Welcome to the 'Two Week Wait'

so I am 11/12dpo BFN and temp drop again. Im feeling like super bitch and im just an so upset. Is this ever going to happen? I become so obsessed this TTC takes over my whole life. And this time I can tell my DH is super disappointed this cycle. We bded DAILY so we didn't miss it so it just wasn't supposed to happen for us this month. Due to it being xmas when we would be due next cycle I think we are taking a month break . Im Really starting to think we were just meant to have 2 beautiful amazing DDs. Its coming up on a year TTC soon and its been one heck of a roller coaster ride that's for sure. Well ladies GL to all whos still in this cycle.
Hey ladies!!
I am new to posting but have been reading this site for years. I have a 4 year old son and my husband and I are trying for baby #2. My son is from another man so this is our first together!!
I got my iud out January 10th and jumped right back into my normal cycle. I havent been keeping up with exact dates then bc i wasnt trying but i know it was around my usual time!
I bought clear blue advance digital OPK and got blinking smiles on Feb 6 and 7 and solid on 8 and 9. I was new to this and we were busy so that cycle we only dtd twice on feb 8. Obviously i did not get my BFP last month! I started my new cycle Feb 25 but that would make my LH phase around 15-16 days bc ovulation was 14-15 days after CD1.

This cycle my OPK was kind of wacky and some strips didnt work!!! i know i was a blinking smile on March 8 CD 12 but i didnt test the day beofe and i tried to test the two days after that but the strips didnt work i didnt go buy more bc i figured well i should just dtd ALOT! ive had cramping since CD 12 and still have mild cramping today CD 17. I woke up Monday CD 14 is HUGE boobs and sore. Between Monday and Today (thursday) they are become more sensitive and sore! feel very heavy and big!!! lol! DH loves it!

Im trying to figure out if ive already ovulated or not? Im not sure! On CD 9 (March 5) i noticed lots of cm that lasted for days. We DTD CD 9,10,12,13,15,16. Thats ALOT for us! lol ! im pooped!!! Do yall think ive covred my basis?? some ovulation calculators say i ovulated monday, tuesday, wednesday, or friday? im so confused!! i dont want to miss this egg!!!

Thanks ladies!! im sorry it is so long but it's my first post!!!!!

oh and i think DHs sperm are good since i made him take that home test from walgreens lol!! just wanted to make sure everything was good lol!
Hi Everyone, I am new here. My husband and I have been TTC on our own for a year with no success. In January I had some polyps removed from my uterus and started Letrozol in February. We triggered with Ovidrel last Friday. This is our first time with IUI which was this past Sunday. I am now in the two week waiting period.

I don't know all of the abbreviations or anything about charting. Any help would be appreciated.

Good luck to everyone!
Omg I don't even know how to start this I'm shocked and in tears. Tears of joy that is. So this morning (fmu) I took and ic and clear bfn. I was in dumps didn't get off couch till 5 new af was on her way. So finally got up to shower and during shower my nipples were on fire so after shower not holding pee I took $ tree test and a faint faint positive .. Showed dh he saw it so we rushed to Walmart to get Frer and there it was staring at me within one minute . My dream for the last 10 months my BFP. I literally am on cloud 9. I thought last month was it I felt so many symptoms and this month barely any. I had no cramps but yesterday this entire 2ww. Boobs were sore (only under armpit) I normally and dry after o and this time I had creamy cm which I new was odd. As I mentioned few days ago I had a wierd metal taste in my mouth but didn't think much of it. I know you ladies will get your bfPs I gave faith and will continue to check in. I am trying to post pic of tests. Anyone know how? I clicked paper clip and uploaded it but can't find it??
Hey I'm new here and to the tww :) I'm not sure how many doo I am because my cycle is really messed up and unpredictable so it's more my tww from :sex:
It's been 12 days now and I've felt some strange cramps in my abdomen and been super hungry, are they symptoms or just in my head? :wacko: I haven't really been trying to get pregnant because I'm still in uni, so I'm kinda scared aswell as hopeful.
Any help would be soooo appreciated!!!
Good luck to everyone waiting for the good news!!! Xxx :thumbup:

Welcome!!! We all believe symptoms in our head so nothings wrong with that. most of them are true.:thumbup:.

Thank you!! I hope they're true :)
AND THIS is why i dont want to go to a birth club, stupid cocky bitches like this. trying to tell me when i got pregnant and my due date and that my doctor is wrong. ugh i cant stand girls like this trying to tell me im confused on my date like NO, you dont know when my last period was and obviously dont know how to count 40 weeks from a last period.. sorry had to vent. she pissed me off. i had to go off on her. just my gawd, i cant even deal.


