yummy mummies dating support group

My whole family live close by and I wouldn't even be able to get a babysitter once a week :/
I've not seen J since yesterday morning and it pains me to say tonight i actually miss him :wacko:
I knew I liked him but didn't think much of it and its just hit me tonight! I need a slap haha
you dont need a slap im glad you finally do, he sounds like he really cares for you :) xx
I think the fact he told me he's fallen for me says he wants to be with me and thinks he can handle my life, but until he tells me that I don't wana get close to him. So I do need a slap lol
Gone quiet in here lately! How is everyone?
I haven't seen James since he told me he's fallen for me Tuesday night :/
And he's hardly text me. So I'm not waiting around if he's playing silly games.
My mum will have the boys at mine for a whole weekend so I can go away. I asked James if he wanted to do something seen as he told me he wanted to take me away and he was like yeah I might :/
I'm going out tonight YAY need to let my hair down
no way!!! as if hes gone quiet. thats weird, he cant go from one extreme to the other jezz...

well thursday night, mister L said how he was smittened by me, hes been quiet though the last few days, although he has been away. i was out lastnight and he messaged me while he was working, but at that stage i had gone bed, i wrote back at like 4ish when i woke up. so the messages i got this mornning where one word anwers. for example, i wrote 'god im so tired today xxx' he wrote 'unlucky' so the messages where similar so in the end, i wrote one back saying your so bloody moody today. for me i cant be assed with mind games etc.

who knows
Men are hard work arnt they? Hope you had fun lemontree and enjoy yourself tonight moomin_troll..

I'm having a shit time with FOB because he's pissed that I won't send DD on vacation for 2 weeks with him he claims her being away in the sun will "cure" her autism. Not just that she uses signs and he never understands anything she says or signs! Would you send your 5yr away? X
never!! espcially as hes only just been in the same country 5mins. 100% NO thats me. im not sure the level of your daughters austim. but children iv worked with, with austim, need a regular routine, and understand whats happening. for fob to take her to a different country without her mum and unfamilar surroundings isnt routine. also if he used the the term, the sun will cure her austim, suggests he has no idea.
its your decision but for me i think your making the right decision saying no :hugs:
never!! espcially as hes only just been in the same country 5mins. 100% NO thats me. im not sure the level of your daughters austim. but children iv worked with, with austim, need a regular routine, and understand whats happening. for fob to take her to a different country without her mum and unfamilar surroundings isnt routine. also if he used the the term, the sun will cure her austim, suggests he has no idea.
its your decision but for me i think your making the right decision saying no :hugs:

Thank you! She has mild autism and suffers extreme separation anxiety it is so bad whilst in the hospital she had to come there all day and got depressed in the nights also refused to eat despite being with my mum who she's been with from a few months old while i'm at work. I had to leave the day after my Csection because she had a total breakdown yet I tell him this and he makes out its no big deal :nope: she loves coming home so for her she is fine to go in the day but she must be back home by evening.

He claims I am denying him his right to being a father and that is the only way he feels he can support her :growlmad:
My brothers autistic and at 5 no chance would he of survived 2 weeks away from his things and home! What an arse!

I just text J and mentioned about seein him n got no reply so yeah I'm done!
I don't do head games! Been there with an ex and its not worth it.
So yeah he can go take his games to some little girl who's going to be impressed by him because now I am not!

Going out tonight and ile have some fun and hopefully get chatted up by someone worth my time.

The first lad I gave my number out to...a 19 ur is still after me lol and has been texting me bless him.

Back to square 1 for me I think lol
He is proving to be such a hot and cold whine up merchant :wacko: I would move on too clearly he isn't ready for dating let alone a relationship! Go out and enjoy yourself maybe he just didnt like you saying you prefer to go out?

I think FOB is so clueless about her diagnosis.. I told him he needs to stop trying to fix her she's not broken and at least try to get to know her before making any demands because I am the only one doing the leg work from birth until now.
Definitely not worth my time. He was obviously saying what he thought I wanted to hear and then was surprised when I didn't fall to his feet lol.

He left afew things at my house. His toothbrush will clean my toilet, his sponge will go straight in the bin and his expensive ear ring will go down the drain hahaha
I should of stayed away after his first bitch fit!

I can't believe ur ex! He's got no right having an opinion on ur daughter seen as he clearly has no clue about autism or her :/
Lol best not dump the earring just in case lol maybe he's seeing other people?

He was probably hoping you would lap up everything and as its not the case feels he needs someone more naive..

Ex has no idea he's so silly ugh he's currently having a tantrum and ignoring my reply where I explained why he can't take her with him. Xx
When we spoke about just seeing each other. He's the one who said he wanted to only see me, so I'm clueless.

I could tell he wasn't used to someone like me who wasn't bothered what he got up to.
My sister thinks that cuz when he told me he's fallen for me and I didn't have the same response he's gone quiet to protect himself from getting hurt.

Well I don't no n I don't care anymore :)

Can't believe ur ex! What an idiot
shez: well what you said how you daughter was when you where in hospital is a clear way she wont be happy with 2weeks away. by the sounds of things he has no bloody idea. let him take it to court because he wouldnt stand a chance.

moom, jez are you sure hes not a secret woman by all these hormon changes, hes up and down.. to be honest, im actually slowly begining to understand dating is so not worth it. men these days, always have a few women lined up, and seriously dont give a shit..... this is lemontree offically giving up on dating and ever trying to understand men..
I've always been abit of a man, he even turned round n said im more of a man then he is, because of my view on datin and seeing someone lol but yeah he's totally a woman.

I also give up trying to understand men :/ no chance in hell do I want an actual relationship for a very very long time when it's just this hard seeing someone
i used to be like that too, before fob... i literally never gave a shit, dated blokes, binned them of and dated the next. i always think fob was my karma for breaking a few hearts lol...
It freaks men out doesn't it lol
God knows why date 1 went weird and god knows why J has gone all weird....I'm starting to see a pattern lol

Ile stick to just getting attention on a night out. Don't think I can be bothered dating if this is what I'm attracting lol
well, iv tried not to treat blokes like shit and iv become a walk over, literally... date 1 was a total jerk, date 2 is bi polar at the moment, his moody messgaes and now normal message, although he was working to 6am and prob slept alot today...

i actually hate dating, i hate it, i hate it, i hate it.... i want to cut my head off :dohh::dohh::dohh:
Eventful hahaha
I had Raf lad text me and J saying he missed me.
They were both in the same club so I didn't go in hahaha
I've also had the 19 yr old texting me and we spoke on the phone for 2 hours last night.
James decided to come outside the club I was in but I wasn't willin to leave lol and he wouldn't come in, so didn't see him.
He then put a tweet up saying I've been a bad boy.
He now won't say why, so he obviously put it up to wind me up :/ and its worked lol

I had 2 stunning lads interested last night but neither made a move or asked for my number :( lol

So yeah very good night and its made me realise that I want fun and j is starting to be too much hard work

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