What did you do differently the month you got a BFP?

Hey Tadpole and other girlies ... I am also 39, and my partner is a lot older. We started trying to conceive our first child in September 2011, and I finally got a bfp in May 2012. The month I got my bfp (tmi alert) the main thing I did differently was have sex the day I noticed egg white mucus - instead of waiting to get the all clear from the opk. It had occurred to me that yes the opk could tell me which 48 hours was my ovulation window, but unless the darned sperm could get up there it was irrelevant. As it happened we only dtd twice that month (the day of egg white you-know-what and two days later when we got the green light from the opk). Funnily enough, it was also an incredibly stressful time that month because of work pressures - I was drinking lots of caffeine and wine, not getting much sleep and was just very very tense. I remember thinking there was no way it was going to happen under such circumstances. Anyway, low and behold....a couple of weeks later I got my first ever bfp and am due at the end of January 2013.

Long term wise, I was taking a high dose of vitamin D, Q10, and probiotics (my theory with probiotics was that they create a nicer internal environment for Mr Sperm...who knows, anything's worth a try!!).

When I was trying to conceive and really panicking that it would never happen I heard so many stories that gave me hope...like the friend who took 3 years to get her bfp out of the blue- and another who took over 2 years and was just about to start IVF when she found out she was pregnant. It's so so hard girlies, no one can understand the torment. All I can say is that mine happened out of the blue, so have so many other people's, and yours will too. Wishing you heaps of 2013 baby dust, and that soon you will have your unique bfp stories to tell.

Feline xx

WOW congrats I am nearly 39 and trying to conceive number 1.. my results are pretty bad but I am trying... I have been panicking too..I have decided to start acupuncture to wind the clock back a bit dunno if it will help.I loved your story soooooooo much...congrats and all the best:)

Awww, thanks Tessjs. I wish you all the best for this year! When I was panicking I asked EVERYONE I knew about their ttc story ...and it made me realise that at the end of the day, you can have half an ovary, blocked fallopian tubes and a partner with a low sperm count, but it's STILL perfectly possible to conceive, all it takes is for things to just randomly fall into place for a nano second at the right time. And because we never know when that will be, it's always worth going for it. My mum loves to tell me about one of her friends, who I remember as a nice lady when growing up, who desperately wanted a child with her husband. They couldn't conceive and after testing was told there was no hope (I don't know what the problem was). After several years hey eventually went through adoption and adopted a child, who was my brother's best friend. Anyway, a few years later after adopting her son she got pregnant - and ended up with two sons!!
Hoping you get that nano-second of timing as soon as possible!

After 7 years TTC and two failed IVF cycles I stopped working, due to depression, and was stress-free for the first time in years. My FSH is high, I tried acupuncture, herbs etc I'm now 40 and the only thing at would explain how I got my BFP is the old idea that I needed to relax. I am the type of person that is always on the go and gets stressed out easily so after 7 LONG years the only thing I have done differently is relaxed. Wishing you luck and your BFP soon.
After 7 years TTC and two failed IVF cycles I stopped working, due to depression, and was stress-free for the first time in years. My FSH is high, I tried acupuncture, herbs etc I'm now 40 and the only thing at would explain how I got my BFP is the old idea that I needed to relax. I am the type of person that is always on the go and gets stressed out easily so after 7 LONG years the only thing I have done differently is relaxed. Wishing you luck and your BFP soon.

