We're all in this together!

The booties are gorgeous :) aww say congrats to her from me!

I love shopping for the kids it gets me all excited!

I've found a 'how to' sheet online and tbh it doesnt look too difficult. Plus I had a look at material on eBay and you can buy it in sets of ready cut squares which would make it even easier. Don't think I will tho cause it's all part of the fun, and another excuse to go shopping! I find that having plans and looking at baby stuff helps to keep the faith alive lol

With my weight it wouldn't be so bad but I'd lost 3 stone 2 years ago but with coming on and off the pill I've put it all back on (I think,too scared to weigh myself ATM!!) but a new gym opens next week in the sports centre my dad coaches Judo so we're all gonna start goin up there a few times a week, I'm not worrying about being healthy until then lol

Oh an I think it's lovely that you've put me in you sig :)) xx
Good, glad it was ok to do it!!

Sounds like a lovely hobby! I might have to do some googling :thumbsup:

When you decide what exercise to do, make sure to google how safe it is in early pregnancy! Im not one to normally worry about every little incidental but...you never know. Someone once told me actually that shed been told she wasnt allowed to swim till she was in the second trimester! I should google that...I lurrrrvvveee swimming!

Im a sucker for looking at the baby stuff too! I used it as an excuse at christmas for my mates baby but I was secretly building a wardrobe in my head lol!

Hard thing is...my OH doesnt want to know what sex it will be when we get our beany. I dont either, Id love for it to be a suprise but then...I think about the decorating and the organisation of all the things you need to buy. It does make sense to know. But then it ruins it on the day...the anticpation!! Argh...no idea what I wnt when that happens lol.

What about you guys? xx
Lol I can't wait to start my quilt :) but can't decide whether to go for creams or lemon, pale green and orange lol

Ooo I want a surprise, you know their weight and length, the only surprise is their sex ;-) I'd be tempted but id wait to make more special :happydance:

However.....mothercare do a batman baby grow and I call my dad batman so that would be nice to get but it's grey with the logo so more for a boy. Ive got a feelin we'll have a girl first tho ;)

I'm gettin all excited now which kinda takes away from the fear etc

With regards to exercise, I don't go at it hardcore or do weights etc just cardio stuff, I don't like being sweaty lol plus I've got asthma so have to be careful, just a hot steamy shower can cause me to have an attack! :dohh:

Eeeeeeeeekkk excited and not got my BFP! Lol

Oh oh oh we got fish today too :happydance:
Yay for fishies!!

Its good that we are getting excited...it keeps things going when we have those down moments! I so so so so SOOO hope we get our bfps really close together!!

I say regardless, you HAVE to get the batman babygrow its just too cute not too!

So you think youll get a girl first...is that what youre hoping for? :) We seem to only have girls running down the side of my family so id love to give my parents a grandson. But then when I see all the little girls clothes I get all girly and then I just know that it doesnt matter either way. Just want that babba!!
Yh that's what I thought lol there's a lady on Facebook who does gorgeous grows, bib and t shirts all personalised at really good prices so I shall be placing a large order when the times right!

I know what you mean about it not mattering just holding our lil ones :)

I think we will get them close together, I've got a feeling it'll be doin too :)

Currently sat in Frankie and Bennies with my OH after a gorg meal waiting to go over to the cinema to see Sherlock Holmes talking about houses :) I'm so happy right now I could cry!! Lol xx
Awwww bless!! Dont you just love that feeling when it washes all over you? :) Had it too yesterday sitting in the pub over a pint (im romantic me lol! Honest!) talking with my viking :) Reminds us that we are trying to do something wonderful with our partners and no matter how long or how hard the journey is...we will have it.

When I get my bfp and the early scan confirms everything is ok, youll have to give me that facebook page lol. You and me shall keep her in business for a long time!!
I love it, makes me realise what I want from life and everything else is another step towards it :happydance:

I'm currently making notes on how to make a quilt And eating chocolate :) gonna get my mum to help me decide on sizes then me and the OH go buy fabric :)

our BFP's will come when the times right :flower: xx
True indeed chick. Ive tried rushing it but its no good....it doesnt come till its ready! I just wish it would be ready now!

Youll have to upload some piccies of your work in progress!! Ive been looking at some patterns this morning for baby booties and now im super broody lol. Should have looked at them before I ovulated to make me even more of a rabbit...now im in the 2ww it just makes me impatient!! x
I no what you mean, we're ready so why doesn't it just happen?! Lol

Aww I'm all nervous being in the 2ww again, it horrible! Hopefully I'll have the quilt to keep me occupied lol I shall do, if I can remember how to upload on a forum lol it's been about 2 years! Xx
Then ill have to teach you...cos im nosey!! :D

Distraction is definitely the key. Im already starting to get a bit stressy but trying to keep it under control lol. Going to stop temping for the rest of this cycle too...that should help!

Its true what they say when they say ttcers see their life in two week blocks...its kinda depressing isnt it?! :D xx
That you will :winkwink:

And we very much live in 2 week blocks, I'm getting nervous thinking I've gotta go through all the waiting again in aweek or so, IF I even ov that is, if not I'm goin the docs on 30/31st of the month.

