Welcome to the 'Two Week Wait'

Hi everyone!!

I'm 5dpo, and still early in 2ww, this is my 1st cycle on clomid 100mg, feeling ok - some cramping, breasts starting to feel tender, little moody and tired. I hear these are SE of clomid but praying its a BFP 😃...So anxious to see the doctor on cd21 to confirm ovulation. I've made a promise not to test, but we shall see how long that lasts:)

Just wanted to introduce myself:) Good luck to all and hopefully this is our month!!x✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨
Hey buttercup77
I'm starting 50mg clomid next cycle, on last natural cycle at mo.
Fingers crossed for you! I'm also 5dpo so we are cycle buddies!!! :) x
im currently 12 dpo, af is due Saturday.

I got a positive on an opk for the second month running, felt sick, slightly fuzzy headed and tired for the last week, the last 3 days I have had cramping on and off, i'm now thinking its the witch about to show up at the weekend and knock me out of the running!

we've been trying since April and I genuinely thought id have fallen immediately! you hear so many stories about people getting pregnant 'accidentally'!

wish me luck! x
Woo hoo! Fertility friend confirmed ovulation. *phew*!

So, how do you guys feel about coffee when TTC? I have 1-2 (sometimes 3....) cups a day. Trying to cut down to one, maybe switch to decaf or non-caf tea. What do you think?
Has anyone gotten light spotting just after ovulation? I have a pretty clear ovulation temperature rise, but I just had a bit of spotting (light, brown) and I wondered how usual/unusual that is. I'VE never had it before!

I have never experienced this personally but I do know that ovulation can cause spotting.

You said, "just after O." How many days is "just after." Implantation can happen 5-6 days after O with implantation bleeding shortly after which can also cause brown to light pink spotting.

Just after meaning day or two after, so definitely not implantation! I'm thinking that it was bleeding from ovulation itself, that took a day to travel downwards. It was brown, and light, so that makes sense.

I'm hoping it is a sign of fertility!
Woo hoo! Fertility friend confirmed ovulation. *phew*!

So, how do you guys feel about coffee when TTC? I have 1-2 (sometimes 3....) cups a day. Trying to cut down to one, maybe switch to decaf or non-caf tea. What do you think?
Hi Kallie,
I've definitely cut down on the coffee drinking and switched to decaf, and now I'm drinking decaf tea
Woo hoo! Fertility friend confirmed ovulation. *phew*!

So, how do you guys feel about coffee when TTC? I have 1-2 (sometimes 3....) cups a day. Trying to cut down to one, maybe switch to decaf or non-caf tea. What do you think?

Kallie, They recommend not having caffeinated coffee when pregnant. Since you are a heavier coffee drinker I would try to switch to decaf or cut down on the amount now, so it will be easier when you get your BFP. I know some people suffer from neg. effects when cutting back on coffee so I would cut back as much as you can now. I can't imagine suffering from headaches from caffeine withdrawal and stomach issues from pregnancy all at once.

I don't drink coffee but I do have a large cup of regular black tea each morning. I try to drink green or herbal tea if I want anymore through out the day. I never even considered the caffeine since I am a non-coffee drinker. I am not ready to give up the small jolt of caffeine while TTC. I very rarely drink any soda either so my tea is the most caffeine I usually get in a day. Do you guys think I will need to switch to decaf if and when I get my BFP or is a little caffeine okay? :coffee:
Best of luck Alwaysabi, I wish that the symptoms are the pregnancy ones and not of the AF.

im currently 12 dpo, af is due Saturday.

I got a positive on an opk for the second month running, felt sick, slightly fuzzy headed and tired for the last week, the last 3 days I have had cramping on and off, i'm now thinking its the witch about to show up at the weekend and knock me out of the running!

we've been trying since April and I genuinely thought id have fallen immediately! you hear so many stories about people getting pregnant 'accidentally'!

wish me luck! x
Kallie everyone I know has advised me to just cut down on the caffeine intake. I was addicted to coffee, then I moved on to tea (considerable less amount of caffeine compared to coffee) and now I am doing pretty well without both of these. I am hooked onto milk now with some kids chocolate supplement (it has very minuscule amount of caffeine). Although this hasn't helped me in conceiving but I just don't want to leave any stone unturned.

Best of luck dear :)

Woo hoo! Fertility friend confirmed ovulation. *phew*!

