witch got me ... but ... cd1 vitex

So CD14 today... Have you had your positive OPK yet Twinsie? I should get mine within the next couple of days. Fingers crossed..! Temp has dipped today which doesn't generally happen for me before O so will be interested to see what happens...

Any news from you ksquared?
Twinsie - Huh, so I guess it's common for doctors to test the hormone levels but not ask about where we are in our cycles? Then what's the point? I agree, so frustrating. I feel the same way about abruptly stopping Vitex. When I was with the doctor, she said I could email her as soon as I get my BFP and she'd prescribe me progesterone. But she didn't say that in her email after seeing my results. I guess I'll have to remind her. I'd rather keep taking 1 400mg of Vitex during the first trimester than stopping abruptly. It sounds like no one is really sure what the effects of Vitex are once we get a BFP!

My LP is usually 3 weeks, so it's hard seeing a BFN and then having to wait forever for AF. I still haven't tested because I'm not feeling confident. Thinking I will on Saturday if AF isn't here, which will be 16dpo. I haven't had hardly any symptoms except a bout of dizziness the day before yesterday, and that cold last week, and some vivid dreams. But I've had all of that before. But maybe not many symptoms is my symptom. At least I don't have the gas and cramps and acne like I usually get! It could be Vitex helping too. I already have it in my mind that I'm out.

MemmaJ - Temp dip at 14dpo is a good sign! FX you O soon!!
Hi ladies! No + opk yet memma, but only cd13, my CM has been increasing though and watery so I know it's coming! I hope soon!!! DH andi have dtd every other day since sat so Fx we do everything right this month and my cycle is normal! Still taking vitex every morning too. We shall see! I haven't been temping long enough to know my pattern that well but I haven't had a dip or spike yet so well see what tom brings. Hope we both O soon! As bad as thee TWW is, I'm just anxious to at least get there!
My doctor did the same, for what it's worth. Did a hormone screen to test for PCOS but didn't know where in my cycle I was at the time of the bloods. Mind you, I don't think mine even included progesterone so maybe it doesn't matter..!

I'd quite like to skip the next week or so and be near the point of testing/AF as I really struggle with the TWW!
I'm yet to take an OPK today - I usually do it afternoon/evening as I find that's more accurate for me, so I don't know about today yet...!
I decided not to take Vitex for now. Going to see my Gynecologist on Monday/Tuesday to see what she thinks about such a late ovulation and what we can do about it.

Still following this thread though. I know Vitex worked for many!

ksquared - have you tested?? Rising temps are a great sign at this point!!

Memmaj - do not use Vitex with soy. Bad idea. I read that they work in opposite ways.

Flipporama1- what CD is this for you? When do you usually ovulate?!

I know this reply is way way late! Sorry! But i want ovulating at all. I ovulated again this cycle, So I'm pretty excited! Last was cd15 and the same for this one! I'm currently 2dpo. We'll see in a week or so if i get a Bfp ☺
Twinsie - Huh, so I guess it's common for doctors to test the hormone levels but not ask about where we are in our cycles? Then what's the point? I agree, so frustrating. I feel the same way about abruptly stopping Vitex. When I was with the doctor, she said I could email her as soon as I get my BFP and she'd prescribe me progesterone. But she didn't say that in her email after seeing my results. I guess I'll have to remind her. I'd rather keep taking 1 400mg of Vitex during the first trimester than stopping abruptly. It sounds like no one is really sure what the effects of Vitex are once we get a BFP!

My LP is usually 3 weeks, so it's hard seeing a BFN and then having to wait forever for AF. I still haven't tested because I'm not feeling confident. Thinking I will on Saturday if AF isn't here, which will be 16dpo. I haven't had hardly any symptoms except a bout of dizziness the day before yesterday, and that cold last week, and some vivid dreams. But I've had all of that before. But maybe not many symptoms is my symptom. At least I don't have the gas and cramps and acne like I usually get! It could be Vitex helping too. I already have it in my mind that I'm out.

MemmaJ - Temp dip at 14dpo is a good sign! FX you O soon!!

I have the opposite problem, my phase before ovulation has been long 3-4 weeks) and then after O is short!!
But any extra time in a cycle is just plain evil! Lol. I'm sure even if I had the perfect 28 day cycle I'd still be anxious and impatient :haha:

That's good ur dr will prescribe progesterone for you! That should help but I agree I'd still be nervous stopping vitex cold turkey. I've read a lot of vitex success stories, it could very well be the reason u didn't get acne this time. But all those symptoms sound good!! Vivid dreams sound promising, and I agree the no symptoms could be a symptom, if that is out of the ordinary for you NOT to have a lot of symptoms!!

