Welcome to the 'Two Week Wait'

I'm pretty new to BnB. Since my chart is looking triphasic again and took a second spike at 8DPO after a dip, and currently another super high temp at 9DPO... I am driving myself crazy :wacko:

Here's my chart:

Hoping I get another high temp tomorrow. At 9DPO I'm certain it's too early to test and I don't wanna be a POAS crazy lady so I need all the help and good vibes I can get over the next few days.

:dust: to all and FX for our :bfp:
MamaBunny I am SOO jealous that you are 9 dpo right now! Lol. I'm only 3 and going nuts! Just go ahead and start POAS! I would. Good luck and baby dust!
Hi ladies I've been to this thread once before but im pretty new to this site.
I've had 4 losses now one very recent I was due for my period yesterday but af hasn't showed yet. I'm so anxious but Im to scared to test if af doesn't show tomorrow im going to give in and buy a test I can't sleep I feel pregnant but don't want to be let down by a bfn just incase.
Hi ladies I've been to this thread once before but im pretty new to this site.
I've had 4 losses now one very recent I was due for my period yesterday but af hasn't showed yet. I'm so anxious but Im to scared to test if af doesn't show tomorrow im going to give in and buy a test I can't sleep I feel pregnant but don't want to be let down by a bfn just incase.

Hi Jade,

Sorry for your losses. I have recently had my first pregnancy and loss after trying to conceive for 1 year. I totally understand what you mean about not wanting to see the BFN. I see so many people on these threads that are POAS crazy, I tend to learn more towards the POAS phobic group. After so many let downs it just feels like your setting yourself up for failure. I say just trust your body and your instincts. I "knew" I was pregnant at least 1 week before the lines even showed, I can only assume after going through this more than once you know your "pregnant" body even better then I know mine. So, try to stay positive and wait until you are comfortable to POAS. I hope when you are ready to test you get a BFP and this one sticks for you! How many DPO are you?
MamaBunny I am SOO jealous that you are 9 dpo right now! Lol. I'm only 3 and going nuts! Just go ahead and start POAS! I would. Good luck and baby dust!

Buttersmom my temp dropped slightly today so I'm not anxious to test :nope: FF has my :witch: due to make an appearance on Monday so if nothing significant happens by then I may...

My Chart:

At 11DPO yesterday and not having any typical pre-AF cramping going on (FF estimates :af: to come tomorrow but I highly doubt it...) I gave in and took a test. :bfn: on a FRER digi :cry: but according to my chart, IF there was an implantation dip at 7DPO it may still be too early. Then this morning my BBT took a nosedive from 97.9 to 97.33 so I'm thinking I'm out once again. :growlmad: Perhaps FF is way off this month and I'm gonna have a 28-30 day cycle... :shrug:
Just woke up with a really bad cold and now I'm thinking that might explain all my weird symptoms. I shouldn't be disappointed, but I got really excited this tww. Would have been a great birthday present for bf.
Just woke up with a really bad cold and now I'm thinking that might explain all my weird symptoms. I shouldn't be disappointed, but I got really excited this tww. Would have been a great birthday present for bf.

My bf's birthday is this upcoming weekend and I would have LOVED to share exciting news that he is going to be a daddy... but my temp dipped below my coverline this morning and I had spotting :cry:
HI Im new to this site. Im 36 and ttc with my new partner. He is 45 andhas no kids (and had never got anyone pregnant) I have 4 children by my ex husband ranging in age from 16 to 8. I am 5/6 dpo. I have never had much trouble getting pregnant in the past. I had one mc in the middle of my 4 kids. We've just started trying, this is the first month but Im concerned about our ages and him having never experienced a pregnancy. I used opks with my 4th child as I was eager but that's the only time Ive put that much effort into ttc. It's exciting and scary isnt it? I wasnt on the pill (for the past year we used pulling out as contraception as we weren't THAT against having a baby) so my body is ready. I'm clueless about all the acronyms you are all using - is there a page with them all listed?
Anyway, i hope to get to know some of you better. Good luck and baby dust to you all.
Sylvie x
Welcome and :dust: to you Sylvie! I'm TTC my third with my new partner who has no children. Unfortunately, I'm definitely out this month and onto my fourth cycle...

P.S. I didn't understand all of the abbreviations either, I used Google :winkwink:
Hello Ladies!

I am new to "babyandbump," and I'm extremely grateful that I stumbled across such a wonderful site where women can gather & chat/vent about their pregnancy/desire to become a mother, etc. I do not have any children, and my bf and I have been trying to conceive.

I had my last menstrual on 8/20, but it only last for 2 days (which is extremely odd). The first day was heavy, and the second one was extremely low. Since this is my first time actually trying to conceive, I found a ovulation calendar online.