You must be so happy! Congratuations :cloud9:
Thank you for sharing your story. :flower:
I just remembered that the other thing I did was we BD'd before, day of and day after ovulation in the morning instead of evening. I have read in the morning sperm are Perkier! Who knows if is true.
Hi, I know I wasn't trying very long. However, I just wanted to say I give all the credit to the CBFM. I was using regular Ovulation strips and was completely wrong about when I needed to BD. I found that I was waiting until I had a pos or at least a few days prior. My CBFM gave me a high two days after the last day of my period. That's when we BD and got pregnant. I think sometimes we are waiting too late to BD. I'm sending baby dust to everyone!
We BD 8 out of the 12 days before O and i took prenatal vitamins along with some breathing exercises to keep the uterus good and tubes open. This was a few years ago when we were blessed with dd. Trying for child #2.
Hi ! We had been trying for four years!! Using cbfm, Had lap & dye and found I had a clubbed tube couldn't have iui or ivf due to age, 35 just about to turn 36 etc..... So we gave up trying and decided to focus on doing other things with our lives instead including tapping into savings and having some fun. At the start of 2012 we went on a health kick, cut out bad carbs, swopped white Rice, pasta and bread for whole grains etc, reduced red meat intake and generally ate healthily cutting out rubbish!!!! Then during march/April my dog (my substitute baby) got a tumour and was so sick I actually spent a week sleeping on the floor with him :wacko: during this time we DTD once and ..... On the 8th of January 2013 i gave birth to my son one day before my 37th birthday :happydance:... After being told it wouldn't happen it did AND it turned out I ovulated from the side of the blocked tube .... !!! So thats what i did differently.... I just gave up trying .... Guess its true what they say after all x
Hi ! We had been trying for four years!! Using cbfm, Had lap & dye and found I had a clubbed tube couldn't have iui or ivf due to age, 35 just about to turn 36 etc..... So we gave up trying and decided to focus on doing other things with our lives instead including tapping into savings and having some fun. At the start of 2012 we went on a health kick, cut out bad carbs, swopped white Rice, pasta and bread for whole grains etc, reduced red meat intake and generally ate healthily cutting out rubbish!!!! Then during march/April my dog (my substitute baby) got a tumour and was so sick I actually spent a week sleeping on the floor with him :wacko: during this time we DTD once and ..... On the 8th of January 2013 i gave birth to my son one day before my 37th birthday :happydance:... After being told it wouldn't happen it did AND it turned out I ovulated from the side of the blocked tube .... !!! So thats what i did differently.... I just gave up trying .... Guess its true what they say after all x

Congratulations on your baby!! :happydance:
Hi Ladies!

I'm 37 and ttc. We have teen children and we've decided to "start all over again!" I know, we're insane! lol

Well, I've been ttc now for only 2mths now. We've decided to try on our own for a few months and see if anything happens before looking into fertility help. I can't lie, I'm nervous. I want this so badly! So far here's where I am:

Hi Ladies!

I'm 37 and ttc. We have teen children and we've decided to "start all over again!" I know, we're insane! lol

Well, I've been ttc now for only 2mths now. We've decided to try on our own for a few months and see if anything happens before looking into fertility help. I can't lie, I'm nervous. I want this so badly! So far here's where I am:

1dpo: had very vivid dream that I was prego (think it was just my excitement)
2dpo: mild headache
3dpo: sleepy. hungry. mild headache
4dpo: nothing
5dpo: very annoyed all day. mild cramping. emotional.
6dpo: mild cramping. lower back pain. emotional. mild nausea.
7dpo: constipated. Mild breast soreness.
8dpo: definitely sore breasts. slightly swollen also. cramping. mild lower back pain.

My fingers are crossed. Tomorrow is 9dpo.
This is a good question, and lots of different responses. For us, we were about a year post fibroid resection. I was doing chiropractic and acupuncture with herbs for three months, [and we had agreed to abstain for those 3 months to allow things to get better [better eggs, better blood flow etc...] I also changed the family's diet..we went organic only meats/veggies, and gluten and sugar free in our diets.

Knock on wood. I am 13 weeks tomorrow, and I am 46. Spontaneous pregnancy [no ivf, no drugs etc..] and my 12 week scan looked fantabulous :).

Have faith, be patient and be persistent. Don't give up.

Merry Christmas all my fellow TTC'ers!:hi:

Congratulations on everyone who got a BFP this year and wishing all of you a happy and healthy 9 months. :thumbup:

I just want to put this question out there. It's for everyone but especially for the LTTC'ers: What did you do differently the month you got a BFP? Did you take different supplements, bd more, bd less, preseed...oh the list goes on and on and on....:winkwink:

I know that it's a three month process for eggs to get nice and healthy so that question may include the 3 month leading up to BFP month. :jo:

Merry Christmas to all who celebrate! Happy Holidays to everyone! :xmas7:
Hey Tadpole and other girlies ... I am also 39, and my partner is a lot older. We started trying to conceive our first child in September 2011, and I finally got a bfp in May 2012. The month I got my bfp (tmi alert) the main thing I did differently was have sex the day I noticed egg white mucus - instead of waiting to get the all clear from the opk. It had occurred to me that yes the opk could tell me which 48 hours was my ovulation window, but unless the darned sperm could get up there it was irrelevant. As it happened we only dtd twice that month (the day of egg white you-know-what and two days later when we got the green light from the opk). Funnily enough, it was also an incredibly stressful time that month because of work pressures - I was drinking lots of caffeine and wine, not getting much sleep and was just very very tense. I remember thinking there was no way it was going to happen under such circumstances. Anyway, low and behold....a couple of weeks later I got my first ever bfp and am due at the end of January 2013.

Long term wise, I was taking a high dose of vitamin D, Q10, and probiotics (my theory with probiotics was that they create a nicer internal environment for Mr Sperm...who knows, anything's worth a try!!).