I was wondering how I'll feel this cycle cuz last cycle I had zero symptoms. Sensitive nipples but only after O send that's just from the progesterone increase and estrogen decrease. Didn't last longer than a few days. So I'm wondering if I notice any new symptoms this month maybe that will mean something for me. Idk. We shall wait and see end of next week if I start to feel anything! Isn't it funny how before ttc waiting until the next week meant nothing, just another work week. But now it means so much more.

You're not out until AF shows! Fx are crossed for you these next few days. Keep us updated !!! :)
Memma- did u test yet?! I just tested. Negative so far. I agree that afternoon/ evening time is the best time to test. But I'm guilty of testing three or four times a day around O time. I don't wanna miss the surge!! Lol so I basically test when I wake up. Drink a few sips of water and test again mid day and then again evening time and then again before bed lol! I basically am totally dehydrated for days before O cuz I can only drink a few sips of water, or else I can't hold my pee for 4 hours! I have a tiny bladder lol! After my last test at bedtime I usually chug some water to try and rehydrate before it starts all over again the next day. The things we do!!! :)

Your temp drop is a good sign! Fx!! Any news?!? :)

Flip - good luck with ur ttw! Let us know how you are feeling as it progresses!
Negative OPK yesterday, which I expected. Today is CD15 which is when I got solid smiley on CBD last month, cycles before that had been CD16. I'm not using CBD this time as it's died on me, so I'm just using normal OPK's - and there wasn't even a faint line yesterday do now I'm worrying I'm not going to O this month. This is exactly why I stopped using normal ones and got the CBD..!
Just a little update. My faint BFP on IC HPT must have been a evap. The witch got me yesterday. On the plus side, my cycle went from 14 days to 21 days and this time 26 days! Hopefully this means things are looking up! :thumbup:
Memma- when you would try the normal opks, did u test in the afternoon/evening? You probably haven't O'd yet. Give it another day or two. Are you still temping? How's that looking?
I don't really know much about the digital opk but the normal ones work for me. Are you holding your pee for at least 3 hours and not drinking much during that time? It has to be a concentrated urine. GL! I hope we both get our positive opk soon!! Today is cd14 for me so it could be anytime between now and Sunday.. Here's hoping it's soon!!
Just a little update. My faint BFP on IC HPT must have been a evap. The witch got me yesterday. On the plus side, my cycle went from 14 days to 21 days and this time 26 days! Hopefully this means things are looking up! :thumbup:

Sorry AF came :cry: but that's great your LP is regulating! That's awesome news. Next cycle could be the one!! Fx for you
Twinsie - You should be drinking water before you O so you have lots of fertile cm and healthy eggs!! FX you get your positive OPK very soon :). And thank you for the support. As of yesterday, my cm has mostly dried up. So I'm thinking AF is on the horizon. But this will be a normal cycle length, if AF comes in the next few days. Today is CD 28. Go Vitex!

MemmaJ - That's so weird that you had the same experience getting your blood test. Maybe they know something we don't. *shrug* FX you get that dark line on your OPK soon!

Flipporama - Congrats on the O! Hope this TWW goes quick and you get that beautiful BFP:).

My_Story - Sorry to hear about the evap :(. That's brutal! Glad you have a positive outlook and that your cycle is in a nice normal range now. Good luck with this next one!!
Twinsie - You should be drinking water before you O so you have lots of fertile cm and healthy eggs!! FX you get your positive OPK very soon :). And thank you for the support. As of yesterday, my cm has mostly dried up. So I'm thinking AF is on the horizon. But this will be a normal cycle length, if AF comes in the next few days. Today is CD 28. Go Vitex!

MemmaJ - That's so weird that you had the same experience getting your blood test. Maybe they know something we don't. *shrug* FX you get that dark line on your OPK soon!

Flipporama - Congrats on the O! Hope this TWW goes quick and you get that beautiful BFP:).

My_Story - Sorry to hear about the evap :(. That's brutal! Glad you have a positive outlook and that your cycle is in a nice normal range now. Good luck with this next one!!

I did read an article about water and importance for cervical fluid but I didn't know it would impact egg health? I drink a lot at night to rehydrate. But I do wonder if I should just drink more during the day, and not put so much importance on opk. I can't do both, cuz my bladder is too small! I mean I do drink when I'm thirsty but probably could drink more. It's too hard to hold my pee for hours though if I drink more than a cup! Oh the struggles!!

That's great your cycle is better!!!! Woohoo! Vitex for the win again! :) fx AF stays awayyyy
My fertility app is always emphasizing the importance of drinking water, so I think you should. Hopefully you'll catch the LH surge with fmu but you can always back it up with your temps and cm. And if you're hydrated, you should have more cm! Just my opinion but you're certainly free to do what you think is best :).

