Welcome to the 'Two Week Wait'

Hello Ladies!

Yesterday, I know I felt conception take place. It's usually cramping on the left side and you feel where the egg sits in your Fallopian tube, correct? When that happens is it a sign of pregnancy? Or premenstrual symptoms? My menstrual should start on the 20th.

The cramps from yesterday lasted for a few hours, then I notice my nipples became more sensitive when brushed against. And I was experiencing nausea all throughout the night. Today my nipples are still sensitive! The color hasn't really changed! It looks like a light is appearing from my belly button down to my public area (still faded). And a little nauseous.

I ovulated from 9/2-9/7!!! So could these be signs of pregnancy! I took a pregnancy test early of last month and it came back negative.
I've been out of town and running around like crazy, but I'm back on the boards.

I'm in the midst of my first Clomid cycle! It's currently CD 15. I took Clomid on CD 3-7, then I got a trigger shot of Ovidrel on CD 13, and finally did my first IUI on CD 14. So, I'm now 1 DPIUI.

I'm having some uterine discomfort today. It's weird, but I can feel it especially when I sit down. I've read that cramping is pretty normal though, so I'm not concerned.

My doctor said it's uncommon to get a BFP with the first IUI, but certainly not unheard of. I've got my fingers and toes crossed!

At 1DPIUI, you're probably still feeling your ovaries. It's such a weird feeling, slightly uncomfortable, but you get used to it and then it goes away.

I got a BFP with my first IUI. It's definitely possible!

Good luck!! :dust:
Hello Ladies!

Yesterday, I know I felt conception take place. It's usually cramping on the left side and you feel where the egg sits in your Fallopian tube, correct? When that happens is it a sign of pregnancy? Or premenstrual symptoms? My menstrual should start on the 20th.

The cramps from yesterday lasted for a few hours, then I notice my nipples became more sensitive when brushed against. And I was experiencing nausea all throughout the night. Today my nipples are still sensitive! The color hasn't really changed! It looks like a light is appearing from my belly button down to my public area (still faded). And a little nauseous.

I ovulated from 9/2-9/7!!! So could these be signs of pregnancy! I took a pregnancy test early of last month and it came back negative.

Hi, HisTiming. I have to tell you, you probably didn't feel conception. Sorry to be a downer. Conception actually happens soon after you ovulate. The egg lives for about 24 hours and the sperm have to fertilize it in that time period for conception. So, conception happened last week some time, if you ov'd somewhere between 9/2 and 9/7. It's a sweet notion though.

Also, the egg travels through the fallopian tubes after being ovulated and makes it's way to your uterus (womb). 5-6 days past ovulation, the egg should be in your uterus and looking for a place to implant if the sperm were successful.

Now, implantation, it's possible you're experiencing implantation cramps. But it's also possible that you're just feeling ovarian cramps (I get those some months and am not pregnant, but I also get cramps months where I am pregnant. It's very confusing).

I'm happy for you, because I can tell this is out of the ordinary for you, so maybe that means it's a great sign. Not conception, but it's possible it's implantation. It can take a few days for implantation to finish and then a few days for the egg to produce enough HCG to be detected on a test. I would wait a bit before testing, but I hope you see a positive when you do!

Good luck! Keep us updated.
Hi HisTiming,
Not to pour cold water on your feelings but I agree with DBZ34 and also wanted you to know that we are cycle buddies:hugs: my Af is due on the 20th too!! Hopefully she stays far far away from us all and we get those BFP's very soon!!:flower:
Hello Ladies!

Yesterday, I know I felt conception take place. It's usually cramping on the left side and you feel where the egg sits in your Fallopian tube, correct? When that happens is it a sign of pregnancy? Or premenstrual symptoms? My menstrual should start on the 20th.

The cramps from yesterday lasted for a few hours, then I notice my nipples became more sensitive when brushed against. And I was experiencing nausea all throughout the night. Today my nipples are still sensitive! The color hasn't really changed! It looks like a light is appearing from my belly button down to my public area (still faded). And a little nauseous.

I ovulated from 9/2-9/7!!! So could these be signs of pregnancy! I took a pregnancy test early of last month and it came back negative.
Hi Ladies!

Happy Saturday!! Today I'm 9dpo and on CD 25. Not feeling many symptoms but my breast are sore but sometimes they get sore before AF arrives too so I'm trying not to over analyze things. :shrug::coffee:
Hope everyone is doing ok in their cycles and get BFP's. fx and good luck!
Hello Ladies!

Yesterday, I know I felt conception take place. It's usually cramping on the left side and you feel where the egg sits in your Fallopian tube, correct? When that happens is it a sign of pregnancy? Or premenstrual symptoms? My menstrual should start on the 20th.

