Hello Ladies! I am officially 17 dpo and AF was due 4 days ago.. have been TTC for a few months and now I feel.. GOOD. I have this "Full" feeling down there... Almost a tingly sensation. For the past 2 weeks I would say.. I have felt like there is something pulling "like a string" from my lower abdomen.. I have had cramps.. but not nearly as bad as a period cramp. I do have back pain but it comes and goes.
I have felt nauseous but barely. and ive been checking my cervix but I really cant tell a change, I just know I have a lot of discharge and I almost feel like im going to start but I haven't .. My cycle is usually 25 days and right on time.. But here we are 29 days out and nothing!
My boobs are not sore. I don't really feel any more tired.
The only thing I feel is the tingly sensation almost in my lower abdomen.
What do you guys think? I don't want to be disappointed by a BFN

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