1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

Rach - so excited your benefits start so soon! I can't wait to hear what the doc says!

Jess - glad you didn't have too much cramping - hopefully the doctor will give you the all clear tomorrow!

Mar - so exciting! Maybe o is coming early this month for you! Keep at the bd!

Sam, Mel and kels - hope you and your little ones are doing well! Xoxox

AFM - as you guys know - I'm in research and I'm about a year from graduating and in this field,as weird as it sounds, you start interviewing for jobs about 6 months in advance of starting typically. So, I've been thinking a lot about my next step and after talking to and getting to know so many women with either fertility issues, recurrent miscarriages or late losses has led me to reading so many papers on what we know and I am hoping to find a job helping to find some answers. I know that I have only experienced a fraction of the pain so many women have endured and being in a children's hospitla every day seeing so many disabled children...its just inspiring. Thought I would share that with you guys that every one of you inspires me to try to make a difference :hugs:
Oh Lindsay - that sounds so great. It brought tears to my eyes reading your post! I think so many of us work in fields we don't really love. It would be so amazing to work in an area your passionate about and where you feel you can make a difference. I am very excited for you!!!

Mar - That's great! Keep us posted on your progress over the next couple of days!!

AFM - Chris and I met with the builder I told you guys about yesterday. Hopefully something will work out. Its quite a bit more than we wanted to spend but Chris loves the lot and the location and we are hoping they will be able to work with us on the price now that they have all the changes we wanted. I gave the builder my ideas on the elevation (front of house) changes that I wanted and he seemed like he could do something so we'll see. Hopefully we will be able to get something worked out with them either way this week.
Jess - that's exciting about your house! i'm glad they could work something out for you. would def be nice if they could cut you a little break as well on the price. are you going to ttc this month? how are you feeling?

Lindsay - awh i think that would be an amazing job! to be able to work and it not feel like it's 'work'. It would be awesome to find some sort of answers and be able to say you were a part of it!! I think that is just great! you follow your heart and do what makes you happy! I think it's a great idea.

Mar - i hope the Robitussin helps get you preggers! Good luck!!

I honestly have no idea where to start with any of this. I don't have a set gyno. I don't know what to say to them about everything or what to ask lol. Any ideas or pointers?
Thanks everyone! Another test today and it was just like yesterday... quite dark although NOT QUITE dark enough to assure me. I'm still only 19cd and normally I get my equally dark or lighter of the two test lines on 20 or 21. Could be right on schedule again!

Should I post a pic and get your opinions on whether I should hold out until tomorrow for more BDing with the hubby or if we should get on it LITERALLY tonight. haha
Mar - post some pics! we love looking at them and over analyzing with each other! LOL.
Hope this worked. If you look at the lighter line, half of the line is as dark as the test line. eeekkkkkk. lol

and i think the picture is upside down.
mar - sorry I missed your post yesterday but it looks like you're really close to O, did you end up BDing yesterday? How does your OPK look today??

Rach - I would pick an ob/gyn that a friend of yours has had good luck with and start there. Then just tell them you've been trying for over a year now and I would think that would be enough for them to guide the conversation in the direction it needs to go and start with whatever tests you may need. So close to March! Can't wait to hear what they say and get onto getting you preggers!!

Jess - that's so excited the builder is willing to listen to your ideas of changing the house! How are you feeling??

AFM - I had eggwhite CM yesterday - first time since before I was pregnant - freaked me out at first lol not that we're trying or anything but it was kind of nice to see my body still works!
We are getting Oakley into a schedule and it's kind of nice! We have set breakfast, dinner and three naptimes! Everything else is as he needs it, but typically falls around the same time. He just went down for his nap a little early, but I think it'll be better for all of us having a predictable schedule.
Just a faint line on OPK today. Now I really dont know what to think. Normally I get a very clear, darker than test line line. I'll keep testing though!
DH was home really late, so we BDed this morning. Haha! Who knows.
I think this morning is better anyway! I would BD again tonight and then test tomorrow and see where you're at :) At least you've got it covered regardless :p
GIRLS Tuesdays test was def a positive!! My CM has become thick again. Hopefully Between Mondays BD and Wednesday mornings BD we caught the egg!!!
Mar -keeping it all crossed for you!!