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Omg I don't even know how to start this I'm shocked and in tears. Tears of joy that is. So this morning (fmu) I took and ic and clear bfn. I was in dumps didn't get off couch till 5 new af was on her way. So finally got up to shower and during shower my nipples were on fire so after shower not holding pee I took $ tree test and a faint faint positive .. Showed dh he saw it so we rushed to Walmart to get Frer and there it was staring at me within one minute . My dream for the last 10 months my BFP. I literally am on cloud 9. I thought last month was it I felt so many symptoms and this month barely any. I had no cramps but yesterday this entire 2ww. Boobs were sore (only under armpit) I normally and dry after o and this time I had creamy cm which I new was odd. As I mentioned few days ago I had a wierd metal taste in my mouth but didn't think much of it. I know you ladies will get your bfPs I gave faith and will continue to check in. I am trying to post pic of tests. Anyone know how? I clicked paper clip and uploaded it but can't find it??

CONGRATS....H&H 9 Mos to you & praying you get your boy :-D
Omg I don't even know how to start this I'm shocked and in tears. Tears of joy that is. So this morning (fmu) I took and ic and clear bfn. I was in dumps didn't get off couch till 5 new af was on her way. So finally got up to shower and during shower my nipples were on fire so after shower not holding pee I took $ tree test and a faint faint positive .. Showed dh he saw it so we rushed to Walmart to get Frer and there it was staring at me within one minute . My dream for the last 10 months my BFP. I literally am on cloud 9. I thought last month was it I felt so many symptoms and this month barely any. I had no cramps but yesterday this entire 2ww. Boobs were sore (only under armpit) I normally and dry after o and this time I had creamy cm which I new was odd. As I mentioned few days ago I had a wierd metal taste in my mouth but didn't think much of it. I know you ladies will get your bfPs I gave faith and will continue to check in. I am trying to post pic of tests. Anyone know how? I clicked paper clip and uploaded it but can't find it??

YAAAAY!!! retest again to make sure!!! i would try to reupload it! h&h 9 months!!!!
Omg I don't even know how to start this I'm shocked and in tears. Tears of joy that is. So this morning (fmu) I took and ic and clear bfn. I was in dumps didn't get off couch till 5 new af was on her way. So finally got up to shower and during shower my nipples were on fire so after shower not holding pee I took $ tree test and a faint faint positive .. Showed dh he saw it so we rushed to Walmart to get Frer and there it was staring at me within one minute . My dream for the last 10 months my BFP. I literally am on cloud 9. I thought last month was it I felt so many symptoms and this month barely any. I had no cramps but yesterday this entire 2ww. Boobs were sore (only under armpit) I normally and dry after o and this time I had creamy cm which I new was odd. As I mentioned few days ago I had a wierd metal taste in my mouth but didn't think much of it. I know you ladies will get your bfPs I gave faith and will continue to check in. I am trying to post pic of tests. Anyone know how? I clicked paper clip and uploaded it but can't find it??

YAYYYYY!!!! I'm so so happy for you!! H&H 9 months!!

I knew you weren't out yet. :D

I've officially m/c'd...again. This one was a bit harder to deal with because DH was so invested too. But, at least I know what's going on and I can finish grieving and try to figure out what we're going to do next. I think the suckiest part is going to be telling my mom and DH's parents. I am not looking forward to that at all. *sigh*

But, I'm not giving up. One day I'll get to keep my baby and I'll love it all the more because of all the trouble it's brothers or sisters put me through. :)
Omg I don't even know how to start this I'm shocked and in tears. Tears of joy that is. So this morning (fmu) I took and ic and clear bfn. I was in dumps didn't get off couch till 5 new af was on her way. So finally got up to shower and during shower my nipples were on fire so after shower not holding pee I took $ tree test and a faint faint positive .. Showed dh he saw it so we rushed to Walmart to get Frer and there it was staring at me within one minute . My dream for the last 10 months my BFP. I literally am on cloud 9. I thought last month was it I felt so many symptoms and this month barely any. I had no cramps but yesterday this entire 2ww. Boobs were sore (only under armpit) I normally and dry after o and this time I had creamy cm which I new was odd. As I mentioned few days ago I had a wierd metal taste in my mouth but didn't think much of it. I know you ladies will get your bfPs I gave faith and will continue to check in. I am trying to post pic of tests. Anyone know how? I clicked paper clip and uploaded it but can't find it??

YAYYYYY!!!! I'm so so happy for you!! H&H 9 months!!

I knew you weren't out yet. :D


thank you!!! you were right :) I wanted to let you no I always got the heart racing thing going on.
I've officially m/c'd...again. This one was a bit harder to deal with because DH was so invested too. But, at least I know what's going on and I can finish grieving and try to figure out what we're going to do next. I think the suckiest part is going to be telling my mom and DH's parents. I am not looking forward to that at all. *sigh*

But, I'm not giving up. One day I'll get to keep my baby and I'll love it all the more because of all the trouble it's brothers or sisters put me through. :)

NOOOOO!!!!! im sorry! :( that is such a positive outlook on life & dealing with losses, you are very strong. im so worried about mc-ing especially with my husband deploying i just dont want to mc & him find out while over there thats going to break him so bad and i just couldnt handle that. good luck this cycle i hope you get a very sticky bean.
I've officially m/c'd...again. This one was a bit harder to deal with because DH was so invested too. But, at least I know what's going on and I can finish grieving and try to figure out what we're going to do next. I think the suckiest part is going to be telling my mom and DH's parents. I am not looking forward to that at all. *sigh*