The cramps from yesterday lasted for a few hours, then I notice my nipples became more sensitive when brushed against. And I was experiencing nausea all throughout the night. Today my nipples are still sensitive! The color hasn't really changed! It looks like a light is appearing from my belly button down to my public area (still faded). And a little nauseous.

I ovulated from 9/2-9/7!!! So could these be signs of pregnancy! I took a pregnancy test early of last month and it came back negative.

I had another thought....

What are you using to track ovulation?

It's also possible that your ovulation was delayed and you're feeling ovulation.

But, if you're sure you've ovulated already, I stand by my previous statement.
Hey all! My husband and I just have joined the two week wait! Today we had our first iui. We used clomid 50mg day 3-8, trigger shot on 9/12. Praying for a positive outcome! Goof luck to all the ladies out there!
Wishing you lots of luck!

Hey all! My husband and I just have joined the two week wait! Today we had our first iui. We used clomid 50mg day 3-8, trigger shot on 9/12. Praying for a positive outcome! Goof luck to all the ladies out there!
Hello ladies.
This has been my 6th round of iui. This time with injectibles. Currently on 8dpo and it is killing me. Have had the most weird symptoms due to high progesterone.
Been gassy bloated, nauseas, back pain, pelvic pain.
My entire pelvic area was sore on the 5 dpo. Yesterday 7dpo had a pulling pain for about 15 mins near my right ovary. Need to wait till after weekend to test. Not sure if it is the progesterone or something positive hopefully.
Good luck to u all!!
Hey all! My husband and I just have joined the two week wait! Today we had our first iui. We used clomid 50mg day 3-8, trigger shot on 9/12. Praying for a positive outcome! Goof luck to all the ladies out there!

Best of luck to you unbroken! I'm almost in the tww! We did 100 mg clomid days 5-9 and i have my u/s and hopefully trigger shot tomorrow morning. If so, i should ovulate Wednesday or Thursday. I'll say a prayer for both of us!!!
Hello ladies.
This has been my 6th round of iui. This time with injectibles. Currently on 8dpo and it is killing me. Have had the most weird symptoms due to high progesterone.
Been gassy bloated, nauseas, back pain, pelvic pain.
My entire pelvic area was sore on the 5 dpo. Yesterday 7dpo had a pulling pain for about 15 mins near my right ovary. Need to wait till after weekend to test. Not sure if it is the progesterone or something positive hopefully.
Good luck to u all!!

Ugh, best of luck honey. i hope this is it for you!!!
I've been out of town and running around like crazy, but I'm back on the boards.

I'm in the midst of my first Clomid cycle! It's currently CD 15. I took Clomid on CD 3-7, then I got a trigger shot of Ovidrel on CD 13, and finally did my first IUI on CD 14. So, I'm now 1 DPIUI.

I'm having some uterine discomfort today. It's weird, but I can feel it especially when I sit down. I've read that cramping is pretty normal though, so I'm not concerned.

My doctor said it's uncommon to get a BFP with the first IUI, but certainly not unheard of. I've got my fingers and toes crossed!

Best of luck honey! I've been through all that and embarking on it once again. Clomid 100 this cycle but 2nd and 3rd IUI's for October and November..break in December. Prayers for both of us!!!
Hi everyone!

As the title says, I am new to this site. This is our fifth month TTC and I am currently 10 dpo. I've been driving myself absolutely LOONEY during the past few days as I symptom check. :wacko: AF is due on Saturday and I have my FX that this is it! Babydust to all!
Hi Ladies :hi:

I am 30 years old and live in SA. I have 2 kids girl 8 and boy 6. I must be out of my mind, but I am ttc my last baby.

I have some symptoms, and I guese I am asking for some advise.

I had a chemical pregnancy in 2012.

I think i O on sunday 7.09 we bd on Saturday and Sunday.
1 dpo - cramping, sore bb's, High, Hard and watery cm
2dpo - cramping, sore bb's, blue veins around nipples High, Hard and watery cm headache
3 dpo - cramping, feels like a pinched nerve in my lower back and bum. blue veins around nipples High, cervix Hard and slightly dry with lotiony cm
4dpo - cramping, feels like a pinched nerve in my lower back and bum. cramping right leg. blue veins around nipples, only sore to touch, cervix High, Hard and slightly dry with lotiony thick cm. Heart burn
5dpo- cramping, feels like a pinched nerve in my lower back and bum. blue veins around nipples cervix VERY VERY High, swolen and slightly dry with lotiony cm. shooting pains above pubic bone

Battle to wake up in the morning, exausted at night. Pregnant dreams, but could be because i am driving myself crazy..

