Welcome to the 'Two Week Wait'

pure hell. i know i shouldn't be complaining but pregnancy is not my friend, went to the er cause i was having stabbing cramps & green discharge. and i have a uti from my uterus pressing against my bladder and low potassium, high blood pressure, and broke out in hives because im allergic to a antibiotic and i didn't know i was allgeric to it till the gave me the shot and ive been puking stomach acid for the last 4 days. yeah ive came to the conclusion that pregnancy isn't for me. lolol. i have another blood test & possible ultrasound today or tomorrow.

Yuck, sorry burns you're going through that. Hope you get better and back to normal soon!
pure hell. i know i shouldn't be complaining but pregnancy is not my friend, went to the er cause i was having stabbing cramps & green discharge. and i have a uti from my uterus pressing against my bladder and low potassium, high blood pressure, and broke out in hives because im allergic to a antibiotic and i didn't know i was allgeric to it till the gave me the shot and ive been puking stomach acid for the last 4 days. yeah ive came to the conclusion that pregnancy isn't for me. lolol. i have another blood test & possible ultrasound today or tomorrow.

:hugs::hugs: I hope you feel better. I would like to tell you that's the worst that's going to happen but its not. (joking very nicely) :) I promise it is totally worth everything you go threw physically and emotionally. hang in there babe and get some rest. When morning sickness hits you, chances are you are so weak you cant barely walk but again its ALLL worth it. :thumbup:

about me 9dpo No symptoms at all which saddens me. No cramps,twitches, noithingI go no dip either which has me little bummed but im praying and still positive that im still in this. I do have creamy CM which I normally am dry after O and had it since 4dpo so hopefully thats good sign. Normally I would be testing daily from 7dpo but I just cant look at a BFN its so hard. Day or 2 I will be testing!!! My DH has been so up my butt excited for testing this month. Its probably because we bd-ed SOOOO much that we couldn't of missed it. so now its just seeing if my eggy took it. we shall see!!!

Your chart is looking great! :hugs:
So, I'm still spotting. It was kind of a lot this morning, but it's gotten lighter, thankfully. I called my clinic and they seem to think it's normal and as long as it stays brown, I'm still in. Truthfully, I'm trying to keep a level head, but I'm bricking it. I kind of thought that after I got my BFP, I'd be calmer than I am. I know spotting happens, I know this, but it's much more worrisome when it's happening to me than it was when I was reading about it in various places.

You know, it still feels like I'm in the TWW....I wonder when it's going to feel like I'm no longer waiting to see if AF is going to show. Until then, I'm still trying to enjoy my BFP.

Hang in there sweetie.
any good news yet? or is anyone actually yet?! im so anxious for y'all! babydust.. oxox!

TTC and I are both testing the 12th!!! Im hoping I can hold out that long!!!! :wacko:

Didn't work out for me. I'm crushed and confused. Started heavy bleeding Sunday, 3 or 4 days early! I'm completely confused. I will test again tomorrow just to be sure but I'm pretty positive I'm out. 1st IUI failed. :nope:
So....ummm....I have some news. Some very tentative good news. I totally got my first BFP ever!! (I was preggo before, but never saw two lines, despite making it to 5w4d before I m/c) I was so wrong about being out, it seems. Luckily, I had some great people still being positive for me! ;)

But, there's some spotting going on and it makes me very very nervous...So I'm not out of the woods yet, but for now, I'm going to enjoy every single moment of my BFP and being preggo, for however long it lasts. :)

You already know just how pumped I am for you! This news made my weekend! :hugs:
Hi everyone. This is all so new for me. I came across the website today and have been enthralled all afternoon on all of your journeys thus far. To all that have received BFP recently.... Congrats. To those testing soon good luck!!!!!

We have been TTC since August 13 but "actively" since December 13. I was diagnosed with polysystic ovaries last month but tests came back that was insulin levels etc were normal and I was indeed ovulating. That's as such a happy day, especially after 2 weeks of not sleeping (my mum had pcos and it took her 15 years to conceive).

I do not think I have ever been in tune with my body as much as I am now, the only downside.... Any twinge, ache etc... I am ascribing to the possibility of finally being pregnant, although I know I will just be setting myself up for disappointment AGAIN!!

