Hello all!
This is my first post in a thread (other than my intro post!). I apologize if I format this terribly.
Husband and I decided in March that the time for a family was now. I don't know exactly what triggered my urge to be a mom, but I made it clear to my husband that the time was NOW. He is elated: I have been in the "i love kids, but I don't want any of my own" camp since we got together. I have a beautiful 3.5year old niece that I spoil endlessly.
I have been on bed rest (actually by my Dr! since 7DPO!!) I thought I had a kidney infection.. which sounds terrible, but I had one in 2010 that landed my in the hospital for 2 weeks so I am hyper aware of any sorts of pain that involves the whole system. I went to work Monday morning (7DPO) and all of my coworkers were concerned because I wasn't my normal peppy Monday self.
-Bubble tummy, actually funny because DH loves to talk to my stomach any way and last night he did and it gurgled back at him. We both had a really good laugh over it.
-Dizzy and out of it every morning until I get some food in me, except I'm not hungry and eating is hard in the morning
-l HAD to have a hamburger last night. I almost got in the car an drove to in n out, but we found some patties in the fridge. I
inhaled two patties and almost lost it all. Is this normal!? All i wanted to eat was a burger and then it made me so SICK!
-Waves of nausea all day.
-I slept for almost 16 hours on Saturday and then again on Sunday. The exhaustion is real.
-Very needy Frug, my frenchie/pug mutt. He has been wayyyyy clingier than usual. Did anyone else have their dogs become so lovey before their BFP?
-I cried hysterically in my car at an NPR segment that was discussing the beauty in the little things. My husband couldn't stop laughing because I was SOBBING over the woman's description of watching a leaf fall from a tree. I only cry for two things: Pixar Movies and that cheerios commerical where the kid puts cheerios in his dad's briefcase.
-I tested today at 6 days until AF, but got a :BFN:. Also had a urine test at the Dr. on Monday (7DPO) but it came back negative there as well.
My cycle is regular and 29 days last AF was April 23 and I've tracked my cycles for probably 4 years.
I am at a loss. I hope there are others of you out there that have dealt with the same kinds of symptoms. Am I making stuff up? This wait will end me, I am so impatient and excited and just want to feel ok
Time for another nap