What did you do differently the month you got a BFP?


Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2012
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Merry Christmas all my fellow TTC'ers!:hi:

Congratulations on everyone who got a BFP this year and wishing all of you a happy and healthy 9 months. :thumbup:

I just want to put this question out there. It's for everyone but especially for the LTTC'ers: What did you do differently the month you got a BFP? Did you take different supplements, bd more, bd less, preseed...oh the list goes on and on and on....:winkwink:

I know that it's a three month process for eggs to get nice and healthy so that question may include the 3 month leading up to BFP month. :jo:

Merry Christmas to all who celebrate! Happy Holidays to everyone! :xmas7:
Softcups. We've been ttc for 15 months and on cycle 12, 13,14, and 15 we used softcups. Cycle 13 we had a chemical and 15 we had the bfp. We m/c but I'm also 37, chances are 1 in 3 for having a m/c. I knew there could be some rotten eggs in there (I'm still taking antioxidants and CoQ10) but we'll try again!
BD'd every other day in the lead up to O instead of every day! Dont know if that produced a bigger amount and better quality of sperm. Got a bfp when I thought it had been a "bad month".

Sadly, a m/c resulted at 9+1. Still trying 9 months later. I too am in my late 30's
Thank you 2Have and KatherineA. I'm so sorry to hear about your losses. I'm hoping this forum will help us gals get our sticky BFPs. I've learned so much from gals in this forum that doctors could not or did not want to help with. I am 40 and dang it, I'm going to conquer this!!
40? I'm so glad i'm not alone in this. My body is operating at about 45 right now. I'm totally arthritic (stage 4 chondromalacia-knee replacement stage) and my thyroid is slow. it's all going downhill and to top it off was diagnosed with premature ovarian failure. I think people who are 45 would have a better time then me right now! I'm on many different antioxidants, DHEA, CoQ10, pregvit and omega oils. I didn't think we'd get a natural BFP but I think between the softcups and supplements, anyway, somethings working! I really hope this month is the month for all of us.
i am 39, and we've been trying actively since may 2012.
we have a 2.5yo, so it makes some of what i was able to do the 1st time a round a little more challenging.
for example, (well for starters i was 36 then) i took yoga and dance every week. that is much more of a challenge for me now working full time and having a little one.

i believe the clear blue fertility monitor and acupuncture were a huge part of getting my bfp. also, cutting back on caffeine and alcohol (esp. before ov and tww).

i ate a lot of warming foods (soups, dark leafy greens, no ice, no cold drinks, etc). i also cut out tofu (i'm a vegetarian).

i'm really trying to do the same things now, unfortunately, i think my age is making it harder this time 'round.

good luck:dust:
40? I'm so glad i'm not alone in this. My body is operating at about 45 right now. I'm totally arthritic (stage 4 chondromalacia-knee replacement stage) and my thyroid is slow. it's all going downhill and to top it off was diagnosed with premature ovarian failure. I think people who are 45 would have a better time then me right now! I'm on many different antioxidants, DHEA, CoQ10, pregvit and omega oils. I didn't think we'd get a natural BFP but I think between the softcups and supplements, anyway, somethings working! I really hope this month is the month for all of us.

It does sound like something is working! I know what you mean about going down hill. I've seen more doctors in the past two years than I did in my first 38 years. Very frustrating. I have unexplained fertility so I'm supposed to be in "good" health but we've been trying since May 2011 and not a single BFP. :dohh:

I'm trying to stay positive! :thumbup: We'll get there!!!
i am 39, and we've been trying actively since may 2012.
we have a 2.5yo, so it makes some of what i was able to do the 1st time a round a little more challenging.
for example, (well for starters i was 36 then) i took yoga and dance every week. that is much more of a challenge for me now working full time and having a little one.

i believe the clear blue fertility monitor and acupuncture were a huge part of getting my bfp. also, cutting back on caffeine and alcohol (esp. before ov and tww).

i ate a lot of warming foods (soups, dark leafy greens, no ice, no cold drinks, etc). i also cut out tofu (i'm a vegetarian).

i'm really trying to do the same things now, unfortunately, i think my age is making it harder this time 'round.

good luck:dust:

I did do acupuncture back in April and it did seem to stop the hot flashes I was having at the time. I had sleeping problems but accupunture didn't help with that. Then I went to see a chinese herb doctor and that seemed to help with the sleeping. I also eat lots of warming foods (except ice cream which i LOVE but I always have it with a cup of nice hot tea). This month I'm on a mega-dose of Vitamin D and I *think* I feel better. :shrug: I don't know anymore....

