Welcome to the 'Two Week Wait'

Hello ladies , I'm looking for some advice . me and my boyfriend have been together 7 years and recently lost our son in December due to an umbilical cord complication 😒 . (24 weeks 4 days ) anyway , we are now on to number two and I'm a confused . I received my depo provera shot Feb 7 2014 and it ran out May 7 2014 . I had my period monthly throughout this time . my May cycle in my were a bit odd as I had two - 2-8 and 14-19 . but haven't had once since . I started agnus castus because my progesterone levels were low and nurse said it would help . my af did NOT come on 6/26 like it was suppose to instead I had spotting . 26 and 28 . also I know I ovulated because I have bleeding and ovulation pain . should I test or is it the angus castus ?

sorry this is so long 😔 thanks *baby dust to whom ever reads *

Did you bd on time during your pre-ovulation time? It is not uncommon for women who are newly pregnant to bleed a bit when their AF due date arrives. Perhaps you should test? :)

Also, it may be the agnus castus. I started vitex a couple months ago and it also gave me some weird bleeding that lasted a couple days. After that my cycles were somewhat regulated. Hope this helps :) Let us know how you get on!
In post ovulation limbo? This is a place to while away your time by symptom spotting and sharing your two week wait survival tips.

The BabyandBump Team
Hi ladies i am also in the horrible 2 week wait thankfully i only have 1 week to go, my gp phoned today to give me my day 21 blood results my pro level was 26 not sure what this means considering my original level before taking clomid was 9 im guesing its good, please feel free to put me straight if im wrong im new to all this ♡
Welcome everyone!!! :dust: :dust: :dust:

I haven't been on here in forever but I wish you all the BEST of luck and I hope when i do get back on here regularly, you all have moved from this thread to the BFP thread! DH and I are taking a much needed break after 3 losses and a failed IUI in February so right now we are taking the summer off from meds and just enjoying each other the natural way...so far it's been fabulous! We're hoping to get back into the swing of things come September and hopefully by October have our own news finally!!! :hugs:
I'm doing my FET this Tuesday. Just wanted to see if anyone else was in this time frame and wanted to wait with me. I'm a little nervous this time because I had a miscarriage in March with IVF #1. Hopefully, it will be more positive this time!
Hi ladies, just wanted to check in as I've been away from here for a while!

Well im pleased to say I am now 7 weeks and 3 days :-D I had my 7 week scan on wed and everything was perfect.....so amazing to see a heartbeat! We were so overwhelmed!!!! Hope its all going good for the rest of you and lots of baby dust is flying around xxxx
In this book I'm reading "Conquering Infertility", I came across this amazing chapter on self nurturing! It says us ladies going through this LONG journey really need to start finding the time to focus on OURSELVES for at least 30 minutes a day no matter where you are in your cycle. Here's the list she gave from patients of hers:

  • have a manicure or pedicure
  • sit on a chaise lounge in the backyard with a cool drink and the latest issue of your fave magazine
  • take an afternoon nap
  • read a trashy novel
  • listen to barenaked ladies or u2 or whatever group or singer you like, turned up LOUD
  • plant an herb garden
  • make some popcorn and watch a mushy movie
  • grab a mystery novel and camp out at starbucks for the morning (stick to decaf coffee or tea)
  • borrow a friend's puppy and romp around with it in the grass
  • visit an art museum
  • eat an ice cream cone (without punishing yourself with warnings about fat and calories)
  • knit, crochet, quit, or do some other handicraft
  • eat a wonderful piece of chocolate, guilt free
  • go shopping - but not for clothes, because trying on clothes can remind you of weight you've gained or the fact that you're not buying maternity clothes; buy yourself a funky hat, wild socks, or zany underwear instead

What you choose to do doesn't matter, as long as you're indulging in a pleasure that you would normally deny yourself.

