Welcome to the 'Two Week Wait'

DaniRami - only one way to know for sure. Gotta test. If you're 14 or 15dpo now that's perfectly acceptable timing to test.
Hey my name is Kymnisha and I'm TV baby#2 I'm 5 DPO I am so tired today it was painful to stay awake. Weird cramping that's different than AF cramps. Praying for my BFP!
I am in 12 dpo now. AF is due in one day. I was having mild headaches for several days. Creamy mucus(sorry TMI) yet since yesterday when i wipe, i see blood string mucus. Having slight cramps. Being ttc #1 for over a year. I am really hoping for a baby dust this cycle. Should i start testing or just wait and see if AF appears? HELP :nope:
crystallyn 12 or 13 dpo is a very reasonable time to start testing. Go for it!
Good luck!
Hey there. I’m jumping in...I’m currently 4dpo and these are my symptoms
1dpo nothing much. Had a good feeling about this cycle
2dpo intense breast tenderness in the evening. Came on all of a sudden. Sore throat.
3dpo very very tired . Breasts still tender
4dpo dull pain in lower left side abdomen, woke up with intense breast tenderness. Uterus feels achy at night. Very tired today

Fx for baby dust all around!!
FX and Good Luck Elmum! At such an early DPO all of your symptoms are progesterone symptoms, but that's still a good thing.
So I just got me a limeade and it was very slick didn’t taste right so I asked my mom to try it she said it was fine so I got a sprite instead that didn’t taste like sprite I had her taste it she said that was fine as well so I guess my taste buds are off now at 5dpo
I am not sure whether I am preggo or AF is due. I have been having irregular periods for the last few months and I always have abdominal cramps before AF is due. But this time I am not experiencing any such cramps. If I consider a 30day cycle, I am 4 days late but still hpt is -. 5 days back I had painful lower back pain which stopped hurting after 2 days. The very next day, I saw only one brownish red spot and the CM was a little blackish brown. I am having very mild twinges in my abdomen now but that's about it. No other symptoms. After the negative HPT, I have started thinking that I am just imagining about implantation and stuff. It's all.in my head ... Am I crazy or could I still be pregnant?
I am not sure whether I am preggo or AF is due. I have been having irregular periods for the last few months and I always have abdominal cramps before AF is due. But this time I am not experiencing any such cramps. If I consider a 30day cycle, I am 4 days late but still hpt is -. 5 days back I had painful lower back pain which stopped hurting after 2 days. The very next day, I saw only one brownish red spot and the CM was a little blackish brown. I am having very mild twinges in my abdomen now but that's about it. No other symptoms. After the negative HPT, I have started thinking that I am just imagining about implantation and stuff. It's all.in my head ... Am I crazy or could I still be pregnant?

Give it few more days and test again. Goodluck hun.
I am not sure whether I am preggo or AF is due. I have been having irregular periods for the last few months and I always have abdominal cramps before AF is due. But this time I am not experiencing any such cramps. If I consider a 30day cycle, I am 4 days late but still hpt is -. 5 days back I had painful lower back pain which stopped hurting after 2 days. The very next day, I saw only one brownish red spot and the CM was a little blackish brown. I am having very mild twinges in my abdomen now but that's about it. No other symptoms. After the negative HPT, I have started thinking that I am just imagining about implantation and stuff. It's all.in my head ... Am I crazy or could I still be pregnant?

Give it few more days and test again. Goodluck hun.

I am new to this...so still getting used to the replies n emojis...thanks so much...
Hello all!

This is my first post in a thread (other than my intro post!). I apologize if I format this terribly.

Husband and I decided in March that the time for a family was now. I don't know exactly what triggered my urge to be a mom, but I made it clear to my husband that the time was NOW. He is elated: I have been in the "i love kids, but I don't want any of my own" camp since we got together. I have a beautiful 3.5year old niece that I spoil endlessly.

I have been on bed rest (actually by my Dr! since 7DPO!!) I thought I had a kidney infection.. which sounds terrible, but I had one in 2010 that landed my in the hospital for 2 weeks so I am hyper aware of any sorts of pain that involves the whole system. I went to work Monday morning (7DPO) and all of my coworkers were concerned because I wasn't my normal peppy Monday self.