Jess - glad the builders are looking at your suggestions. Is it next week your Dr appointment?

Lindsey - aww your post about your work had me tearing up. It is so much nicer knowing work means so much and has such meaning.

Rach - I wish I could advise on what to do/how to go about getting a gynae person. As someone said do you have any friends that they could recommend someone? I am not sure what standard test they do over there but having a monitored cycle or testing certain hormone level may be a start. I am not sure how they might check for PCOS.

Hi Kels and Mel!
Hi Girls,

Mar - I hope you caught that egg, keep BDing just in case!

Rach - like the other girls said - I would check with people and see if they can recommend a doctor for you and see if you are on your insurance. I always like to take notes before I go and take them with me. If I don't I always forget them when I get there. Just book your annual exam and bring your notes with you - explain to the doctor what been going on (make sure you tell them how long you've been trying). The conversation should flow pretty quickly from there. Good luck and let us know how it goes.

Lindsay - yeah for the EWCM!!! Maybe it just took a bit for things to get back to normal. Have you guys talked any more about when you'll try for #2? How are things going with the house? Any updates?

Sam - How are things going for you? Are you and Benjamin getting into a route now? Sorry, I haven't popped over to any journals in a while.

Kelsey, Mel - how are you girls doing?

AFM - I had a couple appointments on Wednesday - one with the urologist about the blood in my urine. Got to see the inside of my bladder - how exciting!! LOL Everything seems to be normal. They did send a urine sample for additional testing but she said that 35% of the population has trace amounts of blood in their urine and its normal. She thinks that's the case with me. I also had my U/S, blood work, and follow-up with the doc. It seems I have passed everything on my own and my HcG is down to less than 2. They want me to wait 1 normal period before TTC again. I also brought all my prior labs from the RE so the doctor was going to look over those and see if she could see anything that was missed. Other than that, just anxiously waiting for some numbers back from the builder on some of the modifications we made and upgades to we can negociate based on what the total home will cost. We'll see. Chris and I are ready to get this going.
Thanks everyone! I'm so anxious for my first appt, but it's probably going to be another month lol. Oh well, it's worth it! I had this dream last night about getting pregnant. I was having a little boy. Weirdest thing is the 'egg" of mine that got fertilized i actually carried around (it looked just like an egg) LOL. My dreams are so crazy! And the egg had a heartbeat lmao. It was a boiled egg that was peeled. My mind is nuts lol.

Mar - good luck! hope you caught that egg!

Jess - i hope that is all it is as far as the blood in your urine. I'm glad you've passed everything on your own and don't need any further work done. It sucks you have to wait a cycle before TTC again though. Maybe it's for the best since you got a lot going on with this new house. I hope they set a price that works for you and Chris!

How was everyone's Valentine's Day?!
Hi everyone!

I have a quick question - I've had now 4 days of EWCM - is that weird? It seems to be subsiding today, just had it this morning and now haven't seen much. Had a positive opk yesterday and only took it bc I was feeling really tender and crampy, so I'm Def around o but I just overanalyze every little thing down there because of the mirena and being paranoid something will go wrong with it. Obviously if the ewcm continues this weekend I will schedule an appointment for Tuesday - what do you girls think?

Jess - I'm trying to figure out 1. When I will graduate and 2. If I want to have number 2 before starting a job and take some time between or if I want to get the new job and then strat trying. I think I will have a better idea within 6 months as to when I will graduate and will have a better idea. We don't want to wait too long between to try again.
Stinks you guys are supposed to wait one af...you gonna do that? Seems a little silly to me to wait but its Def whatever you're comfortable with!

Mar - how you doing?!