So, how do you guys feel about coffee when TTC? I have 1-2 (sometimes 3....) cups a day. Trying to cut down to one, maybe switch to decaf or non-caf tea. What do you think?
Woo hoo! Fertility friend confirmed ovulation. *phew*!

So, how do you guys feel about coffee when TTC? I have 1-2 (sometimes 3....) cups a day. Trying to cut down to one, maybe switch to decaf or non-caf tea. What do you think?

Kallie, They recommend not having caffeinated coffee when pregnant. Since you are a heavier coffee drinker I would try to switch to decaf or cut down on the amount now, so it will be easier when you get your BFP. I know some people suffer from neg. effects when cutting back on coffee so I would cut back as much as you can now. I can't imagine suffering from headaches from caffeine withdrawal and stomach issues from pregnancy all at once.

I don't drink coffee but I do have a large cup of regular black tea each morning. I try to drink green or herbal tea if I want anymore through out the day. I never even considered the caffeine since I am a non-coffee drinker. I am not ready to give up the small jolt of caffeine while TTC. I very rarely drink any soda either so my tea is the most caffeine I usually get in a day. Do you guys think I will need to switch to decaf if and when I get my BFP or is a little caffeine okay? :coffee:

Hi Dreamingmom
I think anything in moderation should not harm.
Best of luck dear :)
My right side where I think my overly is has been kinda achey off an on all day? Good thing?

Alexis1986 its a good sign generally. This probably would mean that your ovary is getting ready to release a egg. It could also be due to over-stimulation of ovaries, are you taking any ovulation stimulating drug like clomid / femara? If this is the case then there is a probability that more than one egg will be released by your ovaries which could also lead to multiple pregnancy. However, this is a good thing since multiple eggs would increase your chances of conceiving.

Best of luck dear :) Keep updating!
I think I'm going to take a trip to my local tea store, and pick up some delicous non-caff teas. You have to be super careful with tea too, though - no Juniper, no Fennel (when pregnant or in TWW), and other stuff that you should avoid are often in teas.

Maybe I'll go with one cup of coffee in the morning, and then drink Rioobos or low-caffeine Oolong... I just love hot drinks, really. And I don't drink pop, milk, juice, or things like that, and I'm not allowed to drink wine at work (and of course, won't be drinking too much right now anyways, lol!)

Thanks for the input guys!
My right side where I think my overly is has been kinda achey off an on all day? Good thing?

Alexis1986 its a good sign generally. This probably would mean that your ovary is getting ready to release a egg. It could also be due to over-stimulation of ovaries, are you taking any ovulation stimulating drug like clomid / femara? If this is the case then there is a probability that more than one egg will be released by your ovaries which could also lead to multiple pregnancy. However, this is a good thing since multiple eggs would increase your chances of conceiving.

Best of luck dear :) Keep updating!

I have herd of clomid but not femara? Not talking anything just first time we are actually trying. I was diagnosed with pcos and have 8 cists on both overy sand so my dr said that if I lost 30 lbs that everything would be ok, well I have lost twenty lbs, and so I stopped taking birth control after my last period whitch only lasted two days, so according to my period tracker I am currently ovulating, and having the symptoms to go with it ( moody, side pain, horny ness haha; sticky white discharge) to come straight to the point I am trying for three months with out help and then going from there. And doing the deed. Every day or other day so far. Being optimistic but know it may take a while

I hope things are able to work out for you without medical intervention. You might want to add taking your basal temp or OPK's to check for ovulation. Most period trackers use a standard number of days to track O, usually CD day 12 or 14. So if your irregular or have a different length cycle you might actually miss your most fertile days. for example, I have a long cycle, I don't O until around CD 18 so before I started temping I was trying a week before my actual O. That way if you or hubby are not in the mood one or two nights of the month you will know if you can push it off for that evening without stress.
Thanks I will start taking my temp! I set a plan with my dr so of in six months no success we will try something. What is femara?
im currently 12 dpo, af is due Saturday.

I got a positive on an opk for the second month running, felt sick, slightly fuzzy headed and tired for the last week, the last 3 days I have had cramping on and off, i'm now thinking its the witch about to show up at the weekend and knock me out of the running!

we've been trying since April and I genuinely thought id have fallen immediately! you hear so many stories about people getting pregnant 'accidentally'!

wish me luck! x

I think everyone thinks they'll fall pregnant immediately, especially with all those stories about accidental pregnancies off of one-night stands, etc... But it can take a healthy couple with no issues up to a year to get pregnant, so don't sweat it just yet.