That's why I want to get things going with house hunting so we've got a distraction, it's only a matter of time before I loose the plot completely tho lol:blush:

Oh and we've found a beautiful wedding venue :happydance:
A quick update! My bbt hasn't increased and no other signs of ov yet, FXed for the next few days!!

How's everyone doing? Xx
Hey chick!

Sorry I havent responded till now but I got hit by a terrible migraine yesterday and spent the entire day in bed or with my head down the toilet. Glamorous I know! Didnt get up till 12 today lol. Atleast Im rested!!

What kinf od signs do you get before OV? Do you worry that youre not ovulating? You should totally lie to the doc and say youve been trying for a year and get them to blood test you for ovulation! Im sure youll get your rise soon tho chick!

I was totally convinced I wasnt going to get mine this cycle. I did. But then I was obsessing that my nips werent sore. Now they getting there. I guess sometimes the symptoms can get delayed!!

How you doing today doll? xx
I'm petrified that I'm not ovulating which i think is why I'm putting of going the docs, I keep thinking it'll happen this month so I'll just wait till next month and see! I tend to get really sore boobs, hormonal, I'll cry at anything, pains, sicky feeling, tired etc but that could just be AF. I really am gonna go the docs this month, either 30 or 31st as ive got those days off work. That's the other problem, I work 30mins away from home and my docs so I can't just nip out, and by the time I've been the docs and waited 2 hours to see them it's not worth coming into work and they get really funny and ask loads of questions :-/

I've left it another month this time cause I'm temping now and doin OPKs so I can pick up either way then go the docs and say this what is or isn't Happening

Today I'm exhausted! I feel sick but I think that was the mini chedders lol.

How are you? Hope your feeling better!

I booked an appointment with the financial advisor yesterday for next we'd so hopefully we'll be able to start looking properly!! Eeeek exciting......but scary too lol what if he says we can't buy?!? Lol

That's my ramble for now ;-) xx
Im sure he will give you the go ahead chick!! Your OH is working now which is also a huge huge help now that he got took on!

Atleast youll have a good idea of what your budget is going to be and then the fun will start! And you know what they say...new house new baby!!! The lady I mentioned a few pages back who just got her bfp had that happen to her! They just bought a house and are planning their move into it now in a few days, picked out a puppy and boom..bfp! All natural cycle off her meds and everything! They say things happen in threes. Maybe his job was the first!

And I just noticed...Tamworth! Not too far away, just a bit down the M1. Im up in Not-so-sunny Sheffield :)

It sounds to me like youre ovulating! You say youre temping...are you tracking them in Fertility Friend? Cos I can take a look at it if you like! You want to get one of their tickers if you are cos then I can snoop at your CD/DPO since it auto updates from your chart!

Im sure everything is doing wht its meant too chick, but putting your mind at rest will only help you in the long run. Stress is not a big helper to ttc and Im 100% sure its why I havent fallen pregnant again since the ectopic. If you go and get that all-clear youll have a reason to relax on the ovulation!

Does sound a pain to go to the docs. Doesnt help that appointments never run on time either! Get that appointment booked!

Im feeling much better thanks babes. Still got a headache lurking but trying to beat it down so I can enjoy the day! Yesterday was hell...whenever my migraines turn to vomitting I have tihs thing where I become fixed on food. I fantasize about what I want to eat when im better again, which of course leads to more toilet snogging! Yesterday my guilty obsession was chinese so Matt is going to pick us up some yummies and snuggle with a film to relax out the rest of the headache :)

I really hope so :) be the best start to a new year imaginable :) glad your feeling better chick :)

I've just had a letter come from the docs about asthma clinic so I think that's a sign too lol

I'm trying to eat healthy meals ATM then it's not too bad when I indulge on chocolate!! Lol

Yh I track on fertility friend, I might have to go on the mac to do the tracker I'm not sure I can do it from the iPad (apple addicts!!)

My cousin goes to uni in Sheffield :) good shopping! Lol

On the subject of stress.......our dogs bein naughty, ate 2 beds recently and keeps stealing things! AND now my Chameleon appears to have a poorly eye! Yay! Oh lovely the dogs just burped in my face!

Three in a row sounds good to me ;-) xx
Hi ladies can I join in?? Need yalls advice..

13 dpo- bfn since 7dpo
Temp high still but light tan/brown when wipe..
I usually got a temp dip at 12 dpo then start spotting 13 then full flow on 14.. I'm really confussed...

Here is my chart
Hi hun :) welcome :)

I'm far far from an expert but to me it looks promising! All I can offer really is :dust: and a huge FXed!! We need a BFP on this thread lol xx
Thanks Laura xoxo!!
My boobs r hurting me like tingling and they kinda look swollen but it might be In my head.. Also I'm having burning type cramps on one side .. Spotting has returned yet.. Fx
Woohoo tingling is good isn't it?! Lol

Alto ugh we've only just met, I so so so hope you get a BFP! Keep the faith alive for us all :)) keep us well posted hunni, FXed :)) xx

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