Really hope my chances are better this month. bd on cd 16 cd 17 and cd 19 and ovulated on cd 18. I just started charting my bbt last 2 months. I first thought I had ovulated on cd 17. Almost positive it was cd 18 putting me at 3 dpo today! 

Hi everyone! I'm in the same boat waiting to get a BFP.. Hubby and I have been trying for 8 months when finally being diagnosed with PCOS. I am on my first round of clomid and period is due this week. Since after ovulation I have been having terrible cramping and feeling like I have a sore uterus (feeling as if sex was too rough) I also feel like I have a bad cold and always tired. I don't remember any of these symptoms with my first pregnancy but that was 5 years ago and I got pregnant quite easily on the pill! This is my first time charting and taking my temps as you can see I started on my suspected O day. I was just wondering what you guys think about my chart..
I had my iud removed in March and since then I've had 2 41 day cycles, then went to two 33 day cycles And since August I didn't have af took provera and finally got a af End of October. My doctor then had me take clomid day 9-13 so it's really up in the air how long this cycle will be. My doctor told me to come in on Tuesday for a blood test..
Hi All
This is our 3rd month TTC and I am 4-5 DPO (I think I didn't test as we were on vacation but I have pretty clear CF when I ovulate). I am really hoping that this time did the trick as I would love to announce I'm pregnant to my family at Christmas.
I have a shorter cycle (25-26 days) and a longer period (6-7days) and I don't seem to be ovulating until about day 15-16. I don't know if I'm totally out to lunch on this or not but I worry that there is only 10 days between when I ovulate and get my period-is this enough time for implantation??
As for symptoms I don't know! I have been having horrendous gas, bloating and indigestion. Creamy CF. I'm not sure about the stomach symptoms as I had something similar (although no gas...) last month and obvious that didn't happen. I have been sleeping really restlessly and having very vivid/anxious dreams. I don't usually sleep like this but again might be due to being jet lagged? who knows I'm grasping at any sign as we all are I'm sure!
I already took one test and of course it was a BFN (I knew it would be haha). I'm going to wait until 11 DPO at least before testing again (this is also when AF is due...). I hate waiting!!
Here's to hoping![]()
I caved and temped tonight just in hopes of seeing a high rather than a low number. It was slightly over 99. Fx that tomorrow's temp is high and today's temp was an implantation dip!
Hi All
This is our 3rd month TTC and I am 4-5 DPO (I think I didn't test as we were on vacation but I have pretty clear CF when I ovulate). I am really hoping that this time did the trick as I would love to announce I'm pregnant to my family at Christmas.
I have a shorter cycle (25-26 days) and a longer period (6-7days) and I don't seem to be ovulating until about day 15-16. I don't know if I'm totally out to lunch on this or not but I worry that there is only 10 days between when I ovulate and get my period-is this enough time for implantation??
As for symptoms I don't know! I have been having horrendous gas, bloating and indigestion. Creamy CF. I'm not sure about the stomach symptoms as I had something similar (although no gas...) last month and obvious that didn't happen. I have been sleeping really restlessly and having very vivid/anxious dreams. I don't usually sleep like this but again might be due to being jet lagged? who knows I'm grasping at any sign as we all are I'm sure!
I already took one test and of course it was a BFN (I knew it would be haha). I'm going to wait until 11 DPO at least before testing again (this is also when AF is due...). I hate waiting!!
Here's to hoping![]()
So, you're not out to lunch at all. If you're sure about when you ovulate, then you're on the cusp of having a luteal phase defect, which is 9-10 (or less) days from ovulation to your period. It doesn't give the egg enough time to implant, but it is possible, just less likely. The egg can take up to 12DPO to implant in some women and if you're not making it there, you're lessening your chances.
If you're looking to extend your LP naturally, try taking B-complex (with B-12 and B-6 in it). It worked for me and a lot of other women. It can add a day or two to your LP and give the egg and even better chance to snuggle in for the long haul.
Good luck, though! I hope that this is it for you and you don't have to worry about your LP length at all.![]()