Sounds like you've got some good symptoms there! Good luck! I hope you get your BFP this cycle!

Keep us updated!

Woo hoo! Fertility friend confirmed ovulation. *phew*!

So, how do you guys feel about coffee when TTC? I have 1-2 (sometimes 3....) cups a day. Trying to cut down to one, maybe switch to decaf or non-caf tea. What do you think?

I do a cup of tea in the morning and then nothing for the rest of the day. I had to wean myself down to one, because I was on like 6 a day at one point (the dangers of living in the UK).

The pregnancy allowance is 200mg a day (one cup of filtered coffee is 140mg), so if you keep it within that limit while TTC, you should be fine.

Has anyone gotten light spotting just after ovulation? I have a pretty clear ovulation temperature rise, but I just had a bit of spotting (light, brown) and I wondered how usual/unusual that is. I'VE never had it before!

I have never experienced this personally but I do know that ovulation can cause spotting.

You said, "just after O." How many days is "just after." Implantation can happen 5-6 days after O with implantation bleeding shortly after which can also cause brown to light pink spotting.

Just after meaning day or two after, so definitely not implantation! I'm thinking that it was bleeding from ovulation itself, that took a day to travel downwards. It was brown, and light, so that makes sense.

I'm hoping it is a sign of fertility!

Definitely a sign of high fertility, Kallie.

I've had ovulation spotting before in a few cycles. I could feel the egg popping out of my ovary (ouch) and then a couple of days later, I had spotting. I think the last time I caught the egg I had ov bleeding. I definitely take it as a good sign. :)

I'm rooting for you, Kallie! I hope this is it!!

Thanks I will start taking my temp! I set a plan with my dr so of in six months no success we will try something. What is femara?

Femara is a drug that is used to induce ovulation in women who have PCOS or don't ovulate on their own. It effects the amount of estrogen a woman makes and increases their chances of ovulating that month (less estrogen => more FSH => ovulation).

In women that ovulate on their own, femara can make them release more than one egg, which also increases the chances of success.

It's similar to Clomid in that it can induce ovulation and increase the chances of releasing more than one egg, but it doesn't have all the side effects that Clomid does and some women respond on Femara when they didn't on Clomid. It's not necessarily better, it's just a different option.

As for feeling pain near your ovaries, it could be ovulation pain. It happens at least once to about 50% of women (I'm in the lucky 20% that feel it every month). It's perfectly normal and it's just a sign you're about to ovulate.
Sorry for the graphic detail but...

as I said in my last post, I've been cramping over the last couple of days and last night my partner and I were doing the deed and all of a sudden I got a really weird cramp in my belly! it has carried on even until now. I wouldn't say its unbearable pain but it is definitely there like little pinches all inside me and it ranges from my hips to my ribs and varies from left to right on and off.

I've definitely never had this before so I POAS this morning as you do when you have an addiction! and i'm not sure if it is a faint positive or evap line or even my mind playing tricks on me! I have my fx that af doesn't show tomorrow still.

has anyone ever experienced this before??

thanks xx
Sorry for the graphic detail but...

as I said in my last post, I've been cramping over the last couple of days and last night my partner and I were doing the deed and all of a sudden I got a really weird cramp in my belly! it has carried on even until now. I wouldn't say its unbearable pain but it is definitely there like little pinches all inside me and it ranges from my hips to my ribs and varies from left to right on and off.

I've definitely never had this before so I POAS this morning as you do when you have an addiction! and i'm not sure if it is a faint positive or evap line or even my mind playing tricks on me! I have my fx that af doesn't show tomorrow still.

has anyone ever experienced this before??

thanks xx

Wait, have you ovulated already?

If so, those cramps could be good cramps...implantation cramps (I've had them before, they're uncomfortable, but a good sign) And that test is a very good sign. I thought you were waiting to ov or something! Come to find out you're through the wait and on to your BFP!

Test again first thing in the morning and tell us what you see!! :D I'm so excited for you!

(It could also be gas....)
Hello ladies! I'm in the TWW now...I'll call it 1dpo. I got a pos OPK Wednesday AM, PM, and Thursday AM and then a neg Thursday PM. We DTD Tuesday night and Thursday night. I had some pretty intense twinges on my left ovary area from when we DTD Tuesday to Wednesday AM before hitting the gym. Hope it goes quickly! FX'd for a BFP!

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