Performing a self-nurturing act can often help heal the pain of a difficult event, such as a disappointing test result or the arrival of your period. Doing so can remind you that even though you aren't pregnant, you can still enjoy and savor some of life's smaller pleasures.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
For the past two weeks I've been having constant nausea, headaches, cramping, leg cramps, not much fatigue but I'm definitely more tired than normal (I'm an insomniac) even a body rash! It all started when I thought I had a yeast infection, which I've never gotten before! But I didn't really have the symptoms for it. All I really noticed was this lotion like discharge on my underwear this happened for a few days, then it turned yellow. It still had no smell or anything to it. This has never happened to me on any of my periods! Then last week I and when I took two pregnancy tests on Thursday, both were negative. And now my period is due today and I still have not gotten my period! I really want to test now! I hope that if I don't get my period I will try and test again in a few days in the hopes of getting my BFP! :) All these pregnancy symptoms are driving me wild. But what do you guys think? Could I be pregnant??
Hi everyone this is my 1st time to ever write in a baby forum so be gentle with me�� I'm 11dpo due on in 2 days and i had an array of symptoms just wondered if anyone can relate ... Sickness for 3 days 6-9dpo and head aches then diarrhea 10dpo no body else in the house got this then today a massive energy surge and stretchy yellowish cm sorry Tmi!! And lower back aches and slight cramps anyone ?? Many thanks xxxx
hi all! i am new here. I am feeling so lost and confused right now. i had implantation bleeding 7 DPO and 1 week before my AF was due. It lasted 3 days and was definitely way different than a typical period. Since then I have been extremely bloated, had loose stools for a week, very very tired, craving mexican food like all the time. It's all I want to eat. and some days i am moody and emotional and other days (like today) i am in an unexplainable good mood. My boobs have been itchy off and on and I feel so thirsty all the time yet my mouth waters constantly. I also was extremely horny (Sorry if tmi) for my significant other the past few days. I have had some discharge but nothing too unusual and my boobs are not sore at all. I am an extremely active person and havent been able to work out much at all because i just feel so exhausted. I took a HPT 1 week after i had the weird (possible) implantation bleeding. Has anyone experienced anything similar to this at all?????? THANKS SO MUCH FOR READING!
For the three new BnB members who posted above me ^^^^

All of the symptoms you have both listed are both symptoms of PMS, as well as of pregnancy! Really the only way to know if you are pregnant or not is to take a pregnancy test the day after you miss your period. Since you might be pregnant, just act like you are (abstaining from alcohol, drugs, whatever) until you know for sure! Sorry there isn't a way to tell otherwise, until you actually get your period, or get a positive pregnancy test! :(
Hi everybody!

Im jumping on the 2ww wagon :)
These past few days have been hard and i still have to wait till the 22nd for my period.
The whole trying situation is difficult for me because my husband has been out of town for work for a couple of months now and the only time we're able to try is when i go visit :/
I had some questions because I'm guessing i am now 3 days past ovulation and at the being i was having moderate amounts of creamy white discharge but now it's practically gone. I have dull cramps and a feeling of fullness in my uterus area(i don't know how to explain it) and I'm tired and that but im not sure if I'm just reading into every little thing lol
Any advice or feedback is appreciated
I really wish we could know the moment we get pregnant! :(
This is the longest feeling TWW ever. I didn't temp this month (went on holiday, decided to relax and forget about it) and now my period is a day later than normal, but not 'late' late, and I have tested negative when I POAS so far.


I have a short luteal phase normally, so it could just be that the chinese herbs my acupuncturist gave me to help my luteal phase get stronger are just working, or it could be a false negative and maybe I'm pregnant. Either way, I really wish I'd temped this month so I knew a bit more about what was going on!!!

Hey there. I am on my first round of Clomid and would like to get some insight from anyone who may have experienced something like what I am going through. Brief History: I am 33 and ttc baby #2 with DH. We have each been tested, me with blood tests and a HSG and him with an SA. We are both good to go. I have always been regular between 25 and 28 days and have always ovulated, as I always spot when I ovulate. However, I may be a weak ovulator as I never got two lines equal to or darker on any OPK I have ever used. There were usually two lines, but the test line was always lighter than the control line. Anywhow, my GYN put me on 50mg of Clomid, days 5-9 starting this cycle. I got the usual Clomid side effects, such as hot flashes and slight nausea as expected. Then I got bad cramps and spotting on CD 18, which I believe was O, which I usually get on CD 12-14, so this is late for me. Also, starting on CD 18, I started to become constipated. On CD 19 until about CD 27 I experienced pregnancy symptoms, which I chalked up to the progesterone levels induced by Clomid. Those symptoms included: slight nausea, breast tissue tenderness, hot flashes, gassy, very sleepy earlier in the day, a small rash on my inner thigh, dizziness, continued constipation, dry mouth, acne, dull cramping, and slight bloating. Sometime during that week there were two days where I felt particularly out of it. I was really sleepy. moody and dizzy. I want to say that if I implanted, that was the timeframe. Since about CD 28, most of those symptoms have begun to fade, including the rash; however, some new symptoms have come along. I now have tenderness under my armpits, dry itchy skin (mostly near my armpits), burning easily in the sun, sporadic insomnia, slightly sore nipples, shooting pain in my breasts from time to time, and very hungry when I wake up in the morning. So, with all of that said, I am now on CD 30 with no sign of AF and a BFN. I believe I am only on 12 DPO, so I could still be early. I wasn't able to test positive with DS until 14 DPO, so perhaps that's just how I am. As of today, by bowels are a little more loose, and photos of burgers makes me want to vom. I slept terribly last night due to sinus issues and hot flashes. Anyone ever been in this boat? Any insight for me?
Hi, this is my first post ever but we've been trying to conceive for over a year and it feels like I need to get some support. Everyone I know has a baby or is currently pregnant and it feels like I'm alone in not getting pregnant! :cry:

I realized though 2 months ago when I got the ovulation predictor sticks that I ovulated almost a week later then I thought! I'm hoping that.. that was the problem.

