Omg Rach that's great about the job!!!!!!!

I'm sooo excited for you----they sound like great opportunities!!! You'll end up with your dream job and you'll be so happy you didn't settle for any of your other jobs. And also, woofrickenhoo for your temp going back on the rise today!!! And omg, the thought of you and Andrew getting married makes me want to dance around

I think you can lose weight and TTC all at the same time. Maybe they'll even both help keep your mind off the other?
Jessie!!! God do I miss you, so glad you're having the time of your life and I"m glad to see your temps seem to be cooperating this month! If you get time to update you'll have to let us know how you're feeling!
Happy 15 weeks Sam! Can't even believe it!!! Lucky you for your vacation, you deserve it! What are the details of it?
Mel--how are you feeling hun---still on

?! Are you feeling better after your scan---more reassured?
Lindsay---when you have time you have to get the feetsie pics up!! I want to see his cute lil Kirk toes---that's so crazy that you can already tell that!! Is that paint dry yet, I want to see his adorable room! (I know, I'm a very impatient person).
AFM---I've been very out of breath today---I've had some shortness of breath when I ate, but today it was kind of all day I felt like I couldn't catch my breath. It sounds like it's fairly normal, but does anybody else know anything about this??