Whats your retail weakness?!


Mum and step mum
Nov 29, 2007
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So being a tomboy I'm not into shoes, handbags etc, just got my trainiers and duffle bag :thumbup:

but I got thinking yesterday when doing the washing, I have so many pairs of pyjamas!!!

I realised that I do actually buy new pjs every time I go shopping, and the same for Chloe...so...

my name is Amy and I'm a pjaholic!!

What is everyone elses weakness? Is the stereotypical 'shoes and hand bags' spot on???
oh gosh
i love pjs 2
i can't help but get new ones everytime im in primark.
but clothes in generally.
i love shoes and have alot of them.
but i'm more likely to get a new pair every month or so.
whereas i could get a new handbag every week
lol :]
but generally i buy dresses the most because i dont like wearing the same one more than once.
I used to love belts....had hundreds of the things.

I haven't actually bought any clothes for me since just before I had Freya, I think I am addicted to buying clothes for her now! Also, I refuse to buy anything in the size I am in now, I will look like a scruff 'til I fit into my pre-preg clothes!

I love buying little pairs of jeans for Freya, even though people ask me if she is a boy all the time! :dohh: I can't resist, anywhere I go I buy something for her to wear, nevermind that I know she will have grown out of it in a few weeks!

I have never owned a handbag and I have one pair of trainers that I live in!

So....I'm Kirsten and I'm a baby-clothes-a-holic!
Im a massive baby clothes-aholic! I used to be the same about dresses for myself but Im not really into buying things for myself anymore.
Baby clothes :lol: I always look for tyler before myself everytime!!

Edit: I do like buying PJs too though :)
Mainly make up and cleansers etc, I constantly buy eye shadows and things like that and then I hardly use them! x
Scrapbooking supplies and stationary. I dunno why, I just love pens lol. Scrapbooking supplies, because although you have the normal expensive craft store stuff, you can also find a bunch of stuff at the dollar stores and discount stores.
Other than baby clothes...

makeup! I'm terrible, I can easily spend £100 in boots on makeup. Oh and underwear. When I was moving out of my mums I washed ALL of my clothes and we counted my pants :rofl: I had something like 85 pairs. Ridic.
EVERYTHING...I have 3 double cupboards just for myself :rofl: Kyles stuff has been sent to the spare bedroom! I have hundreds of pairs of shoes! Not keen on handbags tho one will do me for months before i change it :rofl:

Im the same for jacob. He has 4 chest drawer full of clothes and a double cupboard and thats just what fits him now! 9-12months i have 3 boxes full of stuff already for when he moves into 12-18!

Just clothes for caitlyn, don't really get myself much anymore. Certainly make up for it with caitlyn though :)
Certainly isn't shoes and handbags for me.

I don't own any handbags and I have 2 pairs ugg boots, and 1 pair trainers.

I'm not sure I have any real weakness though tbh.. Dvd's if anything.
I buy a pair of socks everytime i go to the shops :blush:
shoes,handbags and makeup xx
Make up, I'm not allowed in Debenhams or anywhere because I can easily spend £200 on make up and then go back for hair things :blush:
I'm quite bad for dresses too, I have SO many going out dresses in my wardrobe that I've never worn!
Used to be shoes, I have the same pair in eight different styles coz they were soooo comfy!! Recently though I have been addicted to buying pregnancy tests, even since my bfp I have bought about 4 just to check lol!!
I would have to say I'm addicted to buying stuff for our apartment. Whether thats new sheets, new pillows, kitchen stuff, even food and baking supplies!!
Shoes!! .. I have too many pairs and I still eye up every shoe shop I go past!
And underwear, so so much underwear :blush::cloud9:


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