Welcome to the 'Two Week Wait'

im currently 12 dpo, af is due Saturday.

I got a positive on an opk for the second month running, felt sick, slightly fuzzy headed and tired for the last week, the last 3 days I have had cramping on and off, i'm now thinking its the witch about to show up at the weekend and knock me out of the running!

we've been trying since April and I genuinely thought id have fallen immediately! you hear so many stories about people getting pregnant 'accidentally'!

wish me luck! x

I think everyone thinks they'll fall pregnant immediately, especially with all those stories about accidental pregnancies off of one-night stands, etc... But it can take a healthy couple with no issues up to a year to get pregnant, so don't sweat it just yet.

Sounds like you've got some good symptoms there! Good luck! I hope you get your BFP this cycle!

Keep us updated!

Woo hoo! Fertility friend confirmed ovulation. *phew*!

So, how do you guys feel about coffee when TTC? I have 1-2 (sometimes 3....) cups a day. Trying to cut down to one, maybe switch to decaf or non-caf tea. What do you think?

I do a cup of tea in the morning and then nothing for the rest of the day. I had to wean myself down to one, because I was on like 6 a day at one point (the dangers of living in the UK).

The pregnancy allowance is 200mg a day (one cup of filtered coffee is 140mg), so if you keep it within that limit while TTC, you should be fine.

Has anyone gotten light spotting just after ovulation? I have a pretty clear ovulation temperature rise, but I just had a bit of spotting (light, brown) and I wondered how usual/unusual that is. I'VE never had it before!

I have never experienced this personally but I do know that ovulation can cause spotting.

You said, "just after O." How many days is "just after." Implantation can happen 5-6 days after O with implantation bleeding shortly after which can also cause brown to light pink spotting.

Just after meaning day or two after, so definitely not implantation! I'm thinking that it was bleeding from ovulation itself, that took a day to travel downwards. It was brown, and light, so that makes sense.

I'm hoping it is a sign of fertility!

Definitely a sign of high fertility, Kallie.

I've had ovulation spotting before in a few cycles. I could feel the egg popping out of my ovary (ouch) and then a couple of days later, I had spotting. I think the last time I caught the egg I had ov bleeding. I definitely take it as a good sign. :)

I'm rooting for you, Kallie! I hope this is it!!

Thanks I will start taking my temp! I set a plan with my dr so of in six months no success we will try something. What is femara?

Femara is a drug that is used to induce ovulation in women who have PCOS or don't ovulate on their own. It effects the amount of estrogen a woman makes and increases their chances of ovulating that month (less estrogen => more FSH => ovulation).

In women that ovulate on their own, femara can make them release more than one egg, which also increases the chances of success.

It's similar to Clomid in that it can induce ovulation and increase the chances of releasing more than one egg, but it doesn't have all the side effects that Clomid does and some women respond on Femara when they didn't on Clomid. It's not necessarily better, it's just a different option.

As for feeling pain near your ovaries, it could be ovulation pain. It happens at least once to about 50% of women (I'm in the lucky 20% that feel it every month). It's perfectly normal and it's just a sign you're about to ovulate.

Gosh, you're SUCH a good responder Ella! :hugs:
Hi I am new to this, I finally gave in because I can not handle the stress on my own.
I am currently 13dpo, I took a htp yesterday and got a negative result. I have been nauseous since last weds. and sorry if tmi but I have had this wierd wet feeling for 3 days now. Anyone else have this happen? We have been trying to conceive for over 6mos and I have low hopes....
Definitely a sign of high fertility, Kallie.

I've had ovulation spotting before in a few cycles. I could feel the egg popping out of my ovary (ouch) and then a couple of days later, I had spotting. I think the last time I caught the egg I had ov bleeding. I definitely take it as a good sign. :)

I'm rooting for you, Kallie! I hope this is it!!

Me too! You are so sweet :)
Hi I am new to this, I finally gave in because I can not handle the stress on my own.
I am currently 13dpo, I took a htp yesterday and got a negative result. I have been nauseous since last weds. and sorry if tmi but I have had this wierd wet feeling for 3 days now. Anyone else have this happen? We have been trying to conceive for over 6mos and I have low hopes....