Thanks for the good wishes!! I hope so too! :)
Memma- when you would try the normal opks, did u test in the afternoon/evening? You probably haven't O'd yet. Give it another day or two. Are you still temping? How's that looking?
I don't really know much about the digital opk but the normal ones work for me. Are you holding your pee for at least 3 hours and not drinking much during that time? It has to be a concentrated urine. GL! I hope we both get our positive opk soon!! Today is cd14 for me so it could be anytime between now and Sunday.. Here's hoping it's soon!!

I have already submitted this reply but it's disappeared on my screen so apologies if this is here twice..!

Tested yesterday (CD15) and negative again. Ever since I've started OPK's etc, when I've had a positive it's been on CD15 - except last month when it was on CD14. I assumed that may have been a result of the vitex, but I started testing on CD12 this month and it's been negative every day. Not even a faint line.

If it's negative again today, then I guess I'll just have I assume this is another anovulatory cycle :-(
I don't think it was before CD12 and I've missed it. Firstly because that's such a big difference (regardless of Vitex) but also because my temp hasn't spiked.

Maybe I should switch to Soy to help me ovulate instead of Vitex.
Memma- I'm sorry u haven't O'd yet! That is frustrating. I hate waiting too!!! Our bodies can be so mean!! I don't know anything about soy, but I know vitex does take 3 months to work sometimes. How long have you been on it? Sorry if I already asked this , I forget.

Ksquared- that's good to know, thank you!! I started drinking more yesterday and this morning I had lots of Ewcm!!!!

Afm: I got a strong positive on my opk at noon!! So I should be ovulating today/tom!!! I'm kind of anxious though because the last time DH and I dtd two days ago, on wed, I noticed after he pulled out that 3/4 of the "sample" leaked out!! I was so bummed. Only a teeny tiny bit more came out when I got up 10 minutes later. So I am worried that the most of the spermies didn't have enough time to swim before my DH pulled out and everything came out!!! :/. But we are gonna BD tonight when we both get home from work so I'm praying we catch the egg!! I'm not feeling that hopeful though. Fx
I often have the same problem with 'leakage'..! I don't really know any way to get around it, it just seems to happen sometimes :-(

I only started taking Vitex last cycle, but I was slightly skeptical about it anyway... Not because I don't think it works, but more because my cycles aren't irregular/long and I know it's best for people with irregular/long cycles. My problem is ovulation, not periods or long/irregular cycles - so I did think that maybe it's not what I needed when I started, but I had already bought it before I read about Soy helping ovulation..!
Twinsie & MemmaJ - I wouldn't worry about leakage. From what I've read all over the place and a nurse told me too, if there's enough to leak out then you have plenty of swimmers. And also the swimmers are very quick to get through the cervix! Even if you pull out right away and you're in the shower and it all comes out. If you don't have leakage at all, that could be a clue that your DH doesn't have a lot of swimmers to contribute. So yeah, I think you guys are fine. Staying horizontal isn't necessary, but if it makes you feel better then go for it!

Twinsie - Glad you got your positive OPK and lots of ewcm!! FX you catch that egg!

MemmaJ - I think you should stick with the Vitex at least for the rest of this cycle. If you quit right in the middle, then you might really have trouble achieving O this time. Give it a chance to work before making your decision. Like Twinsie said, it can take 3 cycles to fully work. Yeah my first cycle was a lot shorter, but I had the really long cycles. But I still had weird intense cramps and diarrhea. This second cycle has been a lot better.

I should be testing this afternoon when DH gets home. If it's a BFN, then FX I get AF by tomorrow or Monday!
Memma- did u test yet?! I just tested. Negative so far. I agree that afternoon/ evening time is the best time to test. But I'm guilty of testing three or four times a day around O time. I don't wanna miss the surge!! Lol so I basically test when I wake up. Drink a few sips of water and test again mid day and then again evening time and then again before bed lol! I basically am totally dehydrated for days before O cuz I can only drink a few sips of water, or else I can't hold my pee for 4 hours! I have a tiny bladder lol! After my last test at bedtime I usually chug some water to try and rehydrate before it starts all over again the next day. The things we do!!! :)

Your temp drop is a good sign! Fx!! Any news?!? :)

Flip - good luck with ur ttw! Let us know how you are feeling as it progresses!
Thank you! I said i wouldn't SS but i have so many undeniable symptoms it's ridiculous. Really swollen breasts with big blue veins popping out on top(I'm small chested), itchy nipples(i think from the swelling), sore back, mild camping, lots of white creamy cm, ravenous appetite that i can't fulfill because of nausea. Nauseous because of the hunger but then i eat and feel better for like 10 minutes and then nauseous again, then hungry an hour later. ALL DAY VISCOUS CYCLE. Vivid dreams for the last two nights, Now today heartburn from hell!. Something is going on... Idk what, but something is going on...
And this today....


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