DH is worried to get tested but he will be dragged in the next two weeks, until then I have him on staminogro, I am 6dpo, grumpy, achy breasts and feel like someone is flicking an elastic band in my lower abdomen. I am not getting excited about that as I felt the same last month at 7dpo.
I have yet to test pre AF being late as I do not think I could handle the disappointment so would rather wait for mother nature to break the news. But I think I might start charting next month.

For a girl that thought she would be ok of she never had kids, I am becoming all consumed with falling pregnant. But only wishing happy positive thoughts for the future....

Hang in there girl. This journey can be a long and draining one. I hope it happens for you right away but if not, we are here for you and rooting you on. My DH and I have been going strong now for almost 3 years with 3 losses under our belts and no baby yet. It's tough but you get through it. :dust:
9-10 dpo today. IC bfn . :-( Finally having few things going on. Sore bbs under armpits, lower back pain, creamy cm, food tasting weird, and super sleepy. Who knows ? depending on my temp is up in a.m. I will be testing like planned. If it dips I will refrain to save the heartache.
any good news yet? or is anyone actually yet?! im so anxious for y'all! babydust.. oxox!

TTC and I are both testing the 12th!!! Im hoping I can hold out that long!!!! :wacko:

Didn't work out for me. I'm crushed and confused. Started heavy bleeding Sunday, 3 or 4 days early! I'm completely confused. I will test again tomorrow just to be sure but I'm pretty positive I'm out. 1st IUI failed. :nope:

This breaks my heart. :nope:
So, I've been spotting and the spotting has stepped up to bleeding, but no cramps at the moment. No idea what's going on. I'm just waiting to hear back from my clinic at the moment to see if they can get me in for a blood test today, if not I have to wait until Monday. No idea if I'll even make it to Monday with the way things are going. *sigh* This is so hard. :cry:
So, I've been spotting and the spotting has stepped up to bleeding, but no cramps at the moment. No idea what's going on. I'm just waiting to hear back from my clinic at the moment to see if they can get me in for a blood test today, if not I have to wait until Monday. No idea if I'll even make it to Monday with the way things are going. *sigh* This is so hard. :cry:

I would take temp in am. to see where things are at. If bleeding is persistent (red blod) I would go to the ER. I am so sorry you are going threw this. :hugs::hugs: there's still hope some people say they get normal period during pregnancy that's how they didn't no they were preggo. Praying for you!!!! Today is just bad day I got bfn and it's pouring down rain and just blah. Hope your day gets better
So, I've been spotting and the spotting has stepped up to bleeding, but no cramps at the moment. No idea what's going on. I'm just waiting to hear back from my clinic at the moment to see if they can get me in for a blood test today, if not I have to wait until Monday. No idea if I'll even make it to Monday with the way things are going. *sigh* This is so hard. :cry:

Hang in there sweetie. I have faith that everything is going to be ok!!! :hugs:
So, I've been spotting and the spotting has stepped up to bleeding, but no cramps at the moment. No idea what's going on. I'm just waiting to hear back from my clinic at the moment to see if they can get me in for a blood test today, if not I have to wait until Monday. No idea if I'll even make it to Monday with the way things are going. *sigh* This is so hard. :cry:

I would take temp in am. to see where things are at. If bleeding is persistent (red blod) I would go to the ER. I am so sorry you are going threw this. :hugs::hugs: there's still hope some people say they get normal period during pregnancy that's how they didn't no they were preggo. Praying for you!!!! Today is just bad day I got bfn and it's pouring down rain and just blah. Hope your day gets better

Sorry for your BFN Loving but you're not out yet. Hang in there!!!
ahh im just feeling very alone and just stressed/nervous. Please say a prayer for me that my temp has HUGE spike in the am because if it dips again we know what that means. I wish I felt pregnant I am not one to symptom spot but I just don't feel anything no af cramps, nothing. sore bbs a little still but that's it.. PLEASEEE let me get my BFP this month. My DH family is all irish and I need some super luck but obviously we don't tell anyone whats going on its disappointing enough let alone with more people in your ear. ok rant over.
So, I've been spotting and the spotting has stepped up to bleeding, but no cramps at the moment. No idea what's going on. I'm just waiting to hear back from my clinic at the moment to see if they can get me in for a blood test today, if not I have to wait until Monday. No idea if I'll even make it to Monday with the way things are going. *sigh* This is so hard. :cry:

I would take temp in am. to see where things are at. If bleeding is persistent (red blod) I would go to the ER. I am so sorry you are going threw this. :hugs::hugs: there's still hope some people say they get normal period during pregnancy that's how they didn't no they were preggo. Praying for you!!!! Today is just bad day I got bfn and it's pouring down rain and just blah. Hope your day gets better

Sorry for your BFN Loving but you're not out yet. Hang in there!!!

Im trying!! this is the worst part of 2WW.The maybe/ possibility that this is the month but I will take AF to come so im not in pure torture. BFNs are just to much. Next cycle I am waiting till 12dpo no matter what.
Hey I'm new here and to the tww :) I'm not sure how many doo I am because my cycle is really messed up and unpredictable so it's more my tww from :sex:
It's been 12 days now and I've felt some strange cramps in my abdomen and been super hungry, are they symptoms or just in my head? :wacko: I haven't really been trying to get pregnant because I'm still in uni, so I'm kinda scared aswell as hopeful.
Any help would be soooo appreciated!!!
Good luck to everyone waiting for the good news!!! Xxx :thumbup:
So, I've been spotting and the spotting has stepped up to bleeding, but no cramps at the moment. No idea what's going on. I'm just waiting to hear back from my clinic at the moment to see if they can get me in for a blood test today, if not I have to wait until Monday. No idea if I'll even make it to Monday with the way things are going. *sigh* This is so hard. :cry:

I would take temp in am. to see where things are at. If bleeding is persistent (red blod) I would go to the ER. I am so sorry you are going threw this. :hugs::hugs: there's still hope some people say they get normal period during pregnancy that's how they didn't no they were preggo. Praying for you!!!! Today is just bad day I got bfn and it's pouring down rain and just blah. Hope your day gets better

Sorry for your BFN Loving but you're not out yet. Hang in there!!!

Im trying!! this is the worst part of 2WW.The maybe/ possibility that this is the month but I will take AF to come so im not in pure torture. BFNs are just to much. Next cycle I am waiting till 12dpo no matter what.

Thanks, Loving!!

I know exactly what those women mean. If I didn't know better, I would think I'm on my period at times. No cramps, so apparently that means that for now, things are still okay. Will they stay that way? No idea. I've got to go in for my blood test soon and hopefully I'll get some good news today or tomorrow.

I'm with Danielle. You're not out yet at all!! You've still got loads of time to get you BFP. :) I'm hoping this month is it for you!!
So, I've been spotting and the spotting has stepped up to bleeding, but no cramps at the moment. No idea what's going on. I'm just waiting to hear back from my clinic at the moment to see if they can get me in for a blood test today, if not I have to wait until Monday. No idea if I'll even make it to Monday with the way things are going. *sigh* This is so hard. :cry:

I would take temp in am. to see where things are at. If bleeding is persistent (red blod) I would go to the ER. I am so sorry you are going threw this. :hugs::hugs: there's still hope some people say they get normal period during pregnancy that's how they didn't no they were preggo. Praying for you!!!! Today is just bad day I got bfn and it's pouring down rain and just blah. Hope your day gets better

Sorry for your BFN Loving but you're not out yet. Hang in there!!!

Im trying!! this is the worst part of 2WW.The maybe/ possibility that this is the month but I will take AF to come so im not in pure torture. BFNs are just to much. Next cycle I am waiting till 12dpo no matter what.

Hey I'm new here and to the tww :) I'm not sure how many doo I am because my cycle is really messed up and unpredictable so it's more my tww from :sex:
It's been 12 days now and I've felt some strange cramps in my abdomen and been super hungry, are they symptoms or just in my head? :wacko: I haven't really been trying to get pregnant because I'm still in uni, so I'm kinda scared aswell as hopeful.
Any help would be soooo appreciated!!!
Good luck to everyone waiting for the good news!!! Xxx :thumbup:

Welcome!!! We all believe symptoms in our head so nothings wrong with that. most of them are true.:thumbup:.

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