Don't have low hopes! Don't, don't, don't!!!

6 months is absolutely, totally normal! You could even be pregnant now, and you might not be testing positive yet. Don't get freaked out (even thought I know it is SO hard - I felt the exact same way!).

I recommend you check out the book "taking charge of your fertility" - it talks about fertility signs, timing of ovulation and sex for fertility, temperatures, cervical mucus (that wet feeling!) and everything else. It is always better to be armed with information so you can 'take charge'!

Best of luck, and you can talk to us here anytime for support - we are always here!
Thank you for the support it actually brought me to tears. . . I track my ovulation religiously but I have not gotten into checking bbt. I had light spotting last tuesday and thought my ovulation was late as I tend to spot a little during that time, but I checked my chart and was 5 dpo.
Thank you for the support it actually brought me to tears. . . I track my ovulation religiously but I have not gotten into checking bbt. I had light spotting last tuesday and thought my ovulation was late as I tend to spot a little during that time, but I checked my chart and was 5 dpo.

Tracking my temperature was such an eye opener for me - OPKs don't work for me, really, so it was the only way to know that I ovulate late!
I recommend you check out the book "taking charge of your fertility" - it talks about fertility signs, timing of ovulation and sex for fertility, temperatures, cervical mucus (that wet feeling!) and everything else. It is always better to be armed with information so you can 'take charge'!

Best of luck, and you can talk to us here anytime for support - we are always here!

I agree, "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" is a great book to help you learn about your body. Ironically, I was just rereading some sections this morning. It hasn't helped me to become pregnant yet. But I do understand my body so much better then I did before reading it!
Hi Ladies,
I'm a newbie and on my 1st cycle of Clomid, cutrently 7dpo. This morning I had cd21 bw and just got the results. My progesterone was 12. I asked the nurse if that was good and she said, yes and I did not need suppositories at this point. She also said if AF doesn't arrive by 8/18 come in for a pregnancy test or if AF arrives call to report cd1. I've been reading online and saw some people say over 15 is really good. I'm a little concerned, as low progesterone was an isuue in my previous pregnancy (mc @ 7 weeks). I'm over thinking things and need some advice. Is this good? Should I use the suppositories anyway (just asking, my hubby say do exactly what they say).

I have this wet feeling - sooty if it's tmi. Yesterday it was watery like and today is creamier like lotion. Boobs are a little sore and some other symptoms but nothing too big time. Should I test? If so, when or should I wait? I'm so nervous because I want to know ASAP because I have a medical condition and need to be monitored by a maternal fetal med doctor.

Thank you in advanced for responding!🌟 good luck to all!!
so I totally went against everything in me and I bought a test... still negative. I never thought I would be so desperate for a positive. It all started when I had a chemical pregnancy last year. I want so bad to show my husband that positive again and see the joy on his face. still no af symptoms but still feeling wet. ugh the wait is killing me. I am 6 days past when I would normally start my period in my cycle. All of your posts help so much. I have felt alone for a while now.:nope:
10 DPO, I am so uncomfortable and bloated today. I also have to pee a lot. FX that this is something more than AF rearing her ugly head. I'm not testing unless AF doesn't arrive in the next 3-4 days.

Send lots of Baby dust my way to help keep AF Away.
Hi Ladies,
I'm a newbie and on my 1st cycle of Clomid, cutrently 7dpo. This morning I had cd21 bw and just got the results. My progesterone was 12. I asked the nurse if that was good and she said, yes and I did not need suppositories at this point. She also said if AF doesn't arrive by 8/18 come in for a pregnancy test or if AF arrives call to report cd1. I've been reading online and saw some people say over 15 is really good. I'm a little concerned, as low progesterone was an isuue in my previous pregnancy (mc @ 7 weeks). I'm over thinking things and need some advice. Is this good? Should I use the suppositories anyway (just asking, my hubby say do exactly what they say).