Congrats on your 2.5 yo. Must be a lot of work balance TTC, work and taking care of them. :sleep:
Hey Tadpole and other girlies ... I am also 39, and my partner is a lot older. We started trying to conceive our first child in September 2011, and I finally got a bfp in May 2012. The month I got my bfp (tmi alert) the main thing I did differently was have sex the day I noticed egg white mucus - instead of waiting to get the all clear from the opk. It had occurred to me that yes the opk could tell me which 48 hours was my ovulation window, but unless the darned sperm could get up there it was irrelevant. As it happened we only dtd twice that month (the day of egg white you-know-what and two days later when we got the green light from the opk). Funnily enough, it was also an incredibly stressful time that month because of work pressures - I was drinking lots of caffeine and wine, not getting much sleep and was just very very tense. I remember thinking there was no way it was going to happen under such circumstances. Anyway, low and behold....a couple of weeks later I got my first ever bfp and am due at the end of January 2013.

Long term wise, I was taking a high dose of vitamin D, Q10, and probiotics (my theory with probiotics was that they create a nicer internal environment for Mr Sperm...who knows, anything's worth a try!!).

When I was trying to conceive and really panicking that it would never happen I heard so many stories that gave me hope...like the friend who took 3 years to get her bfp out of the blue- and another who took over 2 years and was just about to start IVF when she found out she was pregnant. It's so so hard girlies, no one can understand the torment. All I can say is that mine happened out of the blue, so have so many other people's, and yours will too. Wishing you heaps of 2013 baby dust, and that soon you will have your unique bfp stories to tell.

Feline xx
Hey Tadpole and other girlies ... I am also 39, and my partner is a lot older. We started trying to conceive our first child in September 2011, and I finally got a bfp in May 2012. The month I got my bfp (tmi alert) the main thing I did differently was have sex the day I noticed egg white mucus - instead of waiting to get the all clear from the opk. It had occurred to me that yes the opk could tell me which 48 hours was my ovulation window, but unless the darned sperm could get up there it was irrelevant. As it happened we only dtd twice that month (the day of egg white you-know-what and two days later when we got the green light from the opk). Funnily enough, it was also an incredibly stressful time that month because of work pressures - I was drinking lots of caffeine and wine, not getting much sleep and was just very very tense. I remember thinking there was no way it was going to happen under such circumstances. Anyway, low and behold....a couple of weeks later I got my first ever bfp and am due at the end of January 2013.

Long term wise, I was taking a high dose of vitamin D, Q10, and probiotics (my theory with probiotics was that they create a nicer internal environment for Mr Sperm...who knows, anything's worth a try!!).

When I was trying to conceive and really panicking that it would never happen I heard so many stories that gave me hope...like the friend who took 3 years to get her bfp out of the blue- and another who took over 2 years and was just about to start IVF when she found out she was pregnant. It's so so hard girlies, no one can understand the torment. All I can say is that mine happened out of the blue, so have so many other people's, and yours will too. Wishing you heaps of 2013 baby dust, and that soon you will have your unique bfp stories to tell.