Based on my last menstrual, ovulation for me was from 9/2-9/7!!! My bf and I did what was necessary in the natural. For the past few days, I have had some weird things take place in my body.

Breast: sometimes sore (but not to the point their untouchable) & the appearance seem a little different. Today 9/9, I was curious and squeezed both breast and clear cloudy discharge came out. Is that a sign of early pregnancy?

Cramping: For several days now I have had cramps (come & go) on the left side of my cervics!

Mood swings: I am a sensitive person, but it's been over the top. And my mood has been hot & cold.

Cravings: Lately, I've been wanting ice cream and then shortly after something salty.

Nausea: No vomit! But throughout the day I feel nausea.

Fatigue: I'm always sleeping lol! But longer now!!!

Aches/pain: I've been having lower back pain for 3 days now. Yesterday, my whole back was aching & my ribs. And the back of my legs began aching in the evening.

Urination: I haven't really seen a massive change with my urine, although there's a slight pain after I urine. (Possibly UTI- docs appt. set).

Could I be pregnant? I took a hpt (I know it's to early, was anxious) and it came back negative. But I know there's something going on with my body.
Hello Ladies!

I am new to "babyandbump," and I'm extremely grateful that I stumbled across such a wonderful site where women can gather & chat/vent about their pregnancy/desire to become a mother, etc. I do not have any children, and my bf and I have been trying to conceive.

I had my last menstrual on 8/20, but it only last for 2 days (which is extremely odd). The first day was heavy, and the second one was extremely low. Since this is my first time actually trying to conceive, I found a ovulation calendar online.

Based on my last menstrual, ovulation for me was from 9/2-9/7!!! My bf and I did what was necessary in the natural. For the past few days, I have had some weird things take place in my body.

Breast: sometimes sore (but not to the point their untouchable) & the appearance seem a little different. Today 9/9, I was curious and squeezed both breast and clear cloudy discharge came out. Is that a sign of early pregnancy?

Cramping: For several days now I have had cramps (come & go) on the left side of my cervics!

Mood swings: I am a sensitive person, but it's been over the top. And my mood has been hot & cold.

Cravings: Lately, I've been wanting ice cream and then shortly after something salty.

Nausea: No vomit! But throughout the day I feel nausea.

Fatigue: I'm always sleeping lol! But longer now!!!

Aches/pain: I've been having lower back pain for 3 days now. Yesterday, my whole back was aching & my ribs. And the back of my legs began aching in the evening.

Urination: I haven't really seen a massive change with my urine, although there's a slight pain after I urine. (Possibly UTI- docs appt. set).

Could I be pregnant? I took a hpt (I know it's to early, was anxious) and it came back negative. But I know there's something going on with my body.

Hi His timing
I will tell you my experience from last month , I had ALL those symptoms you have described and pink discharge at 6 dpo and veiny boobs . On Schedule AF arrived . My advice to you is try not to symptom spot because most pregnancy and AF symptoms are exactly the same . I was so convinced last month was it after so long TTC :( . I wish lots of baby dust and hope you get your BFP soon. I'm in the tww and am not testing early or symptom spotting ! . x
I agree, symptom spotting made me super duper anxious and I was always let down when :af: showed. I'm taking a break from temping, charting and OPK this month and already I feel a HUGE anxiety relief! I know I'm ovulating and everything seems regular, so just gonna relax this month and see what happens...

your symptoms sound like there is a good chance that you are pregnant but I do agree with everyone else, that many early pregnancy symptoms can be mimicked by PMS symptoms especially when your fixated on them. Definitely get checked out by the doctor if you think you have a UTI and then all you can do is wait to see if you miss AF, then test again.
I just entered my TTW once again. I do not have high hopes since this is the first cycle after my loss. But then again although I Oed a bit later then usual I am positive that I did O this cycle. Not only did I get the positive OPK and a temp jump but I think I actually felt the O this month with a lot of pain in my side, and some back pain. At first I thought my back was just out or I had pulled a muscle but all the pain went away once my temp jumped. Also this month I really noticed my downstairs felt very "full" right around the time I Oed and more then normal CM. I'm not sure if DH and I DTD enough, close enough to my O since It was later than planned and DH sprained his toe, stumbling to the bathroom after one of our sessions. :blush: So, it kind of dampened his mood the next few days. We did BD two days before my O though so there is still hope and who knows some of my friends say "fertility breeds fertility" even when you have a loss.
Hi Ladies :hi:

I am 30 years old and live in SA. I have 2 kids girl 8 and boy 6. I must be out of my mind, but I am ttc my last baby.

I have some symptoms, and I guese I am asking for some advise.