I have this wet feeling - sooty if it's tmi. Yesterday it was watery like and today is creamier like lotion. Boobs are a little sore and some other symptoms but nothing too big time. Should I test? If so, when or should I wait? I'm so nervous because I want to know ASAP because I have a medical condition and need to be monitored by a maternal fetal med doctor.

Thank you in advanced for responding!🌟 good luck to all!!

I think anything over 10 indicates ovulation, which is probably what they were looking for. I wouldn't worry too much about it at this point, even though I know that's easier said than done. It's hard not to worry when you've got so much invested in the cycle.

I think that in your place, I would wait to test until at least 11-12DPO and if I got a positive, I would call in and say that I was going to start taking progesterone as a precaution. They can't really argue with that, I wouldn't think. Just make sure they'll give you enough to make it to 10-12 weeks. Lots of women don't start the progesterone until after getting a positive test and go on to have healthy pregnancies. This way, you're listening to your doctor/nurse's advice, but you're still doing what you think is necessary to get you through your pregnancy....
Thank you for responding, it's appreciated!

Hi Ladies,
I'm a newbie and on my 1st cycle of Clomid, cutrently 7dpo. This morning I had cd21 bw and just got the results. My progesterone was 12. I asked the nurse if that was good and she said, yes and I did not need suppositories at this point. She also said if AF doesn't arrive by 8/18 come in for a pregnancy test or if AF arrives call to report cd1. I've been reading online and saw some people say over 15 is really good. I'm a little concerned, as low progesterone was an isuue in my previous pregnancy (mc @ 7 weeks). I'm over thinking things and need some advice. Is this good? Should I use the suppositories anyway (just asking, my hubby say do exactly what they say).

I have this wet feeling - sooty if it's tmi. Yesterday it was watery like and today is creamier like lotion. Boobs are a little sore and some other symptoms but nothing too big time. Should I test? If so, when or should I wait? I'm so nervous because I want to know ASAP because I have a medical condition and need to be monitored by a maternal fetal med doctor.

Thank you in advanced for responding!🌟 good luck to all!!

I think anything over 10 indicates ovulation, which is probably what they were looking for. I wouldn't worry too much about it at this point, even though I know that's easier said than done. It's hard not to worry when you've got so much invested in the cycle.

I think that in your place, I would wait to test until at least 11-12DPO and if I got a positive, I would call in and say that I was going to start taking progesterone as a precaution. They can't really argue with that, I wouldn't think. Just make sure they'll give you enough to make it to 10-12 weeks. Lots of women don't start the progesterone until after getting a positive test and go on to have healthy pregnancies. This way, you're listening to your doctor/nurse's advice, but you're still doing what you think is necessary to get you through your pregnancy....
Sorry for the graphic detail but...

as I said in my last post, I've been cramping over the last couple of days and last night my partner and I were doing the deed and all of a sudden I got a really weird cramp in my belly! it has carried on even until now. I wouldn't say its unbearable pain but it is definitely there like little pinches all inside me and it ranges from my hips to my ribs and varies from left to right on and off.

I've definitely never had this before so I POAS this morning as you do when you have an addiction! and i'm not sure if it is a faint positive or evap line or even my mind playing tricks on me! I have my fx that af doesn't show tomorrow still.

has anyone ever experienced this before??

thanks xx

Wait, have you ovulated already?

If so, those cramps could be good cramps...implantation cramps (I've had them before, they're uncomfortable, but a good sign) And that test is a very good sign. I thought you were waiting to ov or something! Come to find out you're through the wait and on to your BFP!

Test again first thing in the morning and tell us what you see!! :D I'm so excited for you!

(It could also be gas....)