Feline xx

WOW congrats I am nearly 39 and trying to conceive number 1.. my results are pretty bad but I am trying... I have been panicking too..I have decided to start acupuncture to wind the clock back a bit dunno if it will help.I loved your story soooooooo much...congrats and all the best:)
Thank you for the thread and congrats to those that did get your BFP... I too am hoping to try something new to give me more hope next month. We have been ttc now for almost 3 years and its getting very discouraging :(
Hey Tadpole and other girlies ... I am also 39, and my partner is a lot older. We started trying to conceive our first child in September 2011, and I finally got a bfp in May 2012. The month I got my bfp (tmi alert) the main thing I did differently was have sex the day I noticed egg white mucus - instead of waiting to get the all clear from the opk. It had occurred to me that yes the opk could tell me which 48 hours was my ovulation window, but unless the darned sperm could get up there it was irrelevant. As it happened we only dtd twice that month (the day of egg white you-know-what and two days later when we got the green light from the opk). Funnily enough, it was also an incredibly stressful time that month because of work pressures - I was drinking lots of caffeine and wine, not getting much sleep and was just very very tense. I remember thinking there was no way it was going to happen under such circumstances. Anyway, low and behold....a couple of weeks later I got my first ever bfp and am due at the end of January 2013.

Long term wise, I was taking a high dose of vitamin D, Q10, and probiotics (my theory with probiotics was that they create a nicer internal environment for Mr Sperm...who knows, anything's worth a try!!).

When I was trying to conceive and really panicking that it would never happen I heard so many stories that gave me hope...like the friend who took 3 years to get her bfp out of the blue- and another who took over 2 years and was just about to start IVF when she found out she was pregnant. It's so so hard girlies, no one can understand the torment. All I can say is that mine happened out of the blue, so have so many other people's, and yours will too. Wishing you heaps of 2013 baby dust, and that soon you will have your unique bfp stories to tell.

Feline xx

Thank you sooo much for the information and the encouragment!! I love hearing the BFP stories!!! I will add probiotics to my list of supplements....
I have 3 kiddos from a previous relationship; each time I got pregnant was after I'd done the "pillow under the hips and wait 30 min" thing. Other than that, nothing special- no herbs or accupuncture or anything.
Of course, I was in my 30s then, now in my 40s, so who knows if that would work now.
I have 3 kiddos from a previous relationship; each time I got pregnant was after I'd done the "pillow under the hips and wait 30 min" thing. Other than that, nothing special- no herbs or accupuncture or anything.
Of course, I was in my 30s then, now in my 40s, so who knows if that would work now.

Maybe back to basics is the way to go LOL
I have 3 kiddos from a previous relationship; each time I got pregnant was after I'd done the "pillow under the hips and wait 30 min" thing. Other than that, nothing special- no herbs or accupuncture or anything.
Of course, I was in my 30s then, now in my 40s, so who knows if that would work now.

I am all about the pillow under the hips this cycle :happydance::happydance:

Lets see if it works!
Hi, smep worked for us. I charted and knew that day 8-12 were our most fertile so we checked oh sperm which was high at 224 million. We then bd daily from day 8 - 12 at midnight without getting up. I had wine at implantation time to relax me. I took coenzyme q10' vit d and prenatal vitamins. Good luck!
I have just had a BFP this morning after ttc since June 2012. The thing I did different last cycle was to use OPK rather than following online calculators. It turned out that my od was on cd11/12 and not 14 that the calculators had me believe, so I have basically bd about 2 days too late each time.

I now wish that I had not been so regimental about bd'ing but we were concerned that my partner might have had low sperm count so we would leave it to as near as possible to ovulation so as not to 'waste' his sperm!!

I am sure most of you are more sensible than me and probably use OPK already but it seems that is has been the turning point for me in being able to sort out my fertile time.
You are going to hate this, but relaxed! I dropped off BNB for a few weeks, drank red wine, caffeine and apart from two OPKs when I thought I might ovulate nothing else. I managed not to symptom spot and that was the month I had least symptoms ever.
i love this thread.

i'm totally going to be having some wine/caffeine (in moderation).

also, trying to take care of me (i.e. losing some weight) and trying to take care of our relationship, rather than just so, so focused on ttc.

as one acupuncturist said, "the baby chooses you."
meaning, to relax, and not chase so hard.
but enjoy bd'ing, our relationship, etc.

good luck everyone :dust:

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