-Bubble tummy, actually funny because DH loves to talk to my stomach any way and last night he did and it gurgled back at him. We both had a really good laugh over it.

-Dizzy and out of it every morning until I get some food in me, except I'm not hungry and eating is hard in the morning

-l HAD to have a hamburger last night. I almost got in the car an drove to in n out, but we found some patties in the fridge. I inhaled two patties and almost lost it all. Is this normal!? All i wanted to eat was a burger and then it made me so SICK!

-Waves of nausea all day.

-I slept for almost 16 hours on Saturday and then again on Sunday. The exhaustion is real.

-Very needy Frug, my frenchie/pug mutt. He has been wayyyyy clingier than usual. Did anyone else have their dogs become so lovey before their BFP?

-I cried hysterically in my car at an NPR segment that was discussing the beauty in the little things. My husband couldn't stop laughing because I was SOBBING over the woman's description of watching a leaf fall from a tree. I only cry for two things: Pixar Movies and that cheerios commerical where the kid puts cheerios in his dad's briefcase.

-I tested today at 6 days until AF, but got a :BFN:. Also had a urine test at the Dr. on Monday (7DPO) but it came back negative there as well.

My cycle is regular and 29 days last AF was April 23 and I've tracked my cycles for probably 4 years.

I am at a loss. I hope there are others of you out there that have dealt with the same kinds of symptoms. Am I making stuff up? This wait will end me, I am so impatient and excited and just want to feel ok

Time for another nap :)
Hello all!

This is my first post in a thread (other than my intro post!). I apologize if I format this terribly.

Husband and I decided in March that the time for a family was now. I don't know exactly what triggered my urge to be a mom, but I made it clear to my husband that the time was NOW. He is elated: I have been in the "i love kids, but I don't want any of my own" camp since we got together. I have a beautiful 3.5year old niece that I spoil endlessly.

I have been on bed rest (actually by my Dr! since 7DPO!!) I thought I had a kidney infection.. which sounds terrible, but I had one in 2010 that landed my in the hospital for 2 weeks so I am hyper aware of any sorts of pain that involves the whole system. I went to work Monday morning (7DPO) and all of my coworkers were concerned because I wasn't my normal peppy Monday self.

-Bubble tummy, actually funny because DH loves to talk to my stomach any way and last night he did and it gurgled back at him. We both had a really good laugh over it.

-Dizzy and out of it every morning until I get some food in me, except I'm not hungry and eating is hard in the morning

-l HAD to have a hamburger last night. I almost got in the car an drove to in n out, but we found some patties in the fridge. I inhaled two patties and almost lost it all. Is this normal!? All i wanted to eat was a burger and then it made me so SICK!

-Waves of nausea all day.

-I slept for almost 16 hours on Saturday and then again on Sunday. The exhaustion is real.

-Very needy Frug, my frenchie/pug mutt. He has been wayyyyy clingier than usual. Did anyone else have their dogs become so lovey before their BFP?

-I cried hysterically in my car at an NPR segment that was discussing the beauty in the little things. My husband couldn't stop laughing because I was SOBBING over the woman's description of watching a leaf fall from a tree. I only cry for two things: Pixar Movies and that cheerios commerical where the kid puts cheerios in his dad's briefcase.

-I tested today at 6 days until AF, but got a :BFN:. Also had a urine test at the Dr. on Monday (7DPO) but it came back negative there as well.

My cycle is regular and 29 days last AF was April 23 and I've tracked my cycles for probably 4 years.

I am at a loss. I hope there are others of you out there that have dealt with the same kinds of symptoms. Am I making stuff up? This wait will end me, I am so impatient and excited and just want to feel ok

Time for another nap :)
whew! lol i don't believe youre making it up hun, lol the gurgle was cute and funny btw. i don't share any of your symptoms, mine are simply cramps and had a brown discharge for one day yesterday at one time for the first time ever before a period. I'm due 06/05 actually, so i hope it means the BC trick worked for me again. baby dust to you but it sounds like something good is cooking and i don't mean another burger lol keep us posted!
Hey I’m new here and looking for some advice and experiences!

