this beany was the late implanter...but I probably misread a post or something. Sorry.....:dohh:

But I am really glad your bean is doing great! Yay for prune! So how much longer do you have to wait for another u/s and finding out if it's a boy or a girl....or are you going to find out?
Trying2bcalm - I like to think everything happens for a reason - go skiiing & have fun! :cold: then, cuddle up :hugs:on those cold nights & BAM! :spermy: You never know - would be a VERY romantic story! :wedding:

Hopeful - I am OK, thank you. Hanging in there on CD5 w/some weird hormonal changes happening. 2 days super heavy/painful/clot AF & then spotting & my temp rose today? Wasn't preg b/c BFN, but it scares me b/c I'm a "little bit" older, but I like to think my body is adjusting to get ready for babies! :baby: maybe she's "cleaning house"? :dishes::hangwashing::laundry::iron: (hope so!)

Temps can rise and fall during AF, because your body's hormones are readjusting. I wouldn't pay your temps much attention in the first days after AF arrives. But I like that thought...your body is cleaning house and getting it ready for a baby. :) Hopefully this next month will be the one for you! :) :) Fx!
hey Lilsluz - yeah I always find that when AF is a day or two late that AF is heavier and cramps are much worse... If I get a few days earlier then not so bad...

Hope you're all having a good day!

AFM - I'm 5 DPO today and have been really really MOODY the last few days (with zero patience) ... and major backache... don't know why.... and bloated!!... I wonder if the natural progesterone cream I use is the cause -but I've been using that for over a year... Last night has a killer headache (and don't normally get them)

Good luck ladies!!!
oh TryingToBeCalm - sorry to hear AF arrived.... yes it always hurts (cramps) so much more when it's late ! crap.... I hope you enjoy your skiing holiday!!
oh TryingToBeCalm - sorry to hear AF arrived.... yes it always hurts (cramps) so much more when it's late ! crap.... I hope you enjoy your skiing holiday!!

Thanks Dashka! Starting to feel better now after some serious cramps today!

A shower and a good nights sleep should sort me out. :sleep:

FX for you this time next week! 7 days left! :hugs:
Sarah A - yeah, I was thinking that, too, but had BFN at 16DPO & 11DPO,so kinda ruled it out. Thanks for your insight tho - I will keep that one in mind if happens again!

DBZ - thanks for helping me w/that one. Only my 3rd month charting so it confused me a little. I'm always terrified that I'm going to become perimenopausal (even tho it would be super-duper early, but it happens) so any "weirdness" in the cycle freaks me out a little... ;)
hey Lilsluz - yeah I always find that when AF is a day or two late that AF is heavier and cramps are much worse... If I get a few days earlier then not so bad...

Hope you're all having a good day!

AFM - I'm 5 DPO today and have been really really MOODY the last few days (with zero patience) ... and major backache... don't know why.... and bloated!!... I wonder if the natural progesterone cream I use is the cause -but I've been using that for over a year... Last night has a killer headache (and don't normally get them)

Good luck ladies!!!

Me too?! Must be something in the air.

I'm sorry you are feeling yucky. :cry: But, at least yours could be something good brewing...? :winkwink: Or could be hormones (or both). Go take a nice, long hot bath :shower:, take a meditation trip, or snuggle w/DH tonight on Valentines Day :hugs: (wait - do Canadians celebrate that?). Well, either way, do something nice for yourself - something relaxing that you enjoy. I hope you do feel better soon! Think of it this way - it can probably only get better from here? :shrug: :hugs:
Sarah A - yeah, I was thinking that, too, but had BFN at 16DPO & 11DPO,so kinda ruled it out. Thanks for your insight tho - I will keep that one in mind if happens again!

DBZ - thanks for helping me w/that one. Only my 3rd month charting so it confused me a little. I'm always terrified that I'm going to become perimenopausal (even tho it would be super-duper early, but it happens) so any "weirdness" in the cycle freaks me out a little... ;)

It could still have been a chemical. My doctor said that a lot of chemical pregnancies can be the result of thickened uterine lining, so the egg can't implant properly and, thus, no HCG is detected in the urine.
Hi ladies.
I hope you don't mind but I need your thoughts as I am tying myself up in knots here.

My last 3 cycles have been 33, 35 and 29 days. I am now CD37 and no af and no BFP.

I got a faint opk positive on the morning of CD21 and a defo positive CD22 and obv dtd through that time.

I thought af was starting early Sunday as had a bit of brown cm but the nothing.

Could I have ov'd even later? Was it ib I saw? If it was then I would not have a BFP yet but if it was that is like 11 or 12 dpo and I read something that said such late implanting means 82% chance of misscary so quite worried.

What is going on with me? :cry:

:hugs: Take a deep breath and try not to worry. I know it's hard. But relax.

You know, Sarah implanted at 11DPO and her bean is doing great! So, don't count yourself or any potential beanies out just yet.

It could have been ib, fingers crossed that it was and you'll get your BFP soon! It is possible that you ovulated later than you though too. It's hard to tell, but give it time. Hopefully in a couple more days things will become clearer. Do you know how long your LP usually is?

Maybe the late implanters have more of a chance of m/c because some women's LP is only 11-12 days long, so if they implant at 12 DPO, their bodies are already geared up for AF and the bean doesn't have enough time to make the hormones to tell AF to back off....I don't know. It's just a theory.

But with AF being a no-show, I think you're in with a good chance. Don't let this stress you out too much. Try not to focus too much on the negative and think about the positive. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!! :)

I implanted at 11dpo with my first pregnancy and miscarried at 5.5 weeks. The doctor said that it was likely a genetic abnormality though and nothing to do with implantation. I implanted this time at 7dpo.

Oh no! I suppose I should take it back then....Sorry about that Sarah. I really thought this beany was the late implanter...but I probably misread a post or something. Sorry.....:dohh:

But I am really glad your bean is doing great! Yay for prune! So how much longer do you have to wait for another u/s and finding out if it's a boy or a girl....or are you going to find out?

Don't worry Ella! I was just saying, lol. I got pregnant two cycles in a row, so it's hard for others to distinguish! The first one was 11dpo and this one was 7dpo.

My baby is officially a LIME tomorrow! Holy crap! A LIME!!! My hubby loves limes, lol. I have IPS testing coming up either next week or the week after, so I'll have another ultrasound then. I have one at 18-20 weeks too to find out if it's a boy or a girl and we are going to find out. Hubby wants a :blue:, but I want a :pink:!
hey Lilsluz - yeah I always find that when AF is a day or two late that AF is heavier and cramps are much worse... If I get a few days earlier then not so bad...

Hope you're all having a good day!

AFM - I'm 5 DPO today and have been really really MOODY the last few days (with zero patience) ... and major backache... don't know why.... and bloated!!... I wonder if the natural progesterone cream I use is the cause -but I've been using that for over a year... Last night has a killer headache (and don't normally get them)

Good luck ladies!!!

Me too?! Must be something in the air.

I'm sorry you are feeling yucky. :cry: But, at least yours could be something good brewing...? :winkwink: Or could be hormones (or both). Go take a nice, long hot bath :shower:, take a meditation trip, or snuggle w/DH tonight on Valentines Day :hugs: (wait - do Canadians celebrate that?). Well, either way, do something nice for yourself - something relaxing that you enjoy. I hope you do feel better soon! Think of it this way - it can probably only get better from here? :shrug: :hugs:

We do celebrate Valentine's Day, lol. I LOVE it!!!

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