Rach - how are you doing? Get a new thermometer yet?
hello! hope yall don't mind if I join yalls thread :) me and dh miscarried at 5wks6days 12/7 so we are ttc again atm im 4dpo ! anyone remember what their cm was like then? mine is very strange atn
Jess - are you going to wait? I probably wouldn't but as Rachel says you do have a lot going on this month with the builders. I hope you get that sorted soon, one thing off your mind once that bit is settled. As for the blood in your urine is that a long term thing you have had or just from this one test? Had you dtd prior as that can cause friction on your urethra. As long as the other test come back fine, I am assuming testing for infection etc then it should be fine.

Lindsey - I wouldn't worry about 4 day ewcm I used to get it for 3 d-4 days or so prior to and including ov. If it is going away now after your +opk then I am sure it is fine. I am thinking about getting the copper coil put in as I really don't fancy any hormonal contraception but I don't know what to do.

Rach - I hope those dreams mean something positive will be happening very soon. One more month to see the Dr isn't too bad, it'll give you time to think of questions etc.

Hi mar, mel.

afm - very tired today Benjamin hardly slept all day but then crying as he is over tired, but still won't sleep. OH gone to see a comedian with his dad so I am having a super early night and he is now fast asleep -yay!
Lindsay - I wouldn't worry too much about all the EWCM - some months I get it more days than others and sometimes it's not consecutive days. I am not sure if we will TTC this month or not. I had some EWCM today so I am sure we will be BDing over the weekend. I will probably see how my temps go and decide from there. If O starts getting late I will stop Bding just in case.

Sam - Hope you get some rest tonight, sounds like you've had a rough day! Nobody has mentioned the blood before. But it has come up in several tests over the last month (after the first test though, I was requesting it to be tested the other times). Not sure if I've always had it and nobody has mentioned it or if it just started. The Urologist said it was just a trace amount, and she thinks its fine. :shrug:

Rach - why are you going to wait a month to do to the doctor? I would go ASAP just to be sure nothing happens with your job etc. We need to figure out why your body is not cooperating! Chris and I had a nice quiet night at home for Valentines Day. I work in the restaurant industry, so I know better than to go out for dinner with all that craziness. Did you do anything special?

Roberts - welcome to the thread! We are not really "1 DPO" as the thread says, we have been here over a year now all at different stages of our TTC journey wit lots of ups and downs along the way, but you're welcome to join us! Some of the girls have had their rainbows and some of us are still working on it!

Mar - How are you doing? Are you in your 2WW now?
Sam - I do like the mirena - I know it's similar to the copper coil, but I do worry about it. I worry even more now that my friend told me her sister-in-law lost an ovary and her uterus and not usable anymore due to mirena, but I know that's a very very rare complication. I REALLY enjoy not being on hormonal contraception anymore though, I can definitely feel the difference, but I'm not convinced I love this route either - go figure. Mirena can be used with breastfeeding which is why I did it in the first place. I have been on hormonal birth control for so long that it's hard for me to know what's normal for my body off of it. I do find it weird that ovulation makes my cervix so tender but it's every month for 3-4 days that coincides with a + OPK a day before it ends, so I dunno, maybe I'll call and ask one of the nurses just to be sure that's normal.

Roberts - welcome!! Hope you caught that little egg!! Do you chart or anything?? We're always looking for a new chart to stalk :p Like Jess said - we're all in different stages of TTC but always here to welcome newcomers! :)

Jess - I forgot to talk about the house - everything is going OK. Loan stuff is always so frustrating. It looks like everything is fine and we're settling a week from Tuesday! I've been packing up some things here - such a painful process and I know you know exactly what I mean!! We've only lived here for less than 5 years but gosh we've accumulated a lot!! Kirk refinished the floors in our back staircase and oh my gosh, it looks SO good!! I'm kind of jealous of our renter but then I just remind myself we'll do the same thing to the new place just quicker because we'll actually have the money to work on it this time. We were super stretching it to buy this house originally. I don't think when you buy your first house you realize how much a house costs until you're in it for a couple months!

Hope you all have a long weekend too!!

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