Hi Ella, thank you for replying! Yes I ovulated on 26th/27th according to a clear blue digital opk and my calculations, I was due to start my period yesterday, but haven't, instead I'm getting (sorry for tmi) really dark brown thick discharge, but the tiniest amounts, I don't even have to wear a tampon or pad, it's when I wipe. I tested yesterday morning (1st day of missed af) and got bfn. I still haven't come on yet and I'm still getting dark brown spotting and cramps/pinching in my belly!! Xx
11DPO today and I need to vent. It is totally not fair that early pregnancy signs and PMS symptoms can be so similar. 9 and 10 DPO I got really bloated and crampy. But the cramps felt different more of a constant soreness around my lower abdomen wrapping around into my lower back. The cramping also made me feel like I have to pee a lot, I do get urine out each time but not always enough to give me the urgent feelings I am having. Boobs have also been very sore. Usually my cats can walk all over me and it doesn't bother me, but over the last few days if they step anywhere near my boobs I want to yell out in pain. I also had to move an air freshener I kept in the bedroom to my guest bathroom because I just couldn't stand the smell anymore. This morning I was still crampy and running to the bathroom all morning, but once I got active those symptoms calmed down. I am still extremely bloated, to point where I can visually see my extended belly. This afternoon, I had a picnic with my DH and after eating lunch I felt like I was going to be sick.
All together I'm sure you will all agree that these seem like Pregnancy symptoms but after over a year of trying I refuse to think that until I see the lines on the HPT. Other months, I have had what I thought were symptoms only to have AF return. Its just not fair that PMS symptoms and pregnancy symptoms can mimic each other and are not the same from women to women or even pregnancy to pregnancy. AF is due Tuesday so I plan to test Thu or Fri, if she doesn't show by then. I think this is going to be the longest week of my life!
Update: I am 4 or 5 dpo and I feel kinda like I have a cold but I live in wyo an pollin is pretty high lately so maybe allergies, any ways I feel achey specially in the lower left of my back. I was agitated for no reason yesterday is it all in my head? Going crazy but optimistic
11DPO today and I need to vent. It is totally not fair that early pregnancy signs and PMS symptoms can be so similar. 9 and 10 DPO I got really bloated and crampy. But the cramps felt different more of a constant soreness around my lower abdomen wrapping around into my lower back. The cramping also made me feel like I have to pee a lot, I do get urine out each time but not always enough to give me the urgent feelings I am having. Boobs have also been very sore. Usually my cats can walk all over me and it doesn't bother me, but over the last few days if they step anywhere near my boobs I want to yell out in pain. I also had to move an air freshener I kept in the bedroom to my guest bathroom because I just couldn't stand the smell anymore. This morning I was still crampy and running to the bathroom all morning, but once I got active those symptoms calmed down. I am still extremely bloated, to point where I can visually see my extended belly. This afternoon, I had a picnic with my DH and after eating lunch I felt like I was going to be sick.
All together I'm sure you will all agree that these seem like Pregnancy symptoms but after over a year of trying I refuse to think that until I see the lines on the HPT. Other months, I have had what I thought were symptoms only to have AF return. Its just not fair that PMS symptoms and pregnancy symptoms can mimic each other and are not the same from women to women or even pregnancy to pregnancy. AF is due Tuesday so I plan to test Thu or Fri, if she doesn't show by then. I think this is going to be the longest week of my life!

I'm already going crazy an I'm on day 4 or 5 wishing you good luck!
12 DPO, extreme bloating has gone down, but I am feeling drained.

Alexis, I have been more stuffy this week too. They do say that can be a pregnancy symptom. Although, August to October is my high allergy time so it can just be that. Claritin is still working but not as well as it was.

FX for you, maybe if things work out for both of us this cycle we can be pregnancy buddies!
Hey all,

I am either 4 or 5 days. I am almost sure i ovulated on 8/7. AF is due 8/21. I am new to this type of thing. First time I ever really attempted to try.

Anyway, I am having some "pulling" twingy type cramps on my right-side. My ovulation 'pain' last almost 2 days this month. One other thing, I notice just today, I am peeing much more frequently - a noticeable amount more than I usually would.

Could it just be me?

:coffee: Just started ttc #2 new to these groups 2dpo second one since we started. Is it normal to feel so impatient and ready for it to happen already! #1 is 4yo now && I never wanted children with such a large gap but lifes been busy. Hubby gave the go ahead and I just wish I could be pg already.
Lisa- I know the feeling I am inpatient as well,first time ever ttc 6 dpo my emotions about all this is everywhere your not alone

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