I had a chemical pregnancy in 2012.

I think i O on sunday 7.09 we bd on Saturday and Sunday.
1 dpo - cramping, sore bb's, High, Hard and watery cm
2dpo - cramping, sore bb's, blue veins around nipples High, Hard and watery cm headache
3 dpo - cramping, feels like a pinched nerve in my lower back and bum. blue veins around nipples High, cervix Hard and slightly dry with lotiony cm
4dpo - cramping, feels like a pinched nerve in my lower back and bum. cramping right leg. blue veins around nipples, only sore to touch, cervix High, Hard and slightly dry with lotiony thick cm. Heart burn
5dpo- cramping, feels like a pinched nerve in my lower back and bum. blue veins around nipples cervix VERY VERY High, swolen and slightly dry with lotiony cm. shooting pains above pubic bone

Battle to wake up in the morning, exausted at night. Pregnant dreams, but could be because i am driving myself crazy..

What do you ladies think? Preggers or not.. only testing on the 18th.. AF due 20th am I going crazy :cry::cry::headspin:
I've been out of town and running around like crazy, but I'm back on the boards.

I'm in the midst of my first Clomid cycle! It's currently CD 15. I took Clomid on CD 3-7, then I got a trigger shot of Ovidrel on CD 13, and finally did my first IUI on CD 14. So, I'm now 1 DPIUI.

I'm having some uterine discomfort today. It's weird, but I can feel it especially when I sit down. I've read that cramping is pretty normal though, so I'm not concerned.

My doctor said it's uncommon to get a BFP with the first IUI, but certainly not unheard of. I've got my fingers and toes crossed!
Hi Ladies :hi:

I am 30 years old and live in SA. I have 2 kids girl 8 and boy 6. I must be out of my mind, but I am ttc my last baby.

I have some symptoms, and I guese I am asking for some advise.

I had a chemical pregnancy in 2012.

I think i O on sunday 7.09 we bd on Saturday and Sunday.
1 dpo - cramping, sore bb's, High, Hard and watery cm
2dpo - cramping, sore bb's, blue veins around nipples High, Hard and watery cm headache
3 dpo - cramping, feels like a pinched nerve in my lower back and bum. blue veins around nipples High, cervix Hard and slightly dry with lotiony cm
4dpo - cramping, feels like a pinched nerve in my lower back and bum. cramping right leg. blue veins around nipples, only sore to touch, cervix High, Hard and slightly dry with lotiony thick cm. Heart burn
5dpo- cramping, feels like a pinched nerve in my lower back and bum. blue veins around nipples cervix VERY VERY High, swolen and slightly dry with lotiony cm. shooting pains above pubic bone

Battle to wake up in the morning, exausted at night. Pregnant dreams, but could be because i am driving myself crazy..

What do you ladies think? Preggers or not.. only testing on the 18th.. AF due 20th am I going crazy :cry::cry::headspin:

6dpo Cervix - am High soft lotiony cm. 12 cervix low soft lots of lotiony cm, pm high hard wet lotiony cm. tired.. bit naitious this am, crampy...
i dont know what to think...
Hi Ladies :hi:

I am 30 years old and live in SA. I have 2 kids girl 8 and boy 6. I must be out of my mind, but I am ttc my last baby.

I have some symptoms, and I guese I am asking for some advise.

I had a chemical pregnancy in 2012.

I think i O on sunday 7.09 we bd on Saturday and Sunday.
1 dpo - cramping, sore bb's, High, Hard and watery cm
2dpo - cramping, sore bb's, blue veins around nipples High, Hard and watery cm headache
3 dpo - cramping, feels like a pinched nerve in my lower back and bum. blue veins around nipples High, cervix Hard and slightly dry with lotiony cm
4dpo - cramping, feels like a pinched nerve in my lower back and bum. cramping right leg. blue veins around nipples, only sore to touch, cervix High, Hard and slightly dry with lotiony thick cm. Heart burn
5dpo- cramping, feels like a pinched nerve in my lower back and bum. blue veins around nipples cervix VERY VERY High, swolen and slightly dry with lotiony cm. shooting pains above pubic bone

Battle to wake up in the morning, exausted at night. Pregnant dreams, but could be because i am driving myself crazy..

Those are some good symptoms, but before 7DPO, most symptoms are caused by the increase of progesterone in your body after ovulation. That's because the egg is still in your tube and hasn't had a chance to implant yet. (That's why the symptoms of AF and pregnancy are the same, they're both caused by progesterone at first).

So, it sounds like you're definitely in with a chance this month, but at this point in time, your egg is just leaving your tubes. Hopefully, it implants soon and you'll get your BFP. :) Good luck!

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