All the fertility tests came back normal.. except DH has a little low morphology caused by the varicoceles vein that he has, which is stage 2.

My surge was this past weekend on July 11th & 12th.. we BD several times.. I'm keeping my fingers crossed!
I am 36 and have been on various contraceptives since my DS was born 14 years ago. I had the coil taken out in January and have had AF since. They don't seem to be regular and are v v heavy for one day then slow down and stop after a couple of days. I can't remember for definite when my last AF was but the one before was 06.06.14 and I know I have had one since but cant for the life of me work out when.

This week I have been so tired and my BBs feel heavy, tingly and leak when in the bath or shower. Is this just my body getting back to normal after having the coil for 7ish years, is it ovulation or is it something else? (I've not experienced this feeling before and I can't remember from 14 yrs ago either)
This is the longest feeling TWW ever. I didn't temp this month (went on holiday, decided to relax and forget about it) and now my period is a day later than normal, but not 'late' late, and I have tested negative when I POAS so far.


I have a short luteal phase normally, so it could just be that the chinese herbs my acupuncturist gave me to help my luteal phase get stronger are just working, or it could be a false negative and maybe I'm pregnant. Either way, I really wish I'd temped this month so I knew a bit more about what was going on!!!


CONGRATS are in order according to your chart!!! Awesome!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance:
Hi, this is my first post ever but we've been trying to conceive for over a year and it feels like I need to get some support. Everyone I know has a baby or is currently pregnant and it feels like I'm alone in not getting pregnant! :cry:

I realized though 2 months ago when I got the ovulation predictor sticks that I ovulated almost a week later then I thought! I'm hoping that.. that was the problem.

All the fertility tests came back normal.. except DH has a little low morphology caused by the varicoceles vein that he has, which is stage 2.

My surge was this past weekend on July 11th & 12th.. we BD several times.. I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

Welcome alisawow! I'm sorry it's taking you so long to conceive but you just hang in there. This can be a very long journey sometimes but i hope your journey is about to go in another direction with a baby! Good luck in this TWW! I've got everything crossed for you. :hugs:
Hey there. I am on my first round of Clomid and would like to get some insight from anyone who may have experienced something like what I am going through. Brief History: I am 33 and ttc baby #2 with DH. We have each been tested, me with blood tests and a HSG and him with an SA. We are both good to go. I have always been regular between 25 and 28 days and have always ovulated, as I always spot when I ovulate. However, I may be a weak ovulator as I never got two lines equal to or darker on any OPK I have ever used. There were usually two lines, but the test line was always lighter than the control line. Anywhow, my GYN put me on 50mg of Clomid, days 5-9 starting this cycle. I got the usual Clomid side effects, such as hot flashes and slight nausea as expected. Then I got bad cramps and spotting on CD 18, which I believe was O, which I usually get on CD 12-14, so this is late for me. Also, starting on CD 18, I started to become constipated. On CD 19 until about CD 27 I experienced pregnancy symptoms, which I chalked up to the progesterone levels induced by Clomid. Those symptoms included: slight nausea, breast tissue tenderness, hot flashes, gassy, very sleepy earlier in the day, a small rash on my inner thigh, dizziness, continued constipation, dry mouth, acne, dull cramping, and slight bloating. Sometime during that week there were two days where I felt particularly out of it. I was really sleepy. moody and dizzy. I want to say that if I implanted, that was the timeframe. Since about CD 28, most of those symptoms have begun to fade, including the rash; however, some new symptoms have come along. I now have tenderness under my armpits, dry itchy skin (mostly near my armpits), burning easily in the sun, sporadic insomnia, slightly sore nipples, shooting pain in my breasts from time to time, and very hungry when I wake up in the morning. So, with all of that said, I am now on CD 30 with no sign of AF and a BFN. I believe I am only on 12 DPO, so I could still be early. I wasn't able to test positive with DS until 14 DPO, so perhaps that's just how I am. As of today, by bowels are a little more loose, and photos of burgers makes me want to vom. I slept terribly last night due to sinus issues and hot flashes. Anyone ever been in this boat? Any insight for me?

Well honey, you for sure could be preggers! All signs and symptoms sound great. They could all be progesterone related or clomid related but hopefully they are baby related. I've only done one clomid cycle and it resulted in a pregnancy but we lost twins at 8 weeks so I guess you couldn't call it a success but i still believe in clomid. Good luck!!! :hugs:
Hi ladies

i'm new to this forum, i am ttc#2, this is my first month of trying and i only on 2DPO, i got a postive OPK on day 22 of my cycle and only BD on that day and 2 days before, according to FF, i ovulated a day later on day 23 of my cycle, but didnt DTD after the one postive OPK, what do you think my chances are of getting my BFP this month. MY cycles has been all over the place so have to wait the full 15-19DPO before i want to test, seems like forever away.

what a wait....

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