But, I'm not giving up. One day I'll get to keep my baby and I'll love it all the more because of all the trouble it's brothers or sisters put me through. :)

:cry: Oh my goodness! I am sooo sorry Ella. I just feel terrible. Wish I could give you real hugs. My heart hurts for you and TTCbaby so much I want this for you ladies SOOOOOOO much I know you will be joining me VERY soon and I cant WAITTTTTTTTTT I will always be checking back and saying extra prayers for you wonderful ladies.. :hugs: When I got my unexpected BFP last night I thought of both you and it was hard to be super happy. I wish I could hit a button and us all be able to go threw this 9 months together. But I have NO DOUBT you ladies will be talking trimester symptoms with me in no time. :flower:
I've officially m/c'd...again. This one was a bit harder to deal with because DH was so invested too. But, at least I know what's going on and I can finish grieving and try to figure out what we're going to do next. I think the suckiest part is going to be telling my mom and DH's parents. I am not looking forward to that at all. *sigh*

But, I'm not giving up. One day I'll get to keep my baby and I'll love it all the more because of all the trouble it's brothers or sisters put me through. :)

:cry: Oh my goodness! I am sooo sorry Ella. I just feel terrible. Wish I could give you real hugs. My heart hurts for you and TTCbaby so much I want this for you ladies SOOOOOOO much I know you will be joining me VERY soon and I cant WAITTTTTTTTTT I will always be checking back and saying extra prayers for you wonderful ladies.. :hugs: When I got my unexpected BFP last night I thought of both you and it was hard to be super happy. I wish I could hit a button and us all be able to go threw this 9 months together. But I have NO DOUBT you ladies will be talking trimester symptoms with me in no time. :flower:

i feel the same way, i wish all of us could be pregnant together! itd make it more funner! it kinda is harder to be happy your pregnant when everyone else around you isnt. :/
Burns- I took a total of 5 tests and all BFP and today a digital today that STARED PREGNANT at me. I will say that my IC (internet cheapie) is still BFN those things are junk. $store and frer is the only way to go. Online says my Due date is 11-21-14 and Chinese prediction calendar says Boy and it was right with both my girls. I would be thrilled but I am greatful for whatever god gives me. This is our last one so I will be enjoying every second. :)

Also its just you and I now due to Ellas loss :-(
I've officially m/c'd...again. This one was a bit harder to deal with because DH was so invested too. But, at least I know what's going on and I can finish grieving and try to figure out what we're going to do next. I think the suckiest part is going to be telling my mom and DH's parents. I am not looking forward to that at all. *sigh*

But, I'm not giving up. One day I'll get to keep my baby and I'll love it all the more because of all the trouble it's brothers or sisters put me through. :)

:cry: Oh my goodness! I am sooo sorry Ella. I just feel terrible. Wish I could give you real hugs. My heart hurts for you and TTCbaby so much I want this for you ladies SOOOOOOO much I know you will be joining me VERY soon and I cant WAITTTTTTTTTT I will always be checking back and saying extra prayers for you wonderful ladies.. :hugs: When I got my unexpected BFP last night I thought of both you and it was hard to be super happy. I wish I could hit a button and us all be able to go threw this 9 months together. But I have NO DOUBT you ladies will be talking trimester symptoms with me in no time. :flower:

i feel the same way, i wish all of us could be pregnant together! itd make it more funner! it kinda is harder to be happy your pregnant when everyone else around you isnt. :/

I agree girl! its bittersweet
Burns- I took a total of 5 tests and all BFP and today a digital today that STARED PREGNANT at me. I will say that my IC (internet cheapie) is still BFN those things are junk. $store and frer is the only way to go. Online says my Due date is 11-21-14 and Chinese prediction calendar says Boy and it was right with both my girls. I would be thrilled but I am greatful for whatever god gives me. This is our last one so I will be enjoying every second. :)

oh lord child, you need a boy in your life. ahah! i just want a happy & healthy baby but i think mine is a girl and my husband wants a boy, of course. id be happy with either as long as baby is healthy. are you going based off your LMP? ooooooh girl! im due anywhere from october 25th-november 9th. i hope its sooner but obviously not TOO much sooner i want to be at least 35 weeks before i deliver if i can make it that long. how far along are you right now? im 6 weeks 4 days. cant believe on monday ill be 7 weeks already, thank gawd this is going by somewhat fast but not really cause being pregnant is ALL i talk about on facebook, twitter & istagram. ahahaha! ooops! have you gotten sick yet? i finally stopped having morning sickness but last saturday i got a uti. but i feel BEYOND better now that ive taken my meds for it i dont feel sick or pregnant anymore besides the fact im showing. i had a dream 2 times that ive delivered a baby girl and had one dream last night that i was at my ultrasound and found out i was twins. oh LAWD help me! :haha: :haha: :haha: wish i knew how to do the chinese one im 20 and conceived in feb but i dont understand how to read the chart. but all old wives tales say im having a girl so far.

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