I have 2 children already and TTC #3, after my second being born I went on the depo, I was on that for nearly 2 years, had my last shot of depo in august 2017 and been TTC ever since it ran out in November. I’ve only had 1 period since coming off it so not a regular cycle! This month I took Clomid 50mg for 5 days to induce ovulation, I took it without a period and ovulated 5 days after my last pill. I got a positive OPK on Monday (28th May) I had really bad abdominal cramps last night, and really gloopy thick jelly like CM yesterday and some the day before. Is all this normal? I’m really hoping it works and I get my BFP! I would love to hear some stories from ladies who took Clomid! Especially ladies who taken it without a period first. This 2WW is killing me already and I’m only 2DPO!!!

Hi All,
Hope everyone is having a more sane tww then me! lol
So I am a mother to one gorgeous dd who is two...Hubby and i were talking a couple of weeks ago and we decided maybe it was time to try for another! So did the baby dance (about 2 days before ovulation) and then DH got man flu so that was that for that phase (lol)
I have never properly tracked ovulation, just used an app to loosely track periods and "ovulation"...and it worked the first time round.
So this brings me round to my dilemma...im about 17 dpo and my AF is about 4 day late (she is late because i always have a 28 day cycle...period is normally clockwork)
I have gotten all BFNs since 10 DPO, 12DPO 15 DPO and now i'm approx 17 DPO. bfn, bfn, bfn, bfn! used first response and superdrug which are supposed to be good!
Anyone else in the same boat and then got a bfp...any opinions? I kind of just want to know for sure either way :(
Hey @ask1984, Were you pregnant? That's exactly where I'm at now - it's so frustrating!
Hey @ask1984, Were you pregnant? That's exactly where I'm at now - it's so frustrating!

I would also like to know if you were pregnant. I’m at 14dpo right now and not seeing any signs of AF but all tests I’ve done have come back with BFN 😞
Hey y'all. I'm in the tww, and waiting is excruciating.
Sept 2- BD
Sept 3- +opk, BD
Sept 4- sore nips & cramping
Sept 5- sore nips & cramping
Sept 6- nips, waves of dizzy, & nausea
Sept 7- nips, dizzy, nausea, charley horse

If I' don't get a BFP then my body may just be broken. :haha:
Hey guys,
I'm Jazmine! 9dpo not ttc but hopeful in my tww.

I believe I've had an implantation bleed. EXTREMELY light brown spotting on one wipe yesterday. Would've missed it if I didn't look. Same today but pink. Both mid-morning. Nothing before and nothing after. Cramping is SUPER light and off and on.

However....I'm a bit miserable. Been queasy the last two days but not quite nauseous (if that makes any sense). I know this is TMI but I've been pooping every single hour :| !!! mostly loose stools and sometimes hard. The main thing I've noticed is that it smells TERRIBLE.... completely different smell than I'm used to. I'm definitely gassy.

DTD on my ovulation day. The thing that's throwing me for a loop is that my breasts started leaking yesterday..just a couple of drops and only when i squeeze & massage them (don't ask me what made me try. No clue). Checked again in the bathroom at work. Still leaking.

This would be #1. I had two miscarriages in 2016. They were very early 6 and 7 weeks. Never noticed any leaking during either of those pregnancies or in previous cycles. Bizzare. This cycle feels a lot different than the others where I thought I was pregnant (and also obsessed over symptom spotting lol). My cramps are nowhere near as intense as they were in bfn cycles...barely feel them, i would almost say they don't hurt much, just kind of there. BFN last night and BFN this morning. Still early. FX for BFP. Thoughts? Anyone else experiencing this?
Hey guys! Took a Wal-Mart cheapie after lunch just for the heck of it. No hold. Peed maybe an hour earlier. Thought it would be negative because bfn on frer this morning. What do you think? Color? Beginning of bfp or am I line spotting?


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