What do you ladies think? Preggers or not.. only testing on the 18th.. AF due 20th am I going crazy :cry::cry::headspin:

TESTED THIS AM LIGHT :bfp: 10DPO. :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:

Please pray for our little bean, i had a mc in 2012 and i am scared to death!!

Symptoms to help my fellow TWW
5 - 10 DPO Cramping, gassy (this morning) SORE nipples, bit darker and veiny. Cervix high and then low But hard almost pointy. no cm, its very dry and lumpy tmi sorry, my vagina walls seems swolen. 8 and 9dpo I thought I was out as the cramps became less. felt nauseous maybe twice, and hungry..

Good luck everyone, may God bless us all with bfp and Happy Healthy 9 months!!!

and dont let the tww drive you crazy :kiss:
Hi ladies, hope all is going well.
Today my bbt dropped, yesterday am temp was 98.8 and today it was 98.3. Question for testers:

Is that a big drop? Does temp drop drastically or slightly before AF? What are your experiences? I'm trying not to read into this too much but it's hard, lol! I don't have any other symptoms but before AF usually arrives I feel kind of wet like something is there but it's not for a few days. I apologize if it's tmi . My nerves are somewhat wrecked today:wacko:

My boobs are still sore, but not painfully sore just tender :shrug:
I wanted to say thanks to everyone for the support! This journey we are on sure isn't a easy one. I'm thankful to have found others like my husband and I that are in the same stuggle. Best wishes for everyone! Today marks day three on this two week wait. So far I have had cramping and tenderness. To top everything else off, I woke up Monday with a nasty cold :( hopefully I'll be on the mend soon! Hope everyone else is doing good on their ttw!
Hi ladies, hope all is going well.
Today my bbt dropped, yesterday am temp was 98.8 and today it was 98.3. Question for testers:

Is that a big drop? Does temp drop drastically or slightly before AF? What are your experiences? I'm trying not to read into this too much but it's hard, lol! I don't have any other symptoms but before AF usually arrives I feel kind of wet like something is there but it's not for a few days. I apologize if it's tmi . My nerves are somewhat wrecked today:wacko:

My boobs are still sore, but not painfully sore just tender :shrug:

It's a pretty big drop, but AF might not come, depending on where you are in your cycle. If your temp tomorrow is low too, then there's a good chance AF is right around the corner. And if the drop puts your temp below your coverline, that's usually a sign that AF is coming.

Usually, the drop before AF is noticeably steep, but sometimes, it's just the downward trend of the last few temps that tells you that AF is coming.

If you're sort of in the middle of your TWW, a drop could be implantation though...

For me, sometimes, the dip is only like .3 or something and AF shows up. You can check out my past charts by clicking on the little picture in my siggy and see what I mean. I've got like 3 years worth of charts....

What DPO are you on?
13dpo, AF is due on the 20th.

Hi ladies, hope all is going well.
Today my bbt dropped, yesterday am temp was 98.8 and today it was 98.3. Question for testers:

Is that a big drop? Does temp drop drastically or slightly before AF? What are your experiences? I'm trying not to read into this too much but it's hard, lol! I don't have any other symptoms but before AF usually arrives I feel kind of wet like something is there but it's not for a few days. I apologize if it's tmi . My nerves are somewhat wrecked today:wacko:

My boobs are still sore, but not painfully sore just tender :shrug:

It's a pretty big drop, but AF might not come, depending on where you are in your cycle. If your temp tomorrow is low too, then there's a good chance AF is right around the corner. And if the drop puts your temp below your coverline, that's usually a sign that AF is coming.

Usually, the drop before AF is noticeably steep, but sometimes, it's just the downward trend of the last few temps that tells you that AF is coming.

If you're sort of in the middle of your TWW, a drop could be implantation though...

For me, sometimes, the dip is only like .3 or something and AF shows up. You can check out my past charts by clicking on the little picture in my siggy and see what I mean. I've got like 3 years worth of charts....

What DPO are you on?
Hi there was wondering if anyone could give me any advice,I have been ttc for 2.5 years , I have been prescribed clomid 50mg which I took cd 2-6 I'm now on cd 22 , cd 9-10 I felt like I ovulated??? To early maybe ? ....had cramps etc right upto day 12 ,started with lower back pain ... I've had headaches for the past 2 weeks,today was the first day no headache ....for the last 3 days I have been feeling nauseas not been sick tho ... Gone off my food nothing appeals to me which I normally loveeee my food but nope nothing ,noticed on cd 19 veins all over my boobs,no tingly sensation or hurting ? ... AnywAy since yest cd 21 I have had af cramps like I going to start cycle but nope nothing ... I'm awaiting my preg tests to come thro the post so just looking for advice really or experiences people may of been thro ..af cramps last all day not painful just achey know they are there in the middle thank you for reading xx

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