When I was trying to conceive and really panicking that it would never happen I heard so many stories that gave me hope...like the friend who took 3 years to get her bfp out of the blue- and another who took over 2 years and was just about to start IVF when she found out she was pregnant. It's so so hard girlies, no one can understand the torment. All I can say is that mine happened out of the blue, so have so many other people's, and yours will too. Wishing you heaps of 2013 baby dust, and that soon you will have your unique bfp stories to tell.

Feline xx

Just curious, how old your DH is as mine is older too. Can you tell me how your C-section recovery went esp since it was elective?
I totally stopped everything... I stopped trying, quit herbs, quit accupuncture,quit royal jelly, quit coQ10, started drinking caffeine then BAM.. Only thing I kept doing was taking prenatal.
Congrats Brandy!!! I thought that was you on the CHTRC message board. So awesome! I am so happy for you!!!!:happydance::happydance::happydance:
Congrats Brandy!!! I thought that was you on the CHTRC message board. So awesome! I am so happy for you!!!!:happydance::happydance::happydance:

That was me :)

wow it just shows you how things can work, i think i have now over thought everything, from temps, opks, vitamins, caffeine etc, think I am just worried as my husband is have his SA and i have had my bloods done and i am worried that we need go and have some extra help.

So with your easy going approach how many times did you DTD? I am not sure if this doing it daily is what is needed really as so many people end of getting pregnant.

Congratualtions and good to hear these stories :flower:
I m/c in Nov but to get our BFP in Sept what I did was exercise lots, use softcups, increase vitex and stop eating glutenous foods. I'm on the same regiment now, I'm trying to lose weight because the nurse told me that having extra weight on you bogs down your hormones. We're doing IVF in April (on the BCP now) and the only diagnosis we've had is that I have diminished ovarian reserve.

When I'm pregnant next time I'm NOT going to eat glutenous foods. We were in Cyprus when I m/c and there were no gluten alternatives. I felt puffy and inflammed, I don't know if it cause the m/c but I certainly am not going anywhere where white bread is a staple food oir where they might be putting flour into the sauces. I did a food test with my naturopath and the bloodwork came out that I'm highly reactive (inflammatory response) to gluten and eggs and apparently over 80% of the general population is and don't even know it. Thank goodness dairy doesn't effect me, this is another unknown irritation in the general population. As long as your body is dealing with inflammation it will have a higher rejection response to foreign bodies, like a baby. It took alot of reading and 2 doctors wisdom for me to learn this.

I am now taking DHEA because of the statistics where it's helped over 35's with egg quality and improved IVF statistics. I also take CoQ10, vit C, probiotics and a good prenatal with 5mg folic acid. Hopefully I'll join the few successes on this thread next month and hopefully it'll be a sticky bean too.
Glad to hear all this info... The month we got a BFP I laid in the Bed all day w a pillow under my Bumm!!!! Lol
MC at 2wks :(
I have a tilted uterus and the more I think about it I think it's making it harder for the spermies to get there!!
Since the end of Jan I got off all RX meds and stopped drinking Diet Coke... Hopefully that will increase our chances I need to look into the Gluten Free .... I became magically allergic to milk after my Son so who knows!!

Thanks again ladies!!!! :)
I had an early m/c in June last year. I hadn't been taking prenatals at that time since we hadn't yet started ttc. Once I realized I might be pregnant, I started with the prenatals. But for whatever reason, that pregnancy wasn't meant to continue. I continued taking prenatals and at the beginning of July staretd accupuncture with a fertility specialist. 3 months later, I got my BFP. This one stuck around (I'll be entering the home stretch-3rd tri- in a couple weeks). I continued with accupuncture up until a couple weeks ago (life just got too busy).

Also between our schedules and life stuff, we only dtd once that month- 2 days before I ovulated.

Best of luck!!!!!!
Glad to hear all this info... The month we got a BFP I laid in the Bed all day w a pillow under my Bumm!!!! Lol
MC at 2wks :(
I have a tilted uterus and the more I think about it I think it's making it harder for the spermies to get there!!
Since the end of Jan I got off all RX meds and stopped drinking Diet Coke... Hopefully that will increase our chances I need to look into the Gluten Free .... I became magically allergic to milk after my Son so who knows!!

Thanks again ladies!!!! :)

I have a tilted uterus too, hence especially our use of softcups. Yea, if you see any signs of inflammation, puffy face or anything it's worth it just to avoid those foods while preggers and ttc. One of the ladies was telling me that artificial sweeteners are bad for fertility too. Asperitame in particular, I use things with sucralose but sparingly...good luck with it!

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