Ladies, Im reading all the posts in the tww forum and it's a little scarry. Have any of you noticed how scary obsessed we get in this time? Im sure we are all rational intelligent women on any average day, but something about the tww turns us into, obsessive, crazies. Lol its quite hillarious! And endearing if you ask me, although I'm sure our OH would disagree in a heart beat. Not to mention... when it is over we turn right back into normal clear thinking women again.
I'm a little worried I'm going too far round the bend though. I've had a negative blood test, 3 negative urine tests, 3 Dr's telling me I'm not pregnant, and my husband tells me every day, yet I'm still not convinced. My blood test would be 4 DPO and the urine tests all 6+ days till AF. So in my mind it was too early for a positive.
Have any of you just known you were pregnant. Like your body just knows and that is that? My mind is telling me I'm so wrong, and my body refuses to listen. Is this really bad? I felt the exact same with 3 other pregnancies and I was right every time. I've been to the Dr so many times in the past week and a half. I wish my body would have chosen a different time to get an infection or cyst or whatever it is the Doctors are telling me I have because this is killing me! Or it would be helpful if my body didn't use symptoms of severe uti, kidney infection, ovarian cysts, and stomach flu to tell me I'm pregnant because then I could sit at home waiting for AF without having to fill my tww with endless blood work, urine samples, and pelvic exams! All because 2 weeks is not a good amount of time to let severe symptoms like that go undiagnosed. So far every time has ended in negative cultures, blood work, ultrasounds, and me finally taking that long awaited hpt 4 days before af to get a bfp. If this isn't one of those times I'm going to be so glad I didn't wait two weeks to get a uti treated... or whatever it is, but for now I'm annoyed, and sorry for the long post... I had to get this off my chest.
Do you think I will accept fact when AF starts? Or do you think I'm flipped for good. 0_o